Rescued by the Wolf (A BBW Shifter Romance)

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Rescued by the Wolf (A BBW Shifter Romance) Page 12

by Marie Mason

  His fingers tightened. “Cockteasers get punished, Julie,” he warned with a low growl.

  She fluttered her eyes opened, looking up at him. “Maybe I want to be punished.”

  He snarled and thrust himself at her face. She eagerly opened her mouth and took him inside. He showed her no pity as he took her mouth. He grunted orders as she pleasured him, teaching her what he liked. She found herself more than aroused by what she was doing to him, by the deep, rugged moans he made as her lips and tongue tantalized every inch of him. Her breasts throbbed and peaked, her pussy moistened as it clenched and unclenched in preparation for his passion.

  “That’s it, baby, take me deep. Deeper,” he moaned as he kept pushing forward.

  Julie relaxed her throat. Her mouth formed an almost perfect ‘o’ around his width. She steadied herself with her hands on his thighs. She felt his muscles tense as he bumped the back of her throat. Remembering what she’d read in a magazine, she breathed through her nose to overcome her gag reflex. He groaned, loud and deep as she took him further inside. When she swallowed, her throat muscles squeezed the head of his cock, his fingers tightened painfully in her hair and she knew he was about to come.

  A second later, he shouted out her name and she felt a hot stream jet down her throat. She stilled, allowing him to use her for his pleasure. He gave two more short, sharp thrusts and then he was dragging her to feet, flinging back the covers on the bed.

  “On your hands and knees. Now!”

  She hurried to obey his command, realizing his release had not caused his cock to lose any of its strength. She also realized belatedly that he was trying to keep his knot from forming. She scrambled onto the mattress but wasn’t fast enough. He picked her up and flung her down across the bed on her stomach, with her feet dangling off the side. Before she could move, he came up behind her and lifted her onto her knees. With one single thrust, he was inside her, buried to the hilt. She cried out from the unexpected pleasure and the sharp stab of pain as the knot immediately formed. That didn’t stop him from pumping into her, riding her hard as he sought and found his pleasure again. As his body pulsed with its release, he moaned deeply, his fingers clutching the sides of her lush hips.

  When he was done, he slumped over her, catching his weight on his hands so as not to crush her. He pressed his mouth to the top of her shoulder. Julie whimpered and pushed back against him, throbbing with need.

  “I know, baby. I know. I’ll take care of you.” He wrapped his arm around her body and moved them further onto the mattress. He stayed inside her, his body refusing to allow him to part with her, nature wanting his seed to take root inside his mate’s body. He caressed the curve of her hip with one hand, smoothing it along her thigh, repositioning her. He did the same on the other side. She was now spread wide, her legs on either side of his. He was still buried deep inside him, his knot still stretching her, still throbbing, his cock still jerking. Every time he did, she whimpered.

  He eased her up into a kneeling position, making them both groan as he moved inside her. When he had her where he wanted, he pressed his hand against her mound from underneath, feeling the base of his cock where they were joined. He parted her folds, finding the stiff little bud that was hurting so badly.

  He pressed his fingers against it rubbing hard. He didn’t know if he could come again, the last time having rung his bell, but he needed to claim her. Sink his teeth into her shoulder, taste her essence.

  His tongue began a snake dance across her shoulders, slowly licking over and across and then down, as far as he could reach without separating from her body.

  “Please,” she pleaded, her hands curling into the cover above her head. “I need to come so bad, Hunter.”

  He continued to stroke her and then he started to move, the thickness of his knot pulling at the silken walls of her pussy. It moved against the sweet spot inside her, once, twice—and then she was coming apart around him, pushing back against him. She cried as waves of pleasure washed over her, robbing her of her strength and her ability to think straight.

  He continued to stroke her as her pleasure receded. “Your pussy feels so good when you come around my cock, did you know that, baby?”

  She shook her head weakly, her face resting against the mattress, her body spent.

  He kissed the side of her neck tenderly and she realize he hadn’t claimed her yet. She tensed beneath him.

  “Ssssh, Julie,” he soothed her fears as he started to move inside her again and she realized his knot had receded.

  He moved the curtain of her hair leaving the creamy expanse of her throat bare and inviting. Leaning forward he licked the flesh that tasted of salt and sweetness. Tasted of Julie. His wolf hungered for her, the need driving the animal into a frenzy of uncontrolled lust and energy. His mate.

  Their mate was before them, submitting, as eager as they were to complete their union. How did he know this? One hand clutched his thigh, her fingernails digging into the hard muscle.

  “Don’t fight me.” His voice was harsh as he curled his body around her, the tight grip of one hand on her shoulder holding her in place for his rough thrusts. He felt his cock swell and registered her moan as the knot formed again. He was so far gone, so lost in sensation that the sounds of her pleasure didn’t really register. The wolf rose inside him, and his fangs lengthened. The sensation almost that of a shift, where, for that brief moment of time both his human soul and animal spirit co-existed in the same instant of time.

  At that moment, when he was both man and wolf, he took his mate, his teeth plunging into the flesh of her shoulder and his body locked itself inside hers. He shook as he sprayed his seed—planted—his seed inside her.

  Her scream mingled with his howl as they experienced the pleasure only a mate claiming could bring.

  On autopilot, Hunter pulled back, lapping at the wound he’d caused. Her breathing was ragged. “Julie, baby, are you okay?”

  She didn’t respond, laying still beneath his body, her eyes closed, her long lashes fanning down on the almost translucent skin of her face. His heart clenched. “Julie,” he demanded, a firm hand under her chin, turning her towards him, “answer me.”

  Her eyelids fluttered half opened, revealing the startling beauty of her dark blue eyes. They held a tinge of amber for an instant. “Can’t a girl enjoy the afterglow of a good orgasm in peace?”

  He breathed out a sigh of relief. He would cut off his own arm before he’d ever harm her. Harm his mate.

  His mate.

  His animal rumbled at him, mocking him for his earlier hesitation in embracing what fate had given him. He felt the contentment of the animal, the completeness. It was a new sensation, and he, the man felt it, too.


  Because of his mate.

  The animal gave one last low rumbling noise, and then settled down, happy to relinquish the man control.

  Hunter wrapped his arm around her waist and lowered them to their sides, hugging her close. His cock was still knotted, still pulsing sporadically inside her pussy. He started to settle in close before he realized she’d soon be cold. Bringing her body with him, he reached down for the covers he’d slung to the side earlier and pulled it over them. She snuggled deeper into his arms, moving her ass back, making him groan when it caused his dick to move inside her.

  They lay for several moments, each savoring the sensations still singing through their bodies. The heating unit kicked on and the warm air made the curtain above it sway, revealing a small sliver of light. It was snowing again. Not the hard wet kind of before. Just a few flakes falling slowly from the heavens.

  “It’s snowing again,” he whispered near her ear, unable to resist nibbling on the pink shell for a moment.

  “It is?” her voice was drowsy and he realized she’d been on the verge of sleep when he’d spoken. “Do you think we’ll get stuck here again?”

  “Would it be so bad if we were?”

  “Only if you promise to always come to m
y rescue.”

  “Always, my love. Always.”


  At the Naval Station in Chicago, Illinois, a frowning Julie waited impatiently for Hunter’s plane to deboard. It had landed over twenty minutes ago. Where was he? She bit her lip in worry.

  “Calm down,” a rough masculine voice chided her. “You’ll upset him if he sees you so agitated.”

  The man who had spoken stood to the side, his arm wrapped firmly around the shoulders of a woman almost as curvy as Julie. She smiled up at the handsome man at her side and Julie couldn’t really blame her. Jarod McCall was handsome. So was the man who stood a little further away, whispering into the ear of yet another curvy woman. That was Logan McCall. Hunter’s brothers.

  His sister and her family couldn’t be here and his parents had bowed out, his mother wanting to spend the time making sure the big celebration they had planned went off without a hitch.

  Julie looked around, her hair blowing softly in the warm breeze at the Navel Station airport just minutes from O’Hare. It was a much different environment than when Hunter had landed before. Sunshine and clear skies. No more snow.

  After this year’s record snowfall, Julie was hesitant to tell anyone about her new love for the fluffy white stuff. They looked at her like she’d suddenly grown two heads. She laughed softly, unconsciously rubbing her hand across her stomach. But then, maybe no one else had gotten such a beautiful souvenir to remember the storm by.

  “He’s here.”

  Julie twirled around, seeing the lone figure walking toward them. They hadn’t been allowed on the tarmac so they had to wait inside. Not that she had really anything to worry about. He’d come through his last mission with no injuries—so he’d assured her. She still wasn’t certain if he’d lied to her or not. Injuries that would have crippled an ordinary human weren’t life threating to a were. She had a feeling he wasn’t always completely honest with her about that part of his life.

  “Hunter!” she screamed his name and started running across the smooth tile floor.

  “Careful!” Logan and Jarod yelled at her at the same time, each making an instinctive move to stop her before the women in their arms stopped them with a gentle hand to their chests.

  As she ran across the distance that separated them, Julie’s eyes ate him up. Her breathing became so erratic at the picture he made that she thought she was going to have to stop and take a deep breath. He wore his dress blues, his coloring sexily set off by the uniform. His chest held a multiple of colored ribbons and the new Lieutenant Colonel insignias on his shoulders gleamed proudly in the light from the windows.

  “Hunter,” she whispered his name as he drew closer and she launched herself at him. He caught her easily, his strong arms wrapping around her like bands of steel. She relished his strength, feeling whole for the first time in weeks.

  His mouth sought hers and they greeted each other with a feverish melding of lips, grinding of body parts, his cock already hard and growing by the minute.

  “I missed you,” he whispered against her lips as he let her come up for air. An instant was all she had before he was kissing her again, trying it seemed to devour her with his mouth. Her fingers slid into the thick locks of his hair, a little shorter than when he’d left, no doubt, she thought, to conform to military regulations since he was in uniform.

  He had decided, without any prodding from her, to make this his last mission. He was retiring from the marines. When she asked him why, he said he and his wolf couldn’t bear the strain of being away from their mate for so long. The look in his eyes had melted her heart—right along with her panties. She was almost positive that had led to the—

  “Why the hell didn’t someone tell me!” he roared as he put her away from him, his eyes searching her face before falling to the soft swell of her stomach beneath the full skirt of her dress. She wasn’t showing yet, but she knew he could tell the difference in her body just by looking at her.

  His eyes flared with anger as he turned his attention to the two men and women who had joined them. Julie hadn’t even heard them approach, so caught up in reuniting with her man.

  When he started toward his brothers looking like he was going to tear them limb from limb, she grabbed his hand, stopping him. She noticed both Logan and Jarod had put themselves between the angry wolf and their mates. “Stop it. I told them not to tell.”

  There was no use pretending that Hunter didn’t know she was pregnant. Logan had warned her that he would know as soon as he got close to her. That he would smell the difference in her scent.

  Hunter stopped, but only because going forward would have meant he would have to drag Julie along with him and he couldn’t risk hurting her. He tugged until she was in his arms again. His hand cupped her face. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I knew you’d react just like you are now.”

  “And how’s that?”

  “Like an overly protective mate and father.” This came from Jarod as he stepped forward and clapped Hunter on the back. “Congratulations, bro.”

  Logan joined his brother and soon the three men were talking and smiling, the women forgotten for the moment as they congratulated Hunter on his new baby. Sara, Jarod’s mate drew Julie forward. “They are so pretty, aren’t they?” she said dreamily, her eyes fixed on the three men—three wolves—who were now laughing and joking.

  “Yes, they are,” Julie agreed.

  The other woman nodded.

  They waited, silent, each lost in their own thoughts, until the men turned toward their way, remembering them once again.

  As Hunter walked the short distance that separated them, Julie caught the hungry glint in his eyes and her pussy creamed. It was the same look he’d given her in the hotel right before he’d punished her that night. The same one he’d given her when she’d refused—at first—to allow his family to look after her while he was deployed. Again, right before he punished her.

  Maybe, just maybe, she thought with a secret little smile, her mate might punish her tonight for keeping the knowledge of her pregnancy from him.

  She certainly hoped so.


  Thank you so much for choosing to read my story. I know your time is limited and I hope I have provided you with a way to escape your everyday problems for an hour or two. All women, and all men for that matter, deserve to be loved. I write about women who are on the curvy side, maybe a little plain, but always the most beautiful woman in the room…to her mate.

  Marie Mason has always known, somewhere deep in her soul, that being a writer was what she was born to be. Thanks to the new and exciting world of self-publishing, Marie was finally able to make her dream come true. Part two of the dream is to be a full-time writer, spending the wee hours of the morning creating new and exciting characters for her readers. That part might take a little longer. If you’d like to contact her with a comment or suggestion, her email is [email protected] or you can find her on Facebook.


  Who wouldn’t want to be…stranded with a wolf?

  When the snow started to fall in Chicago, everyone in Sara Allen’s office building quickly hurried home. Everyone except Sara and her boss, Jarod McCall. Why? Because her boss was CEO of McCall Holdings and a dominant alpha who made his own rules.

  Even if it meant being stranded until the city shoveled its way out from under a record snowfall. As the hours past, Sara became more than upset with Jarod. He’d stranded her in a building with little food, a heating system that powered down on the weekends…and with him! How could she keep her feelings to herself when he kept touching her…kissing her…loving her?

  Jarod was a big man with big appetites and he wanted his curvy assistant to satisfy them. Sara might think he was an inconsiderate jackass, but he knew exactly what he was doing…stranding her with the wolf.


  One night…three wolves…

p; Hayden’s first official duty as alpha of the Barringer Pack was hosting the Holiday Ball. A Christmas dance that allowed single supernaturals to find a true-mate—or just hook-up. Hayden had avoided the events for years, not ready to take a mate. This year, he’d had no choice. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to enjoy himself. And the curvy witch hiding in the shadows looked like just the delectable morsel for his hungry wolf.

  Amber hated coming to the Holiday Balls. She left feeling sadder and lonelier than ever before. She’d accepted the fact that Santa wasn’t going to hand her a mate wrapped in a pretty red bow. If not for the edict from her grandmother, the coven’s matriarch, she wouldn’t be here tonight.

  Of course, she’d have to thank her grandmother later…


  Gunner Barringer was attending The Holiday Ball under duress and out of respect for his brother, the new alpha of the pack. He stood in the shadows, hiding. There was nothing for him here tonight. He’d enjoyed the annual event a time or two as a younger wolf. After all, it didn’t get the nickname f*** ball for nothing. But now he was a wolf broken in both body and soul. He had no desire to find a mate and no business being here.

  What Gunner had forgotten was more than one match had been made on the night of a full moon when the world was filled with the magic of the holidays.

  Autumn Covington was rare in the supernatural world—she was a peace pixie. Which just sucked in the middle of a f*** fest. Instead of giving off vibes of lust and wantonness, like her pencil thin, blonde haired cousins, she calmed the savage beast. Plus, she was the plumpest of pixie at the ball so her chances of finding a mate were…well slim to none. So, she’d just work the crowd as she’d been hired to do—sprinkle sparkles of calming pink so the horny wolves didn’t get out control.


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