Mariah: The M Series: Book Two

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Mariah: The M Series: Book Two Page 3

by Ryanne Anthony

  * * *

  A few hours later, we had one last visit to the lab then I drove us to our destination for lunch with our mothers.

  As we entered the little Italian restaurant that has quickly become my mother's favorite, I spot our moms engaging in what looked like a deep conversation. Lil and Mom had become fast friends, best I would guess. There was absolutely no jealousies or envy between them. Lil, being a psychiatrist, has helped Mom calm her anxieties about me, and life, in general.

  Mom has taught Lil the value of female friends. Thomas had a relationship with one of Lil's so-called friends years ago, which led their divorce. She got over the marriage dissolving but was never able to trust another woman, especially around her second husband. And she shouldn’t because that guy… wow. I’d seen pictures of him when he was younger and his handsomeness was not something that happened in his middle age years.

  Mom said Thomas deeply regretted his indiscretion and assured her it would never happen in their marriage, having learned to communicate better in his relationships. I remembered that when he asked for Mom’s hand and consented.

  My mother spotted us walking toward them, behind the hostess. She stood and beamed in my direction. She looked beautiful in her red and cream tank dress. Not a wrinkle in sight, which was quite a change from just a few months before.

  Her eyes welled and she opened her arms wide. “Mariah!”

  I grinned. Mom missed me, too. I launched into her arms. She hugged me so tightly, I remember thinking that I may lose yesterday's breakfast.

  “Mom, please don't cry,” I groaned. She’d better not, or I’d start bawling, too.

  She pulled back a little and smoothed my hair as she stared. Mom held my head as she kissed my cheek, affectionately. “No, no. I'm good. No crying. I'm just happy to see my girls.” One of Mom’s hands released me then she grabbed Lisa in a half bear hug.

  “Oh! Okay...” Lisa giggled in surprise. Her mom was not this demonstrative in public. She released us, after what seemed like forever, and kissed both our cheeks.

  Lil stood, smiling. She never tired of mom's show of affection to everyone she loves, having become a victim of it, as well.

  “Hello, dear,” Lil smiled at me and kissed my other cheek. She then turned to her daughter and kissed her cheek, too. “Hi, darling. So, how was the orientation?”

  We took our seats. Mom held my hand and stroked the back of it with her thumb.

  I smiled. “Informative. I can't wait to start on Monday. We're going shopping after lunch; I need to get scrubs and better shoes.”

  Mom frowned. “Do you have enough money? Take this card, honey,” she murmured as she scrambled through her purse.

  “Mom, I've got it,” I groaned. Ugh! Was I fifteen or twenty-five? Sometimes I forgot when I was with her. I couldn't get mad at her because I knew it's all from love.

  “Oh, here it is,” she smiled and passed me a credit card.

  I looked at it. It was a black Amex and it read MARIAH N HOLLANDER.

  I began to protest but she stopped me, looking worried. Rich still people creeped me out at this point. I couldn't imagine being more than ‘comfortable.’

  “Honey, it's from Thomas. He insisted. He didn't think you'd accept it from him, so he asked me to give it to you.”

  Lisa rubbed my back. “Take it, Cookie. Use it. We all have one. Your last name may be Hollander but you are a Harvey now and Pops loves to take care of his children.”

  I stared at it a minute longer. He was my dad now and I knew he was richer than rich. It's still shocking and uncomfortable to be in a rich family. Pops came from money and had earned millions on his own and it took me a while to warm to him, based on his wealth alone. I didn't think he would extend his generosity equally to me as his blood children.

  My conscience screamed at me, Girl, he calls us 'Cookie', for crying out loud!

  “Okay,” I sighed, resigning. “Okay.” I smiled at Mom and put the thing in my purse. Mom looked relieved as Lil smiled and winked at her. I felt like that was a therapy session and they’d just pulled off an intervention.

  “So about those scrubs. What colors are thinking? Thomas says the specialties have their own colors, but the floats wear whatever they want. Maybe you should get something with designs, and save the solids for when you pick your area,” Mom offered, excitedly. Maybe she thought I was safe because I’d be working in Thomas' office building.

  “That's a good idea, Rachel,” Lil agreed. “But, Mariah, keep in mind, if you came to my floor permanently, you wouldn't have to wear scrubs, at all. Our nurses wear business attire; no scrubs, ever.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Hmm... that is something to think about, Lil, but no, Mom, I'm not sure yet, I guess I'll choose when I get to the store.”

  “Lisa? Lisa Harvey,” a female voice shrieked with barely contained excitement.

  Lisa looked up, frowning then her face turned to joy. She stood and squealed, “Mandy! How are you? When did you get back? What are you doing here?”

  She hugged this Mandy tight.

  “I'm great... Twinkie,” she winked and Lisa groaned. “I got back a few months ago.” Mandy adorably blushed. “I'm playing hostess for my future mother-in-law. This is one of their restaurants.”

  Mandy was a very pretty girl. She’s the same height as Lisa with gorgeous blonde hair, light green eyes, and skin that looked as though it had been kissed by the sun every day. She also looked like she stepped straight out of a fashion show.

  “I'm engaged,” Mandy squealed, holding up her large engagement ring. Dr. Elliott's is bigger, I noticed.

  Whoa! Where the hell did that come from? We are NOT thinking about him!

  Lisa grabbed her hand and squealed with her. My sister loves a wedding. She took over our parents’ nuptials, to Mom's relief. I must admit she did a beautiful job, especially since she knew nothing about Skokie, Illinois.

  “That's wonderful! Who's the lucky guy,” Lisa asked, admiring Mandy's ring. “Is it Tim, from school?

  “No, that was over ages ago! Tim married Miranda Soto last year. I'm marrying Joshua Cannon,” Mandy informed as she smiled proudly.

  “Oh, they've just merged with my parents’ medical group. We should be seeing a lot of each other from now on.” Lisa grinned then turned at her mother's discreet cough.

  My sister flushed. “Oh, please excuse my manners. You remember my mother, Lillian Reed, don't you, Mandy?”

  Lil walked around the table and kissed both of Mandy's cheeks. “I received an invitation to your wedding, Mandy. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Reed. It's a pleasure to see you again,” Mandy smiled.

  Lisa smiled at my mom as she stood. “Mandy, this is my dad's wife, Rachel. They're newlyweds! Rachel, this is Mandra Plummer, a good friend since high school.”

  Mandy smiled at my mom and gave her a brief hug. Mom warmed to her immediately.

  “Hello, Mrs. Harvey, I’m Mandy. I’m so happy to make your acquaintance. I'd heard Mr. Harvey has a little more pep in his step these days and I believe that is due to you. Welcome to Calabasas.”

  “Thank you, Mandy,” Mom grinned. “I'm enjoying it more every day.”

  Lisa smiled at me and I stood.

  “Mandy, this is my new sister, Mariah. Mariah, this is Mandy.”

  Mandy turned to me and gasped. My hand immediately flew to my neck. Lisa stepped forward, took it down and entwined my fingers into hers.

  “Mariah,” Mandy said, as if we had met before, and blinked rapidly. “Oh, my... you are beautiful. Wow... how are you not a model?”

  I blushed. This was a little weird.

  “Pleased to meet you, Mandy,” I murmured, offering my hand. She took it and continued to stare. She turned her head sideways but her eyes never left my face.

  “Um… Joshua,” she called out.

  A very handsome man, around thirty, was instantly at her side. He was almost as tall as Dr. Alexander, I noticed, but not as handsome. He had bl
ue eyes and brown hair and was dressed as well as his fiancée, in his dark blue suit and tie. He seemed very familiar to me.

  “Yes, sweetie?” Joshua smiled, snaking an arm around Mandy's waist. She still stared at me.

  “Joshua, this is Mariah,” Mandy said, barely audible, and she emphasized my name.

  Joshua shifted his attention to me and frowned. “Mariah, Mariah?” Joshua whispered in her ear, so low I almost couldn’t hear it.

  “Yes,” she whispered back. “That one.”

  I felt very uncomfortable.

  “Oh, wow. Umm... hmmm.” He cleared his throat. “Hello, Mariah. Joshua Cannon,” he said as he loosened Mandy's hand from mine then shook it politely.

  I smiled. “How do you do, Mr. Cannon?”

  “Joshua, please. I'm great. It’s a great pleasure to meet you, Mariah.”

  Okay… what’s this about?

  He released my hand and let out a strong 'whew'. I heard Lisa introducing our mothers to Joshua. He greeted them all warmly then looked back at his fiancée, who was still staring at me.

  “Mandy,” he called as he nudged her, making finally break her gaze from my face.

  Mandy reddened and apologized, giving me a sincere smile. “I'm sorry, I've never met a woman as beautiful as you are. It's astounding. You have the most beautiful skin ever. I am totally jealous.”

  “Thank you so much, Mandy. You’re very good for my ego. I could return the compliment; you are flawless.”

  She smiled and blushed again. I liked them both. She's genuine and humble. So is Joshua, even though they looked like they were born into or have acquired serious money. I was so out of their league.

  “Oh, thank you so much.” Mandy placed her hand on my forearm. “Please come to our wedding. It’s two weeks from Saturday. Oh, and Lisa? I'd like you both to attend. Also, my bridal shower and our co-bachelor party next weekend!”

  Lisa clapped with glee then pulled out her card from her purse. “Here's my cell number. Please text all the info to me. We’ll both attend everything!”

  Damn, I was going to beg off. Mandy smiled and took Lisa's card, then looked at me once more, pensively, at first, then I saw mischievousness sparkle in her eyes.

  “Lisa, may I see you privately for a moment,” Mandy asked.

  “Mandy... ” Joshua murmured, like a warning.

  She gave him a small smile and dancing eyes. “What a fucking nightmare,” she murmured.

  Joshua turned to us. “It was a pleasure meeting you all, ladies. Please enjoy your meal, on me.” He nodded and retreated to the bar. I saw him speak to a waitress who looked our way then nodded. Mandy and Lisa walked toward the entrance.

  After I decided what I want to eat, I looked at Lisa who was staring at me while Mandy was talking a mile minute and gesturing with a huge smile on her face. When Mandy finished, Lisa nodded and I think she mouthed the words 'I promise'. They embraced then Lisa came back to the table.

  “Are we ready to order,” Lisa asked, grabbing her menu, red and flustered. We all stared at her, hoping she'd reveal what had her all worked up. She looked up and glanced around the table at each of us.

  She settled on Lillian. “What, Mother?”

  “What was that about, Lisa,” Lil asked, amused.

  “Nothing. Mandy trusted me with a huge secret and I promised not to share.” She flushed crimson and put her head down as she pretended to read the menu.

  After the waitress Joshua spoke to approached and smiled as she took our order, I decided I wanted a martini and Lisa asked for one as well. Our mothers wanted a glass of wine. I walk toward the bar and saw Joshua standing there, chatting on his cell. I smiled at him and placed my order and tried to figure out where I knew him from... I hadn’t been in town long nor met many new people so why did he seem so familiar to me? He didn’t seem to share the familiarity.

  “Good,” Joshua murmured. “About the parties next week. There will be several more guests.” He placed a hand on my arm. “Mariah, have a seat. I'll have your drinks brought to your table.”

  I smiled again. “Thank you, Joshua,” I said and headed back to the table, wondering where the hell I'd met him before.

  Chapter Three

  You Cannot Get Here Fast Enough…

  Lisa and I had been home for about an hour when the house phone rang. No surprise, it was my mother.

  “I don't think your cell’s on, honey; I've been calling you. Did you get your scrubs?”

  “I left my phone here today, Mom. Why didn't you call Lisa's? And yes, I got five sets as well as a stethoscope, and some ugly white shoes. And before you ask, yes, I used the Amex. Please thank Pops for me.”

  “Mariah, why would you leave your phone? You know how I worry.”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes. My attempt to thwart her anxiety failed. I think I will forever be eight to her. It's a blessing and a curse.

  “The battery was dead so I left it here to charge.”

  “Okay, honey. Please try to charge it at night or first thing in the morning. I really want you to keep a phone on you at all times.”

  Mom's voice had gotten low, which meant her feelings were hurt.

  “I will do that from now on and I'm sorry you were worried.”

  She sighed. “I'm sorry I worry so much. I'm working on it.”

  “I know you are. I'll see you for Sunday dinner and I’ll have my cell.”

  I relaxed when Mom chuckled. “Yes, honey. Kisses to you and Lisa. Good-night. I love you.”

  “Good night, Mom. I love you, too.”

  I hung up and immediately, the phone rang again. Exasperated, I snatched it up.


  “Bug? It's Nathan.”

  I grinned big. “Deet! How are you?”

  “I'm good. Just finished my last lecture at UIC. I’m now debt-free and in a month, I'll be Crestwood Hospital's newest attending.”

  I smiled, so happy for him. “Congratulations! You're in Crestwood now?”

  “No, tomorrow. I have to get it in gear so I’ll be ready for Mom’s annual birthday soirée.”

  “Wish her a happy birthday for me. I enjoyed her visits and can't wait to see her again.”

  “She loves you too, Bug. She's always going on about the brown-eyed girl from school to my aunt; how it's a pity we're only friends. She thinks my cousin Cliff might interest you since I couldn't. Why is it so hard to believe you and I only want a sibling relationship with each other?”

  I giggled. “I have no idea. Your mom mentioned Cliff to me on several occasions. From the way she talked of him... I don't know, Deet... I think he might be gay.”

  Nathan burst out laughing. “How did you figure that out and you've never met him, but she still hasn't?”

  I laughed, too. Mrs. James was a pip.

  After we stopped laughing, we sat in silence for a moment. I had a feeling he wanted to ask or tell me something but didn't know how to say it. I decided to broach the subject.

  “Nathan... it's all right. I'm fine with it.”

  “Are you sure? I think I really like her.”

  I smiled as I thought, ‘I knew it.’

  “Think or know?”

  He paused for a split second. “Know.”

  “That's enough for me, Nathan. I trust you with... everything.”

  “You know I won't tell her. That's something you have to do when you are ready.”

  “Thank you, Deet,” I whispered.

  “Don't mention it.” He changed the subject. “So have you met anyone yet?”

  “No, and I'm not looking. I do start my job soon, however. Floating nurse at Pops' medical building.”

  I hoped he believed my lie. I did meet someone. An engaged someone. Blue eyes crept into my thoughts.


  I shook my head, hoping to erase all thought of him, like I'm a damn Etch-A-Sketch.

  “Oh, right, I remember. Are you ready? Do you need anything?”

  “No thanks, I'm good. I got my
scrubs and stuff today. My first day is Monday so I will relax through the weekend and get through Sunday dinner. You should seriously consider coming for a visit, I think you'll love it here.”

  “That's another reason why I called. I can come out next week and visit for two, if that's okay.”

  I immediately warmed inside. “Nathan! Of course it's okay! More than okay!”

  I heard the relief sigh he let out.

  “Good. I'm supposed to start on the twenty-fifth and I’ll need to be back, at least, a week before. I also want to be there for your birthday.”

  I smiled again and looked at the calendar over the phone table. Of course he remembered my birthday; hadn’t missed one in the five years I knew him at that point.

  “Okay, how about you come on the first and stay till the seventeenth? You’ll be here for the Fourth festivities at Mom and Pops’ home, as well as my birthday, with two days to spare.”

  “Great, sounds good. Can't wait to see you.”

  “Oh, come on. It’s not me you're jonesing to see.”

  “I wanna see you too...”

  “It’s okay, Deet. I think it's great you want to be with her,” I assured him again.

  “Okay. Umm... can I talk to her now,” he asked shyly.

  “Of course. She's in her bedroom, hang on. Twink,” I called upstairs. “Pick up the phone!”

  “Okay! Thanks,” she yelled back.

  The phone clicked to life then a breathless, “Hello?”

  “Hi, sweetheart.”

  I heard her giggle into the phone. “Hi, Nathan.”

  I hung up. Feeling a need for a hot bubble bath, I went upstairs to my bathroom.

  We’re going to be alone, forever, remember? Almost changed our mind for Dr. Cerulean but he’s taken. Yet another clue we need to leave men be, Hollander.

  I was so glad when the running water blocked out that voice.

  * * *

  As I oiled my body after my bath, I heard a seductive giggle escape from Lisa down the hall, who was still on the phone with Nathan and a sudden pang of jealousy hit me. I did not want to be that person, either, especially toward my sister and my best friend. He's out there somewhere. Maybe.


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