A Shock to Your System (Dangerous Creatures #2)

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A Shock to Your System (Dangerous Creatures #2) Page 11

by Mandy Rosko

  "What's the matter?" Ethan asked, glancing over at him. "Are you all right? Do you need me to pull over?"

  He thought Jamie was about to be sick. That was the last thing Jamie was feeling as he leaned over the seat, put his hand on Ethan's knee, and then kissed the corner of his pink lips.

  The scratch of Ethan's trimmed beard was something that Jamie was never going to get tired of. He never understood why some people hated facial hair. Ethan kissed him back: looking at him, and then away, then at him, and then away again, doing his best to keep watching the road while Jamie distracted the hell out of him.

  Had anyone else been watching them, it might have looked like the funniest, most awkward kiss in the history of time, but to Jamie, it was perfect.

  "That's pretty dangerous, you know," Ethan said, pulling back from the kiss, panting already as he tried to keep his eyes on the dark road ahead.

  "You should pull over then," Jamie said, and he put his hand between Ethan's legs, finding and stroking his cock through his pants.

  He could feel how the shaft was hardening against Ethan's leg, and his own dick responded. "That has to be uncomfortable."

  Ethan groaned. "This really isn't the best time," he said, though Jamie could already tell by the sound of his voice that he was about to win this round. “This van has a tracker in it. The second people realize what we did this vehicle’s going to get called in. It’s dangerous enough that we’re driving it now. We have to ditch it as soon as possible.”

  Jamie gently kicked the dash with his foot, just enough to draw attention to it. “You think I shorted out any tracking with what I did before? The GPS still isn’t working.”

  “Still not a good time.”

  Jamie wanted to growl with frustration. “I can't help it," and he started to press his lips to the column of Ethan's throat, over his Adam's apple, feeling the scratch of incoming stubble before he moved his mouth over to the little dip on his chest. "Back at the motel, I thought that was going to be the last time I was ever with you. Now I just want you inside me again."

  Ethan's eyes widened at that, and he looked right into Jamie's face for what was probably a dangerous amount of time, especially since the occasional moose and deer liked to cross these highways at night.

  Ethan cursed under his breath and turned off at the nearest dirt road. He was almost a little too fast about it as the sudden, sharp turn of the vehicle made Jamie slam his head into Ethan's chest.

  Ethan stopped the van, hissing at the pain, and that was when Jamie remembered all the cuts that were still healing on Ethan's body, not to mention he probably had ripped stitches. "Fuck!" Jamie said, backing away from his lover, and Ethan's face was so damned pale he could have been a vampire. Sweat built on his forehead as he leaned back in his seat, panting for breath.

  "Oh my God, Ethan, are you okay?" Jamie asked. He reached out his hands to touch the man, but then yanked them back at the last second. He didn't want to cause Ethan anymore pain than he already had.

  "Yeah," Ethan said, biting out the word. "Yeah, that was just unexpected."

  Jamie carefully leaned forward, and because of his stupid head, there was a tiny bit of blood soaking through Ethan's shirt.

  "Okay, let's get this off."

  "Good," Ethan said. "Take yours off, too."

  "We're not having sex until I take a look at you." His lust had vanished now that he thought Ethan was in pain.

  Jamie lifted up Ethan's shirt, and he tried not to cringe at how bad his bandage job had become. Blood had soaked through quite a few places.

  "Don't feel bad," Ethan said. "You didn't do this. That other hunter did. Punched me a couple of times, remember?"

  He did remember, but because of how fast and casual Ethan had been after the fact, he'd damn near forgotten all about it. "Weren't you in pain?" Jamie asked, gently lifting back the bandages so he could assess the damage.

  "Like a bitch, especially when the adrenaline wore off. But appearances had to be kept up, right?"

  Ethan was so much stronger than Jamie could ever be. He relied on physical strength, whereas Jamie had something that might have been considered a gift, if the rest of the world wasn't so dead set on punishing him for it. All because of what a bunch of paranormals had tried to do well before he was even born.

  Jamie inspected every wound. The first one looked about as bad as it had when he'd first stitched it. As he continued to check, he was relieved to see that not all the stitches were broken, so he wouldn't have to completely start from scratch.

  "You did bring my bag, right?" Jamie asked.

  "Yeah, it's in the back where you were."

  Jamie looked behind him. There seemed to be a second door with a latch that would lead into the back. It was tiny, but he wouldn't have to get out of the van.

  Jamie opened the latch and let himself inside. The back of the van wasn’t so wide or frightening, now that he could see it. He only had to reach out and grab the bag before yanking himself back into the front.

  "Do you want to do this in the back?" Jamie asked, really hoping the answer would be 'No' as he pulled out his first aid kit.

  Ethan read his mind. "No way in hell I want to get in the back of a hunter van. I never liked doing that even when I was on the clock escorting someone back.”

  Jamie was glad to hear that.

  He pulled out all the swabs he would need, a tiny pair of scissors, and then got to work. It didn't take so long the second time around, which was interesting because Jamie had thought it would, what with Ethan watching him and all.

  Ethan didn't complain. He hissed a bit, especially when the antibiotic was applied, but other than that, he was the perfect patient.

  "Thanks, you're good at that," Ethan said, and then the man winced. "Sorry, I wasn't really thinking..."

  "Don't worry about it," Jamie said, clasping onto both of Ethan's hands and bringing them to his mouth for a kiss.

  Ethan stared at him, and then a slow smile broke out over his mouth. "You're still in the mood for sex, even though you just finished stitching me up again?" he asked, but it wasn't really a question.

  Jamie nodded, and this time he was much more aware of where Ethan's injuries were as he let his hands slide up and down the man's thighs. "Yeah, I'm insatiable like that. Can that call to your sister wait ten minutes?"

  From the way Ethan grabbed him by the back of the neck, bringing his face forward for a crushing kiss right before thrusting his tongue between Jamie's lips, licking him deep inside, he was willing to bet that the answer was a resounding yes.

  Chapter Ten

  Ethan loved the way Jamie still wanted him: the way Jamie continued to moan for him when he touched the man, and kissed him when he climbed onto Ethan's lap. Carefully, of course. It was easy to see the way Jamie handled him, like glass, constantly worried he would hurt him. The man didn’t even put too much of his body weight onto Ethan’s lap.

  “Are you okay? This is okay?” Jamie asked, intent on being sure.

  Fuck, the sound of his voice, so throaty and lusty, out of breath even, made Ethan’s cock throb.

  There was a tiny throb in his legs, not the good kind like what was happening between them, but the promise of pleasure outweighed all of that. Ethan nodded. “Yeah,” he said, then quickly captured Jamie’s mouth with his own again.

  More kissing was good. More kissing was always good.

  After admitting that he'd been spending his entire life hiding a paranormal of his own, even from his own parents, he'd half expected Jamie to hate him for being the hypocrite that he was, and want nothing more to do with him once they got to wherever it was they were going.

  It seemed he’d come pretty close to having that outcome for a minute or so back there. Instead, Jamie had leaned in and kissed him, and then handled his wounds with all the care of a lover, which more and more Ethan was hoping they still were, and that this wasn’t about to be their goodbye.

  The thought that it very well could be instilled a
sense of urgency in him. Ethan didn't want to be so still this time. The hot pulsing of his wounds picked up with every twitch he made, but he had to do more than just sit there. He wanted to use more than his hands, and he needed to put Jamie’s ankles up onto his shoulders.

  The position they were in now wouldn’t allow for that, but the point was the same. Ethan wanted to move.

  Jamie had barely allowed him to move at all when they were making love in the motel room, and there had been little he could do then except for gently thrusting his hips back up against Jamie's ass as the man pushed down on him, using the strength of his thighs to keep from putting his weight onto Ethan’s injuries, which had been all kinds of hot.

  Though he was still aching and in pain almost all over his body, Ethan wanted to do more. He wanted to kiss and stroke every inch of Jamie's skin, lick him and suck on his pelvis before moving his mouth to the man’s cock and soft testicles, just like he did whenever they were together, before all of this shit happened.

  He pushed Jamie back to the passenger side, needing to bite through the pain of the sudden movement to do it, but doing it all the same. He listened with amusement as his lover squawked at the sudden move, and then protested when Ethan leaned down between his legs, pushed his pants down Jamie’s hips, and then took his hard cock into his mouth just like he’d wanted to.

  The bent over position put a strain on his injuries, pulling at his stitches a little and making every single one of them burn with pain, but it was worth it. The pain wasn’t severe enough for him to even think about stopping. It was all so damned worth it when Jamie grabbed onto his hair and finally let go of his protests so he could thrust his pelvis forward, pushing the length of his prick deeper into Ethan's mouth. He tasted all of him, the velvety hard flesh of his cock, the vein that pulsed on the underside, right where Ethan’s tongue was…

  Ethan had missed this so damned much. He couldn't live without it. Jamie was the one. He was the one Ethan wanted to be with for the rest of his life, and he’d nearly turned him in.

  Ethan was going to raise all kinds of hell on the hunter who tried to take him away, and hopefully spend the rest of his life making it up to Jamie for his mistake.

  He swirled his tongue around the base of Jamie's cock, tightening his mouth around the root and pushing the muscles of his mouth and jaw as far as they could go. His attempt at deep-throating his lover lasted all of one second before he had to pull back, giving more attention to the head, and the underside of it.

  Jamie always loved it when Ethan played there, so he did.

  Ethan heard a conk and a pained yelp, and he pulled away before looking up to see Jamie rubbing the back of his head, a twisted expression on his face.

  "I banged my head against the window," he said.

  Ethan laughed out loud. He couldn't help himself. "You're so cute," he said, and then pressed more kisses along Jamie's warm thighs. He moved lower, pressing wet kisses the entire way, and then he sucked Jamie's balls into his mouth.

  Jamie cried out, and there was another conking sound followed by a loud, "Ouch!"

  That sound turned into a moan as Ethan used his hand to stroke Jamie's cock while he used his mouth and tongue on his tight testicles, easing away the pain Jamie was giving himself because he couldn’t stop throwing his head back.

  "Oh, fuck, Ethan. I'm close," Jamie said, moaning and sighing and canting his hips forward.

  Ethan couldn't have his lover coming just yet. He hadn’t teased him enough. He gripped the base of Jamie's cock and gripped it tight enough to prevent whatever release was on the way, and Jamie let out a sort of howling noise that was half pain and half pleasure.

  He stared down at Ethan with pleading in those gorgeous blue eyes. They were shining, like electric sparks were going off in them, or the glitter that was sometimes seen in snow at night. It was amazing. The most beautiful thing Ethan had ever seen

  "Not yet. You're not coming yet."

  "Fuck, you're so mean,” Jamie moaned.

  "Uh huh, you won't be saying that in a minute," Ethan said, and he kissed Jamie's stomach, and then his chest, before working his way up to the man's neck and mouth.

  Jamie opened his lips, letting Ethan push his tongue inside of that warm, wet space. He wanted the man to taste the precum that Ethan had licked from the head of his prick. He wanted all of him, his tongue, his teeth, his body. Everything.

  Ethan thrust his hips forward, his cock swelling, the pleasure rising as the friction brought on the natural heat between them. He could’ve sworn he felt some of Jamie’s power sparking through him. The hairs on his forearms were standing on end.

  Fuck, he was going to come if he didn’t stop. His testicles tightened, rising almost all the way into his body, and Ethan had to jerk to a halt to keep himself from spilling.

  That was about when Jamie decided he'd had enough of putting up with Ethan’s teasing, and he pushed against Ethan's chest. “No more, seriously. I usually like the foreplay, but not now.”

  Ethan smiled wide over how the man purposely avoided Ethan's stitches, even when the desperation in his face made him look damn near feral. He loved how considerate and gentle Jamie could be.

  When Jamie pushed Ethan's pants out of the way and tried to climb into his lap, Ethan had to stop him. "I don't think we should."


  Jamie's face was an open book in that second, and Ethan could see how much those words had hurt him. "Trust me, it's not because I don't want you," he said. "We don't have any lube in here. That wasn't exactly one of the things I grabbed, and I doubt you took some either."

  "It's fine. You were in me not too long ago. We can still do this," Jamie said, and it was definitely a boost to Ethan's ego hearing how desperate Jamie sounded for it.

  Ethan was already shaking his head. He had to or else he'd find himself nodding instead. "I'm not about to risk tearing you open like that."


  "We don't have to have sex to be intimate," Ethan said, touching Jamie's face in just the way he knew the other man liked.

  With his free hand, he reached down between his legs to where the seat adjuster would be. He pushed it back, and then reclined it just a little.

  "You're still going to ride me, but we're just going to do this a little differently."

  At those words, Jamie smiled wide, and this time Ethan was grabbing onto his hips and practically yanking him over.

  Like before, Jamie was incredibly careful to watch out for the bandages that were around Ethan's thighs. They still hurt like a bitch, but it was easier to bear thanks to Jamie's careful straddling.

  The way their dicks touched, sliding softly against each other, was fucking magic. Jamie’s cock jumped at the contact, and he moaned as Ethan grabbed the back of Jamie's head, and brought his face forward for another kiss as they thrust and dry humped each other in a desperate rush to the end.

  He reached down and wrapped his fist around both of their cocks. Jamie moaned into his mouth and immediately started a whole new rhythm against the new contact of tighter, better friction.

  Ethan didn't want to stop kissing this man. The noises their mouths made as they came together and parted was better than any porn he could find online. He couldn't stop thinking about Jamie, and those hunters who'd broken into the motel room. He could still recall exactly how it felt: his heart had squeezed to the popping point when he hadn't been able to hold all of them back, and one of them had gotten into the bathroom to chase after Jamie.

  The terror had been too damned much. He’d come so close to losing Jamie again. That could never happen again.

  Despite his injuries, he'd felt full of strength and energy. Ethan had knocked out one of the hunters with a single punch, and despite all of that strength, of feeling like he was invincible with power, it hadn't been enough.

  That hunter would have put Jamie in cuffs and a leather bag, and Ethan never would have seen him again. They wouldn't be doing this right now if Jamie hadn't been able
to defend himself, and then help Ethan with the last hunter, who had been more resilient than the first. The only reason he was able to enjoy this, to listen to the little noises Jamie made, the puffs of warm breath as he pressed his face into the crook of Ethan’s neck, was because of how amazing Jamie was. How strong and self-sufficient.

  Ethan tried to map out every part of Jamie's body with his mouth and hands. He felt the warmth of his skin, the dip in his lower back, and with his hand, the marble-hardness of Jamie's prick, every vein that protruded from it, and the swell of the crown.

  Jamie didn't seem to know what to do with his hands, seemingly torn between keeping them behind Ethan's back, scratching and gripping, or putting them into Ethan's hair, or even tweaking his nipples. He was becoming a little rougher now in his movements, but not enough that Ethan would want to stop.

  This was exactly what he wanted. Jamie like this, in the throes of so much damned pleasure that he lost his mind with it.

  Ethan moaned, pushing his hips back against Jamie's cock and his own hand. His balls tightened between his legs, and that rising up he felt inside of him was about to come crashing down.

  Jamie's hips moved faster. His moans became more erratic as his eyes squeezed tightly shut over his perfect eyes. Then he threw his head back and moaned.

  A glowing, white-blue spark traveled across Jamie’s chest and down his arms. Ethan expected to be shocked with electricity, but he wasn’t. It was there and then it was gone, like excess energy finding its way out and making his hair stick up a little more. It was gorgeous. A highlight to Jamie’s already perfect body as that spark danced across every muscle of his chest, and his abs, before vanishing.

  Warm cum splashed over Ethan's chest, and spilled onto his hand. It made his fist slick as he pumped their cocks together, milking out Jamie's orgasm, and also bring about his own. He would have to wipe off his bandages quickly, before it got absorbed.

  Jamie moaned and pressed more of those pillow-soft kisses to Ethan's lips as he rode out the buzz, Ethan following along as he spilled all over the both of them.


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