Berlina's Quest

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Berlina's Quest Page 1

by James Hartley

  Berlina’s Quest


  James Hartley

  Eternal Press

  A division of Damnation Books, LLC.

  P.O. Box 3931

  Santa Rosa, CA 95402-9998

  Berlina’s Quest

  by James Hartley

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-61572-947-0

  Print ISBN: 978-1-61572-948-7

  Cover art by: Amanda Kelsey

  Edited by: Barbara Legge

  Copyright 2013 James Hartley

  Printed in the United States of America

  Worldwide Electronic & Digital Rights

  Worldwide English Language Print Rights

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any form, including digital and electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter One

  A Crime in the Night

  What in the Unholy Name of Demonicus is going on? thought Princess Berlina, half-awake from the unusual noise. She listened for a minute, but hearing nothing more, she rolled over and prepared to go back to sleep. Her head barely hit the pillow when the noise erupted again, louder this time. She gave up on sleep, swung her feet off the bed and onto the floor, and squeezed the igniter on the bedside lamp. As the light came on, she saw her companion Felistia also sitting up and listening. Even in fully human form, Felistia had far better hearing than most, and as the light came on, she held up her hand, signaling Berlina to stay silent.

  After a few moments, she turned and said, “Your Highness, there appears to be fighting somewhere in the palace, and it is getting closer. I suggest you dress and arm yourself. We may have company, hostile company, sooner than we would like.”

  Berlina stood up, grabbed some clothes, and began to dress. As she buckled on her sword belt, she said, “Fee, why the formal address? We are in private here. ‘Bee’ would suffice.”

  “Yes, for the moment, but if hostiles enter, palace guards might also while fighting them. I would not want to be caught addressing you by a nickname.”

  The two stood as the noises grew louder and closer. Then, as Felistia predicted, the door flew open, and a melee of fighters entered the room, both palace guards and black-clad strangers with hoods and masks. Two of the black-clad fighters made straight for Berlina’s bed. They were obviously expecting to grab the sleeping princess easily, figuring that an innocent and angelic-looking young girl with wavy, dark blonde hair would be an easy target and not put up a fight. They were sorely disappointed. The first one screamed loudly as Berlina’s sword removed his left arm above the elbow, and the second one screamed even more loudly, doubled over, and sank to the floor as her sword pierced his belly.

  Berlina took a quick glance over at Felistia. The were-wildcat retained most of her human form, changing only her forearms and hands, and used her claws to rip the faces off two of the attackers. The spilled blood of the attackers contrasted with the pure white fur on her paws that perfectly matched the white of her hair. The guards seemed to be handling the rest with no problem. As Berlina watched, Felistia’s paws turned back to human hands before the guards had time to notice anything unusual. She wondered if the guards would examine those corpses very closely, and if so, how they would explain those particular injuries.

  All of the black-clad men were either dead or rapidly getting to be that way. The head of the squad of guards went around and removed the masks. He turned to Berlina and said, “Your Highness, do you or your companion recognize any of these men?”

  Berlina shook her head and said, “They’re all strangers to me.”

  Felistia pointed to the two who planned to grab the princess and said, “I think I remember seeing those two as guards at the palace of Prince Drailsen when we went there on a visit. Of course, the princess would not remember the faces of guards, but I make a point of looking closely at all members of the serving class in other places we visit. Yes, definitely in Drailsen’s palace.”

  The guard, obviously unsure what degree of respect the princess’s companion merited, said, “Thank you for the identification, ma’am.” He turned to one of his men and said, “Go find some servants to remove the bodies, corporal. We can’t leave them cluttering up Her Highness’s quarters.”

  It took ten or fifteen minutes, but eventually, the dead attackers had been taken out, and two injured guardsmen had been taken for medical aid. Several other guards had come in briefly to report to the head of the squad. The squad leader said to the princess, “Your Highness, there is no more fighting. All the attackers were either killed or have escaped. My men and I thank you for the assistance you gave us by killing several of the attackers. Also, I praise Your Highness for your skill with the sword. I believe it is safe for you and your lady friend to go back to bed.” He again had a look on his face that said he was unsure as to the proper form of address for the princess’s companion.

  “I thank you, Guardsman, for your help. I doubt that Felistia and I could have handled all of them by ourselves.”

  The guardsmen left and closed the door. Berlina sat down on the edge of her bed and said, “Fee, that was something. Obviously, they were trying to kidnap me. I just wonder what other harm they or their companions may have caused elsewhere in the palace. I sense there was indeed some damage or evil done here, tonight.”

  Felistia nodded. “Your witch’s sense, Bee? Don’t admit it, though. Wait to be told what the outcome of tonight’s battle was…and very cool accepting the praise for your skill with the sword, when it was a spell on the blade that did most of the work.”

  “What else could I do? Only you and I, and a few in the Order of the Flowers, know about the spells cast on this sword, or that I am a witch as well as a princess. Oh, well. Let’s try to get a little sleep. The entire palace is going to be in a mighty uproar come morning.”

  * * * *

  After the disturbance during the night, it was inevitable that Berlina and Felistia overslept. By the time they got down to the dining hall, they found the broad oak doors closed and other late risers filled the hallway, complaining about missing breakfast. Felistia looked unhappy, as she always did when shifting burned up extra calories and given her an abnormally large appetite.

  Berlina saw her expression and said, “Don’t worry, Fee. We’ll take care of you.” Leading her companion down a side hall, Berlina stopped before an inconspicuous door. She pulled out a chain around her neck, from which was suspended a small, metal medallion made of gold with a silver key set into it. Pressing a certain spot on it, the key popped out. With the key, she unlocked the door, opened it, and led Felistia inside. “They can’t refuse to feed the royal family, or high officials like the prime minister, no matter when we show up. The privilege extends to any guests with us.”

  The two found themselves in a small but exquisitely furnished private dining room. They had barely taken their seats when a waiter arrived and handed them menus. “Good morning, Your Highness. It is a privilege to serve you. What will you have?”

  Berlina placed her order– a normal breakfast– while Felistia selected double portions of eggs and breakfast steak for the protein and double biscuits for the carbs. After the waiter left, Felistia said, “Shifting, even just hands and arms, uses up a lot of energy, but it was certainly necessary last night. Now, I just need to stoke up a bit.”
r />   The food arrived, and both girls turned their attention to eating. They had just about finished when a page entered the room and said, “Beg pardon, Your Highness, but I bear a message from your mother, the Queen Regent. She is asking that you attend her in the throne room as soon as may be possible. A reply is requested, if you please.”

  “Thank you,” said Berlina. “You may tell Her Majesty I shall be there in a matter of minutes, as soon as I have passed judgment upon the fate of this last piece of bacon.” As the page left, she speared the bacon, placed it in her mouth, chewed, and swallowed it. “Yes, satisfactory.” She looked over at her companion, whose plate was empty, and said, “Come along, Fee. My mother awaits, and I imagine we will find out what really happened last night. Bad news, I fear.” The two girls rose and headed for the throne room.

  * * * *

  There were a goodly number of people in the throne room– a chamber with a high-vaulted ceiling and walls of purple trimmed with gold, the royal colors; however, there were not enough to make such a large room feel crowded. Berlina looked around and saw mostly the high officials of Jylyria and various relatives, those of royal blood but not in the line of direct succession. The throne was empty. Most likely the Queen Regent was waiting to make a dramatic entrance. Berlina suddenly realized who wasn’t there and felt a cold chill. “Fee,” she whispered, “do you see my brother Darvid anywhere?”

  Felistia shook her head.

  At that moment, Queen Regent Lystia, widow of the late King Samsor and ruler of Jylyria until Crown Prince Darvid reached his twenty-first birthday, came out of the door behind the throne and took her place on the high seat. To emphasize the importance of this gathering, she was clad in a gown of purple and gold. Instantly, there was silence. “My people,” she said, “I have a terrible announcement to make. I’m sure all of you are aware that the palace was invaded last night, and there was fighting going on all over. It took us a while to find out exactly what happened, but now we are certain. His Highness, Crown Prince Darvid, has been kidnapped!”

  A gasp went up from the listeners. Felistia whispered in Berlina’s ear, “I’ll bet a certain princess would have been kidnapped, too, if she hadn’t fought back.”

  Lystia held up her hand, and the audience quieted. “This could not have happened at a worse time. You all know of the plans for the Crown Prince’s birthday and coronation set for a little over three months from now—to give Jylyria a strong king again. What not all of you know is that the Healers have been telling me I may not be able to continue an active role in ruling the kingdom much longer. Certainly not for the almost three years it will be until Princess Berlina reaches her twenty-first birthday and becomes eligible to ascend the throne.”

  Again, there was a gasp and a swell of conversation from the audience. Berlina whispered to Felistia, “Things must be really bad if she’s actually thinking in terms of me ascending the throne.”

  When the noise died down, the Queen Regent continued, “If Crown Prince Darvid is not found and elevated to the throne, and if I am unable to continue serving as Regent, it will be necessary to choose a new ruler from a collateral branch of the royal family. My advisers have suggested that last night’s raid may well have been set up by some over-ambitious prince who hopes to attain the throne this way.”

  Felistia whispered in Berlina’s ear, “Prince Drailsen, I wager. I know I saw two of those raiders serving as guards in his palace when we visited there a while ago. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out that he had help from someone here in the palace…someone looking for more power.”

  Berlina whispered back, “Stand in front of me and cover me. I’m going to slip the tip of my wand out of my sleeve and scan the crowd, to see if I can detect any treachery.” She did as she said, and finally told her companion, “I can’t be positive, but if I had to choose, I would suspect Sorcerer Zatarra of being the ‘inside man’ in last night’s doings.”

  Felistia nodded and whispered, “No surprise. I have never trusted that man.”

  At this point, the Queen Regent arose, and all stopped talking. “I declare this meeting over. All of you go back to your work. Do what you can to solve this problem. Berlina, please come and meet with me privately in my chambers.” She turned and walked out through the door behind the throne.

  Berlina gestured for Felistia to follow her and headed for the same door, leading to the Queen Regent’s meeting room. Lystia looked up when the two girls entered and said, “Berlina, I want this to be a private meeting. Can your companion wait outside?”

  “No, Mother. She is my companion and my bodyguard, and she will not be able to do her job if denied the information she needs. After all, if she were not privy to what we say here, I would simply tell her everything afterward. She might as well stay.”

  “All right, all right. Sit down, the two of you.” After the two girls had taken their seats, she continued, “You heard what I said outside. The Healers have told me my health is failing. I will probably be unable to continue as Queen Regent for more than six months at most. Your brother, Crown Prince Darvid, must be found before his birthday, or we face the prospect of one of the princes stepping in and taking the throne.”

  Berlina started to say something, but the queen held up her hand. “Should this happen, it will be your duty to be ready on your twenty-first birthday to raise a rebellion, oust the usurper, and reclaim the throne. You must then choose a consort, marry, and provide heirs to continue our line. For this reason, in case we do not find the Crown Prince in time, I am sending you off to a safe place where you can stay concealed for the three years, until you reach the age of eligibility—a place where nobody will suspect you of being. At the suggestion of Court Sorcerer Zatarra, I am going to sequester you in the Sorcerer’s Retreat.”

  At the mention of Zatarra’s name, the two girls looked at each other, then Berlina said, “Mother, are you sure you can trust Zatarra in this? Anyway, I don’t want to be ‘sequestered’ somewhere. I plan to go out with the rest and help hunt for my brother.”

  “Ridiculous!” said the queen. “You are a girl and barely eighteen. Leave the hunting to the guards, the troops, men, grown men. You have no business involving yourself in this.” She rang a bell, and a guard appeared. “Guardsman, get such additional help as you need and escort the princess and her companion to their quarters. Post men to be sure they remain there. Do not let them leave for any reason, and have their meals sent in.” She turned back to her daughter. “My beloved Berlina, it pains me to do this. Unfortunately, it is the only way I feel I can ensure your safety until I can get you to the Sorcerer’s Retreat in the far western part of the Kingdom.”

  Several more guards entered and surrounded the two girls. The head guardsman said, “A thousand pardons, Your Highness, but we must do as the queen orders. Will you come with us peacefully, or are you going to force us to carry you to your quarters?”

  Berlina stood and gestured for Felistia to do likewise. They then turned and walked to the door without a word. The guards quickly moved to surround the two girls as they walked.

  Once they were back in the princess’s quarters and the door shut, Berlina said, “Well, that didn’t go so well, did it? I love my mother dearly. Sometimes, I think she isn’t the sharpest sword in the armory. She has obviously been taken in by Zatarra and whoever he is working with.”

  “Prince Drailsen,” interjected Felistia.

  “Yes, probably,” said Berlina. “Fortunately, they think they are dealing with an ordinary eighteen-year-old girl and have no idea that they are instead facing an accomplished witch.” She paused. “If my mother’s plan was to be carried out, and I should end up on the throne, I wonder how the people of Jylyria would feel if they found out their ruler was a witch? Almost sounds like enough fun to try!”

  “Bee, you are something else. A witch as queen?” Felistia shook her head in amusement.

  “I said almost. I really kind of doubt I’d want to or that I’d be a good queen. Well, why wo
rry? It’ll never happen.”

  “Probably not…but stranger things have happened.”

  “Well, let’s make the best of this for the time being,” said Berlina. She went over to the door and pounded on it. When it opened, she told the guard standing there, “I’m hungry. Bring us our lunch and two bottles of wine. Hurry up about it.” When the door closed, she laughed and said, “I’ll bet they are going to get damned tired of guarding us, aren’t they?”

  Chapter Two

  The Taking of Quince Castle

  Prince Quince looked up from the documents he was working on as Caliban, the Castellan, entered the room. Caliban said, “Your Highness, there is some sort of caravan approaching the castle.”

  “A caravan? Merchants?”

  “I don’t think so, My Lord,” said Caliban. He and he alone had the privilege of addressing his prince as “My Lord” instead of the more proper “Your Highness.”

  “It is mostly soldiers, troopers– at least a hundred of them. Besides those, there are two carriages, of the sort that you or any other high-ranking noble would use.”

  “Whose carriages are they?”

  “They are not close enough to read the coats of arms on the sides, but they are flying pennons of maroon and orange. The same colors the troopers are wearing.”

  “Maroon and orange? Maroon and orange? That sounds somehow familiar…” The prince paused and thought. With a snap of his fingers, he said, “I remember, now. Far to the west, almost to the High Palace of Jylyria, there is a Prince Drailsen who flies those colors. Ugly colors…I don’t understand why anyone would choose them. Although, I’ve met this Drailsen once or twice, and he’s pretty ugly, too. Bad scars.”

  “Yes, My Lord. What should we do?”

  “Send out a courier to contact the caravan and find out what they want. Probably a state visit or something. I am surprised that we have not gotten some sort of advance notice of that.”


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