Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7)

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Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7) Page 11

by Kelley, Morgan

  Her stomach was doing little flips as she tried to not look like an idiot. Here was the moment that she had been waiting for all year. She wanted to scream and giggle like some prepubescent girl, but somehow she managed to refrain. “I would love to, Christopher. May I go back to the hotel and change first?”

  He would have followed her to the Nairobi desert at this point to wait for her. “Yes. I’ll come to your door and get you,” he stated, being a gentleman.

  If she was alone, there would be lots of squealing. “Okay, Chris. I can’t wait,” Cyra replied as she figured she too would be bold. Gently, her hand touched his cheek. “I’ll see you in an hour?”

  He swallowed as he was completely undone by the simple act of contact. Chris lost his ability to speak and only managed a nod. As she walked away, he stared after her in awe. This had to be the best night of his life.

  Maybe, he was finally going to get his second chance.

  Elizabeth and Callen leaned against the wall outside the morgue holding hands. Their fingers were twined lovingly together. They were waiting for Ethan to finish handing out the assignments.

  When he exited the spare room, he grinned at his wife. Immediately, she broke free from Callen and raced at him.

  He saw her coming and braced for impact.

  Elizabeth jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Roughly, she pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him with so much emotion. Her hands moved into his hair to remove the hair tie and set all the silkiness free. When it came to this man, she couldn’t resist, and since they were off duty, she didn't plan on it.

  Ethan’s body immediately responded, as he wrapped his arms around his wife and just enjoyed feeling of her driving the kiss. It was sensual and spiked his blood pressure almost through the roof.

  When she slowly broke away, they were both out of breath and Callen was laughing from against the wall.

  “Holy shit, baby, what was that for?” he asked in awe of what brought on that public display of lip action. “I need to know.”

  She ran her thumb over his lower lip lovingly. “I know what you did for Chris, and I wanted to reward Cupid for his acts of love and kindness.”

  He grinned, leaving a kiss on the tip of her nose. “It was my pleasure,” he stated as he walked towards the door still holding her in his arms.

  “Wait, what are you doing?” she said, struggling to get down. His hold was relentless, and she had found herself trapped against his body.

  “I’m carrying my wife out to the Denali, and then to the hotel. After which, I’m planning to rip all her clothes off and celebrate that amazing kiss.”

  His brother spoke up. “Will we be taking turns or am I going to be watching?”

  Ethan grinned wickedly. “Oh, you’re going to participate. Why should I hog all the fun?”

  It was time to interject. “Can we at least get dinner first? I’m starving!” she practically pleaded. “I haven’t eaten at all today.”

  Ethan was more than willing to concede to that one part of the plan. Come to think of it, he was hungry too. “Deal.”

  Callen was in need of some dinner too. “Since you have to expel all that energy carrying her, it’s only fair that you get her first when we get her nekid.”

  She was laughing at them both and how lecherous Callen sounded. “I’m okay with you walking like this outside the building, but are you fine with me telling every person I meet that I’m being used to block a certain part of your very happy anatomy?”

  Ethan laughed and handed Callen his tablet as he shifted his wife up and over his shoulder. Now, no one would be looking at him. Instead her posterior would be the central focus. “It looks like I handled that too.”

  “Are you insane? Ethan Jackson Blackhawk, you put me down or I’m going to kick your Native ass back to the Rez!”

  Both brothers laughed at her threat, knowing she didn't mean a word of it.

  Well, mostly.

  Still, it was a chance they were willing to take.

  ~ Chapter Four ~

  Checking into the hotel, they were extremely pleased. The suite that Ethan had booked was spacious and very comfortable. Being FBI agents, they were accustomed to crashing in very scary places, but since they were footing their own bill, why not live comfortably?

  Once they returned to the room, the men quickly jumped in the shower back to back, already knowing which one of them was likely to take the longest. They were accustomed to the woman time factor when going out to dinner. It all came down to her hair and having to spend time drying it.

  Callen had finished and began running searches on anything related to devil worship in the area around Circle Rock. They were hoping that it might pull a lead out of a local cold case and give them a direction. Quite possibly, this wasn’t the first time the killer took a life.

  As Ethan left the shower with a towel around his waist, he glanced over at his wife. “You’re up, Lyzee baby,” he stated. It was hard not to grin at the look on her face. With their woman, there were a few undeniable facts. She was a great mother and when it came to the men in her life, she was a walking hormone.

  Elizabeth watched her husband cross the room. His well-defined body was cut in just the right places and covered in tattoos. Since day one, they had called to her on some primitive warrior level.

  “Hey, you’re the one that wanted to eat. I would have ordered a pizza and spent the thirty minutes until it arrived having sex,” he added as his brother began laughing from across the room.

  In the few years that they had been married, she never once said she had a headache or tried to make an excuse to get out of the intimacy. In fact, she swore it was a cure for pretty much anything that could ail you. Sometimes, he was grateful there were two of them, or he’d be exhausted. At least he had Callen as a backup, just in case.

  Elizabeth hopped up off the bed and moved to the chair with her suitcase. “I know, and I’m sure I’ll suffer thinking about it all night through dinner,” she replied, pulling out a simple wrap dress and lingerie that she brought with her. Holding it up, she waved it in front of her.

  “Oh boys,” she called, waiting for them to turn around. When they did, the victory was hers. “It’s see through, lacy, and going to be under my clothes. Enjoy,” she teased as she slipped into the bathroom.

  Both men immediately reacted to the sexy lingerie that she waved around.

  “She’s evil,” muttered Callen as he already was picturing her in it and lying on their bed.

  Ethan had a weakness when it came to lingerie. If it was lacy and innately feminine, it turned him on like crazy. “Yeah, thank God for that!”

  Callen laughed. “Hey, I think I have something,” he said, as his tablet beeped. His search may have just paid off.

  “What?” Ethan asked as he slipped into a pair of boxers and crossed the room.

  “I found a Church of Satan right outside Circle Rock. It’s run by High Priest Arlen James. They have a website dedicated to the church.”

  Callen pulled it up and the eerie organ music began playing in the background as they scrolled through the site. There were links as to where they met, how to become a member, and where to send donations.

  “Okay then. This is probably something we need to bump to the top of our list. I think that we need to take a road trip to the church and see who is congregating there,” Ethan suggested.

  “I don’t want her going there with anyone but you and myself,” Callen stated adamantly.

  “I’m with you. I’d like to keep the mother of our children away from the local Satanists as much as possible.”

  “I’m glad we’re on the same page with that,” he replied before continuing, “I’m running the financials on our deceased victim too. She had retail listed as her job, and the cop who Cyra interviewed stated that Scarlet Red worked in town. If we can pinpoint where, we can also follow up on that too.”

  Ethan pulled on his dress pants and grabbed his polo shirt from beside his brother. It a
mused him that he and Callen were complete and total opposites. They may share the love of one woman, but when it came to dressing, they went their separate ways. For some reason, Callen favored white. Whenever they were to get dressed, he’d pick a white button down shirt or polo to go with his jeans. Ethan was the opposite. If it wasn’t black or dark blue, he would rarely select it.

  “I’m ready,” she called from the bathroom door. Even though they were just going downstairs to eat, Elizabeth knew both men got all hot and bothered when she dressed up. Why not have a little foreplay all through dinner?

  Callen whistled and walked towards Elizabeth to check her out appreciatively. She had pulled her hair back into a twist at her neck and decided on a black dress. It was low cut and showed off some of her finest assets.

  “You look beautiful, angel,” he whispered as his lips met hers in a kiss. Everything in him screamed to seize the moment and toss her on the bed to roll around before dinner, but he was trying to learn to be more in control like his brother. When it came to Elizabeth, his ability to remain calm was tumultuous at best.

  Ethan watched his wife and his heart soared. It was the same as the first day he’d heard her voice and saw her standing in ‘The Barrel’ in Salem. As his brother finally broke away, he watched as she crossed towards him. The look of pure love on her face always tripped him up, and he opened his arms to embrace her.

  “Ethan,” she whispered, right before her lips found his. The kiss was nothing like the previous one. That mating of mouths had been filled with heat and lust, but this one was filled with adoration.

  Callen crossed to them and took his place behind her to sandwich her between their bodies. It was comforting to know that no matter what, they were solid.

  In Ethan’s life, there had been many interludes and women. Perhaps too many for one man, but with this one, he was lost in the perfection of it all. Nothing had ever felt this right. He continued the kiss, as his brother sealed Elizabeth between them. Callen’s face was buried in her neck, and Ethan could feel his hand on his side. Together, these two people completed his heart, and he was blessed.

  No, this was a miracle that he never expected to find in his life and he’d been given a treasure. It was one that he never took for granted.

  Breaking the kiss, Elizabeth stared up into his face and saw everything she was feeling too. There was love, passion, and togetherness. When she found herself pressed between her two Native men, everything in the world seemed perfect. “I just want you to both know, that before us, I didn't believe I could love two people at the same time. Thank you for proving me wrong. You are both the loves of my life and always will be,” she promised.

  Ethan understood how she was feeling. “When I left the Rez because of what happened, I always thought that I’d be unable to allow someone this close to my other half. Then, I experienced what it feels like to have two people I love this much be a part of me, and I’ve never been happier in all my life. You both mean so much,” Ethan said, staring into his brother’s eyes. Yes, the man had once betrayed him, but the act of forgiving had been healing. This was where he was supposed to be all along. Here were his two best friends.

  Callen could feel the emotion bubbling up. “When I lost you, Ethan, I wanted to die inside. Then you came back and you offered me redemption and love. My heart belongs to you both. Not only are we a family, but we’re a completed circle. I’d die without either of you.”

  Elizabeth turned her head to give Callen a kiss. “Same here, my love. There is no Lyzee without Callen and Ethan.”

  Accepting her kiss next, Ethan knew the truth. “We’ll be together for a very long time,” he answered as he promised to keep his family safe at all costs.

  The threesome remained in the embrace, as time ticked by, to relish the moment as a couple.

  Finally, it was Elizabeth that spoke first. “How about I buy the two sexiest men in the world dinner?”

  Ethan left little kisses across her jaw. “You’re buying, huh?” He found that entertaining, since they all shared a single account, just like any other couple.

  “Absolutely,” Elizabeth replied as she headed for her purse. “Oh, and boys?” she drawled.

  They both looked over at her and answered at the same time, “Yes?”

  “Since I’m buying dinner, I fully expect you both to put out,” she teased.

  Callen started laughing.

  “Yee haw,” stated Blackhawk as he winked at his wife. Yeah, he and his brother were the luckiest men in the whole damn world. “I hear Callen’s fairly easy once he has a beer or two.”

  The man winked. “Damn right I am.”

  Elizabeth just linked her arms through both of theirs and exited their suite. Tonight, she’d focus on them and try to forget the foreboding feeling that had a hold of her heart.

  For now, they were safe.

  Cyra Austin was a ball of nerves. This was the moment she’d been dying to have happen. She was getting an official redo on a colossal mistake in her past.

  If this didn't go right, she may just cry. It had been a long time since a man made her feel this way. Chris Leonard had that power over her.

  Standing in the bathroom, she checked to make sure everything was just right.

  Her hair was perfect.

  The makeup was done and immaculate.

  Even the dress that she had picked was ideal for the night. There was something so amazing about the prospects of a second date. This was quite possibly the best night of her life.

  At the knock at the door, she rushed towards it and yanked it open to greet him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the right man.


  “Oh, hello Tommy,” she said as the nerves began stirring up her stomach.

  “Hey, you’re all dressed for dinner! There’s a place downstairs, and we can grab something to eat there.”

  Oh crap!

  “I actually have plans tonight,” she stated, praying that the man didn't ask any more questions. “I’ll have to take a rain check on that offer, but thank you for thinking about me.”

  He didn't look happy.

  “Who are you going out with?” he demanded possessively.

  As the hair on the back of her neck bristled, Cyra didn't want to divulge that little bit of information. In fact, she was scared shitless to tell the man anything. In her heart, she believed her partner was a few bricks shy of a full load. “I don’t think who I have dinner with is any of your business,” she stated unequivocally.

  Thomas Rickard vibrated in anger and frustration. For three months, he had been trying to get her to see him as more than just a partner. Each time, her excuse had been that they worked together, and it wasn’t professional. Now, the truth had escaped. Cyra had to be seeing someone at FBI West. It was that or one of the police officers they had just met.

  It made him want to punch something.

  “I think it is my business. I’m here to take you to dinner. We always end our day together when we’re out in the field.” Then it occurred who it must be. “It’s the death doctor! You’re always staring at him like some lovesick teenager!”

  She stood her ground. “I think you should leave, Tommy. This discussion is closed and as I said before, it’s none of your damn business.”

  He grabbed her arm and squeezed. “We’re not done discussing this!”

  Cyra was scared shitless. “I’ll scream and every single person in this hotel will hear it,” she threatened.

  At her words, he stepped back far enough that she could slam the door and lock it. Her heart was thundering in her chest and she wanted to cry.

  Oh God, what was she going to do? Cyra made a mental note to tell Elizabeth what had happened when she got a chance. This was bad. Her partner was insane!

  At the knock on her door, she froze. “Go away!”

  “Cyra? It’s Chris. Are you okay?”

  Immediately, the door opened and she rushed out and into his arms. “Oh Chris!”

  He didn't know
what was going on, but if the woman was going to hug him in the middle of the hallway, he was game. “Hey, are you okay? You’re shaking,” he stated.

  Cyra nodded. “Yes, I just had a disagreement with my partner, and I thought it was him at the door again.”

  Something about that sentence set off warning bells in his head. “About what?” he asked, staring into her eyes. Normally, the cornflower blue color would distract him and suck him in, but now they were filled with such terror that he wanted to protect her.

  She led him into the room, unsure if the man was still out there watching her. “He’s been a little too possessive lately. Tonight, he wanted to get dinner.”

  “Oh, and you have a date.”

  She nodded. “Elizabeth knows about the situation. She’s reassigning me as soon as we return to FBI West. I just have to avoid him and stay out of his way.”

  Chris didn't like this at all. Granted, he was thrilled her partnership was coming to an end, but he still made a mental note to talk to Elizabeth tomorrow. In all of his years as an ME, he had seen this type of situation end badly. Chris was going to make sure nothing else happened to frighten Cyra. “Come on. Let’s go get something to eat and get your mind off all of this.”

  That was the best idea that she had heard all night. “Thank you, Chris,” she whispered, leaning in to leave a delicate kiss on his lips. God, the man smelled so damn good.

  When she finally pulled away, he couldn’t think straight. This was going to be a very long night. “Cyra?”


  He didn't even know what to say to her. There was so much whipping through his brain, and he was on beautiful woman overload. All he wanted to do was protect her from whatever terrified her. It was ironic, since she was the more likely defender between the two of them, but something still pulled it from deep within him. His mother always taught him to be chivalrous towards women and treat them like ladies.

  “Never mind. Let’s head down.” Chris took her hand in his and held her to him for both his sake and hers. She needed the comforting, and he needed the reassurance Cyra would be safe.


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