Mariah: The M Series: Book Two

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Mariah: The M Series: Book Two Page 21

by Ryanne Anthony

  She visibly relaxed, took a deep breath and spoke, still holding my hands.

  “Mariah, I have three strong, handsome sons that I enjoyed carrying, giving birth to and raising. Marcus Alexander, Matthew Oliver and Joshua Andrew, in that order. My boys are very protective of me, but Marcus fiercely so. I love all three of my boys equally, but growing up, Marcus and I shared the strongest connection. I assume it's because he's the oldest, but I'm really not sure.”

  “Wait. Marcus' middle name is Alexander?”

  “Yes, darling, it is. It was my father's name. Joshua Alexander Crawford. There has been an Alexander in my line since forever, and I kept the tradition going. Hopefully, when he gets over that silly notion that he doesn't want children, Marcus and his wife will carry on that tradition. The 'Marcus' name is from his father, Stephen Marcus Cannon.”

  She sighed. “Late last month, Marcus showed up mid-morning, on a weekday. That's odd for him, considering he's a pediatrician and is usually in practice at that time of day. Mandy, Joshua and I were discussing the party details for tonight's do and Marcus entered thoroughly flustered. He drank half a bottle of scotch, muttering 'Mariah. Her name's Mariah' over and over, before he relaxed enough to tell us what was going on. 'The girl, Mother. Her name is Mariah,' he finally clarified and I realized he was talking about the sad girl that stole his heart and he didn't even know her name and she didn't know he existed.

  “Mariah, my son tells me a lot about his life. Always has. I don't know why considering Matthew and Joshua still think they keep their shoes sizes secret.”

  I smiled, then look down and smirked. Since he didn’t want me to know he was a Cannon, Marcus had never disclosed anything personal about his family life to me but we’ve talked about almost everything else.

  Mrs. Cannon continued, “When Marcus was fourteen, he heard his father and I arguing. Stephen had had an affair that produced a child, a girl.”

  My eyes widened. ‘And a sister,’ he said quietly, I remembered.

  “Oh, so he's told you of her. Evelyn is a lovely girl, despite her way of coming to existence.” She smiled. “I love her dearly.”

  “He only said she existed, as he said of his brothers, in passing. He never gave details; I didn't even know her name.”

  Nor Matthew's, for that matter. I only knew Joshua's because he was introduced to me as Joshua Cannon. Marcus was introduced to me as 'Marcus Alexander', although I didn't know Marcus was a Cannon. Perhaps that's why I felt I knew Joshua when I met him in Cavatappi’s. He is similar to Marcus.

  “Mariah, my sons are 36, 32 and 29. In August, Evelyn will be thirty-two. Matthew's birthday is in February. She and Matthew are six months apart.”

  Lisa and I gasped, Nathan shook his head.

  “I'm so sorry, Mrs. Cannon, but I still...”

  Mrs. Cannon interrupted me by squeezing my hand. “Please, darling, I'm sharing the most personal and painful aspect of my life with you. I think you should call me Katherine.”

  “Yes, okay. Katherine.”

  “Like I said, Marcus heard the argument, and what it was about and disowned his father. At fourteen! His father took it as a joke, not believing his own son would turn on him, but he did. Marcus dropped 'Cannon' from his name, only using it for legal purposes, and stopped talking to Stephen. His father was devastated. It made him think about how his actions affected others, and not just him and me, as he originally assumed. I suspect this is the reason Marcus thinks he doesn't want children.

  “I threw Stephen out, and we separated for three years. My boys were heartbroken at not having their father in the home anymore, Marcus as well, but he knew I had to put it all together in my own time, one way or another.

  “Over that time, I accepted Evelyn into my life; she is my sons' only sister. After her mother died, she moved in with my sons and I, shortly after her eleventh birthday. The boys had a rough go at it at first and Joshua was the first to break. Marcus and Matthew accepted her as well, in their own time and ways.

  “Marcus and his father were estranged for years, and even though Stephen showed up for every important event in Marcus' life, Marcus would not budge until Stephen admitted his wrong and apologized to the family for his indiscretion. That happened nine years ago.”

  Surprised, I asked, “Marcus didn't speak to his father for thirteen years?”

  “No, he didn't. Not even a hello or goodbye. It very painful to witness but it was not my place to try and fix that relationship. I feel strongly that I should at least try and help patch up the one with you, Mariah. I had given up on Marcus finding someone he could love; he resisted it so much. I knew that engagement with Adina wouldn't work out, and I was afraid he’d settle and actually go through with it. I wouldn't let him without putting my nose in that either, because like any loving mother, I want my boys to be happy with the person they commit to.” She patted my hand then held it again. “Mariah, I believe with all my heart you are that person for Marcus.

  “He came to my house last night; he was there when his father and I returned from a dinner party. I'd never seen my son in so much pain, ranting about some song. Matthew was there when he arrived, and he told us he'd been drinking since arriving and he called Joshua to help try to calm him down. Nothing could calm him so his father asked all of us to leave them alone. I don't know what he said to him but Marcus was calmed considerably when they came out of the study.”

  I looked at my hand in hers and said, “I was in turmoil after work when I found out he had omitted the truth about his name and who he actually is, Mrs. Ca... um, Katherine. I ran to my brother, Ethan, because I felt everyone around me knew this huge secret, and were purposely keeping me in the dark. I felt so betrayed and untrusted. Disrespected.”

  My tears started again. “I just don't know how to be with a man like that,” I whispered. I put my head on my fingertips, ashamed I couldn't hold back my tears.

  “A man like what, darling,” Katherine prompted.

  “Marcus Cannon.”

  “Mariah, what's so different, now that you know his real last name? Is there a difference between the Marcus Alexander you met and Marcus Cannon you now know him to be?”

  “But I don't know Marcus Cannon, Katherine,” I insisted, quietly.

  “Yes, you do, Cookie,” Lisa asserted. “He's the same guy you've been falling for since that collision at work; you just know something new about him, a name. There is love coming from both sides in that relationship. Please don't throw it away over something so, so small.”

  I looked at her. “I don't know, I just...” I stopped, not knowing how to express my overwhelming issue. Nathan didn’t have that problem.

  “She's frightened of his money, Mrs. Cannon.”

  “Why does it bother you that Marcus has money,” Katherine asked, frowning.

  “I don't want him to ever think... that I...”

  We don't ever want him to question our love for him.

  “I'm not a gold-digger, Katherine,” I said through my tears.

  “No one will ever, ever think that of you,” she exclaimed, going into her purse. She pulled out a cream-colored handkerchief, dabbed at my eyes and cheeks, then placed the handkerchief in my hands.

  “I feel intimidated, as well. Money makes me... nervous and so do the people that possess it. Besides, I have nothing to offer him,” I whispered.

  Katherine tilted my head up. “Mariah, did you love my son, before you knew he was wealthy? Honestly,” she asked, softly.

  I looked her in the eyes. “Yes, I did.”

  “And do you still?”

  “I do,” I confirmed.

  “Sounds like you do have something to offer him. Love. I'd say that's a fine start! A very fine one.” Katherine studied me a moment. “I don't want you to come to the bridal shower, darling. Come to the evening event, instead. You should be well rested and ready to party with the rest of the group... and maybe talk to Marcus alone? I’m sure you’ll be able to find privacy despite the crowd. But
for now just think and weigh all the options and come to tonight’s party, all right, Mariah?”

  “I don't know if I should come to either event, Katherine. I made such a fool of myself last night. I sung a song telling Marcus to go away and never comeback and he walked out without another word when I finished.”

  “Yes, he was quite reeled by that, I must admit. Put it behind you, darling. Paint up your face and throw on a dazzling dress. If you can't make a go with him, at least you would have tried and not moped around the house all day,” Katherine reasoned.

  Yes... I want to go... I have to hear from him, don't I? I glanced at my watch. 12:31. Damn!

  “I've missed my appointment at the salon,” I muttered.

  “No problem,” Katherine declared, taking her cell out of her purse. “Marion, sweetheart, it's Katherine Cannon ... Just fine, hun. Listen, I have a lovely young woman who needs to be dazzling tonight. Can you fit her in? And her sister, too ... Perfect! ... Wonderful, hun. They'll be there at three! Charge them to me. Mariah Hollander and Lisa Harvey, hun... Of course, the works for the both of them ... Absolutely. But tell Rico not to cut a strand of Mariah's beautiful hair and leave it down ... All right, and I'll see you next week, hun. Bye!”

  I smiled at Katherine's schmoozing and tried to protest. “Katherine, I can't accept –”

  “Nonsense, dear. It's a gift. Either a welcome to the family or a goodbye gift. I'm hoping for the former,” she smiled and tapped my nose. “God, you're so adorable and it’s no wonder why my son loves you! I really hope you'll be my daughter-in-law someday, Mariah. I knew the moment I met you were special.”

  I blushed. “Whatever happens tonight, I think that might be a little premature.”

  “Nonsense. When it's right, it's right. Time doesn’t matter!” She grinned as she reached into her wallet and produced a card. “This is where you ladies are going. Ask for Marion; she'll take care of you. And now I must take my leave; I still have several things to take care of and time waits for no one.”

  She stood and held out her hands, and when I stood, she pulled me into an embrace. She held onto me as I walk her to the door.

  “Good luck tonight, darling. I really do hope you can work it out with Marcus. Think of the beautiful babies you and he could make to see you through your talk with him. I know I will be.”

  “Thank you, Katherine,” I blushed. “Oh, Mandy's gifts...”

  “I can take them, darling. And Mariah? I think you should wear purple.” She winked and walked out the door after Nathan, who was carrying the gifts for her.

  She certainly gave me a lot to think about, I noted as I watched Nathan open her car door and place the gifts on the seat.

  But was it enough?

  Chapter Sixteen

  I want to forgive you but…

  I spent at least an hour in a dress shop with Lisa trying to decide which dress to buy. One was a deep red and the other... purple. Both were flattering on my figure. I liked the red one best but Katherine hinted Marcus liked me in purple.

  “I'll take both, please,” I informed the clerk.

  “Ma'am, may I suggest shoes and accessories that would accentuate either dress?”

  “Sure,” I answered, nonchalant.

  Lisa’s eyebrows rose. “Wow, Cookie. You are on a mission. I've never seen you spend like this on yourself.”

  “I'm feeling... frisky.” I laughed and then sobered when I thought about what I said to her yesterday. “I'm so sorry about yesterday, Twink. I have no excuse.”

  She hugged me. “No idea what you’re talking about. What happened yesterday?”

  The clerk returned and held out two different shoes. “Which shoe do you like, ma'am?”

  “Both of them, but that one has purple in it. Ugh! This is why I hate shopping,” I exclaimed.

  “She'll take them both, size eight,” Lisa decided then winked. “I'm feeling frisky too.”

  “Let's hope Pops doesn't take my card away!”

  “Not a chance. He may faint when he sees you actually put a nudge in it!”

  “Wrap it all up,” I giggled at the sales clerk. I glanced at my watch.

  “I hope Nathan is finished; it's after two already. We're supposed to be at Katherine's salon at three.”

  “Good thing the place is only a few minutes from here.” Lisa smiled as she pulled out her cell. “But I'll call and rush him along, anyway.”

  Good. I didn't want to be late tonight.

  * * *

  I chose the red dress for the party. The fly-away sleeves and the fitted bodice were the deciding factors. The full flowing skirt kissing at my knees didn't hurt either. When I moved, it caressed me. And my breasts never looked better.

  “Good choice, Cookie! Sexy and classy all in one,” Lisa said when she saw me, looking fabulous navy blue dress with a small silver bow at the waist. I still can’t believe she found matching suede, navy blue peep toe heels with little silver bows on the back. I smiled when I noticed she’s wearing Nathan’s anklet.

  Our ankle feels bare without ours.

  “Thank you, Twink. So do you! This isn't too much? In the breast area, I mean.”

  “No way; it’s perfect. And I love what Rico did to your hair.”

  There was a small pin on top of my head, to keep the hair off my face and the rest was curled down my back in long soft waves. My make-up was flawless, very minimal. Whoever said 'less is more' was absolutely right. I was amazed and thought I looked beautiful.

  Nathan whistled as he walked in, wearing a navy suit with a silver-gray tie. “I will be the envy of the party when I walk in with you two on my arms.”

  Lisa blushed. “You're not bad yourself, Puppy.”

  “Very handsome, Deet,” I agreed. “I love it. You two look adorable.”

  “Aw, shucks,” he goofily said and held out his elbows. “Shall we?

  * * *

  We were greeted by Katherine and Dr. Cannon right away and I finally met Matthew, the middle son. He looked a lot like Marcus, both being a mix of their parents but leaning a little toward their father’s looks, whereas Joshua looked more like Katherine. No matter how much they leaned either way, Marcus was/is the most handsome.

  I looked to Matthew's right and I saw my boss, Ms. Turner, and wondered if they were dating.

  Ms. Turner held my hand. “Hello, Mariah. You look beautiful. I love that dress,” she says, smiling warmly at me.

  “Thank you, Ms. Turner, it's a pleasure to see you tonight,” I replied as I smiled back.

  Matthew leaned over. “This is our sister Evelyn, Mariah. She'd better be here or Mother would ground her for life!”

  I looked back at Ms. Turner as she smacked Matthew’s arm and suddenly it was obvious. The 'Evelyn' Katherine spoke of earlier. Oh, wow... she does looks a lot like Dr. Cannon. Same blue eyes and nose. She’s practically a feminine Marcus.

  “I’m an idiot,” I mumbled. “I'm sorry... please forgive me, Ms. Turner.”

  “It's fine, Mariah,” she smiled and kissed my cheek. “Please, do call me Evelyn. Enjoy the party.”

  I smiled and murmured, “Thank you, Evelyn.”

  Dr. Cannon left the greeting line. “May I escort you in, Mariah,” he asked, bending his right elbow toward me.

  “I'd be honored, Dr. Cannon. Thank you.” I wrapped my hand in the crook of his elbow.

  He winked. “Stephen, please and it'll be my pleasure, love.”

  I fought a giggle, marveling again at his voice.

  Stephen escorted me out to the big, beautiful yard. There were flowers around the perimeter and tables surrounding a huge dance floor, draped in white and rose colored cloths with a hurricane and candle in the middle. There is also a small flower bouquet on the backs of the white chairs at the tables. A live band was softly playing to the right of the house and a bar was under the dual stair case. The garden looked as if it'd been fitted to accommodate the two hundred people here comfortably tonight.

  Stephen introduced me to every
one, as if the party were for me. I just wanted to faint when we got to his brother, Bradford. Their voices had a similar tone and it was so intoxicating to be between them.

  After the introductions, I sat at a table near the middle of the yard with my parents, Lisa, Nathan, T, Monica and Ethan. T and Ethan were debating on whose suit fits better. Those two never quit.

  We'd been at the party for about an hour, and I had yet to see Marcus.

  I watched the couples dancing and thought about the night Marcus and I danced; how fluidly we moved together. I missed that... and the lovemaking after.

  “What are you thinking about, Mariah,” Mom asked, amused.

  I turned back to the table and everyone was staring at me. I blushed crimson.

  “Nothing,” I whispered.

  Pops asked me to dance. I smilingly accepted.

  “Go easy on your old man, Cookie,” Pops said when we got to the dance floor.

  I smile as I assured him. “I will, Pops. I'll follow your lead.”

  “You look beautiful, by the way. He'll come around soon.”

  “Who, Pops,” I whispered as tears stung my eyes. He shook his head.

  We dance a simple waltz. It was nice, but not good as it was with Marcus.

  As we walked back to our table at the end of the dance, I noticed Joshua there chatting with everyone. He smiled as Pops and I approached and held out his hand.

  “Dr. Harvey, thanks for joining us tonight.”

  Pops shook his hand. “Joshua. You know my daughter, don't you?”

  “Indeed, Dr. Harvey. I had the great pleasure of meeting her last week.” Joshua took my hand in his. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Miss Hollander.”

  “Mariah,” I smiled. “Pleasure to see you as well, Joshua.”

  He smiled warmly then turned to Pops. “Dr. Harvey, I wonder if I might borrow your daughter for a dance. I’m afraid I haven't had a ballroom dance in ten years and may be a bit rusty. I'd like to give it a shot. I hear you're quite good, Mariah.”

  I flushed, knowing Marcus shared that information with him.

  “I'm okay... not professional but I can get by,” I answered. “Mandy?”


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