This Time

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This Time Page 7

by Ingrid Monique

  “Isn’t the Swan one of the hottest nightclubs in St. Pala?”


  “Am I dressed OK?” she asked, gazing at him.

  “Yu’ always dressed jus’ right.” He smiled, reaching over to caress her thigh. She blushed.

  The Swan’s parking lot was almost packed when they arrived. Sean found a tight spot and pulled into it. He took her hand as they walked across the lot to the club. The club’s exterior was a replica of an Oriental temple. The bouncer, a large mass of a man, greeted Sean warmly before letting them inside. Music bounced off the walls of the red and gold room. The dance floor was packed with birthday wishers having a great time. Sean led her through a sea of people—some he stopped to shake hands with. Finally they made it over to the DJ booth where four men were. The thickest one in the bunch came forward to hug Sean.

  “Happy birthday, an’ don’t look for a present,” Sean told him.

  “Yu’ sure?” the man asked, looking right at her. Kelee smiled at him.

  “Hell, no!” Sean pulled her close.

  “We always share.” The man winked at her.

  “Happy birthday,” Kelee told him.

  “Thank yu’, sweetness, what’s yu’ name?”

  “Kelee, and yu’?”

  “Jay.” Jay looked at Sean. “Yu’ betta’ hold on to her tight,” he warned, looking back at her.

  “Trust me, I intend to,” Sean responded, tightening his hold on her. Kelee smiled at him.

  Just then a pretty pint-size woman with natural short hair moved up to Jay. Jay smiled down at her.

  “Sean, how yu’ doin’, long time no see.” She smiled. Sean released her to hug and kiss the woman’s cheek.

  “I know,” Sean said before pulling her back against him. The woman looked at her.

  “Penny, Kelee. Kelee, Penny, Jay’s wife.” Sean introduced them. Penny smiled at Kelee, who returned the smile.

  Jay smiled down at Penny, pulling her close to him.

  “Was he flirtin’ again?” Penny asked, gazing up at Jay.

  “He always is,” Sean said. Jay rolled his eyes, laughing. Penny poked Jay in the side with her elbow.

  “Not because it’s yu’ birthday. Yu’ goin’ to behave,” Penny warned.

  “Why yu’ killin’ my joy, woman?” Jay asked in a serious tone, but his eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “Yu’ want to lose a limb tonight?” Penny asked with a smile. Jay laughed and pulled his wife close, kissing the top of her head.

  Kelee looked at Sean.

  “Don’t worry, they do this all the time,” Sean whispered to her.

  “But I can misbehave with yu’ later, right?” Jay asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Yu’ got that right.” Penny grinned.

  “My kinda’ woman.” Jay beamed.

  “Are yu’ two done?” Sean asked.

  “We jus’ startin’,” Jay sang and dragged his wife out onto the dance floor.

  “They seem fun,” Kelee said.

  “They’re good friends,” he told her. “Come, let me get yu’ some’ting to drink.

  Sean found them a small table in the VIP section, then went to get some drinks.

  Kelee was checking out the crowd and bobbing her head to the music when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up to see Tyce.

  “Hi.” She smiled at him. He sat down across from her.

  “Good to see yu’,” he said with a smile. “How yu’ doin’?”

  “Good, thanks.”

  “Yu’ not here alone are yu’?”

  “No,” she told him with a smile.

  “Lucky man. Well, enjoy, hope to see yu’ again.”

  “OK,” she told him and watched him disappear into the crowd.

  Moments later Sean returned with their drinks. “Who was that?” he asked as he sat down.

  “Tyce, the man who came to my rescue,” she told him, sipping her drink.

  “Oh,” Sean said, looking out into the crowd.

  “Yu’ know him?” Kelee asked, curious.

  “No.” He focused on her. “Yu’ lookin’ forward to the weekend?”

  “Definitely, as long as yu’ there.” She smiled. Two nights of music, good food and some of the best drinks; she was looking forward to the weekend. Plus, the beaches of the west coast were spectacular; she couldn’t wait to get into the water.

  “I’ll be there,” he said with a knowing smirk that promised a lot. She couldn’t help but wonder what he had planned. Whatever it was, she was looking forward to it.

  A popular dance hall tune came on and the entire place erupted in a cheer. Sean dragged her out onto the crowed dance floor where everyone was grinding on each other. Sean pulled her close and they started to grind to the music, like everyone else. Kelee pressed her body into Sean, wrapping her arms around his neck, their faces inches from each other.

  Tyce took note of the way Sean was looking at Kelee. He stood on the upper level of the club looking down at them dancing. They made a very beautiful couple, he had to admit. They really liked each other. He could see it in the way they looked at each other. She was the perfect weapon of choice. He watched as Sean’s hand moved down to Kelee’s behind. She had such a great body. He envied Sean at that moment because he was able to touch her, but he also knew the boss had other plans for her. His time would come.

  Kelee felt the vibration against her hip and pulled back, looking at Sean.

  “Sorry,” he said and reached for his phone. He looked at the caller ID and his face went serious. “I have to step outside for a minute,” he told her. “Yu’ wanna’ wait at the table for me?”

  “I could use some fresh air, it is warm in here,” she said. Dancing with him had her sweating.

  “OK.” He smiled at her. He took her hand and led her through the sea of people. The cool night air was welcoming as she stepped outside.

  He was on his phone the instant they were outside.

  “Where are yu’?” he asked the person on the line. “Swan’s . . . I’ll wait,” he said and ended his call, looking at her.

  “Duty calls?” she asked, a bit disappointed.

  He gave her an apologetic look. “The night isn’t over yet,” he said. She hoped he was right because it was starting to seem like every time they were together he had to run off to do something.

  “This shouldn’t take too long,” he started but stopped as a jeep pulled into the lot and up to them. A striking man with the most amazing green eyes stepped out. He was intimidating in both stature and looks.

  “Lex called,” the man told Sean. “He wouldn’t talk to me.”

  “Now?” Sean asked, frustrated.

  “He wouldn’t tell me any’ting,” the man responded, looking at her.

  “Jack, this is Kelee. Kelee, Jack, my partner,” Sean introduced them.

  “Nice to finally meet yu.” Jack’s smile widened.

  “Nice to meet yu’, too,” Kelee told him.

  “Where’s Lex now?” Sean asked.

  “At his old water hole,” Jack told him.

  “I need yu’ to take Kelee to my apartment,” Sean said and Kelee looked at him, alarmed. “I promise I won’t be long.” He smiled at her, squeezing her hand. “Jack will keep yu’ company,” he reassured her and she relaxed somewhat. This wasn’t exactly how she wanted to spend her night. She was sure that Jack was a nice man, but he wasn’t whom she wanted to spend her evening with. But she would make the best of it; Sean had promised her that the night wasn’t over; she would hold on to that.

  Kelee watched disappointed as Sean got into his jeep and drove off. Jack assisted her into his jeep and they drove out of the parking lot.

  “Does Sean have any’ting to eat at his apartment?” she asked.

  “Don’t know,” Jack told her.

  “Can I pick up some’ting to eat?”

  “Sure, wha’ yu’ feel like?” Jack said, stopping at a light.

  “Any good jerk pork around here?” she
asked; she hadn’t had any since she’d been here last.

  “Yeah, I know a lady who makes the best jerk in New Pala,” Jack told her, making a U-turn.

  “How long have yu’ and Sean been partners?” she asked, gazing at Jack.

  “Since we entered the academy together.”

  “That long?” She was impressed.

  “Yeah, he’s like family,” Jack said as he came to a stop outside a small shack/shop painted a bright orange and red, with pictures of all different type of steaming pots. Reggae boomed from large speakers outside the shop. Just outside the doors, small plastic tables and chairs were set up. Hungry patrons enjoyed jerk and drinks at the tables. The patrons, mostly men, paused to gaze at her as Jack led her inside the shack. Inside, a couple waited to be served. The aroma was wonderful, filled with the scent of fish, meat, and spice. The serving counter was wood and held a display case with fried fish, dumplings, and bami—a flat cake made of cassava, and sugar logs, deep fried. A short swinging door separated the kitchen area. Kelee could see a woman and two men with caps working in the back. The woman came out with a Styrofoam container. She bagged it and handed it to the couple waiting. The woman looked at Jack and smiled.

  “Hey, Jack, how yu’ doin’?” she asked with a gap-toothed smile. She then looked at Kelee with curiosity.

  “She’s Sean’s, so don’t start,” Jack warned and the woman laughed.

  “So, what can I get yu’?” the woman asked.

  “Pork, and wheat bread if yu’ have any,” Kelee told her.

  “One servin’ or two?” she asked, looking at Jack.

  “One pork for her, and chicken for me,” Jack said.

  The woman smiled and went into the back. A few minutes later she came out with their order.

  “Wha’ yu’ want to drink?” Jack asked her.

  Kelee looked at the shelf of drinks that they offered. “I’ll take the large coconut water, no pulp,” she told the woman. Jack paid for their meal and they left. Kelee couldn’t wait to get to her food.

  “Yu’ can start eatin’ if yu’ want,” Jack told her.

  “No, I’ll wait until I get to Sean’s place,” she said, as she cradled the food on her lap. Jack drove them to a gated apartment complex. The security guard recognized Jack and let them in. Kelee gazed up at the ten-level apartment complex. She could tell from the gated security and the expensive cars on the lot that it was costly to live here. She wondered why Sean would have an apartment here when he had such a big house. Then again, in his line of work and the time it took to get up the hill to his house, he probably needed a place closer to the city. The lobby of the building was bright and painted a cool yellow. They took the elevator to the sixth floor. Jack led her down the hall towards apartment 6D. Jack opened the door and she followed him in. The apartment was spacious with a large room, serving as both living room and dining area. It was sparsely decorated with a large sofa and matching recliner, an end table and a coffee table. The dining area, which was right off the kitchen, held a simple oak table with four chairs. Kelee noted the bare walls. French doors led out onto a small deck. The place was clean, she noted.

  “He doesn’t spend much time here, does he?” Kelee asked, pulling their food out of the bag. Jack took his marked container.

  “Yu’ can tell?” Jack pulled off a couple of paper towel sheets from the dispenser on the counter and handed one to her. They moved over to the dining table.

  “No plants, no paintings on the wall, nothing special, unlike his house.” She opened her container; the scent of the food was welcoming, and it looked so good.

  “So yu’ve been to his house.” Jack smiled. Kelee gazed at him, curious.

  “Sean doesn’t take anyone he doesn’t like to his house. Yu’ must be special.”

  “Why yu’ say that?”

  “Sean doesn’t get too close to people. Don’t get me wrong, he’s friendly, but he’s also very private.”

  “So yu’ never met any of his females?”

  Jack looked at her and grinned. “Yu’ know it wouldn’t be right for me to put his business out there like that,” he said.

  Kelee knew he was right. She was butting into Sean’s business far too early. She buried the many questions she had about him and ate a piece of the pork. It was really good.

  “This is good,” she said between bites. Jack nodded, eating his chicken.

  Sean found Lex right where Jack had said he’d be—at a small bar on Mills Lane at Cross Way. Cross Way was exactly what its name said: a large junction where every transportation vehicle operating between uptown and downtown met. Mills Lane was a small lane of bars and food shops a few minutes off the junction.

  Lex sat at the bar, hunched over his rum glass. He was far too thin a man with pasty, sagging dark skin, a sign of too much alcohol abuse over the years. Lex looked up at him with blood-red eyes and smiled, revealing a missing front tooth. While Lex was a 24/7 drunk, he was reliable. The bar was dark, with a few scattered patrons. The barmaid, a plump Indian woman, smiled at him as he walked up to the bar. He noted her left lazy eye.

  “Wha’ yu’ drinkin’?” she asked, with gold-capped front teeth.

  “Coke, clean,” he told her and pulled up a seat beside Lex. She looked him over good before moving to get him his Coke. After she had served him, Sean turned his full attention to Lex.

  “How yu’ doin’?” Sean asked him.

  “Bad, real bad. Lost my job.”

  “Again?” Sean asked, disappointed. Lex had started the job, which he had found for him, a month ago. Come to think if it, he was always finding Lex jobs. He didn’t mind because Lex was a good informer. Because he was always drunk or pretended to be, he was overlooked by just about everyone.

  Lex finished his drink and waved the barmaid over. “Same,” he told her and she poured Lex some Ray and Nephew, Jamaican white run, straight. How he drank the rum straight was beyond Sean. That type of rum was so strong it was like gasoline.

  “So, wha’ do yu’ have?”

  “Mike’s in Cayman,” Lex told him. “He’s workin’ on some’ting big,” Lex said under his breath.

  “How big?” Sean wanted to know.

  “Major shipment comin’ in a couple of months.” Lex nodded, taking a sip of his rum. The man didn’t even react to the intensity of the liquor.

  “Which end?”

  “Don’t know,” Lex said with a slur.

  “That’s it?” Sean asked, disappointed.

  “I hear he wants yu’ dead,” Lex whispered.

  “Tell me some’ting I don’t know.” Sean couldn’t help being agitated. He had hoped to get more out of Lex. Knowing about the shipment was good, but he wanted details. He couldn’t exactly do a bust when he didn’t know where the drugs would be.

  “I suggest yu’ watch yu’ back.” Lex gave him a warning look. “I hear he’s payin’.”

  Sean’s guard went up.

  “Yu’ been watched,” Lex whispered.

  Instantly Sean took note of everyone in the place. He didn’t see anyone out of the ordinary. No one was even looking at them. The barmaid was busy drying glasses.

  “Thanks for the heads-up,” Sean said and pulled out a hundred dollar bill and placed it in front of Lex on the bar. Sean got up and left without touching his drink. All he could think on was Kelee. He had taken her out tonight; any- and everyone in the club had seen them together. He really didn’t want Kelee in harm’s way, but he also couldn’t stay away from her either. The timing was really bad. He had to take care of Mike.

  Sean heard laughter when he entered his apartment. Kelee and Jack were seated at the kitchen table playing dominoes.

  “Who’s winnin’?” He walked over to them. From what he was seeing Kelee was winning. He also knew Jack was letting her win. He was a killer when it came to dominoes. In all the years Sean knew Jack he had only won three games against him.

  “Hi.” Kelee flashed him a smile that made him pause. God, she was beautiful. Jack
grinned at him and he went to the refrigerator and got himself a beer. He leaned against the counter watching them finish their game. Kelee won of course and was real happy about it. Jack pretended at be disappointed for a brief moment.

  “I’m gonna’ say good night,” Jack said, getting up. “It was nice meetin’ yu’, Kelee.” He smiled at her.

  “Yu’ too, an’ thanks for letting me beat yu’,” Kelee said with a huge smile. Jack looked at Sean and laughed when he shrugged.

  “Yu’ welcome; hope to see yu,’ again,” Jack told her and headed for the front door.

  “I’ll be right back,” Sean said to Kelee and followed Jack out.

  “Wha’ did he have?” Jack asked as they headed towards the elevators.

  “Big shipment, no location, and Mike has paid eyes on me,” Sean said.

  “Not good.” Jack looked at him, worried. “If he’s watchin,’ wha’ ’bout Kelee?”

  “I’ll jus’ have to keep her close,” he said with a smile.

  “Knew yu’ would.” Jack pressed the down button. “I like her,” Jack told him, getting on the elevator. “Later,” he said as the doors started to close.

  “Later,” Sean told him and headed back down the hall to Kelee.

  Kelee had just finished packing away the dominoes in their box when Sean reentered the apartment. She looked at him, glad he was back. Jack had been great company, but she wanted to be with Sean. The look in his eyes said he wanted the same thing. This was it. No turning back; she wanted him too much.

  “Missed me?” he asked with a sexy smirk, which made her smile. She looked up into his stunning eyes and felt that familiar rush. Her breath got caught in her throat and she had to take a deep breath to steady the flutter in her heart. He pulled her into his arms, and his mouth devoured hers in a hungry kiss that promised nothing but pure pleasure. She wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands found her behind and bought her closer to him. She felt his sex harden against her belly. She moaned and pressed into him. She opened her mouth, welcoming the sweet invasion of his tongue.

  Sean lifted her and took her into the bedroom. Kelee noticed the large king-size bed with its matching chests. He placed her on her feet at the foot of the bed. His eyes were filled with extreme desire. She reached down, pulling at his shirt. He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing a smooth muscular chest, with six-pack abs. He was magnificent. Kelee ran her hand down his chest and over his stomach. She noticed his holster and that he wore his gun behind his back. He undid his holster and placed it with his .45 on the end table. Without missing a beat he pulled her back into his arms, devouring her lips in a scorching kiss. Kelee melted into him. He released her mouth and stepped back, looking at her. She slowly took off her shirt and bra under his watchful eyes. Her nipples hardened as his eyes fell to her breasts. He moistened his lips as she undid her jeans and pulled them off. She stood before him in her panties, felt beautiful under his roving eyes that were filled with desire for her. She loved the way he looked at her. It spoke of his desire for her. The same desire also consumed her every being, a desire that only he could fulfill. His eyes met hers, and he smiled, moving towards her. He knelt before her and reached for her panties, pulling them down. She rested her hands on his shoulders as she stepped out of her underwear. He pressed his warm lips into her navel, setting off fireworks throughout her body. He stood up and removed his pants; she watched with anticipation as he revealed himself to her. He stood before her, proud and fully aroused. She suppressed a moan at the sight of him. She couldn’t wait to feel him. He pulled her into his arms, kissing her until she was weak. She loved the way he kissed her. It was like he wanted to consume her. He guided her onto the bed, never breaking their kiss. His mouth moved down, consuming her breasts as his hand found her sex. Her legs flowed open, welcoming the invasion of his very skilled fingers. She moaned his name, digging her fingers into his shoulders as he caressed her until she was a writhing mess. He reached into the nightstand for a condom; she was grateful he had thought of them this time. She had bought some but they were at Lori’s; she hadn’t planned on making love with him tonight. But he was prepared and she was ready. She watched him as he put the protection on. She gazed into his eyes as he came over her; she welcomed him, sighing as he pressed into her, filling both her body and her soul.


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