Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7)

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Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7) Page 6

by Kelley, Morgan

  Neither man spoke.

  “I see. So, which is it?” she asked, and then shook her head. “Never mind. I don’t think I want to know. It’s just going to piss me off even more than I already am. I’m going to go get the team ready. I’ll see you later.”

  Both men flinched as she slammed the door.

  “Well, that went about as horribly as I could have predicted. One day, I hope that I master handling all this a little better,” Ethan admitted. He really hated fighting with Elizabeth.

  Callen crossed his arms over his chest. “I just feel off about all this.”

  Didn't he get that? “Yeah, I understand.”

  Callen didn't think he did. “No, I really have this feeling that this is a very bad idea, Ethan. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like when Granddad would tell us to not do something or bad was coming.”

  Yeah, that didn't sit well either. While he believed in gut instinct, he didn't believe in Native mojo, even when it was what brought him and Elizabeth together initially. It was his dreams that brought him to Salem. “Cal, don’t worry. It’ll be fine.”

  The man looked at him and hoped that he was right. “Okay, I’ll go find Elizabeth and make sure she has a tail until you’re ready to leave.”

  Blackhawk nodded, watching his brother walk away. He looked up at the ceiling. “Granddad, if you’re watching, keep her safe. We can’t lose her.”

  He sat back down at his desk and began taking care of the details of lodging and hotel for the staff.

  Christ, he only prayed they all got home in one piece.

  Elizabeth walked through the area where the agents sat doing their paper work. There were rows of cubicles for them to stay in when they were back in from the field. Spotting the blonde across the room, she headed to their location.

  “I don’t want to eat, Tommy,” Cyra said adamantly. “I think I know when I’m hungry and I’m not right now.”

  “Cyra, it’s going to be lunch time soon. We can pop out and back in before anyone notices we’re gone.”

  Elizabeth could hear the angst in her female agent’s voice and decided to step in and handle the situation.

  “Well, since your boss is right here, I actually would notice,” Elizabeth stated. It gave her great pleasure when the man jumped, especially since he was trying to strong arm the woman. “Are you two ready to head back out?” she asked, staring at her agents. Her mood was shot, and she just wanted to get on the road and take care of business.

  “Yes, boss,” stated Cyra. Reaching into her desk, she pulled out her weapon and clipped it to her hip. “Do we need to pack?”

  Elizabeth nodded. “You’re heading to Circle Rock. It’s about two hours from here. We’ll have hotel assignments ready shortly.”

  Special Agent Thomas Rickard looked a little too happy over that bit of news. Elizabeth made a mental note to not assign the man the room beside her female agent. She had other plans when it came to that.

  “Head out, but first Cyra, I need you to meet me in my office.”

  Elizabeth began walking away.

  “You better leave, Tommy. I’ll catch a cab back to my place. It’s not that far.” Right now, she wanted to get as far away from the man as possible.

  “I’ll swing by and pick you up.”

  “Great,” she answered through clenched teeth. “Text me when you’re coming. I don’t know how long I’ll be tied up here.” It would give her time to be outside on the porch waiting for him. Cyra watched him walk away, and already she knew there was trouble brewing.

  The man was just getting a little too friendly and overbearing.

  Walking towards Elizabeth’s office, she prayed there wasn’t an ass chewing on the schedule, not before an assignment. As she knocked, she found her inside packing her messenger bag.

  “Please come in and close the door.”

  The woman did what she was asked to do.


  It wasn’t lost on her that her boss sounded angry. Elizabeth Blackhawk was an enigma to her, to the point that it made her incredibly nervous to be around her.

  “What’s going on between you and Thomas?”

  Well if anything, she was blunt and to the point. Cyra didn't know what to say.

  “It can be off the record,” she said, taking her seat. “I have been doing this long enough to know that you’re feeling off balance. I can read a person fairly well.”

  “He makes me very uncomfortable.”

  “How so?” Elizabeth asked as she listened to the woman carefully. The last thing they needed was a mess.

  “He insists on picking me up at my house for work. He brings me coffee. I tell him to stop and he keeps at it. It just makes me feel like I’m not in control of the situation. If I don’t want lunch, he will pester and push me until I give in and finally cave, just to shut him up.”

  “Do you or did you have a sexual relationship with him?” She had to ask, despite the discomfort it was likely to cause.

  “NO! I don’t sleep with my partners, besides he’s not my type.”

  Elizabeth leaned back, almost wanting to ask if the geeky death doctor was her type, but she’d opted not to quite yet. “Okay. I’ll get you reassigned as soon as we’re back in from this assignment. Thomas won’t have a clue why it happened, I’ll just do it. Actually, Ethan will handle it. He’s scarier to some people and loves handling personal issues.” Yeah, he was going to hate it, but this was payback for the stunt that he and Callen just pulled.

  “God, thank you! I didn't want to complain, because I’m a probationary agent, but it’s maddening.”

  Elizabeth stared in her eyes. “Cyra, I’m more than just your boss. I’m here for you if there’s something you need to get off your chest. I have an open door policy about pretty much everything. You’re welcome to come in here just to vent if you’re upset.” Elizabeth figured she owed her that at least, since they’d played strippers together, and she planned on breaking out her Cupid arrow and wings shortly.

  She had an ME to ensnare in the web of love.

  “I appreciate that.”

  “If it starts to become more of an issue, I’ll need you to come to me. If he touches you or crosses the line, let me know.”

  Cyra nodded. “Thank you,” she said standing.

  “I’ll walk out with you,” Elizabeth added as she grabbed her bag and walked towards the door.

  “Oh, are you done for the day?”

  She laughed. “No, I’m taking a little field trip.”

  Cyra looked confused.

  “I’m heading to Circle Rock to investigate a murder. So your partner is actually my probationary agent on this one.” Elizabeth waited to see the look on her face. Yeah, it was always priceless. “If he thinks he’s going to be strong arming any women there, he’s in for a big ol’ surprise,” she drawled.

  “We’re working together again?”

  Elizabeth grinned. “Yeah, you’re taking your boss with you,” she replied and then decided to have fun with it. “Oh, and Chris Leonard is coming too.”

  The woman stared openmouthed. “Oh.” She didn't know if she should be excited or toss her cookies. Cyra was leaning towards the latter.

  Elizabeth enjoyed the look on her face. It looked like beside the Christina situation, she also added the Chris and Cyra one to her list. “It looks like we’re going to have one big party.”

  Cyra swallowed.

  It was a damn good thing that she could multi-task.

  * * *

  The ride home in the Denali was awkward and quiet. It wasn’t your average silence, but the kind fraught with stress. No one dared to even speak. The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

  Elizabeth knew what had the men all riled up, and she was pissed about it. Yet, she was trying to let it go. For now, she would walk a mile in their shoes and cut them a break.

  Mentally, she referenced the couple months after Callen was taken. Elizabeth actually wanted to follow him ever
ywhere. It took every ounce of willpower in her body to make sure that she gave him space to adjust to the aftermath of the situation.

  Now, she was asking for that same respect, and they were struggling with it.

  It wasn’t as if she wasn’t aware of what was on the line. Yeah, she was a mother and had three kids, but she wasn’t cavalier by any means.

  Okay, scratch that. She had her moments. The hunt for Callen in the snow, the bullet to the vest and any other time she risked her neck. But, they’d all been for very good reasons. Each one was for the protection of her family or one of the men she loved. Elizabeth knew that she would do it all over again too if need be.

  When Timothy Blackhawk died, she made an oath to keep the family intact and be the protective raven to the Blackhawk boys.

  Now, she had every intent to keep it.

  If only she could keep them from losing their cool.

  Glancing over at Ethan, he looked as calm and collected as ever, but she could see the tension in his body just below his very sexy suit. He may not lose it, but he was weighing all the options and pros and cons.

  Allowing her eyes to flicker back, she was met with the complete and total opposite. Callen was a ball of nerves on the outside. His arms were defensively crossed over his chest and his warm, brown eyes told the story. He was a volcano ready to blow.

  It was only a matter of time.

  As they pulled into the driveway, all three exited the Denali. Outside was a gorgeous day, and Elizabeth couldn’t help but regret that they weren’t able to skip out of work and take one day off to be childish and have fun.

  She would make it up to them.

  Inside, Wyler was on the living room floor with all three kids surrounding him. Well, mostly. CJ was jumping on him and squealing in glee as he pulled on his long braid.

  “Oh look, he’s kicking the crap out of a man and pulling hair, just like his momma,” Elizabeth said laughing.

  When the little boy heard her voice, he toddled over with his arms out calling for her.

  It always made her heart quake to be called ‘momma’. This little Blackhawk had her wrapped around his little chubby fingers.

  “Oh, you’re my little chubba,” she cooed, as she scooped him up and kissed him in the fold of his neck until he squealed.

  Ethan reached her side and ran his hand down his son’s cheek. “Hey buddy. Do I get kisses too?”

  The little boy reached for his daddy and gave him a big toothy grin.

  If Callen wanted to find a way to let go of the anger, their kids were the way. Just seeing his family was the stress reliever that he desperately needed. The only problem was he didn't know who to grab first.

  Elizabeth beat him to Cat and scooped her up. She was wearing a pretty princess dress and chewing on her fingers.

  “Hello my little Cat. Mommy missed you,” she said, kissing her all over her face. “You look so beautiful. Did Granddad put you in this pretty princess dress on purpose?”

  Wyler laughed as he relinquished the youngest of the brood to Callen. “I don’t know how to do girls. Boys you let run with sharp objects to toughen them up.”

  Callen sucked in a breath in absolute horror. “What?”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Cal, he’s kidding,” she offered, touching his arm as he held EJ in his arms. “If he breaks one of them, then he knows that he’s fired.” Elizabeth winked at him.

  Finally, he figured out they were teasing him. It eased the pressure on his chest, and he was able to focus his attention on his two kids. He dropped a kiss on Cat’s head, and then snuggled his son.

  “What are you three doing home?” Wyler asked suspiciously. “Is it because Bly took the rest of the day off and you didn't think that I could handle it.”

  “Oh shit,” muttered Blackhawk. He’d forgotten their housekeeper was cutting out early. Generally, she stayed with Wyler in his apartment above the garage.

  “Uh oh,” Elizabeth muttered.

  “What?” Wyler asked, looking back and forth between them.

  “We just got called out into the field.” Ethan explained it all to his father and watched his face change too. Although his wife was the protective one in the family, the three men had come to the conclusion that anything bad needed to get through them to get to her. They’d become a Blackhawk suit of armor, so to speak.

  “Sweetheart, if I give you something to wear, will you?” Wyler asked with the concern in his voice quite evident.

  She went to his side and wrapped her arm around his waist. “Yes, Dad, but of course I will.”

  He needed a few minutes with his boys. “Take Cat with you. I need to prepare something.” What he wanted to do was warn his sons without pissing his daughter-in-law off.

  She was perplexed to say the least, but she went with it. Rarely was Wyler outwardly concerned about anything other than the kids. The man was fairly laid back.

  Elizabeth took her daughter up the stairs to begin packing. “Momma has to get some things, but you can play with my gun,” she said loud enough to torment Callen.


  She laughed the rest of the way up the stairs. “Like this is my first damn day at the mother rodeo.”

  The men watched her go.

  “Spill it Dad,” Ethan said, once she was gone from the room.

  Wyler touched both of his boys on the shoulder. “I had a dream.”

  It was all he had to say for Callen’s nerves to fray even more. Although neither man believed in total Indian mojo, they did know that when their grandfather was alive, he often had premonitions. They’d learned to never discount any dreams that their father had either.

  “We’re as ready as we’ll ever be,” Ethan said as he held his son tighter.

  “In the dream, my father came to me. He had one thing to say. ‘Protect the raven’.” He looked back and forth at his grown sons, knowing that they needed to know. “She’s in danger. You need to guard her with your life.”

  This made Callen more of a nervous wreck. He began cursing in their Native tongue. They had started using it so as not to use profanity openly in front of the kids.

  Ethan placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder for reassurance. “Cal, she’s going with both of us. One of will have to remain with her at all times, no matter what.”

  “This is why she should stay home.”

  “It’s never going to happen. I got us a room in the hotel on our dime. It’s big, secure and not easily accessible. I want to know that she’s safe. If we rented a house, it’s out in the open. No one is going to get access to that room with us guarding the door.”

  Callen began to relax.

  “I made a medicine bag for her.”

  That surprised both men. Their father never showed interest in the ancient art before.

  “When I had the dream, I went to the Rez and located Timothy’s book. I followed the directions explicitly.”

  Okay, the men weren’t sure how to feel about that, since they both believed it was bunk. Yet, a little part of them wanted to hope it would offer her more safety.

  “If she’ll wear it then go for it, Dad,” Ethan offered. He wasn’t willing to not accept any extra luck when it came to his wife’s life. If some dried up herbs in a sack would add extra protection, so be it.

  “You should have made her twenty of them,” Callen added, believing his father was trying to do everything in his own power to save their Elizabeth. It was greatly appreciated.

  Wyler took it off his neck and held it out. “I’ve been waiting to find out who it belonged to for a week.”

  “This is going to be the death of me,” muttered Callen.

  Blackhawk knew exactly how he was feeling. Right then, he could use some medication himself.

  “We’ll get through this, Cal. I promise with my life, that no one’s going to hurt our Elizabeth.”

  Callen knew his brother wouldn’t lie to him about something as important as this. Ethan would speak the truth and then
be the one who held them up.

  “Let’s go help her pack,” Ethan offered, kissing his son and placing him back on the floor. “Daddy loves you and I’ll see you in a couple of days.”

  Callen offered his brother EJ and leaned down to kiss and hug the little toddler. “I love you too, CJ. You take care of your brother and sister while we’re away,” he said, cuddling him.

  Ethan kissed little EJ before whispering in his ear. The boy was his namesake and he adored and loved him just like he did his biological son. His heart didn't differentiate between any of their kids. They were all his.

  “I think I’m ready,” stated Callen as he stood.

  Blackhawk was too. It looked like they had a killer to find and a woman to keep safe.

  He had to wonder, which task was going to be harder.

  Never mind. Unfortunately, he knew the answer to that.

  Once again, the car was relatively quiet. Yet, this time it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. Everyone was just lost in their own thoughts over what was on the horizon when it came to Circle Rock and this killer.

  Elizabeth’s mind was forced to try and process one thing. Why was the killer vying for her attention? Could Gabe have been right? Was this nutjob playing some sick game of cat and mouse all thanks to the media portrayal of her? She pondered all the interviews and news stories, and most of them simply stated that she was good at her job. That brought up one more question.

  Why then would he want her on his trail?

  Clearly, the killer wasn’t playing with a full deck.

  At least she had a heads up on this, and she would be going in on full alert. Now, she’d be ready for any type of attack. Plus, the men in her life had her back and would keep her safe. Her hand went to the pouch around her neck. When she had come down from packing, Wyler had been there with it in his hand. He wanted her to wear it and she would. The man rarely threw the Native mojo her way, and if he felt this strongly about it, she’d concede.

  If it gave the men in her family enough reassurance to keep everyone calm, she’d do what it took. Wearing a deerskin pouch of medicine man herbs was a small concession to keep the two men she loved from losing their minds.


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