Broken: Book One of the M Series

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Broken: Book One of the M Series Page 20

by Ryanne Anthony

I smile at her. “I'm going to try very hard not to, okay?”

  She looks at me a moment. “Okay,” she whimpers again, as she slowly rolls from her side to her back.

  “Show me again where the pain is, Kimmy. Here?” I feel around and she wails. I quickly remove my hands. “How long have you been in pain, sweetheart?”

  “It started after church,” Kimmy whimpers again, rolling back to her side.

  “That was noon,” the mother groans.

  I glance at my watch. It's after six. Shit. I turn to the nurse.

  “Let's get a stat ultrasound, CBC, and a wheelchair. Mom, I need you to help Kimmy to collect some urine, please.”

  “Of course,” Mrs. Grier says going to Kimmy's bed.

  I walk to the hall. “Miss Wheeler, who's the surgeon on call?”

  “Morrison and Burns. Should I page one?”

  “Page Burns; let him know I've got an emergency appendectomy on a twelve-year-old female, please.”

  “Right away, Doctor.”

  * * *

  9:01 when we finally get out of surgery. They've had dinner already. Fuck, I hope she's still there.

  “Ira, can you talk to the parents? I need to get showered and out of here.”

  “Sure. Hot date, Marcus?”

  “I'm hoping,” I smile. “I'll see you at rounds in the morning.”

  * * *

  I hear Mariah and Lisa's voices in the foyer as I approach the screened door and still as I listen.

  “Twink, come on! We were just talking.”

  “What was that flirty laugh, then?” Lisa asks.

  “It wasn't flirty. It was nothing; he said something funny. What is the big deal?”

  “It's not right for you to flirt with him, that's all. You don't know him,” Lisa mumbles.

  Who is 'him'? Fuck, not another one!

  “Is he married?” Mariah asks in a panic. Morals. I like that. A lot.



  “Not that I'm aware of.”

  “Is he seeing someone?”

  “I don't know!” Lisa shouts.

  “Then what is the problem, Twink?” Mariah asks, calming.

  “I just don't think he's right for you. There is someone else out there for you.”

  Damn right there is.

  “Is that right?” Mariah coos.

  “Cookie, come on. He's dangerous. Yes, he has talent in an operating room, but he has a reputation with women and I think you should stay away. He is a total player and he takes no mercy. Once he gets what he wants, he's gone. I just don't want you to get hurt.”

  Anger rips through me as I open the door.

  “You must be talking about William Wexler,” I snap.

  Lisa turns to me. Finally, Mariah turns too and she looks flustered as she looks me up and down. Fuck! I'm angry and turned on at the same fucking time!

  “Is it Wexler?” I bite out.

  “Yes, Dr. Alexander. He's been flirting with her most of the night.”

  Good, Lisa’s keeping up the pretense. Last night, she was calling me Marcus, plotting with me on how to get Mariah’s attention after I texted and met up with her in a coffee shop near her apartment.

  When I got a good look at her, I finally remembered where I’d seen her. It was at Joshua’s introductory dinner; Matthew’s date. I never got to meet her officially, since I had an emergency at the hospital and had to leave seconds before we could be introduced.

  She definitely knew who I was the day she was introduced to me by Thomas with Mariah and called me on the use of my last name in the coffee shop. I told her it was a professional choice and she agreed to leave it alone.

  But that Wexler… fucking bastard knocked up my supposed fiancée and now he thinks he's getting the woman I love, too? Fuck this!

  I fix my gaze on Mariah. “I see. I'd like a moment with your sister, Lisa.”

  I see Lisa walk away from the corner of my eye as Mariah smirks. She looks to where Lisa stood and gives her a look that screams traitor in any language.

  Her hand goes straight to her neck. Damn it, she’s nervous. That's the last thing I want her to be around me. Still...

  I step closer and glare at her. “What are you doing with Wexler?”

  “I beg your pardon?” she replies, like she's suddenly gone deaf.

  I clench my jaw. “What... are you doing... with Wexler?”

  Mariah tilts her chin up. “We were talking about common interests. Why?”

  “Stay away from him.”

  She lowers her head and I immediately miss her face.

  “Why?” she coos.

  I look her up and down and think she looks so fucking good in purple. I feel an erection starting. I bring my gaze up and her nipples have tightened. Shit! She's turned on, too. I get harder but then she crosses her arms over her breasts.

  “Don't!” I say hurriedly, my voice thick with passion.

  “Why, Dr. Alexander?” Mariah gasps at me, and I immediately lose the hard-on when I hear her using my professional name.

  “Do away with that 'Dr. Alexander' bullshit. My name is Marcus.”

  “Answer my question, Dr. Alexander.”

  Shit! This is not going well at all. She's… she has to be falling for him.

  “Because, Mariah, he cannot have you.”

  Mariah's eyes turn cold as she registers what I've said.

  “And who are you to say who can and cannot have me?”

  I can't answer that. She's right; I cannot make that claim... yet.

  “I don't answer to anyone, Dr. Alexander, and I'm sure as shit not anyone's whore, so do not address me as if you were my pimp!”

  What? I didn't refer to her as a whore. Shit! Surely she knows I want her all to myself. Damn it! Damage control, Marcus, damage control!

  “Mariah, Wexler is a predator. He has left broken hearts all over the fucking state. He lets his title, money and looks get him into any and every woman's bed. No woman is off limits at any time with him. I don't think you want to be a notch on his headboard.”

  “Whatever bed I choose to lie in is my concern and my business only. I don't report to anyone, especially you!” Mariah shouts at me.

  I've wounded her, and it's all over her beautiful face. Damn... she does feel something for him and that makes me angrier than I've ever been.

  “You will NOT go out with him!” I yell before I can catch myself.

  Her finger points at my face and her eyes flash again.

  “Get this straight, you arrogant ass! I will date who I want to date. I am not the one that's engaged!”

  Damn! My cock twitches and I feel a pang in my heart. I want her and right now. Look at those full, shiny lips and the heaving breasts... shit... I've got to kiss her... I can't wait a second longer. God forgive me...

  I wrap my fingers around her arms and pull her to me and put my lips to hers. She resists me for a beat, but then she responds with more passion than any woman ever has with me.

  The kiss slows, and I'm grateful because I feel like I never want it to end as I hold her tighter against my erection, praying I don't frighten her away. I get bold and grab her round ass and lick her tongue. She moans, pressing herself closer.

  Damn it... I gotta stop. This is her parents’ house, for Christ’s sake, but I want so much more. I grab her arms again and push her away. She looks wounded again, like she wanted to keep going and that look makes me feel like a total ass. I cannot walk away; ever. I have to have her.

  “Stay away from Wexler,” I command.

  “You cannot tell me what to do, Dr. Alexander. I'll date whomever if I want,” she bites out and my heart constricts.

  I stare at her and she stares right back. All I can think of are ways to kill Wexler.

  I look at the wall, attempting to calm myself.

  “We'll see about that,” I say with as much venom I can muster. I turn and leave, not caring that I slammed the fucking door.

  Once outside, I call Wexl
er, still tasting her kiss.

  “Dr. Wexler,” he answers.

  “Stay the fuck away from Mariah,” I snarl.

  “Excuse me?” he chuckles. “Since when do you dictate who I date, Cannon?”

  “Since I decided she's mine and I don't want you anywhere near her. Congratulations, by the way. I hear you fucked my fiancée and knocked her up. I can't wait to tell Mariah all about it.”

  “Look, Cannon. Mariah can make her own choices. Adina and I are not a couple. She was just... fun for a while; a pleasant diversion. I'll take care of my kid, and that's that as far as I'm concerned. As far as Mariah goes, I plan to date her as soon as possible; but don’t worry, I’m aware she's not the type of girl made for fucking then tossing aside, so you step aside and let a real man handle Mariah.”

  Anger pierces me to my core. If he was in front of me right now, I'd wring his fucking neck.

  “I'm terminating your contract, effective immediately. HRC doesn't want your services because you lack camaraderie with your fellow physicians. Don't even come in tomorrow. And before you try to sue me, I will pay the severance in your contract and you will stay away from Mariah. Someone will contact you when you can pick up a check. Understood?”

  He doesn't answer right away. Through the phone, I hear a door close and then, seconds later, I see Wexler get in his car.

  “Understood. And since you're not my boss anymore, I feel elated to be able to say this to you: go fuck yourself, Cannon. Mariah will be with me.” He disconnects and I watch as he drives off.

  Yeah, we'll see, fucker. I call Matthew next.

  “What's up, Cramp?”

  “I want William Wexler blacklisted in this state. I don't want him working anywhere in California, including free clinics, got it?”

  “Oh... okay. How soon do you want this done?”

  “Don't you have another phone you can use while we’re talking?”

  “Uh-huh. And, uh... why exactly am I doing this?”

  I take a deep breath. “The fucker knocked up Adina and now he thinks he wants Mariah.”

  Matthew is silent a moment. “It'll be done in twenty minutes, max.”




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