Crowning Glory [The Royal Wolves 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Crowning Glory [The Royal Wolves 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 19

by Honor James

  “Before Janos and Mina found her evidently Katherine saw me running down a perp.” She shrugged and grinned. “He was like twice my size, and I still took him down.” And she was rather proud of that too, and it showed on her face. “Anyway, when we first met she was afraid of me, then I took her for a ride.” She shrugged and stepped back. “I don’t think that Janos and Mina realize just how special she is yet. She is so very much more intelligent than a child her age should be. I really think that they should look into placing her in a gifted school, but I don’t want to bring it up.” Mostly because she was so not Janos’s favorite person, at all.

  “How about I bring it up then?” Laz said with a shrug. “I’ll mention it to Janos or, better yet”—he grinned—“I’ll mention it to Mina and she can drive baby brother insane with it until he caves. You want me to come with when you babysit tonight?” he asked stepping back to put his shoes on. As his eyes checked the clock, he cursed. “Two minutes and counting, we have got to get going.”

  Clipping her gun and badge back on the back of her slacks she shook her head. “Nope. It’s a girls’ night out, Laszlo.” Moving to him, she kissed his cheek. “Thank you for the offer but I can take care of Katherine. We will go have a movie night, dinner and simply have a good time. Then”—she snickered—“she’s coming home with me and spending the night with us. Seems she wants to see her unkie Lassie.” She loved the name that Katherine gave to Laszlo, it made her grin and she was certain it was one that was ushered in by Janos.

  Wincing at the name Katherine called him, Laz nodded. “Try and teach her my real name please,” he begged her. Some things no man could put up with, and for Lassie, that was one of them. Quickly tidying up Laz put the blanket back, rinsed the glasses and stashed the liquor back in place. Taking her hand he led her out of the office, relocked it after a quick look to ensure it was as it had been. Through the back door and out, reengaging the alarm they were in the truck moments later. Heading away from the bar Laz caught sight of Janos’s car pulling into the lot and grinned, his brother was going to wig out when he caught their scent in his office and what they’d done.

  “I will try, Laszlo, but she has such a hard time with so many letters and you know it as well as I do.” Katherine was exceptionally intelligent, but she had a serious speech impediment.

  “All right, your place first or after we hit my office?” he asked her as he pulled his cell out and left it on the console between them knowing Janos would be calling soon. “Either way we’ll have to hit my dry cleaners in between since they close early today,” he told her as he glanced over and then down as his phone rang. “That’s Janos, love, I think you should answer it.” He chuckled holding up the phone to her and wiggling it slightly.

  “Hello, Janos darling,” Desmonda said with a grin as she flipped open the phone. “Is there anything I can do for you today, brother dear?”

  “Yeah,” Janos growled softly. “Why the hell were you two making out in my damned office? Don’t you guys have a home to do that in for the love of god? Or your place or, even better, Laz’s office?”

  “Believe me we will there as well, it’s just…” She chewed her lower lip and grumbled. “Seems that my heat hit me as we were driving, and that was the closest place.” Dammit all to hell she hated to tell him that, but there was no use lying. “So live with it, brother dear. We fucked on your couch, and desk, and floor.” She grinned as she heard Janos yelp and just because added, “And your office chair, the wall, too, I think, did we use the wall as well, Laszlo, or was it the table where the booze was?”

  Laszlo shot her a look. “Stop teasing him, Des,” he said with a shake of his head. Taking the phone from her he got Janos calmed down and told him the truth. When his brother hung up, muttering about burning the couch he looked to her again. “He’s going to make you pay for that and he’s going to tell Mik.” Mik loved to torture Des as often as he could.

  “He won’t tease me too much because I know that Harker’s heat was just as…” She searched for the words. “At least we didn’t do it at the Policeman’s Ball in the coat closet on the commissioner’s coat, so he won’t push too hard.” Just enough to make her want to shoot him.

  “Don’t shoot him,” Laz said knowing that her mind was turning that way. “He’s family, love, when you accepted me you took him in, too, darling.” He chuckled at her shocked look.

  “I know,” she grumbled, “There are times though, there are times I really want to mutilate him but then I realize that he has to be somewhat decent or he wouldn’t make Harker so blissfully happy.”

  “He is decent and he loves Harker with all his heart. She’d be very, very angry if you shot her man even ‘accidently,’” he told her giving her a look that said he knew her plans. “I’d be very upset with you if you shot one of my brothers,” he added with a grin.

  She smiled and nodded. “Yeah but you, unlike Harker, would eventually forgive me.” Cupping his face in her hands when they stopped at a light she shook her head. “And you do know that I am teasing?” She loved Miklos like a brother, had even before she met Laszlo and that was why she was always teasing him, and liked to hope that was why he teased her.

  “I know that, love,” he told her softly, kissing her gently. “It’s a good thing he sees you as a kid sister or I’d have to beat him silly for annoying my mate.” Pulling from the light he continued down the street. “So, you ready to meet the office crew?” he asked. “I’m only enquiring because we’re about ten minutes out.”

  “Oh hell,” she grumbled and sat back again. “So I can’t call in sick or in heat or anything?” Their life was going to be fun, the look he gave her told her as much. “All right, I suppose. But I really”—she shifted her legs as just the sudden thoughts began to make her panties wet—“I really want to bend over your desk, Laszlo, and have you fucking me, hard and deep.” And if she was lucky, he would mark her again so she too could carry two marks.

  “You think I’m going to argue with that?” he asked already scenting her body’s change and need. “Darling, I’m with you in this completely, don’t look so worried. We’ll meet people, I’ll find out what’s happening, we’ll go to my office so I can check my messages.” Laz wiggled his brows at her. “And from there well, I’ll leave it to your very inventive imagination.”

  “My imagination right now is simply stuck in the gutter and I don’t care for that too much at all,” she grumbled in complaint. “All right, let’s go up and meet everyone shall we, love?” She grinned at him and nodded. “Before I lose all focus on what the prize is.” Which would be her over his desk.

  Grinning at her he shook his head. “Eyes on the prize, love, eyes on the prize,” he teased. A few minutes later he pulled into the parking lot under his building and pulled into his spot. Shutting the engine off he put his pass on the dashboard and climbed out before walking around to her side and giving her a hand.

  Placing her hand in his she grinned up and moved her badge to the front. “When the alarms go off I won’t have to try to reach for it and have some security asshole all twitchy and thinking that they can pull their gun on me because then I would have to break their arm and you would be paying them worker’s comp. It just wouldn’t work, you know?”

  “Anyone grabs you I’m not paying worker’s comp, I’m digging their grave,” Laszlo told her straight out. Leading her into the elevator he took her to the lobby and through the metal detectors that, of course, went haywire. Shaking his head Laz led her to the executive elevators and, swiping his card, had them shuttling up to the top floors. “Well, at least you didn’t shoot any of them.” But he was sure they were pretty close to that.

  “I hate being looked at as if I am the perp,” she grumbled and then looked up at him. “What did you mean, you would dig their grave?” But there it was, closed up in the small mirrored box and her heat kicked in. “Can’t you just see pressing against the mirrored walls, fucking like bunnies?”

  “You just go from one
end of the spectrum to the other don’t you?” he asked in amusement. “Any one touches you that isn’t family and doesn’t have a hell of a good reason for roughing up my mate won’t live long enough to worry about how the world ends. And there are cameras as well as microphones in the elevator, love,” he told her and pointed to the two spots that covered the entire interior of the car.

  “And now he tells me,” she grumbled and leaned back against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. “And just for the record, Laszlo”—she smiled sweetly up at him—“I can take care of myself. I don’t need He-Man to step in and save me from a damn rent-a-cop.” She looked up at the camera and smiled. “Yes, I said rent-a-cop.”

  Holding up his hands in the “don’t kill me” standard pose Laszlo shook his head. “I never said you did, love. But I’m not human and I have instincts that have been around and kicking a lot longer than the human race has been on this planet. I kill what annoys me and if it’s on the diet I eat it and if it’s not I bury it deep so no other predator will ever find it. Law of the jungle is how Wolves live, Desmonda, eye for an eye, blood for blood and a life for a life.”

  She stalked closer to him, there was no other term for how she moved slinkily from one side of the elevator car to the other. Pressing up against him she inhaled deeply, the Wolf in her appreciating the scent of her mate and the woman just loving the man. “We need to hurry, Laszlo. Even though I want to beat the snot out of you for that comment, I want you, too. I want you to show me just how much a predator you are and that doesn’t bode well for the camera watching and mic listening geeks in the control room.”

  “Darling, if you want to see the true predator, we’ll do that at home after we put the kiddies to bed,” he teased softly leaning down to lick at her throat slowly. Biting gently at the tendon that ran down the side of her neck he pulled her close. “For now we’ll just let the man that loves you show you all his cool toys and embarrass you silly in front of his assistant.”

  Her arms wrapped tightly around him as she growled. “Remember, I have a gun and will use it.” Against his ear she whispered her threat that they both knew she would never follow through with. She felt the hard length of him pressing against her belly and that made her smile, she wasn’t the only one who was hurting and in need and somehow that made it all better.

  “Promises, promises,” he breathed softly nibbling on her ear one eye on what floor they were on. “Are you going to handcuff me, officer, and give me a thorough and full body search, too?” he teased rubbing his hand slowly up and down her back, his nails lightly scraping to raise gooseflesh over her body.

  “Only if you will promise to do the same.” It was with a serious effort on her part to step away from him. “I need to get my hormones under control,” she whispered to explain her feelings. “I’m burning up inside, Laszlo, and unless you want every single person in there to know just how I’m feeling I need to seriously put some ice water on it.”

  “Shh, love,” he murmured, hugging her now as though he wanted just to hold her. “Take a slow breath and focus on tamping the feelings down. Focus on pushing them aside and just listen to my voice, use it as an anchor, Des. You’re fine, you’re doing just fine,” he said softly hugging her tighter.

  She nodded and forced the feelings down even as the elevator doors slid open. The swank office greeted them with all eyes turned to look at the new arrivals and upon recognition of Laszlo, work flurried and an older woman approached them. “Hello, I’m Desmonda.” There was no sense in waiting because she knew somehow this was Laszlo’s secretary and damn if she didn’t have that look in her eye of a woman who knows just too much.

  “This is Margie,” Laz said softly. “She’s the office manager.” Pointing just past her shoulder, Laz grinned. “That’s Joan and she’ll be giving you a really hard time,” he teased.

  Desi held her hand out to the woman and smiled. “Hello, Margie.”

  “Pleasure, Desmonda,” Margie said with a knowing smile. “Good afternoon, Mr. Farkas,” she said in a louder-than-necessary tone. “It’s good to see you up and about,” she added to the snickers of a few females behind her.

  Desi frowned and felt her face flaring with heat as she moved back to Laszlo’s side.

  “Margie, you old fart, gossiping with my assistant again I can see. Obviously I need to ensure Joan has a hell of a lot more work.” He chuckled.

  “I think I can arrange that,” Desi grumbled good-naturedly and shook her head. “Come on, love, your office. Now.” Because she was feeling not only needy, but protective, as if she wanted to battle each woman in that office for supremacy. Her she-wolf was not liking so many women being around her man, not during this time of the month and the small low growl that was building had her clenching Laszlo’s hand. “We need to go to your office now, Laszlo.” Before she attacked someone.

  Looking down at Des, he pulled her closer and wrapping his arm around her hugged her to him. “I know, love,” he murmured softly. “Let Joan know I will need to talk to her, but not until later if you would please, Margie. Tell her to give me about two hours before she comes and harasses me about missing the meetings. I need to make a couple of calls first,” he said as he tugged Desmonda’s hand. “Come on, darling, quick tour and then we’re going to deal with everything.”

  She nodded and took in everything around her. She counted the number of steps it took to move from one place to another and back again. Finally in front of his office she looked up at him and grinned. “Are we going to continue to dance by here or are you finally going to ‘take me’ in?”

  “Behave,” he breathed to her as he pushed the door open and ushered her through the outer office, Joan’s area, and past his double doors. Shutting the doors he bolted them tight and then ensured the blinds were all closed even as he pulled his shirt off. Turning to her he smiled. “Get naked, love, or I will shred everything you wear and you will have to walk out of here in only one of my dress shirts.”

  She stepped back and grinned as she began to peel her clothes off as quickly as she could. She lost at least two buttons on her shirt in her hurry but she didn’t care. Twenty five seconds later she stood before him naked as the day she was born and running her hands over her body while he watched. “Sensation is so much more now.” And it was. Her body was alive and each touch that she gave herself was flaring her need. “I need you, Laszlo.” She approached him, her eyes never leaving his as she walked closer. “And you need me,” she added when she was before him, her hand closing around his erection and squeezing softly.

  “Darling, ever since I met you I’ve been a walking, barely literate hard-on,” he told her honestly, his hips pressing that part of him that was evidently so needy into her hand more. “I will always need you, Des, human or not, you are and always will be my mate.”

  “Thank god,” she muttered and dropped to her knees before him, “I always need you too, Laszlo. Not good when on a stakeout but god so good now.” She closed her lips over the head of his cock and greedily suckled him, desperate for him to be just as lost in the heat and moment as she was.

  “Oh god, Des,” he hissed out his hand fisting in her hair as he rocked into her even as it was clear to her that he tried not to, to just let her take from him. Growling low in his throat, his head fell back as he fucked her mouth slowly, pushing a little deeper with every pull of her mouth.

  She pulled off of him and looked up at him. “The desk.” She gasped out as her hand still moved up and down on him. “I need you inside of me when you come, Laszlo. God I need you to fuck me.” She was growling, low and in the base of her throat.

  Picking her up, no smoothness or coordination to his movements Laz sat her on his desk and, stepping in, pushed into her heat before he pushed her to lay down on the desk. Taking a breast into his mouth he brought her legs up to his shoulders, his hands moving to her hips to hold her as he began to pound into her body.

  Her hands wrapped around his head and hands fisted in his hair. �
��Don’t come yet,” she demanded. “I want you to take me from behind when you come.” She wanted to have her hands free so she could push them up and down on his desk.

  Growling at her softly he let her nipple slide free with an audible popping sound. “Demanding,” he breathed as he shifted to her other breast and started to suckle at her flesh as he continued to drive her into his desk over and over. He seemed to know that he’d never be able work at the surface again without a complete and total recall of this event.

  “Knows what she wants.” She growled back and fisted one hand in his hair and tugged. “Bite it, Laszlo.” She growled roughly. “Not too hard, but make me feel it.” She was a force of nature. Making love or not she was always going to tell him what she needed, even if she did need to be able to submit sexually she would always tell him her needs.

  Chuckling at her, he nuzzled the valley between her breasts. “Bossy,” he breathed out, the love in his voice plain as day. Turning his head he nipped and toyed with her soft flesh even as he moved in a harder, faster pace. The sound of their breathing and the slap of flesh was loud in the space and, as her fingers yanked on his hair again, he bit her. Sinking his teeth into the soft flesh careful to not break her skin he held her tightly as he continued to drive them onward.

  Just as he felt her body tighten even more he pulled free of her completely remembering her earlier demand. As she protested he lifted her up and then flipped her over so her breasts were squashed to his desk. Catching her at her thighs he lifted her legs so she had no way to balance and stabbed his cock into her again this time from behind as she’d wanted. Holding her legs spread he fucked her hard, her hands splayed to keep from sliding over the surface of his desk and, when she braced, he took it up another level letting his Wolf do as it wanted to his mate.

  She couldn’t control what happened next, her claws came out as she braced her hands on his desk. Her claws dug into the cherry wood of his desk making long furrows as she started to growl loudly. “Laszlo…” It didn’t even come out audible, it was a deep growl that seemed to resonate with the Wolf’s need, hunger.


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