Bad Boy Brother

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Bad Boy Brother Page 75

by Chance Carter

  “I could taste it instantly,” Paul said with pride.

  Jason continued. “Even if you just smell it, you can pick up on the tart, cherry smell. At first it tastes sweet, like amber malt. The sweetness isn’t overpowering. Then, it takes on a dryer flavor. Finally, you’re left with a mild cherry essence that lingers sweetly on your tongue.”

  “That’s what she said,” I said and the guys laughed.

  It was an old joke, but always good for a laugh.

  “Everyone but you has let that joke die, Kane.”

  I grinned at them. “I’ll never give up on it.”

  I was a beer fan, and I respected the passion Paul and Jason had for it, but I didn’t want to spend the whole night talking about cherry and amber malt.

  “Speaking of she,” I said, “are you still hanging out with that same girl, Jason?”

  “The redhead with the addiction for yoga pants,” Paul added.

  “No, that fizzled out a couple weeks ago. I’m back to the bachelor life.”

  He didn’t seem overly disappointed about it.

  “How about you, Paul?” Jason said, using his high pitched, joking voice. “You still holding strong to your decision? No more being a player for you? Still looking for that special someone? Still searching for the one? Your one true love?”

  With each question, his voice got higher, and funnier. I laughed but forced myself to stop when I looked at Paul. He was pretty serious about his decision to find one special girl.

  “Kane ended things with Steph today,” Paul said, changing the subject.

  “Finally,” Jason said, before Paul had the chance to finish his sentence.

  I looked at them both. It was obvious they’d discussed the subject before. I didn’t say anything. They looked at each other and got the hint, letting the conversation move on.

  “Hey, when was the last time the three of us went to Big Sur together?” Paul said.

  Finally. A subject that I was interested in.

  “It’s been way too long,” Paul continued. “We should go. We’re all completely free right now. Perfect time for a guy’s trip.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Jason said. “I could really use a break.”

  I nodded noncommittally, but the more I thought about it, a few days away with good buddies sounded like something I could really use.

  “The catch is, we’d have to leave tomorrow,” Jason said. “Would that work for you guys? I just started a couple batches of beer and need to get back for when they ferment.”

  “I’m sure I could get out of my shifts,” Paul said. “The new guy is always looking to pick up extra hours.”

  They both looked to me.

  I smiled. “Well, with all the work Paul got done at the shop today, I’m ahead of schedule. I’ll just have to stop by in the morning to make...”

  “Yes!” Paul said, cutting me off loudly. “Kane is in too. I can’t believe it.”

  He slapped me hard on the back and I laughed.

  “Yeah, I’m in. Let’s do this,” I said.

  Jason was thrilled.

  “Wicked,” he said. “I’ll drive. My buddy has a place up there. He said I can crash any time. I’ll give him a call later to make sure he’s cool with the three of us coming.”

  “Let’s head out early so we’ve got plenty of time to catch some waves,” Paul said.

  “I’ll have to catch up with you guys there,” I said. “I’m in, but I do need to stop by the shop first. I don’t want to hold you up.”

  It was true I needed to clean up a few things at the shop, but I also wanted to make sure I had my own vehicle. I didn’t want to be completely locked in to their schedule.

  “Come on, man,” Paul said. “We’re a team.”

  “We’re a team with two cars,” I said.

  He didn’t push the issue for fear I’d back out completely. This was the first time in months I’d agreed to do anything remotely fun. The first time since … the accident.

  “Hey you guys, your order’s almost up,” the waitress said as she popped between the tanks to give us a heads up.



  I pulled out the bar stool and sat back down next to Sandra.

  “What took you so long?” she asked.

  My stomach twisted. I wondered had I really been gone that long. I must have been. Okay, I knew I’d been. But my mind was scrambled from what Kane had just done to my body.

  I couldn’t come up with a single decent excuse.

  “It’s a bit early in the night to be disappearing without an explanation,” Sandra said with a giggle. “Any longer and I was going to come looking.”

  “There was a line,” I said weakly.

  “I was so starving I ordered us an appetizer to share. I hope you like calamari.”

  She just kept talking. She didn’t even look up from her phone to check that it was me who sat next to her. I was relieved. She was too distracted to notice the guilty look on my face, or the messed up hair and slightly ruffled clothing. It looked like I was going to get away without having to explain myself.

  The waitress came by and placed the calamari in front of us.

  “Are you ladies ready to order your main courses?” she asked.

  “I’ll need a few more minutes,” I said, picking up the menu.

  Sandra wasted no time diving into the calamari. I dove right into my glass of wine. I intended to have a sip, but soon realized that if I didn’t stop, I’d have chugged the whole thing. The last thing I needed to do was draw more attention to myself.

  I put the glass down and gently pushed it away as I debated between two menu options.

  “What are you going to have?” Sandra asked.

  “I can’t decide,” I said, putting the menu down. “I’ll make up my mind when she comes back.”

  Sandra gestured for me to help myself to the calamari, so I did. She picked up another piece and dipped it in the sauce.

  It felt surreal, sitting there so soon after what had just happened. I still had Kane dripping out of me, messing up my panties, but I was already back at the bar, eating calamari! I looked at Sandra then took another extra-long sip of wine.

  “I have no idea what’s in this sauce, but it’s delicious,” Sandra said, holding a piece of dip soaked calamari in front of my face.

  “Yeah, it’s so good. Good call ordering a starter. I was starving too,” I said.

  Sandra smiled, feeling pleased with herself.

  Then she looked up at my face for the first time since my return.

  “Oh my God, Meadow. You’re cheeks are so rosy. You look like you just ran a marathon.”

  Oh shit.

  “They look amazing. They’ve got this fullness and a real natural glow to them. What kind of blush do you use? I need it.”

  I couldn’t believe it. Saved again by Sandra’s tipsy buzz!

  “Yup, my face really needed a freshen up,” I said. “The blush is amazing. I get it from a company online. I’ll send you the link later.”

  My blush was amazing, but I didn’t have it with me. It was still sitting on the vanity in my bedroom in Palo Alto, next to all the other expensive products I’d left behind.

  Sandra smirked.

  “What?” I said.

  “Oh, just something tells me it will be a little out of my price range,” she said, standing up.

  “Out of both our price ranges now,” I said, laughing.

  The funny thing was, no one had ever complimented my rosy cheeks when I had all that expensive makeup. It took a real man and he’s real big, delicious cock to put a real glow on my cheeks!

  “My turn to use the ladies room,” Sandra said. “If the waitress comes, order me the fish tacos?”

  “For sure,” I replied.

  I reached into my bag and pulled out my phone to busy myself. I was nervous to be left on my own at the bar. I had no idea where Kane was. I hadn’t seen him before our little rendezvous, and I hadn’t set eyes on him si

  I kept glancing around, hoping to find him. Where was he? He couldn’t do what he’d just done and then disappear. What if I needed a top up?

  My stomach did a flip as I thought of what I’d say if I saw him again. Was he there, somewhere, watching me right at that very moment? The place was too busy to find him.

  I was still in shock. I couldn’t believe what we’d done. It was the naughtiest, most delicious, craziest thing I’d ever done. I was sure the girls who’d been waiting outside the washroom would recognize me.

  Before I knew it, Sandra was sitting back down next to me. Clearly she hadn’t had as eventful a trip as mine!

  “Did you order yet?” she asked.

  “Nope. She hasn’t been by.”

  “I’m so starving.”

  “You and me both,” I said, shoving another piece of calamari into my mouth.

  “So tell me more about you, Meadow. Tell me about this girl from Palo Alto who just appeared in Pismo Beach last night. What’s your story, you know, from before the cheating ex-husband?”

  The last thing I wanted was to talk more about myself. I wanted to avoid any conversation that would lead me to nervously blurting out what I had just done.

  Who I had just done.

  What would she think of me?

  How would I explain myself?

  Oh you know, I’m just the girl from Palo Alto who arrived less than twenty-four hours ago and fucked the first guy she met in the bar bathroom. Oh, and he’s the guy who caused a big scene with me last night and again this morning.

  Yeah, I’m totally normal.

  Even worse, what if I admitted it to her and she wasn't surprised?

  What if she wasn’t even shocked because that’s what Kane does with all the women who come to Pismo Beach?

  Yup, that’s Kane for you. Always quick to show new women the back of the bathroom door. He for sure didn’t hesitate when he lead me back there. Best fuck of my life.

  I’d be mortified to find out I was just one of many girls. I didn’t want her to tell me anything I wasn’t ready to hear.

  “Enough about me,” I said. “Let’s talk about you. I feel like all day all we’ve talked about is me and my problems. I know nothing about you. Did you grow up here?”

  I hoped to God she would take the bait.

  “Yup. Pismo Beach, born and raised,” Sandra said, but she was interrupted when the waitress came by.

  Sandra ordered the fish tacos. I went for the bacon mushroom burger with fries.

  Sandra continued talking.

  “Even my parents grew up here. I’m a true beach bum. It’s in my blood. I know there’s a whole world out there, but I like it here. I’m really close with my family and a lot of the friends I grew up with are still here. Speaking of which, there’s Kane and Paul.”

  She got excited and waved her hand to get their attention. I froze, instantly feeling a rush of blood as my whole face went red.

  “I know you and Kane haven’t quite hit it off yet,” she said, putting her hand on my leg, “but I feel like you guys have just gotten off on the wrong foot. I swear, he’s a good guy.”

  “Maybe hanging out in a group will eliminate some of the tension,” I said nervously.

  “Plus, you have to meet Paul. He’s the very best. You might recognize him, he was bartending last night. He’s so sweet and so hot. Obviously Kane is attractive too, but he’s a lost cause. I bet you’ll really like Paul.”

  She got up and waved at them.

  “Hey guys! Come join us!”

  I didn’t dare look up. I couldn’t. All I could do was take deep breaths and try not to lose my shit.



  The boys accepted my invitation to join me and Meadow. As they made their way over, I looked around for a table we could move to. It would make talking easier, rather than being lined along the bar.

  “Oh, there’s a table. Let’s move there. Grab our drinks,” I said to Meadow as I grabbed both of our purses.

  I made sure to catch the waitress's eye so she knew we were moving.

  “Did you guys just get here?” I asked Kane and Paul as I gave them each a hug.

  “No,” Paul said. “We’ve been in the back talking beer with Jason.”

  “Paul, I’m not sure you’ve properly met Meadow yet. This is Meadow. Meadow, this is Paul,” I said, smiling as they shook hands.

  “For sure, how’s it going, Meadow? It’s too bad your first time at the brewery turned out to be such a disaster.”

  We all looked at Kane. It was a tense moment and I felt I had to say something to diffuse the situation.

  “Look,” I said to Kane and Meadow. “I know you two have had a few misunderstandings.”

  I paused for a second so I could judge their response. They seemed calm.

  “But you’re both good people and I know you’d get along. Think you can forget everything that’s happened and just be friends?” I said, looking back and forth at each of them.

  “Sure,” Kane said as he took a sip of his beer.

  “Yup,” Meadow said, running her fingers along the bottom of her wine glass and pointedly avoiding eye contact with Kane.

  “Great. So we can move on and change the subject.”

  They both nodded and I got the distinct impression there was more going on than I was aware of. I guessed it would take some time for them to warm up to each other and I tried to think of something we could talk about.

  “So, we finally hired a new waitress at the café today,” I said.

  Both the guys knew how stressed I’d been about being short staffed.

  “Finally. You must be relieved. Who is it? Do we know her?” Paul asked.

  “You’re looking at her,” I said, gesturing to Meadow.

  Meadow averted her eyes and took a sip of her wine.

  “Oh cool,” Paul said. “Congratulations. When do you start?”

  “She already started today.”

  “No kidding!”

  “The second she walked into the café and asked about the Help Wanted sign, I tossed her an apron and she got to work. Her timing was perfect. I was up to my eyeballs in messy tables, customers waiting to pay, new customers waiting to be seated. She literally saved the day.”

  “You’re working here now?” Kane asked Meadow.

  “She sure is. She’s got zero waitressing experience though. She’s actually never worked a day in her life. I was so desperate I didn’t care. Plus, I could tell she’s a good girl, so I took a chance on her.”

  I rubbed Meadow’s shoulder affectionately as I spoke.

  “She killed it. She’s a natural. We make an awesome team, right Meadow?”

  “Yup,” Meadow said shyly.

  “We worked our butts off and as soon as we were finished, we came here. What about you two?”

  “Yeah, we had a really productive day. Kane and I make a pretty awesome team too,” Paul said, hitting Kane’s shoulder playfully.

  Kane looked at Paul’s hand on his shoulder and Paul quickly removed it. We all laughed. Kane had never been the overly affectionate type, and Paul knew it.

  “How was your first day on the job, Meadow?” Paul said.

  “I was pretty nervous at first, but Sandra is a great teacher. I’m excited for my second shift tomorrow. I know I’ll get the hang of it soon,” Meadow said.

  Before she could say more, the waitress came by with our food. She put my fish tacos in front of me and the Guinness stew in front of Paul.

  “And two bacon mushroom burgers with fries,” she said as she placed them down in front of Kane and Meadow. They looked up at each other.

  “See. I knew you two would have things in common,” I said with a smirk as I picked up a taco.

  Meadow looked down at her burger but I caught her stealing a glance at Kane. There was definitely something going on between them, something more than the fighting they’d seemed to be doing since laying eyes on each other.

Oh so get this,” I said. “Meadow only started today, but already she experienced grumpy old man Mathers.”

  “Oh snap, that’s quite the initiation. Did he take it easy on you?” Paul said.

  “I’m guessing that’s the guy who wouldn’t look at me while I served him?” Meadow said.

  “Yup. I didn’t notice him come in, otherwise I wouldn’t have let you go over. That man is peculiar to say the least. He’s a regular. Orders the exact same thing every day.”

  “One poached egg, two pieces of brown toast, no butter, home fries with extra fried onions and a package of strawberry jam,” Paul said.

  We laughed.

  “Before he got the job at the brewery, Paul had your job,” I said to Meadow.

  “Is that so?” she said, turning to Paul.

  “Anyway,” I continued. “Mr. Mathers expects that the moment he walks through the door, the kitchen starts his order, and the server meets him at his spot with a coffee, water and a copy of the daily paper.”

  Meadow laughed. “That explains a lot. I literally stood there and asked him three times if he’d like coffee. He wouldn’t move his arms off the table for me to put a menu in front of him. I thought he was deaf.”

  “Oh man, you poor girl,” Paul said as he wrapped his arm around Meadow’s shoulder.

  Paul’s an inveterate flirt. He can’t see a pretty girl without putting a hand on her.

  “He can be such a stubborn jerk if he doesn’t know you,” he continued, leaning closer to Meadow. “Once he realizes you’re there to stay, and you get his order right every single time, he’ll warm up.”

  Kane cleared his throat. He’d been his usual quiet self until then. “So, you’re here to stay?”

  Meadow looked up at him and I could tell she was blushing. “Well, I guess so. I mean, I don’t have a place yet, I’m just staying at a motel.”

  “Oh my God,” I said. “I can’t believe I didn’t ask about that. I mean, I knew you were new in town, but I just assumed you had a place. So you’re on the hunt for an apartment? I can help you look. I love apartment hunting.”

  Paul leaned in on her again, this time letting his hand slide slightly further down her arm from her shoulder.

  “A buddy of mine has a rental unit on the top floor of his place. It’s got a beautiful view. I’m pretty sure he said it’s empty. I’ll give him a call tomorrow. Give me your number and I’ll let you know what he says.”


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