Trinity's Trust (Sawyer Brothers Book 5)

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Trinity's Trust (Sawyer Brothers Book 5) Page 9

by C. A. Harms

  Silence remained throughout the store, giving me the indication I must be alone.

  I carefully attempted to slide across the floor toward the desk. When I made it there, I reached up and found the cordless phone.

  Each movement hurt my head even more. I’d never in my life remembered having a headache such as the one I had now.

  When I tapped at the buttons on the phone I realized that it must be dead, because nothing was happening.

  It was hard to hold my eyes open as I tried to look around the room through the darkness. The street light didn’t give much lighting to the inside of the store due to the displays covering the front windows.

  It took what felt like forever, but I was able to lift my body from the floor and brace myself against the countertop as I moved toward the base of the phone, which held a second handset.

  But when I found that it too had no dial tone, I’d then realized the man had ripped the cords from the wall.

  I felt the tears sting my eyes when I’d thought of having to move across the road and up a flight of stairs to my apartment for my own phone to call for help. In my current state I could almost guarantee I wouldn’t make the trip.

  The room spun and I lay my upper body over the counter, just for a moment, in attempt to regain even just a small amount of strength.

  I was startled by the sound of the bell above the door, and in an attempt to flee my returning attacker I tried to rush toward the back entrance only to smash against the floor before once again everything went black.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The front of the store glowed once we rounded the corner on Main Street. Noah insisted on driving, and due to the fear and adrenaline coursing through me, I didn’t argue.

  But the moment he slowed behind the ambulance parked in front of Sassy Ladies, I leaped out of the cruiser, not even taking the time to shut the door.

  I faintly heard him call out my name, but continued to move toward the front entrance.

  My stomach hit the fucking floor at my feet when I saw the condition of the store. Things had been thrown around and fallen to the floor. Displays were turned over and items lay broken.

  And there in the center of all the destruction lay the woman who I knew held my heart in her hands.


  She was unconscious as EMTs worked to secure her on a gurney. A brace was around her neck and blood smeared across her mouth and cheek. Her hair was also matted with blood.

  My stomach lurched, as I bent over at the waist, holding my knees. I just needed a moment to breathe; it was all too much.

  I wanted to find the person who had done this to her and fucking kill them. I wanted to make them pay.

  But losing my shit wouldn’t make this situation any better.

  I heard Alena attempting to explain what she found, which pulled me back to the present.

  “I’d picked Austin from Stacey’s place and we were on our way home when I saw the front display in the window tipped over. I pulled up and decided to just come inside and fix it real quickly, but when I put my key in the front door I found it unlocked.”

  She was crying as Noah soothed her.

  “I turned on the light by the front door and that’s when I saw her.” She took in a deep breath and I looked from Alena toward Trinity, who still lay motionless on the gurney. “She was lifeless.”

  That’s when it hit.

  The seriousness of the moment.

  I moved quickly toward the paramedics as they lifted the gurney and locked it securely as they began to push it toward the front door.

  “Where are the kids?” Noah asked.

  “Nora fell asleep and Austin is in the car with her. They’re right out front.” She followed behind the rest of us as we watched them lift Trinity into the back of the ambulance.

  “Call Ryan,” Noah said. “Have him send Olivia or Amber for the kids. Tell him we need his help at the store.”

  “I’m going to the hospital,” I said without hesitation.

  “Chase, I need you…” Noah began to argue but I didn’t let him finish.

  “I said, I’m going to the hospital.” There was no way I was backing down. I didn’t give a shit if I got wrote up or reprimanded; there was no place I’d be other than by her side.

  “If that was Alena lying on that gurney, no one would stop you from following right behind and you know it.” He stared at me as if he wanted to take on the role of my superior, yet he remained silent.

  “I’m going,” I said one last time before I climbed up into the ambulance and reached out for Trinity’s hand.

  I held her hand the entire drive to the hospital as they worked on her. With each second that passed my chest only ached more.

  I just wanted to hold her and have her look up at me with those big beautiful eyes of hers. I wanted to see her smile or hear that sweet laugh.

  It was fucking killing me that the last time we talked, me and Jackson were giving her shit over that damn dog she found.


  I paced the hallway for what felt like an eternity. My legs felt as if they each weighed more than a ton, my throat burned, and my head pounded.

  Others had arrived at the hospital, also awaiting any news of Trinity’s condition. But all I could focus on was the way she looked when they wheeled her away from me as we entered the hospital.

  It took everything inside of me not to demand they let me follow.

  I felt so helpless.

  Olivia and Keeton, Alena, Jackson even, they all waited.

  Bailey and Amber had all the kids huddled at Ryan’s place while he and Noah worked to find out who was responsible for the hell Trinity had faced.

  Tammy had volunteered to go to my place to sit with Nan, only after we all promised to call with even the smallest of news.

  I ignored the pained look in everyone’s eyes because it only made it that much harder to hold back my emotions and anger.

  Some sick son of a bitch was out there celebrating a small amount of money, while the woman I adored lay in the hospital with injuries I was still unsure of.

  “The family of Trinity Flores.” I spun around and moved with purpose toward the woman in pink scrubs who stood in the doorway.

  “Yes,” I said, crowding her space.

  She smiled politely and I noticed how she took a step backwards as she scanned over the now large crowd staring at her hopefully.

  “Are you all Ms. Flores’ family?” she asked with her brows wrinkled.

  “Yeah,” I said before anyone could speak. “Sisters, brothers,” I said knowing that not one of them would argue with me referring to them as such. “And I’m her fiancé.”

  I’d explain if needed later; for now I would do whatever it took to be included in on whatever she had to say regarding Trin.

  “Okay,” she said and I felt an instant sense of relief.

  She motioned toward a small room off to the side of the waiting area, and we all followed without any further hesitation.

  Once we were all inside, she closed the door and turned to face us. “I’m Dr. Jürgens, the attending physician in the ER. I oversaw Ms. Flores throughout her examination.” She looked down at the file she held in her hands. “She is very lucky.”

  “Is she gonna be okay?” Alena asked.

  It was the question we all wanted answered.

  “She required a couple of stitches to close the cut on her lip. Also, with the impact to the back of her head we also had to add a few staples. She does have a small spot where we had to shave her hair, which I am sure she won’t like much.” I closed my eyes tightly, thinking to myself if it were a choice between her hair and her life, I’d have shaved her entire head myself.

  “I’m unsure of what she was actually hit with, but whatever it was caused a very deep gash. She also suffered a concussion and some minor bruising. The fact that she lost consciousness due to the head injury does warrant some concern, and we’d like to keep her overnight for o
bservation. We’ll run another scan tomorrow to rule out any undetected bleeding.” Dr. Jürgens seemed very thorough in her examination of Trinity, and that lifted a little of the weight I’d been feeling pressing down on my chest.

  “There was a moment of extreme concern when we detected high volume of HCG in her blood, but I can assure you…” I cut the doctor off because I had no idea what in the hell she was talking about.

  “HCG,” I repeated. “What the hell is that?”

  She laughed and reached out, placing her hand on my arm. “It’s okay. That’s just the hormone all woman produce during pregnancy.”

  I continued to stare at her wondering what in the hell she was saying. There was no way.

  Trinity would have said something, if not to me right away then at least to…

  I immediately turned around to look at Olivia and she held her hands up in defense. “I had no idea,” she said without a moment of hesitation.

  When I turned back around to face the doctor, she was giving me a skeptical look. “Are you saying that none of you knew about the pregnancy?”

  I only shook my head, still trying to register the idea that Trinity was carrying my child.

  “She’s not very far along, maybe six or seven weeks at the most.” The doctor continued, only I was so lost in my own thoughts none of her words registered in my mind.

  A baby.

  I needed to see her. I had to see for myself that she was okay.

  I’d deal with the realization that I would one day in the near future be someone’s father. Right now I just wanted to touch her, feel her breathe, and know she was okay.

  I knew I’d feel better once I heard her sweet voice or even witnessed that smile of hers I loved so much.

  “Can we see her?” I asked.

  “She’s very groggy, but I can allow you to go back for short visits only.” Relieved that I wouldn’t have to tear into this poor woman for telling me no, I nodded my head in agreement.

  “We’ll be moving her upstairs once her room is ready, but for now you can go back two at a time.”

  She thought she’d get rid of me after a short visit. I almost laughed at that thought.

  But I’d argue that out later.

  Because there was no way I was leaving this hospital without her. I’d hire a nurse to stay with Nan if I had to.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  They’d given me something for my headache and after what felt like forever the pain had begun to subside.

  There was still an aching throb in the back of my head from where the doctor explained I had to have staples to close up the wound, but for the most part it was tolerable.

  That nauseated feeling in my stomach remained the same as it had from the moment I woke. The medication they’d given me for that had served no purpose.

  But again I would not complain.

  Because I was here.

  I was alive.

  I’d heard horror stories, hell I had lived through some of my own, and I knew things could have gone a whole different direction.

  So I was all about counting my blessings.

  But that didn’t stop things around me from being hazy. It was almost impossible to hold my eyes open as I dozed in and out of sleep. The sounds of voices were feeding in through my groggy state; they all began to sound the same.

  But there was no mistaking one voice.

  A deep soothing tone that whispered my name over and over. And that gentle touch that caressed my cheek so tenderly. Even though it hurt my lip to smile in that moment I couldn’t control it.

  “Chase,” I whispered and his lips touched my forehead in a delicate kiss. When he remained in that position as if it was impossible to pull away, I then felt safe.

  Completely safe.

  It didn’t matter that the man who robbed me was still out there somewhere. All that mattered in that moment was the man who remained close, as if he needed to feel my skin against his to register that I was okay.

  Because that was exactly what I needed too.

  “You scared the hell out of me, sweet girl,” he whispered. “When I entered the store and found you lying there as the EMTs worked, I felt like the air in my lungs disappeared. It was almost impossible to breathe.”

  His confession made my eyes burn with unshed tears.

  He pulled back and looked me over as if to finally weigh the damage. “How do you feel, baby?”

  “Better now.” It wasn’t a lie. Having him here made this all easier to face.

  Without saying another word, he sat on the edge of my bed and gently placed the palm of his hand over my stomach. His eyes also focused on that very spot his hand rested.

  It remained there for at least thirty seconds before he finally looked up at me with a smile.

  “Did you know?” he asked, and I instantly became confused. But before I could answer, he chuckled. “I’ll take that as a no.”

  “Did I know what?” I asked, feeling confused.

  “You’re pregnant, sweetheart,” he replied as he gently moved his finger over my lower stomach. I was shocked, speechless even.

  I stared back at him, trying to come up with one full sentence. Something to say in return to this bomb he just dropped in my lap.

  Was he crazy? I mean, I think I’d know I was pregnant, wouldn’t I?

  “No,” I said. “I’m not, I can’t be. I mean how…” I was just rambling along, trying to come up with some form of explanation.

  He just laughed as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I sagged back against the pillow behind my head while being kissed stupid, only my mind couldn’t forget what he just told me.

  I was pregnant.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “We’ve been through this video a hundred times, Chase.” Ryan sounded defeated. “I’ve looked at every damn angle. The only shot we have is this one.”

  He tapped the screen, at the frozen picture of the guy who attacked my girl.

  “He kept the mask on the entire time. And he kept the lights out, using only the flashlight to move around.”

  I hit replay as I watched the horrific events that Trinity lived through only three days ago. We had all been spending hours upon hours trying to look for any clue as to who this person was.

  Livingston didn’t have this type of crime. Hell, most people slept an entire night with their doors unlocked.

  But not anymore.

  Word got out of the attack on Trinity and people were now in an uproar. Everyone wanted to know. They wanted this person caught and punished.

  But no one wanted that more than me. I wanted this asshole to pay for every ounce of fear he instilled in my girl.

  “How’s she doing?” Noah asked as he sat down and scooted his chair closer to the monitors.

  “Doing okay except at night when she sleeps,” I replied as I ran my hand over my face, attempting to wake myself up. “She’s restless and wakes up with a jolt all through the night, which only leads to me lying awake next to her just waiting for any sign that she may be having a bad dream so I can wake her before it gets too bad.”

  Which is what led to my exhausted state. That and the fact I’d been running through video footage of not only Sassy Ladies but the surrounding businesses too. I checked the footage from the bank and the pharmacy, hoping that their outside cameras caught something that would help us in finding this sick man.

  I was a mad man on a mission.

  I wanted Trinity to feel safe again.

  I wanted the town to feel safe.

  “I think it’s a good thing you convinced her to stay with you while she heals and recovers,” Ryan said without taking his eyes of the screen before him.

  “She’s not going back to the apartment,” I assured him, and it was that comment that gained the full attention of both men. “She’s moving in with me and Nan.”

  “Does she know this?” Noah asked.

  “She don’t have a choice. Sh
e can fight me on it if she wants, but she won’t win. The chances of that went right out the window the moment I heard she’s carrying my kid.” I was completely serious. I knew I’d wanted Trinity long before the news, but now it was sealed. The woman was mine, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

  Noah chuckled as he turned back to the monitor in front of him.

  “You gonna do right by her?” Ryan’s question gained my full attention. Maybe it was the lack of sleep that made me feel bolder or the knowledge that my child was growing within the woman I would do anything to protect, but I didn’t hold back.

  “Trinity is mine, the child she is carrying is mine,” I said, staring directly at him. “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for either of them. So yes, Ryan, I’m gonna do right by her. I’m gonna do right by both of them, and there is not a damn thing anyone is gonna do to stop me.”

  He stared back at me and for a moment I wondered if I was about to see my superior rip into me. Only he just gave me a pleased nod and as he turned back to the monitor I saw him smile at Noah.

  Maybe now these men understood my devotion to their girl, my girl. Maybe they would accept that I would be around for a long damn time, forever if I had it my way.


  I came home after my shift to find Trinity and Nan in the kitchen. Both woman had their backs to me as they shared a conversation about the best way to make homemade noodles.

  I stood back just watching them as Nan rolled out the dough with a rolling pin and Trin watched, fully invested in the task.

  “You need to be sure there is plenty of flour, otherwise the dough will stick to your pin,” Nan directed as she sprinkled more flour along the dough.

  “But does that make it all taste pasty, like flour?” Trinity asked.

  “No,” Nan immediately replied. “The broth is flavored and seasoned. As you cut the noodles you shake off the excess flour but any loose just helps thicken the broth as it cooks the noodles. And then corn starch will thicken it at the end when we add just what’s necessary.”


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