Bolt From the Blue

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Bolt From the Blue Page 15

by Tania Sparks

  “I’ve missed you too. Now how about you take me back to your hotel?”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  I’m just about to loosen my legs from around Nikki’s waist when I suddenly feel strong hands grab me from behind and I’m wrenched out of Nikki’s arms and placed on the ground. It’s security guy. But of course Nikki doesn’t know that, he probably thinks that the crazy guy grabbing me is my stalker. Nikki instantly dives onto security guy, knocking him straight to the ground. Fists are flying and they tussle for a few seconds until I scream, “Stop!” Both guys temporarily stop and look at me as I yell, “Security guy, this is Nikki, my boyfriend you fuckwit!”

  Security guy quickly drops his arms and holds them up in a gesture of surrender. Nikki removes himself from on top of security guy and security guy stands up and straightens his suit. “Sorry Ma’am, Sorry Sir.” Security guy runs his eyes over Nikki, “You don’t look like the photos I’ve been given, I didn’t recognize you.”

  Nikki scowls, “Well I’m sort of in disguise you stupid idiot.”

  Security guy takes a step back and mumbles, “Just trying to keep the lady safe.”

  Nikki relaxes a bit, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know.” Nikki holds out his hand to security guy, “Anyway, I’m Nikki, I presume you have a name other than security guy?” Nikki smirks.

  “Yes Sir. The name’s Daniel, Sir.” They shake hands.

  Nikki tilts his head to the side and grins at Daniel, “You gonna be following us the whole time?”

  Daniel shrugs his shoulders, “That’s my orders Sir.”

  Nikki chortles, “Forget the Sir crap, the name’s Nikki. Anyhow Daniel, I hope you’re up for it. We rockers get up to some pretty freaky stuff and me and my girl here haven’t seen each other for a few days, we have some catchin’ up to do, if you get my drift.” Nikki crudely clutches at my ass and licks a long line up my neck with his tongue, causing goose bumps to tingle over my skin and my thighs to squeeze together tightly.

  I start giggling and Daniel blushes profusely. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a buff looking guy turn so red. Nikki sees it and takes advantage of Daniel’s awkwardness. Nikki rumbles, “I’m not normally into fucking with an audience, so you might just have to turn your back or something.”

  Daniel turns an even brighter shade of red. I nudge Nikki in the ribs, “You’re so mean. Leave the poor guy alone, you’re embarrassing him.”

  Nikki laughs. “Fuck, if he embarrasses that easy, he’s in for a wild ride the next few days.”

  Nikki grabs my bag in one hand and my hand in the other and we walk towards the exit. There’s a limo waiting for us. Nikki turns to Daniel and asks, “You coming with us?”

  Daniel shakes his head, “No Sir, I have a car organized. I’ll just follow.”

  Daniel starts to walk off towards a black suburban parked a few cars back.

  Nikki opens the limo door and ushers me inside, “Thank fuck for that. That could have been a bit awkward. I have some plans for you in this limo darlin’ and having a guy in a suit watching us wasn’t one of them.”

  Nikki jumps in beside me, closes the door and thumps on the window that separates us from the driver. The limo pulls away from the kerb and heads off down the road.

  I smile cheekily at Nikki, “So rock star, what were these plans you had for me?”

  “Oh, I have a million plans for you honey. I’ve missed you and I’m almost fuckin’ dying here, I’m sure my balls have turned blue. I need inside you sweetheart. C’mere.” He pats his lap and starts to undo his jeans. I quickly sidle on over and straddle him, assisting him with his belt buckle and zip.

  I groan in appreciation as his cock springs free from the confines of his jeans. I bite my lip as I secure my hand around him and stroke firmly. Nikki’s eyes lock firmly on mine and he growls, “Inside darlin’, I need to feel your hot wet pussy squeezing me.”

  His hands run up my thighs pulling my dress up with them so it’s now bunched around my waist. With one hand he pulls my panties to the side and with the other he lifts me and pulls me onto him, impaling me in one slow strong drive.

  “Oh god!” we both cry in unison.

  Nikki’s hands frantically grasp at my dress as he pulls it up and over my head. I frenziedly pull at his t-shirt to lift it up and off. My bra is unsnapped and is quickly thrown to the floor. Nikki’s mouth laps and sucks at my breasts. His hands are digging into the flesh on my hips as he lifts me up and pushes me back down in a perfectly tormenting tempo. He throws his head back against the headrest in ecstasy, his eyes are shut tightly and gasps of breath are escaping from his mouth. He’s close already.

  I’m struggling to remain in control myself but I want to watch this incredible man come undone. His body starts to tremble and I can see his ab muscles and his chest contracting in spasms as he tries to control the inevitable explosion that I can see starting to overtaking his body. His cock pulses inside me and I squeeze my pussy around him as tight as I can. His body instantly explodes and I’m very quick to follow as we both groan and yell together, ripples of pleasure pulsate through us. Nikki’s hands on my hips loosen slightly but he’s still moving me up and down his length, his eyes are still closed and his breathing is still rapid. He gradually slows and then stops. I collapse onto him, resting my head on his shoulder.

  “Hell, I missed that.” He mumbles. He opens his eyes and looks at me, lust still burning. “I missed you. I’ve been so worried about you and I’m so fuckin’ happy that you’re here with me now where I can look after you.”

  “I missed you too.” I snuggle into him and we stay there huddled together for the rest of the trip, him still inside me, both of us nearly naked.

  We pull up to the hotel, but we don’t attempt to move. Both of us are reveling in the comfort of each other. After a few minutes there’s a knock on the window on Nikki’s side. Through the one-way glass we can see that it’s Daniel, the security guy.

  I groan in frustration, “Oh my God, can he not leave us alone for just a few minutes.”

  Nikki undoes the window just an inch and peers out, “Can I help you?” he chuckles.

  Daniel ducks down and meets Nikki’s eyes. Luckily Nikki is blocking the view as I’m barely dressed. Daniel states seriously, “Umm Sir, just wondering if everything’s alright, you weren’t getting out and I thought I had better check everything was okay.”

  Nikki says with a perfectly straight face, “Yeah everything’s fine thanks Daniel. We’ve just finished fucking and my girl here likes to cuddle afterwards, give us a minute will ya.”

  Daniel, once again turns bright red and straightens up immediately and stumbles, “Yes, yes, of course Sir. Sorry Sir. My mistake, I’ll just wait in the car until…umm until you’re…until you’re finished.” He blushes even more and strides off towards his car, totally mortified.

  Nikki closes the window and laughs, “Shit, that guys gonna struggle over the next few days. His life’s gonna be one constant blush, his face is gonna be permanently red!”

  We both laugh together. I reluctantly pull myself off Nikki and we both groan at the loss of connection. Nikki watches me put my clothes back on as he pulls his jeans back over his hips, does up the zip and refastens his belt. After getting ourselves presentable, we pile out of the limo and walk into the hotel, closely followed by a still blushing security guy.

  We get into the elevator and security guy gets in too.

  Nikki scowls at him, “Are you honestly gonna follow us everywhere Daniel? Because you’ve only been here for five fuckin’ minutes and it’s already pissing me off.”

  Daniel shrugs his shoulders, “Sorry Sir. It’s my orders.”

  “Well the band has pretty high security of our own. I don’t think we need you following us every god-damned minute. How about you go to your own room and we promise to call you if we leave the hotel?”

  “I’m not sure Sir. I’ll have to check with my boss.”

  This is getting ridiculous. I grab my phone and
dial a number. “Hey Daddy, it’s Trixie.”

  Dad replies happily, “Hey there my girl. How are you? All safe?”

  “Yeah I’m safe. I’m here with Nikki now in Chicago, we’re at the hotel. But your security guy, Daniel, is following us like a lost damned puppy. Can you please tell him that we don’t need to be chaperoned. Oblivion has pretty strict security up on the penthouse floor, no-one’s gonna get to me. Daddy, can you please, pretty please, tell Daniel that he can go to his own room and we’ll let him know if we plan on leaving the hotel?”

  Daddy answers, “Okay Trix, that sounds reasonable. Hand the phone to Daniel.”

  I hold out the phone to Daniel and smirk, “It’s for you.”

  Daniel takes the phone and sternly says, “Hello Sir. Yes Sir. No problem Sir, Will do. Goodbye.”

  The bell dings to indicate we’ve reached the penthouse floor. We step out of the elevator and are met by three of Oblivion’s security team. They look quite different from Daniel. They look like large heavy metal bouncers and are dressed in black t-shirts with the words ‘Oblivion Security’ stamped across their chests. They are tatted and pierced. You certainly wouldn’t want to mess with them. Nikki quickly introduces Daniel. Daniel shakes their hands and then turns to us, “I’ll be in my room. Let me know if you go out.”

  “Will do.” Nikki chuckles and drags me towards the penthouse suite.

  Chapter 14

  We arrive inside the suite and are met by all the other band members as well as Eve and Kitty. I rush across to Eve and embrace her in a big hug. “Hey Eve, I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too. I hear you’ve got yourself a stalker. We’ve all been worried about you.”

  “Yeah, seems like it, but the worse thing is all the over-protectiveness. Caleb hasn’t let me out of his sight and Daddy’s got a security guy following me everywhere. I feel like I’m being smothered.”

  “Well now you’ve got Nikki to contend with too. He’s been going crazy with worry about you, so now you’ll be smothered by him too.”

  I grin cheekily, “That’s okay, I don’t mind being smothered by Nikki.”

  Nikki nuzzles into my neck and bites gently on my earlobe, dragging it through his teeth as he mumbles, “I for one can’t wait to smother the hell out of you.”

  I place my hands on the side of his face and kiss him affectionately. “You can smother me any time.” I whisper. He deepens the kiss. His tongue pushes into my mouth as we indulge in each other, completely oblivious to everyone else in the room.

  After a few more moments of getting complete carried away in each other we hear a loud “Ahem” as Ash taps Nikki on the shoulder to get his attention. We break our embrace, both with smug smiles on our faces.

  After saying hi to everyone else, we all grab some drinks and sit down on the sofas. “So what’s the plan for today?” I ask Nikki.

  “We’ve got some lunch being delivered shortly and then we’ve got a couple of hours before we have to be at the amphitheater for sound check, so I thought we’d go and visit a couple of stores I want to call in to.”

  “Okay, sounds good, what stores?” I ask curiously.

  Nikki grins mischievously, “You’ll see.”

  After eating lunch I grab a coat and we head out, telling the others we’ll meet them at the venue at four.

  As we walk out the door Nikki chuckles, “Do think we can skip out without telling your security guy? I’d like to have you all to myself for a while.”

  I giggle, “Yeah, let’s go.” We rush off down the corridor giggling like silly kids. We press the elevator button and nervously wait for it to arrive. Hopefully we can sneak out without being spotted. It eventually arrives and dings loudly. We turn around to check that we haven’t been spotted but security guy Daniel opens his hotel room door and spots us. He yells out “Trixie, wait up, I need to come with you.”

  The doors open and Nikki grabs me and rushes me inside. He frantically pushes the ‘close doors’ button. We’re giggling as the doors start to close. We can see Daniel sprinting down the corridor towards us. The doors close shut just before he gets to us and we hear him yell out, “Shit!”

  The elevator seems to take forever to descend. As soon as the doors open we dart out, practically running across the lobby towards the exit. Luckily Nikki’s already organized for the limo to be waiting for us, so we quickly open the door and clamber over each other to get inside. Nikki slams the door behind us and frenziedly yells at the driver, “Quick, step on it, let’s go.”

  The limo jerks into action and we speed out of the driveway. We’re both laughing like crazy people. I look out the back window and see Daniel standing at the hotel doors huffing and panting, leaning over with his hands on his knees. He must have run down the stairs!

  “Shit, we’re gonna be in trouble.” I giggle.

  Nikki raises his eyebrows, his mischievous eyes twinkling, “What’s he gonna do? Ground me!”

  The driver finds the whole thing amusing as he shakes his head. He looks at us in the rear vision mirror and asks, “Where to Nikki?”

  Nikki leans forward and whispers the location into the drivers ear.

  “No problem,” the driver says.

  After a few minutes we pull up outside a very fancy looking lingerie shop. I look over to Nikki, “We going in here?” I ask.

  “Yeah. I don’t like the idea of that fucker stalker rifling through your delicates, so I thought we could get some more and we’ll throw all your old ones out.”

  My forehead wrinkles and I screw up my nose. “Nikki, I have heaps of bras and panties, I can’t throw them all out, it would cost a small fortune to replace them all. They’ve been put through the wash, they’ll be fine.”

  Nikki rumbles, “But every time I see them I’ll think of that bastard touching them. Just indulge me darlin’.”

  I humph in frustration. He’s being silly. I don’t see it as a big deal. I reluctantly say, “Okay, let’s go and have a look, but this place looks pricey and we’re not replacing all of them, that’s just ridiculous.”

  Nikki opens the limo door and jumps out. He reaches back in, grabs my hand and pulls me out. We stroll into the store with Nikki’s arm wrapped around my waist. As soon as we walk inside a stunning store assistant walks up to us. She had obviously spotted the limo pulling up and is keen to make a sale. She perkily articulates, “Welcome, are we looking for something special today?”

  Nikki grins and eyes me seductively, “Yep, I’m looking for some special stuff for my girl here.”

  The sales women smiles warmly, “So, a bra and panties, or a nightie, or perhaps something a little more risqué. What shall we look at today?”

  Nikki grins again as he glances his eyes around the room, “Yep, we want a bit of everything thanks. Let’s just start trying stuff on, it all looks good.”

  “Yes Sir, ” the lady smiles as she rakes her eyes over me. “We have a perfect model here, she’ll look amazing in practically anything. Why don’t you two have a look to see what you might like and I’ll get a changing room ready for you.”

  We start to browse around the shop. A sexy red lace bra and panty set catches my eye so I pick it up and hold it against me. I grin at Nikki, “What d’ya think?”

  “Fuckin’ perfect.” He rumbles.

  I lift up the tag and have a look at the price and screech in shock, “Holy fuck, just the bra is six hundred dollars! I can’t afford this! Let’s go.” I grab hold of his hand and try to drag him out of the shop.

  He doesn’t move an inch and pulls me back and crushes me against his body. “Don’t even look at the price. It’s my shout. Let me spoil you.”

  “I can’t accept that. It’s way too much.”

  “Don’t be silly. You’re my girl. In fact you’re my first proper girlfriend. I can afford it and I want to spoil you. Let me do this,” he demands resolutely.

  I cringe. “God, this store is just so out of this world. They have so many beautiful things. How abo
ut I try a few things on and we’ll choose one?”

  Nikki squeezes me tight, “Yeah, good idea. Let’s get you into that changing room and you can start trying stuff on. I can’t wait to see what some of this stuff looks like on you.”

  We spend ages trying on various bras, panties and sexy bedroom wear. Each time I come out to parade for Nikki he grins and groans. With each outfit his eyes are turning more and more lustful.

  I’m having so much fun trying on all the different garments. Every single one of them looks amazing. Each time I pass them out to the sales lady who takes them away. I don’t know how I’m going to choose just one. After about an hour and a half Nikki says, “Okay Trix. How ‘bout we get going? I still have another shop that I want to get to before we have to be at the venue and I don’t want to run out of time.”

  I pop back into the changing room and change back into my clothes. I stroll out and say to Nikki, “So which one did you like best?”

  He rumbles, “There were a few that took my fancy. I can’t wait to get you back to somewhere private. I’ve had a hard-on for like an hour and a fucking half. I think my dick might fall off!”

  I giggle, “So you’ve chosen?”

  “Yep, we’re all set to go.”

  I start walking towards the sales counter. The sales lady smiles. “It’s been very nice assisting you both today. Thank you for shopping with us, please come back again soon.”

  I frown in confusion. The lady smiles again and says, “Your purchase has already been taken out to the limo and put in the trunk.”

  “Oh okay. Thank you,” I mumble.

  Nikki puts his arm around me and guides me out to the car. Before we get inside I say to Nikki, “Let me just grab the bag out of the trunk, I want to see which one you picked.”

  Nikki shrugs, “Okay.” He jumps into the limo and waits for me to get my shopping bag out of the trunk.

  The driver pops the hatch from inside the car and it opens. “Holy shit!” I exclaim loudly as I scan the packed-to-the-rim trunk. It’s crammed with bags full of the lingerie I’d tried on. I slam it shut, dart back around and jump into the limo.


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