This Time

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This Time Page 9

by Ingrid Monique

  “Come on, Kelee, yu’ can’t be mad at me. Yu’ have to admit it’s funny. I mean, we spent five nights here together, how could yu’ not remember me?” he asked, amused. He really thought it was funny.

  “Go to hell!” she screamed and ran out of the cottage. She heard him calling after her as she ran all the way back to the hotel. She got to her room, locking the door behind her. Her heart was pounding hard against her chest. And then the tears started to roll down her cheeks. She threw herself across her bed and cried. A few minutes later she heard a knocking and Sean asking her to open the door. She didn’t answer. She hated him for what he’d done to her.

  Sean had made a big mistake, he realized as he walked away from Kelee’s door. He just didn’t think she’d react the way she had to his revealing who he was. He recalled the hurt in her eyes and it tore at him. He had played it all wrong. He should have told her. His cell phone rang. It was Jack.

  “We found Adams.” By Jack’s tone, Sean knew it wasn’t good.

  “Is he alive?”

  “Barely,” Jack informed him. Sean breathed a sigh of relief. At least he was alive. Adams was tough; he knew he’d survive.

  “Where is he?”

  “Kings Hospital. Sean, he doesn’t look too good,” Jack said desolately.

  “I’ll be there in an hour,” Sean told him and ended the call. He headed back to the beach where the concert was in full swing. He made his way to where Allan and Lori were. Lori looked up at him, concerned when she didn’t see Kelee with him.

  “Where’s Kelee?” Lori asked, worried.

  “She’s in her room,” Sean told her, feeling guilty about what he had done. Lori looked at him, concerned.

  “What happened?”

  “I have to go,” he said. Lori looked at him.

  “Some’ting wrong?” Allan asked.

  “They found one of my men an’ he doesn’t look good.”

  Allan nodded at him, understanding.

  “Tell Kelee I’m sorry an’ I’ll call her,” he told Lori and left.

  Kelee heard Lori calling her name. She dragged herself out of bed and went to the door. She had a headache from crying. She opened the door and Lori gasped when she saw her. Kelee knew she looked a mess from crying.

  “What happened?” Lori asked, moving into the room and closing the door behind her. Kelee walked over to the sofa and dropped into the plush cushions. Lori sat beside her.

  “What happened with yu’ an’ Sean?” Lori asked.

  “He can go to hell!” she said, and she meant it.

  “What happened?” Lori insisted.

  Kelee took a deep breath and told her everything. When she was done, Lori stared at her, stunned.

  “I can’t believe he’d do that to yu’,” Lori exclaimed.

  “And the worst part is that he thought it was funny that I didn’t recognize him.”

  “Well, that part is kinda’ funny.” Lori grinned.

  “Now yu’ taking his side,” Kelee fumed.

  “No, no, what he did was wrong, but yu’ not recognizin’ him is funny.” Lori giggled and Kelee frowned at her. “He did tell me to tell yu’ that he was sorry.”

  “Like that’s supposed to make it better. I hate him for humiliating me the way he did. As long as I’m here I don’t want to hear his name or see him. Yu’ can tell him that, and I mean it,” Kelee told her sternly.

  “Yu’ sure?” Lori asked with uncertainty.

  “Yes,” she said firmly. She had made up her mind. She was done with Sean.

  Lori looked at her, disappointed. “I don’t think he meant to hurt yu’, Kelee,” Lori started. Kelee glared at her.

  “I told yu’ I don’t want to hear any’ting about him!” Kelee snapped.

  “OK.” Lori shrugged. “I’m going to bed.” Lori left her alone with her tormented thoughts.

  Sean felt like crap as he drove back to the city. Kelee hated him and it was his fault. He should have been honest with her from the start; instead, he had played with her emotions. He recalled the disgust and hate in her eyes tonight and it bothered him. His little revenge game and backfired in the worst way. She hated him. He didn’t want her hating him. This wasn’t the way he wanted things between them. The minute he saw to Adams he’d return to View Coast to see her. She had to accept his apology; he had to make her understand that he never meant to hurt her. He prayed she’d listen to him.

  Chapter 10

  Sean got to the hospital to find Adams awake and talking. He was battered and badly bruised, but he was alive, thank God. Adams’s wife Carla was by his side. Sean could see the relief in her eyes as she looked at him. Jack was there also.

  “How yu’ feelin’?” Sean asked, moving to Adams’s bedside. Adams tried to give him a smile, but it was a difficult task for him.

  “Glad to be here,” he managed to say.

  “Whoever did this to yu’ will pay,” Sean promised. “Where’s Penn?” he asked.

  “Don’t know; they took us by surprise. I was blindfolded, didn’t even know where I was,” Adams said with difficulty. “I think Penn was taken somewhere else.” He coughed. Sean laid a comforting hand on his shoulder.

  “We’ll find him,” Sean promised. Adams gave him a confident look. “Get some rest,” Sean told him.

  “Yu’ need to find who did this to him,” Carla insisted. He could see the anger in her eyes. He understood her pain. Both Adams and Penn were his friends. It hurt him to see Adams looking the way he did. It bothered him even more not knowing where Penn was or if he was suffering the same fate as Adams. He felt hopeless, but he couldn’t show it. He had people depending on him.

  “I promise I will,” he told Carla with determination. She nodded, satisfied with his promise. He meant to keep that promise.

  Jack followed him outside to the parking lot. “Where did yu’ find him?” Sean asked.

  “He was dumped in front of the office. The car had no plates and it was completely tinted, security didn’t see any’ting.”

  Sean sighed in frustration. “Where’s Kurt right now?” If Sean could get his hands on Mike’s brother Kurt, maybe he could get something out of him.

  “Last I heard he was in Jamaica,” Jack said.

  “I want him taken in for questionin’ the minute he’s back here,” Sean told Jack. “I want a man on Adams.”

  “I called Ian; he’s on his way.”

  Ian was an undercover cop who did a lot of security detail for them.

  “Lex came by the office earlier lookin’ for yu.’ He wouldn’t tell me any’ting, only that it was important.”

  “He probably has some’ting on Mike,” Sean speculated.

  “Or he needs another drink,” Jack said.

  Sean knew Jack was probably right. But Lex was a good source and if he came to see him, he’d like to know why. For some reason Jack intimidated Lex, no matter how kind Jack was to him. Lex just wouldn’t talk to Jack.

  “Did he say where he’d be?”

  “His usual spot.” Jack shrugged.

  If Lex had something, he needed to talk to him now. After seeing what they had done to Adams, he needed something, anything. He had to find Penn. Suddenly Sean had a feeling that Lex knew something about where he was.

  “Call me if any’ting comes up,” Sean said, heading for his jeep.

  “Yu’ headin’ back to View Coast?” Jack asked. Sean paused and thought of what had previously gone down between him and Kelee. He really wanted to go back to her, but he couldn’t; he had to see Lex tonight. He’d see Kelee when she came back to the city.

  “No, I’ll be in the city,” Sean told Jack and got into his jeep.

  Sean must have gone to almost every bar in Cross Way; no one knew where Lex was. Sean even checked Lex’s mother’s house, but she hadn’t seen Lex in a couple of days. He had always been able to find Lex. Something didn’t feel right. Sean was starting to get worried.

  Chapter 11

  Kelee woke the next morning with a hang
over; she had consumed almost half a bottle of wine last night after Lori had left. She had needed to get drunk last night, so she wouldn’t think of Sean and how he had humiliated her. Her head was pounding and she needed caffeine. She showered, dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. A nice spread was set up in the dining room. It was almost eleven and the dining room was pretty empty. She got her coffee and a large bowl of fruit salad and a muffin. She was pouring herself a second cup when she saw Tyce enter the dining room. Their eyes met and he smiled at her; she smiled back. He made his way over to her. He was dressed in jeans and a white polo shirt with his sunglasses hanging from the front.

  “I thought I might see yu’ here,” he said.

  “Yu’ were looking for me?” she said, surprised that he would be. She hadn’t told him she’d be here.

  “Just ’bout everyone comes to this festival,” he said, pouring some juice. “Can I join yu’?” he asked with a charming smile.

  “Sure,” she told him and headed to the table where she was sitting. He sat across from her.

  “Yu’ been enjoyin’ the festival so far?” he asked, his eyes focused on her.

  “Yes, it’s been great so far.” She mustered up the best smile she could as memories of last night came flooding back at her. She had made up her mind last night to put Sean behind her and enjoy the rest of her stay in St. Pala. She would not let him ruin her stay here.

  “Yu’ here with someone?” he asked tentatively.

  “No,” she said and watched as his brows arched with interest.

  “Care to join me for the rest of the festivities?” he asked with a gentle smile.

  “Love to,” she said. Sean Mark St. John could go to hell.

  Kelee spent the rest of the day going to different events in the surrounding area with Tyce. He was charming and funny and she enjoyed his company. Around five, Kelee went to her room to rest up for the night concert. She had promised to meet Tyce for dinner an hour before the concert. She was relaxing after a shower when Lori joined her in her room.

  “I haven’t seen yu’ all day; don’t tell me yu’ been locked up in here?”

  “Hell, no. I’ve been out with Tyce,” Kelee told her with a smile.

  “Tyce who?”

  “Remember the guy who came to my rescue after I was robbed?”

  “Oh. So I guess Sean is forgotten?”

  “Who?” Kelee asked in a nasty sarcastic tone.

  “OK. I see yu’ moved on. Just don’t move too fast,” Lori warned.

  “Tyce is good company, nothing more,” Kelee said.

  “Be careful,” Lori warned.

  “Yes, Mother,” Kelee teased. Lori rolled her eyes.

  For dinner, Tyce took Kelee to a small restaurant not far from the resort. He had told her that the food was better than the hotel’s and he was right. Kelee enjoyed every bite of the jerk chicken pasta with cream sauce. Tyce had fish and pasta; the fish smelled and looked delicious. She sampled Tyce’s dish; it was absolutely divine. They shared fried bananas and coconut ice cream for dessert. After dinner, they strolled back to the hotel. Tyce asked Kelee’s suggestions on a house he wanted to decorate. Kelee shared with him some of her decorating secrets. They found Lori and Allan in the VIP section. Kelee introduced Tyce. Allan looked Tyce over briefly with curiosity. They all settled and enjoyed the concert.

  Chapter 12

  Sean was distracted with thoughts of Kelee. He had called the house a number of times and she had refused to take his calls. He decided to give her some time to calm down; it had been two days and all he could think of was Kelee. Work had kept him busy; he had planned on stopping by the house to see her, but he was busy trying to find Penn and Lex. He needed to see her. He needed to talk to her. He needed her and it was unnerving to him. Once again she had gotten to him. He had thought he was in control of the situation: he was wrong.

  “Yu’ OK?” Jack asked, walking into his office.


  Jack gave him a concerned look.

  “Wha’s goin’ on?” Jack sat before him.

  “No’ting.” Sean sighed. “Wha’ yu’ got for me?”

  “No one has seen Lex.”

  Sean sat back. “This is not good, I can feel it.”

  Sean knew Mike was responsible for Lex’s disappearance. Mike had been hiding out in Cayman for the last couple of months. He couldn’t stay in Cayman forever, and the minute he came back to St. Pala he would be arrested. Sean intended to pay him back for what he did to Adams. And if Penn wasn’t found alive, Sean had every intention of killing Mike. He had been building his case against Mike for years now. Mike would be arrested for everything from tax evasion to money laundering. Sean had linked him to a number of murders. There was nothing but jail time waiting for Mike, once he was back in St. Pala.

  Kelee was doing her best not to think of Sean, which was difficult. He haunted her very dreams. She still wanted him and she hated it. She had refused to take any of his calls. She needed to distance herself from him. It was best.

  “Why don’t yu’ just talk to him?” Lori asked. They were sitting on the veranda over breakfast.

  “No,” she said sternly.

  “He’s miserable. Yu’ miserable, wha’s the point?”

  “He lied to me. That’s the point!” Kelee injected feeling, her anger rising. He had made a fool of her. She couldn’t forget that.

  “I think he’s tryin’ to apologize an’ yu’ should listen to him.”


  “Damn, yu’ can be hard-headed sometimes.” Lori shook her head, disappointed.

  Nadine came out with the cordless phone. “It’s for yu’,” she told Kelee, handing the phone to her.

  “Is it Sean?” she asked.

  “No,” Nadine said and Kelee took the phone.

  “Hello?” she said into the phone.

  “Hi,” Tyce said.

  “Hi,” she greeted him back.

  “I need yu’ help,” he said.

  “With what?”

  “I’m shoppin’ for some furniture today, an’ I don’t know wha’ will go with wha’. Can yu’ help me? I’ll pay yu’,” he pleaded.

  “Yu’ don’t have to, I’d love to help. Give me something to do today,” she told him and heard him breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Yu’ drivin’ or yu’ want me to send a car for yu’?” he asked.

  “Where are yu’ shopping?” she said.

  “Cross Way Mall.”

  “I’ll meet you there,” she said. “I have some shopping to do myself.”

  “Let’s meet at the Kan’s coffee shop,” he suggested.

  “Give me an hour,” Kelee told him.

  “Thank yu’, thank yu,” Tyce said, relieved. Kelee ended the call to find Lori glaring at her.

  “What?” she asked, knowing what was coming. Lori didn’t like Tyce and she had said it more than once. Kelee really didn’t care. Tyce was a nice man and he hadn’t made a pass at her, which she appreciated. It also made it easier to be around him.

  “Yu’ know wha’ yu’ doin’ is wrong?”

  “I’m helping the man pick out furniture. What’s wrong with that?”

  “I know yu’ mad at Sean, but this Tyce person is not the right way to go,” Lori said.

  “I don’t want to hear anything about him,” Kelee told her, got up and left to go change.

  Sean knew something big was up when the prime minister called an emergency meeting with all the heads of security on St. Pala. He also had a gut feeling that Mike was the reason. He and Jack walked into the conference room and all eyes turned to them. Minus the prime minister, those present were Jaydan Banks, senior superintendent of police, a big brown man who demanded respect. Jan’s second in command, superintendent Paul Thomas, sat beside him. Paul was the Indian version of Jan. The commissioner of police, Frank Tam, who was Chinese/black, was also present. This was big, Sean thought as he greeted them. They were all friends of his, with whom he had worked closely ove
r the years. Sean got himself a cup of coffee and took a seat. Jack sat beside him.

  He was about to ask if any of them knew what the emergency meeting was about, when the prime minster, Henry Hamilton, walked in with his advisor Kris Oliver. Henry was a lean, middle-aged black man with silver hair. His advisor Kris was white/Indian with striking gray eyes.

  “Thank you all for comin’ at such short notice,” Henry said as he sat at the head of the table. All eyes were on him. “I’ve been informed that there’s a boat of cocaine comin’ in a few days. I want that boat!”

  Sean thought of Lex and what he had told him about a shipment coming in. There was no doubt in Sean’s mind that Lex’s disappearance had something to do with the shipment. Lex knew too much, and they had gotten to him.

  “Wha’s the point of entry?” Sean asked.

  “That we don’t know yet, but I want all points covered. Whatever reinforcement yu’ need yu’ got it,” Henry told them.

  Henry spent the next half hour briefing them on the situation and the importance of them stopping the drugs from coming into St. Pala.

  After leaving the meeting Sean and Jack decided to have some lunch.

  “Yu’ ’tink Lex is in this, don’t yu’?” Jack asked after they had ordered.

  “Yeah,” Sean said.

  “’Tink Mike’s people got to him?”

  “If they haven’t, he’s hidin’.”

  The waitress came with their food and that was when he saw her, laughing and smiling, with another man in a coffee shop across the way. Jack looked in the direction he was looking. The man touched her arm. All Sean could see was another man touching Kelee. He felt rage come over him. Who the hell was he? What was she doing with him? Why was she letting him touch her? Sean watched them as they got up and left the café. The man had his hand on the small of her back.

  Sean looked at Jack, who was still watching Kelee and the man.


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