Bolt From the Blue

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Bolt From the Blue Page 21

by Tania Sparks

  Caleb makes himself at home slouching onto an armchair in the lounge. Me and Nikki make ourselves comfortable on the sofa. Nikki’s arm rests possessively over my shoulder and his other hand rests high on my thigh.

  Caleb glances at Nikki’s hand and then says, “So...Trixie tells me you’re a musician. What sort of music do you play? Country? Pop?”

  I scowl at Caleb. There’s no way Nikki looks like he plays country or pop. Nikki looks, breathes and exudes heavy rock. Caleb knows that Nikki’s a guitarist with Oblivion and I know he’s very familiar with many of their songs.

  I can see Nikki starting to get annoyed at Caleb.

  I step in before the situation gets out of hand. “Caleb,” I scold angrily.

  “What?” he tries to ask innocently shrugging his shoulders.

  “Don’t be such a bloody douchebag. You know perfectly well that Nikki is a guitarist with Oblivion. And I know you also know and like their songs. Don’t be such an idiot.”

  Caleb shrugs his shoulders again and smirks at Nikki. Nikki joins in with his own contribution. “So Caleb, I hear you work for Trixie behind the bar.”

  Caleb scowls at Nikki. Nikki also knows perfectly well that Caleb has contributed to the club both financially and in effort. He also knows that Caleb is a very successful business consultant who just happens to help me out behind the bar every now and then.

  This stand-off and digging at each other is getting absurd. I stand up and turn to face both of them. I shake my finger in warning, “Right you two, listen to me. You both know perfectly well what each of you do for a living. This is not a fucking pissing contest and I am not the prize. Caleb, you are a very valued business colleague and more importantly you are a very good friend. Yes, we’ve fucked in the past, but not any more.”

  Both Caleb and Nikki’s jaws drop at my bluntness.

  I continue, “Caleb, I value your friendship enormously. You will always be a part of my life.”

  I hitch my fists onto my hips and glare at both of them to make sure they’re listening, “Nikki, you are my boyfriend, my lover and someone that I can’t stop thinking about. We share something really special, something that I’ve never felt before.”

  I drop my hands to my sides and look at each of them in turn. I walk over to Caleb, lean down and pat him affectionately on this knee. I then walk over to Nikki and place my hand softly on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my hips and pulls me closer to him.

  I’m not finished yet though so I carry on with my warning, “Now the two of you, get over yourselves. Y’all are both very important to me and I need you both in my life. I need you to not only get on with each other, but I need you to like each other too. Make an effort here. For me.”

  They both look at me rather sheepishly, having been told off for their ridiculous behavior.

  Nikki unhooks his arm from around me, stands up and walks over to Caleb. He holds out his hand to shake Caleb’s hand in a gesture of goodwill. Caleb stands up, takes his hand and they shake hands genuinely. We all take our seats again.

  It only takes a couple more minutes of gentle coaxing and the two of them are getting on like a house on fire. They’re laughing and joking and telling each other stories. I knew they would get along. They’re both wonderful men, both with an uncontrollable self-drive and ambition. Both of them are confident, charming and have the biggest hearts I’ve ever known. These men are the best two guys a girl could ask for in her life. They really are getting on well and now seem so comfortable with each other, they act like long lost friends.

  Time flies by quickly and before I know it the whole morning has passed. Nikki doesn’t have to be at the studio until six this evening and me and Caleb don’t have to be at the club until about the same time. Nikki and the guys will be meeting us at the club later in the evening once they’ve put in a few hours of recording at the studio.

  Caleb has some errands to run so he excuses himself and says he’ll see us both tonight. Once Caleb has gone Nikki turns to me and asks, “So, what shall we do this afternoon?”

  “Well I feel a bit peckish. Shall we take a stroll down the street and pick up something to eat?”

  “Yeah, I’m starving,” Nikki agrees.

  We get our coats and head off down the street. There’s quite a few eateries close by so we browse trying decide which one to go in to. As we stroll Nikki has his arm over my shoulder and I’m snuggled into his side with my arm wrapped around his waist. We pass by my favorite cupcake shop. I pull us to a stop by the door, “How ‘bout here? They have amazing cupcakes and coffee to die for.”

  “Sounds good,” Nikki replies.

  We walk inside and start to peruse the glass cabinets which are full of delicious looking cupcakes with every flavor imaginable. It’s hard to decide what to pick but we finally choose two cupcakes each and order our coffees. We take a seat at a table by the window and wait for our order. Without much delay our cupcakes and coffees are delivered.

  We each pick up our first cupcake and take a bite. The one I’ve chosen is strawberries and cream and Nikki’s is lemon delight. Mine is definitely delicious and I hum in appreciation. “This is really good,” I purr.

  “Mine too. Can I have a taste of yours?” Nikki asks.

  “No, too good to share.” I chuckle.

  Nikki pouts his lips and bats his eyes in protest.

  I roll my eyes and hold the cupcake up to his lips so he can take a bite. He leans forward and slips his tongue out, lapping at some of the frosting. I watch his lips. Jesus, how can eating a cupcake look so deliciously erotic? He goes to open his mouth to take a bite, but I nudge it quickly towards his face, covering his nose with pale pink frosting.

  He just sits there staring at me, his face is completely straight. He hasn’t even attempted to wipe the frosting away. I giggle profusely at how ridiculous he looks with the pink frosting covering his nose.

  Then his eyes start to twinkle with mischief and a cheeky smirk twitches at his lips. He chuckles as he shakes his head. “You shouldn’t have done that party girl.”

  I hold my forefingers to my cheeks, pretending to press into my dimples. I pout my lips and bat my eyes, “Aw, why not, you look so pretty,” I joke.

  “This is why,” he snaps. I barely even see his hands move as his entire lemon cupcake is smeared across my face. I shriek in shock and slowly wipe it from my face, licking away the delightful yellow frosting from my lips.

  I wipe my fingers around my face, collecting the destroyed cupcake from my face. I quickly throw it at him but he darts to the side and it misses him completely. He’s laughing at me. He picks up his chocolate cupcake and hurls it towards me, hitting me just above my breasts at the top of my tank top.

  “Ah shit!” I shriek.

  “You’re too slow,” he laughs.

  “I can’t believe you did that!” I squeal.

  Nikki shrugs his shoulders and smirks, “You started it.”

  I point to the spot where the cupcake landed and laugh. “Now look at me. How am I gonna clean this up?”

  Nikki dashes around the table and quickly drops to his knees beside me. He pulls my chest to his mouth and swirls his mouth around the top of my tank top, lapping up the chocolate frosting that covers me. I thread my fingers through his hair and pull him in closer, his tongue feels so good on my skin and I moan in delight. My hands are covered in yellow frosting and they leave streaks of yellow in his hair. He tugs at my top and pulls it down so that the top half my breast is poking out, his tongue circles and his lips slurp at the frosting, “Mmm,” he murmurs. “Chocolate frosting and Trixie’s tits is my new favorite flavor.”

  He pulls me up from my chair and rumbles, “We need to get back to your place, like now, so I can lick away this mess.”

  I’m giggling uncontrollably. “Nikki, this is my favorite cupcake shop. How am I ever gonna show my face in here again?”

  I glance over to the cabinets. I expect to see an angry looking shop keeper who is probably fumin
g at the mess we’ve created. But what I see is the nice lady who normally serves behind the counter. She’s smiling warmly at us. Nikki drags me up to the cabinet. He sincerely apologizes, “Sorry ‘bout the mess Ma’am.”

  She replies, “No problem. Most of the mess went on your young lady friend. Anyhow, it’s so nice to see young love blossoming right here in my store.”

  Nikki glances at me and grins. He raises his eyebrows and kisses me tenderly on my lips, licking at the lemon frosting still around my face. He turns back to the lady and asks, “Could we have four of the same we had before? But we’ll have them as take-out please.”

  The nice lady quickly puts the four cupcakes into a small carry box and hands them to Nikki. He passes her a hundred dollar bill. He mumbles, “Keep the change.” He nods his head to say good-bye and guides me towards the door. He leans down and mumbles into my ear, “Let’s take these home. I’m dying to have a cupcake and Trixie buffet.”

  I wave good-bye to the nice lady and cheerily call out “Bye, sorry again for the mess…”

  Nikki and I rush quickly back to my apartment.

  Two hours later the cupcakes have been completely devoured, most of them are smeared across the sheets of my bed and we are both desperately in need of a shower.

  After we’ve both showered and thrown the sheets into the wash, we relax for a few hours before Nikki has to make an appearance at the studio and I have to head off to the club.


  It’s just after eleven. The club’s busy but not overly busy tonight, just right to keep all the staff busy but not run off their feet. I’m behind the bar serving drinks like I normally like do. It’s good to keep my hand in the day to day running by serving on the floor. It keeps me grounded and in touch with the real nitty-gritty of the club.

  I’m serving some ladies when a pleasant tingle zaps through my body and I feel like someone’s watching me. I glance around and notice the Oblivion guys striding in the front door as they head towards the bar. Nikki’s eyes are already fixed on mine.

  They certainly like making an entrance as they high five each other and joke around. By the look of them they’re well relaxed and have probably already had a few drinks tonight. They certainly don’t like to stay under the radar as they non-discretely announce their arrival. It’s hilarious to watch actually as other patrons start to recognize them. As they saunter across the club people go up to them and shake their hands and girls start to swoon and gather. I excuse myself from bar duties and walk over to them.

  “Hey guys.”

  They all enthusiastically say their hello’s.

  “Come with me. I have our best VIP area reserved for you.” I wave my hand and go to walk towards the back of the club but strong arms embrace me from behind.

  Nikki rumbles in my ear, “Nah ah darlin’. I want a proper hello.” He spins me around and lifts me up so I have no choice but to wrap my legs around his hips. His mouth crashes to mine as we kiss, nibble and suck in a prolonged kiss that causes my skin to tingle and my thighs to tighten around him. All too soon he lowers me back down to the ground and grins mischievously, “There, that’s better, that was a proper hello. Now where the hell’s that VIP room, I could do with another drink or two.”

  I grin back at him and continue to walk towards the VIP room as Nikki slaps me playfully on my ass. We get to the VIP room and I tell them all to make themselves at home. It looks like Scott and Hansen have picked up half a dozen girls on the way, so I guess they’ll be joining the group. “So what are y’all drinking tonight?” I ask.

  Nikki orders on behalf of everyone. “I think we’ll start with a couple of rounds of beer for everyone and some of shots of whisky for each of us too. Then just keep them coming.” He waves his hand around in a rotating motion. The guys all nod in agreement. I walk back to the bar and start gathering the drinks. Caleb comes up to me and says, “Why don’t you let me get these. Go and join your friends. We can handle the bar for the rest of the night. Go and have some fun.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask.

  “Yeah, no problem. We have plenty of staff on tonight and it’s not too busy. I might even come and join you a bit later if that’s okay?”

  “That would be perfect. I’d really like you to meet the other guys.”

  I go back to the VIP room, “Drinks are on their way guys.”

  I go to sit down on one of the bench seats at the booth but Nikki grabs me and pulls me onto his lap. “This is the only place you’ll be sitting tonight.”

  “That’s perfectly fine with me,” I reply, snuggling in and wriggling to get comfortable.

  Pretty soon one of my waitresses, Kelly comes in with the drinks and places them down on the table. Scott slaps her on the bum, “Do you come free with the drinks?” he asks cheekily.

  My girls are trained to handle people like these guys. One of the main attributes they are required to have is that they need to be sassy and quick witted. It’s no contest between one of my girls and these already half-drunken rockers.

  Kelly grins, pats Scott affectionately on the head, ruffles his hair and purrs, “Oh sweetheart, if you’re really good I’ll come…but nothing worth having is free.” Scott is stunned into silence and Kelly takes her opportunity to exit the room quickly.

  “Damn, that girl’s good.” Scott mumbles.

  “Yeah, my girls are trained to handle guys like you.”

  “We’ll see.” Scott smirks, “She has to come back to bring more drinks later. Maybe I’ll sweep her off her feet next time.”

  “Yeah maybe next time.” I chuckle.

  We spend the next few hours chatting, drinking and dancing. At about one Caleb joins us and I introduce him to everyone. Of course Eve already knows him really well and she gives him a warm welcoming hug, much to the disgust of Ash who quickly wraps his arms around her and pulls her back to his lap as soon as she’s finished hugging Caleb. His face looks serious as he whispers something in her ear. Eve leans back a bit and raises her eyebrows, she then leans into him and whispers something back in his ear. It must have been something sexy and perfectly distracting because Ash’s eyes heat and a low moan rumbles in his chest. He nuzzles his head into her neck as his lips suck on her earlobe and his hands glide over her body.

  Nikki’s hands never leave my body for the rest of the night. He’s constantly touching or possessively staking his claim. Caleb is chatting and socializing easily with the guys. I whisper to Nikki, “See Caleb’s no problem. He seems to fit in really well, and you can see that we’re no more than friends.”

  Nikki agrees, “Yeah, he’s pretty cool…but he still wants in your panties darlin’. He’s shit out of luck though. You’re mine, all mine. He’s made it perfectly clear that he’ll be here for you if I ever fuck this up, but I have no intention of doing that.”

  “What do you mean, he’s made it perfectly clear?”

  “Earlier today, at your place. You’d stepped out to the bathroom. Caleb told me that if I fucked up, he’d be waiting to step up. He wants you sweetheart, but he also respects the fact that we’re together. I have to admire that.”

  Caleb overhears the conversation and pipes in, “Too right Nikki. No disrespect to you. You’re a great guy, but Trixie’s too good a girl to forget. I can see you two have something special, but if you fuck this up, I’ll be here waiting to step up to the plate.”

  Nikki squeezes me tight. “Might as well give up now. This girl’s a keeper. I have no intention of letting her go.”

  Caleb shrugs his shoulders and picks up his drink, taking a big swig. The conversation quickly moves on. Thank god for that. That whole altercation was starting to feel a bit awkward. Nikki and Caleb obviously like each other and have a healthy respect for each other too, but there’s still a strong undertone of competitiveness between them.

  The night continues until four when the club closes. Caleb and the team shuffle out the last of the patrons, leaving us until last. We decide it’s best if we all crash at Nikki’s apa
rtment, his place is the closest and has plenty of room for everyone. We stumble out to our waiting limo and take the short ride to Nikki’s place.

  As soon as we get inside we all make our way to various bedrooms and crash, instantly falling asleep, each of us exhausted.

  Chapter 20

  I wake up with the light streaming in through the windows. Nikki is literally wrapped around me, my back is resting against his front, his legs are entangled with mine. One of his arms is resting around my waist and his hand is cradled around my breast. We’re both completely naked. He’s still fast asleep.

  I wonder what the time is so I wriggle a bit to try to reach for my phone which is on the bedside table. I don’t get very far before I’m hauled back into his hard hot body as he rumbles, “Don’t get up party girl.”

  I feel his cock start to harden behind me as he pulls me in closer and nudges against me. I murmur, “Let me just see what the time is.”

  Nikki swivels his body and easily reaches his phone on his bedside table. He reads the screen and croaks, “Almost midday.”

  “It sounds very quiet, do you think the others are still asleep?”

  “Nah, most of them had to be at the studio by eleven. Me and Hansen did our parts last night. The others have a few more pieces to work on. Us two have been given the afternoon off. Me and him don’t have to be back there ‘til six.”

  I snuggle back into him to settle in for a cuddle but Nikki drags himself up and rumbles “Let me go run us a bath.”

  “Or we could just stay in bed,” I suggest.

  Nikki’s eyes turn to molten chocolate as they roam over my body. “Mmm. That sounds really good, but let me pamper you. I have something special planned that I think you might like. This afternoon is all about you. Let me spoil you.”

  “Okay.” I whisper. Just the look on Nikki’s face is making me melt. My body tingles as I try to figure out what he might have planned. We have a few more sex toys that we haven’t used yet, perhaps it’s that?


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