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Kellion Page 12

by Marian Tee

  It no longer mattered.

  He wouldn’t let it matter.

  Because whether he loved Aria or not, he knew now that he did want her with him, forever.

  He wanted to be the one to make her smile, really smile, the way she wanted him to smile. He wanted to be the one to heal her wounds, the one to make her speak without crying.

  “Aria, I want to show you something.”

  Doubt flashed in her eyes.

  “Just come with me this one time, and if you still want to leave…” It was one of the greatest risks he had ever taken in his life, but for her, he was willing to do everything. “If you still want to leave, I’ll do what you asked. We’ll never see each other again.”


  I started to struggle when I realized where Kellion was taking me, but by then it was too late. We were inside the room and all eyes were on us. I wasn’t the type who was afraid of making a scene, wasn’t the type to take things sitting down. But for these kids—

  They only had to ask and I’d slit my throat for them if that was what it took to make them happy.

  Beside me, Kellion was speaking, introducing ourselves to them as members of the Sign Language Club.

  The teacher in front of the class smiled, waving for us to join her in front.

  Kellion offered his hand, but I didn’t want to take it. Didn’t want to be closer to them, didn’t want to even be reminded they existed—

  Kellion’s fingers laced with mine, his forceful nature coming to the fore again. Our eyes met, and the message in his was clear. If I didn’t want to hold hands with him, then he was going to hold hands with me.

  God, this biker. Always doing things his way, always forcing me to live, never letting me forget that the world wasn’t the shitty place I wanted to think it was.

  Together, we walked to the front, and when we were beside the teacher, she signed to the class, saying, “Please greet them a ‘good afternoon’. They’ll be here to observe.”

  The thirty Deaf kids in front of us smiled and signed their greetings, their fingers moving in unison. Good afternoon.

  Ah, God, I didn’t want this, I really didn’t want this. I was so tempted to run away, but I couldn’t. Didn’t want them to ever think it was their fault for being who they were, didn’t ever want them to feel the way my parents always made Ashton feel.

  Slowly, I signed back to them. Good afternoon.

  Kellion whispered to me, “Good girl.”

  God, this biker. I wanted to kill him so badly.

  We went to the back of the class after that, and the moment we got to the vacant seats at the last row, I pulled out my board. Emotions had my hand shaking as I gripped the pen and I was writing so hard it was a wonder the board didn’t break.


  He took the board from me and wrote back. NO NEED TO SAY THANKS.

  God, this biker. I so badly wanted to smack his face with my board.

  Kellion bent towards me and gently turned my face towards the board. “Pay attention like a good girl now. It’s time you learned how to sign properly.”

  That was exactly what I didn’t want to do, and he knew it.

  The class was another one of Bobby’s special projects, an extra-curricular class for university students wanting to try their hand at teaching Deaf kids and for Deaf kids wanting to learn how to lip read.

  It was a good class, a really good one, but not ten minutes had passed when I started to taste my own tears again. A moment later, Kellion was placing his phone next to me.

  Kellion: You’ve done so much for me, I thought I’d do something for you, too.

  I shook my head, the tears falling faster.

  Kellion took his phone and returned it to me with a new message.

  I know you avoided learning how to sign because it would make you closer to them. I know they remind you of Ashton, and you think it’s going to hurt even more, but you’re wrong.

  Through blurry eyes, I managed to reach for his phone and scroll the screen up to read the rest of his message.

  Even though seeing them will always hurt a little, they’ll bring you greater joy because Ashton is in each and every one of them.


  There was nothing after that.

  Kellion took my hand.

  When I glanced at him, he moved close, our heads touching, and he whispered into my ear, “Think of all the kids you can torture the way you told me you loved torturing Ashton.”

  I managed to close my hands over my mouth before I could laugh out loud.

  Kellion was smiling angelically at me.

  God, this biker.

  My tears still fell even as I could feel my lips moving, the world around me becoming more vivid as a smile started to blossom on my lips. My heart. My memories.

  I pressed my hand to my heart, could feel it beating harder than ever, could feel it chipping away, and all the pieces were practically skipping their way into Kellion’s hands. He had my heart in his hands, and it was terrifying, the way the thought made me feel so cherished.

  Well, shit. I really was in love with this guy, after all.

  And now, there was no turning back.


  Dear Ashton,

  Yes, I have a boyfriend. Now shut up.

  I can feel you grinning. No, I can feel you smirking –

  Did Kellion teach you that? Shut up, shut up.

  Love, Your Big Sis


  A girlfriend.

  It was all Kellion could think about last night, preventing him from sleeping. He had badly wanted to call Aria, to talk to her, but having seen the dark circles under her eyes, Kellion had managed to keep himself from doing so. She needed her rest, and he didn’t think it would be a “boyfriend-like” thing to do to tire her out on their first night as a couple.

  However, that was what bemused him, too. He had never been any girl’s boyfriend, and he found himself frustrated at his inability to pinpoint exactly what he should and shouldn’t do with his role.

  How he felt about it was not a problem. Being Aria’s boyfriend meant Aria chose to be with him, and that thought alone gave Kellion endless pleasure. That he belonged to her, however – it was a terrifying thought because, Kellion realized grimly, a part of him was unsure if Aria would always want to have him. Would always see him.

  The fact that he had become so insecure was fucking pathetic, and Kellion forced all such thoughts away, concentrating instead on helping his friend with his work.

  It was only the two of them at the work lab, Kellion because he had woken up early to make sure he could walk Aria to class and Helios because he was hell bent on finishing the prototype design for what would be the first motorcycle conceptualized, manufactured, and sold by the Afxisi.

  Taking his seat next to the President, he tried to concentrate on reading the bids offered by various suppliers, but time and time again Aria’s face would pop up in his mind and he would lose his train of thought.

  He found himself asking abruptly, “Should something change, Helios? Now that I’ve become Aria’s boyfriend?”

  When Helios swung in his own seat to face Kellion, the surprise on his friend’s face was entirely expected. “Is this some kind of fucking joke? Because if it is, I don’t understand it.”

  “I wish it was,” Kellion bit out, raking a hand through his hair. “Believe me, if there was someone else around here I could ask about this, I would have. But unfortunately, you’re the only guy I know in Afxisi who’s in love and doesn’t mind showing it.” The latter qualification was important since Kellion and the other officers had always known what Andreus Economou’s feelings were for Hallie – no matter how hard the club’s Treasurer fought to suppress it.

  In front of him, Helios had a thoughtful look on his face. At six-foot-seven, Helios Andreadis was even taller than Kellion, and with his golden looks and powerful build, looked very much like a medieval warrior come to life. Kellion had been the first to call th
e President “Mr. Sunshine”, for the simple reason that Helios was anything but, despite his name. Helios had always been cold and stoic, but he had started to change since the first day he met the girl who would end up as his wife.

  Would that happen to him, Kellion wondered. Even if…he didn’t feel the same way for Aria as Helios did for MJ, would he also change as much?

  “You may be better off asking someone normal about this, Argyros.” Helios chose his words carefully. In the long time he had known his VP, Kellion had always been too proud to ask for any kind of help. Not out of pride, but because of his friend’s fear of rejection. And yet here he was, asking for Helios’ advice about a topic Kellion very well knew his President could rib him on. It was a welcome change, and as far as Helios was concerned, it boded well for Kellion and his girlfriend.

  Lowering his pen and digital drawing pad, Helios said slowly, “Another guy – a normal guy – would probably tell you that there are certain rules that would always apply.” His shoulders moved in a dismissive shrug. “But I don’t fucking believe that.”

  “Aria chose you because you make her happy, and she’s happy making you happy. You just have to remember that and you can do no better.” Helios paused, his mind traveling back to the darkest days of his life. “You know what happened to MJ and me. You know what I had to do, what she had to do. And I don’t regret a single thing because that’s what our love was worth to us. I don’t give a damn what others may think or say. I just want to keep making her happy.”

  After a beat, Kellion said in an irritated voice, “Can’t you be a bit less vague than that, President? Or is this payback for all I did to make you jealous of MJ and Yuri?”

  “Possibly.” Helios clapped a hand over his VP’s back with a grin. “But that is all I can say.” Sobering, he continued, “I wouldn’t know what would really make your woman happy. I am not the one in love with her.”

  When Kellion didn’t say anything, Helios asked bluntly, “You do love her, don’t you?”

  But Kellion still didn’t answer. Helios was disappointed by it, but he told himself there was still hope for the two of them. At least his VP didn’t say ‘no’ outright and for Aria’s sake, he goddamn hoped that counted for something.


  Kellion knocked on his girlfriend’s door at exactly ten minutes before seven. She opened it a moment later, and she looked even more tired than usual. Beautiful, too, even with her hair bundled carelessly in a knot and her clothes were nothing out of the ordinary. Beautiful and extremely tired, like she had spent a restless night as well.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She glared at him.

  Kellion blinked. “Are you mad at me?”

  Instead of answering, she simply pulled the door shut with a loud bang before marching past him.

  That was his answer, he supposed, but it wasn’t much of one since he still had no idea what he could have done to make her mad. Catching up to her, he grabbed her hand, not letting go even as she tried wriggling her wrist out of his hold.

  “Tell me what’s wrong.” He tried not to sound irritated. “I won’t know if you won’t—”

  Aria suddenly stopped, and then she was pulling out her phone, her fingers moving rapidly over the screen before practically shoving it in his face.

  Definitely mad, Kellion thought wryly as he read her message.

  Aria: Of course I’m mad. You didn’t even send me a text last night.

  His eyebrow lifted. “Did I promise to?”

  Aria looked like she wanted to kill him.

  Kellion almost did a double take. “You wanted me to text you?”

  This time, Aria still looked like she wanted to kill him – but she also wanted to kill herself. But in a way, that was also his answer.

  He couldn’t prevent a grin from tugging on his lips, couldn’t stop himself from dropping a quick kiss on her lips. Or at least it was supposed to be quick, but then he had a taste of her lovely mouth and Kellion knew he had to have more.

  Uncaring of who could see them, Kellion dragged her off the sidewalk and towards the nearest tree – his only concession to her need for some semblance of privacy.

  Aria was shaking her head, obviously panicking, but Kellion didn’t stop walking, forcing her to walk backwards until she hit a tree behind her.

  His arms slammed against the trunk, caging her in between. “Did you miss me that much, baby?”

  Her lips parted.

  He didn’t give her a chance to protest, his mouth swooping down to possess hers. He felt Aria turning immobile at the first brush of their lips against each other, but as his tongue moved deeper in her mouth, Kellion felt her entire body shudder against him just before her arms went around his neck and she began kissing him back.

  This time, he was the one who shuddered, his arousal sharpening at her surrender. Kissing her more deeply, he couldn’t stop his hands from moving, couldn’t bear not to feel her voluptuous curves. She stiffened when he cupped her breasts, and when he squeezed them, her arms tightened around his neck—

  From a distance, someone cleared her throat. Several times. Loudly.

  “It’s broad daylight, you guys. And you’re out in public.” The voice definitely belonged to Bobby Granger.


  When Aria froze, Kellion reluctantly pulled away, knowing his girlfriend was still too shy to let him kiss her with an audience. He couldn’t help but grin, however, when he saw the way she was blushing, and he just had to kiss her again after that—

  Aria ducked and slipped under his arm to escape.


  Turning around, he saw Aria and Bobby talking. Beside the other girl was her own Greek fiancé, Leandro Christopoulos. The other man gave him a wry smile of apology, knowing exactly what they had interrupted.

  Joining the three, Kellion slipped an arm around his girlfriend’s waist as they started to walk. She tried pulling away, but it only made his arm around her waist tighten. All the while, he fought the urge to smile, doing his best to keep his lips in a straight line. He had a feeling if Aria found out how cute and sexy he found her struggles, she would just force herself to stay still. She was just that kind of woman, contradictory to a fault.

  “So you two are a couple now?” Bobby asked.

  “Yes,” Kellion answered so swiftly it made Leandro and Bobby grin.

  “Afraid she’d deny it?” Bobby teased.

  “I’m absolutely sure she’d deny it,” Kellion said honestly, making the other couple grin more widely.

  “You should be proud then,” Leandro murmured. “You seem to have taught this girl well. She’s clearly following in your footsteps, megaira.”

  Both girls gasped.

  “I don’t like what you’re implying,” Bobby said threateningly.

  Meanwhile, Aria was scribbling furiously on her board. I CAN NEVER BE AS EVIL AS HER.

  Bobby’s eyes narrowed. “Why you little—”

  Aria danced to the other side of Kellion, putting more distance between her and Bobby.

  Aria’s building was the first stop, and when they reached the front door, she waved at them goodbye quickly before turning away. Kellion smirked, knowing why she was in such a hurry. But did she really think she could escape?

  He reached forward, caught hold of her wrist from behind, and with a little tug, he had her spinning around and facing him. Before she could say anything, he gave Aria a very thorough kiss, enough to have her breathless and him breathing hard afterwards.

  For a moment, she could only gaze at him dazedly, but then she seemed to realize how everyone was staring. Her lips parted in a silent groan, and she threw Kellion a ferocious scowl – JERK, it clearly screamed – before hurrying away.

  Kellion grinned.

  Beside him, Bobby murmured, “I’m glad to see you two doing so well.”

  When he turned to her, he was stunned to see Bobby smiling. And it wasn’t sarcastic.

  “So your fiancée really does kno
w how to smile,” Kellion remarked to Leandro. “I’ve heard rumors…”

  Bobby’s smile disappeared. “Asshole.”

  Leandro laughed, curving an arm around her waist as he murmured, “On special occasions like this, she has been known to try not being so snarky.”

  “Ha-ha. Go ahead and join forces, stupid Greek jerks.”

  Kellion and Leandro looked at each other and, in silent mutual agreement, bumped their fists a moment later.

  “Greeeeeks.” Bobby spat it out like it was a curse word.

  Leandro kissed her hair. “Sorry. You know how I can’t resist provoking you.”

  Kellion said innocently, “He made me do it.”


  As they resumed walking, Bobby said suddenly, “Can I ask you something?”

  Kellion was instantly wary, but he managed to keep his tone even as he asked, “What is it?”

  Her eyes were searching as she glanced at him sideways. “You know she’s in love with you, right?”

  Slowly, reluctantly, he nodded. He didn’t know why he was unwilling to confirm it. He simply was.

  “I’m not going to ask you if you’re in love with her. It’s…it’s an open secret about you and that girl from Greece. But…” Bobby bit her lip. She knew she was intruding, could feel Leandro’s eyes boring through hers, a silent warning for her not to overstep any lines. And she didn’t want to really, but she also wanted to be sure Aria was properly protected.

  “I’m not going to mince words. We all know you’re more beautiful than most girls on campus.”

  Kellion cleared his throat. “Err…”

  She waved a hand. “That’s not my point. The thing is, guys like you and Leandro can be very, very persuasive without even meaning to so…” She shoved her hands into her pockets, looking like she was steeling herself to say the next words.

  “I won’t ask you to love her back if you can’t yet, but I hope you’re at least serious about her. You know she deserves that at the very least.”



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