Keeping the Wolf

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Keeping the Wolf Page 22

by E A Price

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  “I hardly think I am qualified…” protested Linda.

  Harold gave her an impatient huff. “Linda, you know how to do my work better than anyone. You deserve your own office and a pay increase.”

  Over the past six weeks, it had become apparent that Harold needed to lessen his workload. He needed to spend more time with Christine, and as such, he had been heaping more and more on Linda. Giving her a promotion for the work she was already doing was a no-brainer.

  Linda was pleased and annoyed at the same time – she liked the idea of the promotion and more money, but she wasn’t quite ready to relinquish her responsibilities as his assistant. She was a wee bit territorial over him – it was one of the things Christine said she liked so much about her.

  “Well, I’ll be around to make sure my replacement does her job as well as me.”

  He grunted before he heard the voice of Christine in his head. “No one will be as good as you.”

  Linda beamed, and he knew it had been the right thing to say – it was what Christine would have said.

  “Ah, Harold.”

  His father strode into his office – without knocking as usual.

  “Good news,” he declared, and Harold inwardly sighed – he never had good news. “I’ve found Linda’s replacement. This is Nora.”

  He ushered in a wolf shifter round about his age. Harold looked up briefly and shook her hand.

  “Do you have experience?”

  Nora gave him a bright smile. Bright red lips spread across her face. Her hair was excessively coiffured and her suit a shade too tight, too low cut and the skirt too short. He didn’t admire women who spent hours on their hair and makeup, nor did he think tight clothes that displayed their bodies to bursting point to be appropriate work attire.

  Christine usually just brushed her wild locks, and she was good to go. Sometimes she piled them up on her head, and small curls licked at the bottom of her neck… She didn’t wear overly tight clothes – just curve-clinging clothes that highlighted her natural sexiness, though he suspected she could look sexy wearing a potato sack.

  “I’ve been working as the assistant to a record producer,” she replied in a breathy voice.

  Harold scowled at his father. He had wanted to select his own assistant. Why his father chose this woman, he had no idea. A record producer? How absurd!

  “Linda will show you what to do.” He nodded at his former assistant.

  “Thank you,” said Nora, “I look forward to working for you.”

  Linda led the woman out with a small look of disapproval.

  “Aren’t you going to thank me?” asked his father.

  “Why her?” Harold asked though he could guess the answer – his father had watched Nora’s retreating butt like a hawk.

  Perhaps his father was tired of dallying with his own secretary and was looking for a new female.

  “She’s very efficient, and a wolf shifter.”

  His father wasn’t particularly tolerant of other species – if Nora had been a fox shifter, Harold doubted his father would have hired her. Even in spite of her looks.

  “Why not hire a member of our pack?”

  His father waved his hand dismissively. “I could not find someone qualified.”

  Who asked him to look?


  If she proved as useless as her first impression suggested, he would get rid of her in a heartbeat.

  “How is Christy?” asked his father.

  Blooming and growing more beautiful every day – though somewhat annoyed at how much weight she was gaining.

  “Very well,” he replied in a clipped tone.

  “You keep missing the dinners your grandmother organizes.”

  Yes, they hadn’t returned since the last they ran away from. Neither of them was in a rush to go back, his family dinners were as appetizing as visiting a slaughterhouse. But, they would probably have to go eventually. These family dinners were a new trend that Harold was not keen to encourage.

  “We have been busy.”

  “You should attend this Sunday,” his father decreed.

  “I am not sure.”

  “Harold. You will attend this Sunday.”

  He met his alpha’s eyes, and they were locked for a few moments. His father squirmed a little, concerned that Harold would not back down. But, he did. He was not alpha yet, not officially, and nor was he ready. His time was taken up with Christine and the pup. Let his father be alpha for a while longer yet.

  “We will be there.”

  His father sagged a little. “Good.”

  He nodded and left.

  Joy. That was something to look forward to.


  Christine patted her stomach self-consciously. Her bump was small but growing, and she was starting to notice the tightness of her clothes. Perhaps what surprised her most was the frank perusal of her body by Harold.

  He was more… watchful than ever before. He seemed to be taking in every single detail of her and it made her a little self-conscious but also pleased. In those looks, she saw affection and more often than not lust. Her husband cared for her, and it warmed her, particularly considering how much she cared for him. She wasn’t going to put a label on it, but she honestly did not know how she would cope if anything ever came between them.

  She stepped off the elevator onto Harold’s floor, and immediately everyone started smiling at her and saying hello. Automatically, their eyes dropped to her stomach. Probably thought she was cooking the future alpha inside her. Unless the baby was a girl… That thought made her uneasy. Under the mating agreement, they had five years to produce a son, but what if his family got impatient. What if they decided to get rid of Christine and mate Harold to someone else?

  Harold wouldn’t allow it, she told herself firmly.

  What if they were disappointed by the daughter? Christine knew she wouldn’t be – she loved the pup from the moment she knew he or she was brewing inside. But Harold’s father was already trying to get rid of her – would he just use this as an excuse? Leaving Christine and bubs to fend for themselves? She supposed she could go home to Texas – though returning to her parents wasn’t nearly as enticing as it had once been. She didn’t think she could stand her father’s bitterness toward Harold.

  It was all a moot point anyway. Harold cared for her – for both of them. He wouldn’t let them go.

  Christine paused at Linda’s desk. Instead of the matronly older wolf, there was a younger she-wolf there, grinning smugly. She was probably a year or two older than Christine but possessed an air of such well-pronounced sexuality that she made Christine feel like a twelve-year-old dressing up in her mother's clothes. The female was curvy and skinny in all the right places – and was wearing the perfect outfit to showcase all of her mighty assets. Christine was hardly underdeveloped, but this female made her look flat chested. She was distressingly beautiful and clearly knew it.

  Christine noticed all the men in the office looking in her direction. The female also noticed them and perhaps that was why she was so smug.

  “May I help you?” she asked in a husky voice.

  Of course. Not only was she a walking wet dream, but she had a come-to-bed voice.

  “Ah, is Linda here?”

  “No, I am her replacement. What can I do for you?”

  Her eyes raked up and down Christine’s too tight dress, which Christine smoothed out self-consciously.

  “I’d like to see Harold.”

  The lips curled even more. “Mr. Buchanan is busy right now. May I take a message?”

  “He’ll want to see me,” said Christine trying to be firm.

  “He doesn’t wish to see,” another eye rake, “anyone, right now.”

  “Ah, Christy,” boomed Harold Sr.

  He strode out of Harold’s office. “I see you’ve met Harold’s new assistant, Nora.”

  “Yes,” said Christine quietly.

  “Nora, this is
Harold’s wife.”

  “Oh, really?” Nora seemed surprised to hear it. “How nice to meet you, Mrs. Buchanan.”

  “You too,” she replied with forced jollity.

  “Go on in,” said Harold Sr. – though he was speaking directly to Nora’s boobs at the time.

  “Thanks, bye,” she said hurriedly before fleeing into the office.

  Harold looked up and smiled. “Christine.”

  She immediately walked into his arms and hugged him.

  “This is a nice surprise,” he chuckled.

  “Just wondered if you wanted to get lunch.”

  “I wish I could; I have a meeting over lunch.”

  “I can wait until after?” she offered hopefully.

  “No, you go eat with your friend – the female one,” he added gruffly. “Why don’t we go out to dinner instead?”

  “Okay,” she murmured.

  He gave her a concerned look. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yep, of course.”

  Harold tilted her head to look at him. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she replied a little waspishly.

  His eyes narrowed. “Your father has not called, has he?”

  “No.” Just a spark of irrational jealousy at his new secretary. “I’m fine, I’ll see you later.”

  He didn’t look convinced, but he kissed her and let her go, after eliciting a promise that she would contact him if anything were wrong.

  She walked past Nora who beamed at her.

  “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Buchanan.”

  “Nice to meet you,” she mumbled.

  Christine didn’t know why she was uneasy about Nora. Logic told her she was jealous, but Harold worked with plenty of attractive women, and none of them seemed to pique his interest.

  There was just something about Nora that she found… concerning.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Harold had been working late nights all week, and by the time family dinner came around, Christine really was in no mood to deal with his family. On the plus side, by snapping and snarling at Marguerite, she finally got it through her head that Christine was not interested in hiring a nanny. Marguerite quelled under Christine’s glare. She still muttered that Christine had no idea what she was talking about, but she didn’t vociferously argue with Christine.

  Harold asked her repeatedly if anything was wrong, but she just couldn’t bring herself to admit that his gorgeous assistant annoyed her. Every time Christine called, Nora answered and told her in a sultry voice that the two of them were working late.

  After dinner - which involved the family arguing and exchanging cutting remarks - Christine excused herself to use the bathroom. Feeling a headache coming on, she ducked into one of the guest bedrooms to lie down for a few moments.

  She inwardly sighed as she heard voices approaching outside the door – Harold’s grandmother and mother.

  Christine was going to announce her presence when a few of the words sank in.

  “Has she had a scan yet?” That was Marie.

  “She won’t tell me anything about the pregnancy,” complained Marguerite.

  Christine rolled her eyes. She never asked about the pregnancy, merely announced things that she thought Christine should be doing.

  “We need to know whether the pup is a boy or a girl,” hissed Marie.

  “What does it matter at this stage?”

  “It’s not too late if it is a girl.”

  “Marie,” scolded Marguerite.

  Christine stilled as she realized what she meant. She was suggesting Christine get rid of the baby.

  “We need a boy to ensure our family retains control of the pack,” replied Marie remorselessly. “It’s important.”

  “If it is a girl, they may yet have a boy next – I’m not sure Christine would ever agree to get rid of the child.”

  “Humph. Harold would persuade her. He agrees that having a boy is of the utmost importance.”

  “When he isn’t drooling over that Nora creature,” grumbled Marguerite.

  Christine slapped her hands over her mouth. She thought she was going to be sick. The two voices retreated into murmurs and Christine ran out the room, straight into Harold.

  She yelped, and he growled.

  “Christine, you’re white as a sheet.”

  His face creased in worry.

  “I don’t feel well. Can we leave?” she gasped.

  “Of course, I’ll call your doctor and have her meet us at the house.”

  “No, I just…” She took a moment to compose herself. “I just have a headache. I want to lie down.”

  He gave her his usual disapproving glare, but he nodded, unwilling to argue and upset her even more.

  Christine went home to bed and worried for her pup.


  “Hello, Harold Buchanan’s office, how may I help you?”

  Christine groaned. She could never get her husband on the phone anymore. It was always Nora. Even his cell diverted to her.

  “Hi, it’s Christine, is my husband there?”

  “Oh, Mrs. Buchanan how nice to hear from you again,” said the she-wolf in her politest, and fakest voice, with emphasis on the word ‘again.’

  She often rang to find out where her husband happened to be, not that she ever found out.

  “I’m afraid Harold…” Christine scowled as she used his first name. “Is in a meeting and cannot be disturbed.”

  “Well, he may wish to be disturbed for this…”

  In the last week, things between them had been strained – and she knew that was entirely down to her. She just couldn’t get the idea that his family would want her to get rid of her pup out of her head and she just couldn’t act normal around Harold. Instinct told her she should trust Harold, but fear stopped her from talking to him. Fearing that he would agree with them. Her heart would break if he turned around and told her he did. But she had to find out how he felt sometime, and she thought the best way was when she went for her scan.

  He had been adamant about attending every doctor appointment with her, even though she - cowardly custard that she was – had told him she would be fine on her own. So, this was how they would both find out about the sex – together in front of a witness.

  Except, it had been due tomorrow and had been rearranged due to her doctor’s mother taking ill.

  Christine tapped her foot impatiently. “Well, can you interrupt him?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that,” said Nora more than a little smugly.

  “It’s important,” growled Christine.

  “He said no interruptions from anyone – I believe that would include you.”

  Christine sighed. Yep, this was pretty much how all her phone calls with Nora went.

  “Just forget it.”

  “Have a nice…”

  Christine hung up. Rude and childish maybe, but the woman’s attitude grated.

  She wanted someone with her. Someone to hold her hand and share in her joy as she saw her baby. But who could she ask? Maybe Jennifer? No, she would be in class today, and besides, she was in love with Arthur – she would tell him everything.

  Christine wanted Harold with her. She wanted him beside her. But it was tough; she would just go on her own.

  She felt as lonely and helpless as she had when they first married.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Harold walked past Nora carrying his sandwich. Ordinarily, he would ask his assistant to get him one, but last time Nora brought it into his office, she made a meal out of leaning over him to cut it up. He got a face full of breasts and a very bad temper out of that incident.

  Lord how he wanted to fire the damn woman. She was always trying to rub up against him. Always batting those artificial lashes at him. Always taking the opportunity to flash her goods in his face. They were goods he was not interested in buying, and she just irritated him. He wasn’t sure whether she was intentionally trying to tease him or not. He assumed she was just ann
oyingly coy with all her bosses, because her behavior to him was not going to get her anywhere. She knew he was mated to Christine – she, therefore, must realize she had absolutely no hope with him.

  But according to his father, she was the niece of an important alpha on the west coast, so they had to keep her sweet. He agreed to that… for now. He was willing to put aside personal dislike for the sake of cordial relations between his pack and hers.

  On the plus side, she was pretty competent. Not like Linda, but good enough.

  “Any calls?” he barked.

  “No, Mr. Buchanan,” she replied sweetly.

  A young woman in a plaid shirt, thick glasses and sporting silver hair that actually appeared natural was doing something technical to Nora’s computer. He couldn’t recall her name, but he knew she was from IT. Nora had probably downloaded another virus. She thought he didn’t know about the last one.

  “Oh, I thought I heard Mrs. Buchanan call about an hour ago,” she piped up, unaware of the cold look Nora was throwing her.

  “What?” snapped Harold.

  “I’m sure I heard her on the phone,” said the girl without affectation.

  “It’s rude to eavesdrop,” said Nora in a silky voice.

  The girl shrugged but didn’t seem concerned. She wasn’t a wolf – not a member of the pack, but she was definitely a shifter. He just couldn’t tell what kind. He really had terrible wolfy instincts.

  “Nora?” he snapped.

  Nora pouted slightly. “I’m sorry, but she didn’t leave a message – I didn’t think it was necessary merely to tell you that she had called.”

  “In future, always tell me,” he snarled raising his voice so loud that the whole office turned to look at him. He glared at them until they bared their necks in submission and went back to business.

  Nora licked her lips, nervousness creeping over her features. “I apologize.” She tilted her head to the side, showing off a huge expanse of neck that would give even a vampire heart palpitations.

  Harold ignored her and looked at the girl. She smiled unconcernedly.



  “Misty, thank you.”

  “No biggie,” she murmured before returning her attention to the computer.


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