Bolt From the Blue

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Bolt From the Blue Page 13

by Tania Sparks

  “No problem. I hope they’re from someone special, it’s about time you settled down young lady.”

  This time I do roll my eyes so she can see me and she chuckles in response. I presume they’re from Nikki. I dig around in the blooms to try and find the card but Mrs Jones says, “Oh there’s no card. I had a look. They must be from a secret admirer huh?”

  She really is a nosy old bat. I’m glad there wasn’t a card because I’m sure any message from Nikki may have shocked the poor old lady into having a heart attack. I take the flowers from her, say thanks again and head up to my apartment.

  I put the flowers into a vase of water and pick up my phone to text Nikki a thank you.

  Thanks for the flowers – they’re amazing!

  I pop my phone back into my handbag and rush to take a shower. I really need to get to the club, there’s so much to do.


  I pull into TBCs at just after seven. I’ve made pretty good time. I wander inside and there’s only half a dozen or so of the regulars having a quiet drink before the place picks up later this evening. A few of the staff are strolling around getting things organized. I always find it very peaceful at this time of the evening, we haven’t yet dimmed the lights and the music isn’t pumping, the volume’s just right so you can still hear the person that’s talking next to you without having to scream at them.

  I spend a few minutes catching up with some of the staff. They tell me that everything’s run smoothly while I’ve been away. That gives me a bit of relief to know that I’m not coming back to problems that need sorting out.

  I make my way towards the back office which is situated behind the bar. I go to open the door, but it opens without me even touching the handle. A trashy blonde comes sauntering out with a big grin on her face. I’ve never seen her before and wonder who the hell she is and what she’s doing in my office. I’m just about to give her a rocketing when Caleb follows out behind her. He slaps her on the bottom, “Later sweetheart.” She giggles and strolls away, meeting up with a group of girls chatting animatedly at one of the back booths.

  I place my hands on my hips and raise my eyebrows at Caleb. “Really?” I ask incredulously.

  Caleb just shrugs his shoulders and embraces me in his arms, “Nice to have you back. I’ve missed you. The club’s missed you.”

  I’m not going to let him get away with it that easy. “It’s nice to see you too Caleb. But please… not in my office. I don’t want to imagine you fucking some bimbo on my desk every time I sit down to do some work.”

  Caleb looks at me suspiciously and a sly smirk appears on his lips, “We’ve fucked on your desk, that didn’t seem to bother you.”

  I scowl at him.

  He holds up his arms in defense, “Okay, okay, I get it. My mistake. Sorry I should have had more respect for your space than that. It won’t happen again.”

  “Good!” I say. “I hope you cleaned up after yourselves. I don’t want any unpleasant surprises.”

  “Babe, you know me, I always take good care of my ladies post fuck, and that includes any mess we might have made.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I grin and grab the cheeky bastard by his shoulders and spin him back around, guiding him back into my office.

  Caleb chuckles and brazenly says, “You might have to give me a couple of minutes Trix. I’ve just blown my load, I need a bit of recovery time.”

  I slap him on his ass. “Caleb! We need to go over club stuff, bring me up to date with what’s been going on.”

  “Ah, of course,” he laughs. We make our way inside and sit at the small meeting table.

  After spending the next half an hour going over staff, stock and numbers, I’m happy with how things have gone while I’ve been away. I knew I could trust Caleb to keep things running efficiently. At least now I’m completely up to date and I can rest easy and get on with the evening’s activities.

  Caleb gets up, “Suppose we’d better get set up and ready for the crowds. I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be a busy night, the last few days have been chaotic. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, some guy came looking for you last night, wouldn’t leave a name though.”

  “Oh well, I guess he’ll come back.”

  Caleb walks out of the office to start getting things sorted. Before I go out to start my busy night I decide to check my phone. There’s three text messages, all from Nikki.

  The first one came through just after I had sent my text to him thanking him for the beautiful flowers.

  What flowers?

  The next one was ten minutes later.

  Trix answer me. What flowers. Is some fucker sending you flowers?

  The last one was only five minutes ago, Trix?

  Shit, I guess the flowers weren’t from Nikki!

  I dial his number to speak to him, he picks it up on the first ring.

  “Who’s sending you flowers?” he snaps angrily.

  I chuckle at his jealousy, “I don’t know. There was no card. I presumed they were from you.”

  I hear him sigh, “Fuck, now I feel like crap. I should have got you flowers.”

  “No, don’t be silly.”

  “Well, I’m not used to this whole relationship thing…” I hear him sighing again before he continues, “Shit, some dickhead’s sending you flowers and I’m stuck on the other side of the fucking country.”

  “Nikki, I don’t even know who they’re from, don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter who sent them. I’m not interested.”

  It’s silent for a few seconds then he mumbles, “I miss you already.”

  “I miss you too.” I whisper.

  “I have to go. They’re calling us to the stage. What time do you finish tonight?”

  “It’s gonna be another busy night so I don’t think I’ll get away before four. I’ll text you when I get home. Have a good show, bye rock star.”

  “Bye party girl.”

  I hang up the phone and head out into the club.


  I was right, it was a really busy night and by the time I get home it’s after five o’clock on Sunday morning. I send Nikki a quick text, he’ll probably still be sleeping.

  Only just got home now, going to bed, wish you were with me.

  I’m woken up at eleven by a knock on my door. I stumble out of bed and look through the peephole to see a delivery girl with a parcel. I open the door and sign for the delivery. It’s a white box with a big purple ribbon on it. I thank the girl and close the door. This time I look for a card and find one. I open it up and read it. It’s from Nikki.

  Wanted to get you a present to show you how much I miss you. But you’re not allowed to open it until we can talk on the phone. Call me at one o’clock your time.

  I can’t wait to see what it is, I’m so excited. I wonder why he wants me to wait to open it later when we’re on the phone? I place the box on my bed and jump in the shower. After getting dressed I fix myself some lunch and sit at the kitchen bench. At twelve thirty my phone rings. I look at the screen and it’s Nikki.

  “Hi Nikki. I thought I was supposed to phone you at one.”

  “Yeah, I couldn’t wait…did you get my present?”

  “Yeah I did, I’m so excited. Why can’t I open it? You’re such a tease.”

  “You think I’m a tease huh?” he chuckles. His voice is low and sexy, “Wait till you see what’s in the box, you have no idea what teasin’ is.”

  Ooh, now I’m really excited. I think I’m going to like his present.

  “Go to your bedroom and make sure the box is with you.” He rumbles.

  I get up and walk to my bedroom. The box is already on my bed. I sit in the middle of my mattress with my legs crossed. The package is placed strategically in front of me. “Okay, I’m sitting on my bed, can I open it now?”

  Nikki chuckles, “Go for it darlin’.”

  I untie the purple ribbon and slowly lift the lid from the white box. It has purple tissue paper covering the contents. I slowly unfold i
t. I snicker when I see what’s inside and my skin tingles in anticipation.

  “You bought me a vibrator?” I chuckle.

  “You like?” Nikki rumbles.

  “I love,” I purr back as I inspect the toy. It really is quite beautiful. It’s made of clear glass but has pink ridges over it and sparkly jewels along the base.

  After a few seconds of silence Nikki groans, “Put the toy down for now. Tell me what you’re wearing.”

  I reply coolly, “Normal stuff. Jeans, t-shirt.”

  “Take it off party girl. Take it all off. I want you wearing just your bra and panties. Let me know when you’re done.”

  I slide off the bed and stand up. I put the phone on speaker so we can continue talking while I remove my clothes.

  “You stripped yet?” Nikki asks impatiently.

  “Just about, give me a sec…just removing my t-shirt now, sliding it off and over my head. Now it’s my jeans coming off, slipping down my legs…” I remove all my clothes as instructed. “Okay, I’m just wearing my bra and panties, now what?”

  “What color are they? just so I can get a picture in my head.”

  “They’re black, very lacy and very sheer.”

  Nikki growls in appreciation, “Lie down on your bed. I want you spread out and ready to imagine my hands and mouth all over your sexy body.”

  I quickly do as I’m told.

  “Make sure your toy’s close by, but don’t touch it yet. Run your hands over your body sweetheart, imagine it’s my hands, tell me what that would feel like.”

  “Your hands would feel warm and firm. You’d be running them over every inch of me, just like I’m doing now, heating my skin and causing goose bumps to prickle across my body.”

  “Squeeze those beautiful tits and tug at those sexy pink nipples. Imagine it’s my lips sucking and lapping at you. God you taste so amazing, my mouth is watering.”

  “Oh…that feels good.” I hum. “Are you hard?” I ask.

  “As hard as fucking steel.”

  “Undo your jeans and touch yourself rock star. Pretend it’s me running my hands over you.”

  I can hear some shuffling and the sound of a zip undoing. Nikki groans, “Oh Jesus, you feel so good. Your hand is stroking me and you’re holding me so tight.”

  “Oh God, your hands, they’re running down my body, they’re getting closer and closer to my pussy, I’m throbbing just waiting for you.”

  “Slide your hand down sweetheart. Let those fingers delve inside you. Let them find your clit and rub it until you feel like you’re gonna explode. Does that feel good?”

  “Oh, that feels so good. How do my hands feel on you?”

  “Fucking perfect, fuckin’ perfect…pick up your toy my sexy girl.”

  I reach across and lift the toy out of the box. “I’ve got it in my hand, what now?”

  “Well it’s no use in your hand darlin’, slide it inside that hot wet pussy.”

  I slide the cool glass over my clit and rub it around my pussy. I slowly glide it inside, I’m so wet it slides in easily. I cry out, “Oh god!”

  “That’s it, slide it in and out, make that pussy throb and pulse. Turn it on to vibrate and imagine it’s my cock pounding inside you. Fuck, I’m imagining sliding inside you and if feels so god-damned good.”

  We both moan and groan in pleasure as our orgasms rapidly take hold and we struggle to continue to put the feelings and sensations into words. I shatter first with a scream. My body pulsates and wildly bucks as I come completely undone. I can still hear Nikki breathing deeply on the other end of the phone then he mutters, “Oh shit, that’s so hot. You sound so fuckin’ sexy coming and screaming like that baby. I’m gonna come, I’m coming. Argh!” He continues to grunt and groan as his body convulses with his release.

  We’re still both breathless when Nikki rumbles in his sexy voice, “You’re so fuckin’ perfect Trixie. That was as hot as hell, but I still can’t wait until you’re here with me again, there’s nothing like the real thing. When can you fly in next?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ll have a look at the schedules tomorrow because right now I can barely think. I can’t even speak. I think you literally blew my mind.”

  Nikki and I both chuckle. The line is silent for a short while and then as we both regain our ability to think so we start to chat. We talk about everything and nothing at the same time. It’s nice, not quite as good as being in the same room together but still comforting and relaxing as we make the most of each other’s company.

  Before we know it it’s five o’clock and I have to head out for work. “Gosh, we’ve been talking for hours!” I exclaim.

  “Why what’s the time?” Nikki asks.

  “Just about five o’clock here.”

  “Shit!” Nikki exclaims. “We have an interview at the venue with a radio station in an hour. I have to get going.”

  “Yeah, I have to get going to the club too.”

  “I’ll give you a call tomorrow. It was nice spending time with you this afternoon.”

  “Yeah, it was nice. I’ll try to figure out when I can come and see you. Hopefully I’ll be able to let you know tomorrow. Bye.”

  “Bye. Be good.”



  I get to the club at about seven. Tonight should be an easy night, being Sunday it’s always a bit more subdued than other nights.

  I walk into my office and there’s a package sitting on my desk. I sit down and pick it up, I give it a shake, it doesn’t make any noise. It’s a square flat box that’s only about an inch thick and it has a black ribbon tied around it. Surely Nikki hasn’t bought me another gift.

  I pull at the bow to undo it and lift the lid off. Inside there’s a very expensive looking piece of nightwear. I lift it out and hold it up so I can see it better. Although the cream lace and silk slip is nice, it’s also very conservative and has way more fabric than something I would imagine Nikki purchasing for me.

  I suddenly get a sick feeling in my stomach. I don’t think this gift is from him. I put the slip down and search the box for a note. I find a small envelope in the bottom of the box. I open the envelope and take out the note. It’s typed, which in itself is strange.

  This is more like the type of lingerie you should be wearing, not that trashy whore stuff you keep in your drawers.

  What the fuck! I throw the note and the slip back into the box, slam the lid back on and shove it to the other side of the desk as I stare at it in shock.

  The door to my office opens and Caleb strolls in. He instantly registers the sour look on my face and urgently asks, “What’s wrong?”

  I point towards the box, “Look.”

  Caleb walks up to my desk and sits himself down in the chair opposite me. He slips his finger under the lid and lifts it up about an inch then lets it fall shut again, “Looks like lingerie…”

  “Of course it’s fucking lingerie, but open it up and look!” I demand.

  He opens up the box, lifts out the slip and holds it up to look. Wrinkling his nose he says, “Not much of a rock star choice, but each to their own I guess.” He shrugs his shoulders.

  “It’s not from Nikki you dipshit, read the note.”

  He looks at me, his face contorted in confusion. Then he reaches into the box, picks up the note and reads it to himself. “Shit!” he exclaims.

  “Exactly!” I reply.

  “How does some nutcase know what lingerie you have in your drawers?”

  I stand up in shock, “Shit, I hadn’t even thought of that! You don’t think some psycho’s really been in my apartment?”

  Caleb stands too, “Only one way to find out. Let’s go, I’m coming with you.”

  “What about the club?” I protest.

  “It’s okay Cherry’s here. She managed to look after the place a few times when you were away when I couldn’t be here. She’s on duty tonight, she can handle it.”

  “Okay.” I mumble. I don’t remember having a Cherry on the t
eam, sounds like a stripper name to me. But I trust Caleb’s judgment and if he says she can handle the place by herself, then she probably can.

  We jump into Caleb’s car and drive to my apartment. Once we get inside I go straight to my bedroom, Caleb follows close behind. I take a deep breath then open my underwear drawer to look inside. Sure enough it’s been rifled through. I normally keep it really well organized, but it’s all messed up and thrown around.

  Caleb peers over my shoulder, sees the mess and instantly bristles. “Shit, some psycho’s been in your apartment, and he’s been touching your fucking panties!”

  I can feel the anger explode through my body, “I’m gonna bloody kill whoever it is!” I yell as I slam the drawer shut. “If he comes here while I’m at home he’ll be fucking sorry.”

  Caleb puts his hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down, “Trix, I don’t think you should stay here.”

  I turn around to face him and raise my eyebrows, “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t like the idea of you being here by yourself. Some psycho’s been in your apartment and he’s enough of a nutcase to try and tell you what to wear. No, you’re not staying here, you’re staying at my place.” He grabs both of my hands and stares at me seriously, trying to encourage my agreement.

  “That’s really not necessary,” I insist.

  “Yes it is!” he snaps firmly. “What if the nutcase comes back?”

  “Well if he’s stupid enough to come back I’ll give him a good reason to never step foot in my apartment again.”

  Caleb raises his arms in frustration, “Don’t be silly. Even you aren’t invincible and we don’t even know what sort of psycho we’re dealing with. He could be dangerous.”

  I think about it for a few seconds. Now the initial anger is wearing off, the prospect of having some psycho stalking me is quite scary. “Yeah I suppose,” I agree reluctantly.

  Caleb helps me to grab my overnight bag and I throw a few things inside.


  We get to Caleb’s place and I follow him in through his front door and down the hallway to where the bedrooms are located. He’s carrying my overnight bag for me. He walks straight into his bedroom and throws my bag on the floor by the door.


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