Highlander Oath Of The Beast

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Highlander Oath Of The Beast Page 20

by Donna Fletcher

  Her smile grew at the thought of the men who had become her family growing, of them all becoming part of a bigger family, and the happiness it would bring them. Her smile faltered. That was if Brynjar didn’t steal it from them. She had enough of family being taken from her, she wouldn’t let it happen again.

  She grabbed her cloak and left the longhouse. She wanted to retrieve the knife she had seen in the dead man’s boot. It might reveal something about him. Could he have been a messenger with an important message for Wolf that had him anxious to take a chance in the snowstorm? But who sent him? Or had he been a foe who had come to plant himself in Wolf’s tribe? But then why would he rush to get here?

  Raven hoped the knife would reveal enough to answer some of her questions.

  She kept a quick pace, the falling snow turning heavy. There was no guard outside the door and one wasn’t necessary. After all, the man was dead. She entered the small shed and saw that Greta had covered the body with a blanket. A thoughtful gesture from a kindhearted woman.

  A quick toss of the blanket at the boot where she remembered seeing the knife had her scrunching her brow. She threw back the blanket up to his knees and examined both boots.

  The knife was gone.

  Chapter 20

  Raven went in search of Greta to find out if she had seen a knife in the dead man’s boot. Of course, by the time she tracked her down, she and Fyn were already heading to the keep. And by the time she reached the bottom of the hill that took her up to the keep, they were halfway to the top.

  She thought of waiting and speaking with Greta tomorrow. It wasn’t urgent that she find out today, but she knew it would nag at her if she didn’t. With a hefty sigh of resignation, she started up the hill. Snow was covering the path that had been cleared, but some spots had iced over and were slippery. It was probably the reason Fyn held Greta firmly to his side.

  The thought of climbing the entire path had her taking a chance the couple would hear her shout and stop and wait for her to reach them. “FYN!”

  He turned as did Greta and they stopped.

  Raven tried to hurry her steps, not wanting to keep them waiting in the cold and she almost went down twice, her boot catching icy spots. She was relieved when she finally reached them.

  “I won’t keep you,” she said, huddling close to them. “Greta, when you examined the dead man, did you happen to notice a knife tucked in his left boot?”

  “I did,” Greta said. “But I thought it best not to disturb it, at least until he thawed some.”

  Fyn was quick to ask, “Is there a problem, Raven?”

  “The knife is gone,” she said, the significance of its disappearance unnerving.

  “If someone here took it…” Fyn didn’t finish, the thought too disturbing.

  Raven said what Fyn didn’t. “Someone here knew him and knew what that knife could confirm.”

  Fyn finished the rest. “That he was one of Brynjar’s warriors, which means someone in the tribe is faithful to Brynjar.”

  “I need to inform Wolf,” she said. “Stay warm and alert, and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “Be careful going down, there’s ice in spots,” Fyn cautioned.

  “I hit a few coming up,” she turned away and left Fyn and Greta to make their way up the rest of the way while she began to make her way down.

  She slipped a couple of times but managed to remain on her feet. Though, she came to an abrupt halt when she saw someone approaching her. She couldn’t make out who it was through the heavily swirling snow and cautiously remained where she was. Relief swept over her when her husband got close enough to see it was him and to hear his shout.


  She smiled and, eager to reach him, she hurried forward far too fast and hit a spot of ice that not only took her off her feet but sent her rolling down the hill with such force that it ripped her fur cloak off her and a few of the fur wrappings.

  Wolf stilled for a sheer moment when he saw his wife slip, then roll rapidly toward him. He sprung forward, throwing himself at her. Her momentum was so strong it took him off his feet before he could stop her, but he managed to wrap himself around her when he went down to try to protect her as much as possible as they rolled with speed down the hill.

  They slammed into a snow drift, snow almost burying them.

  Wolf felt his wife shiver in his arms and he got the both of them on their feet.

  Snow stuck to Raven’s lashes, blurring her sight, and she spit it from her mouth as well. The snow had buried itself deep in every part of her and along with it the bone-chilling cold.

  Wolf yanked his fur cloak off and wrapped it around his wife, her body shaking badly, then he scooped her up in his arms and rushed her as fast as possible to the longhouse and straight to their bedchamber.

  She hugged herself tight when he placed her on her feet, her shivering worsening. “I’m so cold.”

  “Your garments are damp from the snow,” he said, his hands working quickly to strip her naked.

  When he was done he rushed her up into his arms again and hurried her into the bed, piling blankets and furs on top of her, but it did little to stop her trembling. He stripped himself fast and slipped beneath the blankets to take her in his arms, but his body was as chilled as hers and only worsened her shivers. He hurried out of bed, grabbed one of the furs off it, and spread it on the floor in front of the hearth.

  Raven protested when her husband, yanked back the blankets, scooped her up in his arms, and carried her over to the hearth to lay her on the fur.

  “Cover me,” she pleaded, hugging herself against the cold.

  He came down on top of her, shoving her arms away from her breasts and covering her with his body.

  “I’m going to warm you,” he said, his knee slipping between her legs to spread them apart.

  A harsh chill raced through her, shivering her senseless.

  He cursed beneath his breath as he hurried off her and pulled her to her feet. “You need the heat of the fire.” He turned her to face the hearth, his arm going around her waist.

  The heat of the flames raced over her body, chasing the chill from her skin, but not the bone-deep chill that was consuming her.

  Though her skin warmed, he could feel the cold that seeped to the surface. He pressed his face next to hers. “Brace your hands on the mantel.” As soon as she did he tugged at her waist. “Bring your feet back and spread them.”

  She did as he said, realizing his intentions and the image it brought to mind excited her and raced a shot of heat through her.

  “I like when you obey me without question,” he whispered against her ear.

  “Don’t get used to it,” she said and gasped when his hand slipped between her legs and his fingers slipped inside her.

  “Wet and ready,” he whispered.

  “Always… for you.” She fought back a groan and lost.

  “I’m going to pleasure you until you’re so hot, you might just burst into flames.”

  “Promises. Promises,” she said and moaned loudly when his thumb began to tease her pulsing nub, sending an exquisite burst of pleasure and heat through her and caused gooseflesh to rush over her entire body.

  Wolf pressed his body against hers as he teased her senseless, her moans a seductive song to his ears and the way she pushed back against him, seeking the satisfaction of his shaft hardened him even more.

  His desire soared out of control rapidly and he could feel hers did the same, but it was a chill settling in her backside that decided it.

  His hand suddenly fell away from her and she released her disappointment with a groan.

  He turned her around quickly, his arm slipping under her backside as he hoisted her up and ordered, “Wrap your legs around me.”

  Raven’s arms went around his neck as her legs locked around his waist. His hands gripped her bottom to adjust her against him so his shaft could slip easily into her. And he did with an intentional slowness. Pure pleasure invaded his senses a
s her sheath welcomed him with a tight hug and he had to stop himself from roaring aloud. Once he was settled comfortably inside her, he placed one arm beneath her bottom, holding her firm, then reached out his with his other arm to plant his hand firmly against the mantle.

  “Hold on,” he ordered and she did.

  She cried out with sheer joy as he moved inside her with powerful thrusts and she tried to match their strengths, but it was impossible. All she could do was hold on tight to him as his shaft plunged repeatedly into her. Heat flooded her along with intense pleasure. Many talked about the strength of the Beast and at this moment she felt its full force.

  Her climax came upon her suddenly, forcing her to cry out in shock and pleasure, and to tighten her grip on him.

  His hand dropped off the mantle and joined his other one at her bottom, squeezing the taut flesh tight and keeping tight hold on her as he rammed into her again and again. He let out a roar as his climax hit him with a fury and his seed spewed out planting itself deep inside her.

  His forceful thrusts and loud roar sent a ripple of pleasure shooting through Raven again and spent from the sheer pleasure of it all, her head dropped to rest on his shoulder.

  Once Wolf gathered his senses about him, he walked to the bed, keeping a firm hold on her and enjoying the feel of her warm flesh against his. He had chased the cold from her and that pleased him in a most satisfying way. He went down with her on the bed, his shaft still inside her as he rested over her.

  After a few moments, she pressed her lips near his ear and said, “I think my bottom got burned.”

  He chuckled and slipped out of her slowly and onto his side. He turned her over and gently ran his hand over her backside. “Warm and lovely not only to touch but to look at as well, but no burns.”

  She rolled over and kissed him. “You definitely kept your promise… the fire you set in me felt as if it scorched more than my bottom.”

  “It’s a good thing it actually didn’t, since I intend to scorch you often.”

  She laughed softly as she reached for the blanket to pull over them, then wrapped herself around him to keep from losing the delicious heat that consumed her body.

  He settled himself around her, stroking her arm and down along her hip to make sure she stayed warm. After a few minutes, he asked, “What were you doing at the keep?”

  “I needed to speak with Greta,” she said and continued to explain. “I discovered the dead man had a knife tucked in his boot, but with how frozen he was I didn’t want to remove it yet. I returned to retrieve it later and it was gone. I asked Greta if she had seen the knife and she confirmed she had, which meant—”

  “Someone else removed it,” Wolf said, annoyed at what that could mean. “I saw no point in having a guard watch over a dead man.”

  “I thought the same and it worries me that whoever did remove the knife did so to hide something.”

  “That someone in the tribe didn’t want anyone to know the dead man’s identity,” Wolf said, a spark of anger to his words.

  “That could mean the dead man was one of Brynjar’s men and someone here in the tribe has a connection to Brynjar.”

  His wife said what he didn’t want to admit.

  “And might be faithful to him.”

  “Which means he spies on us.” That didn’t sit well at all with Wolf. “I find it difficult to believe anyone in my tribe would betray me.”

  “Are you suggesting it could be someone from the Clan Learmonth?” She gave a brief thought to it. “That doesn’t make sense. How would anyone from the clan be familiar with Brynjar?” He didn’t respond and she saw in the way he stared off that his mind had wandered. “What are you thinking?”

  “Something I don’t want to think?”

  “Tell me,” she urged, curious.

  “What if Brother Noble is not who he seems to be?”

  “I can’t believe that,” she said, dismissing it as nonsense. “He is known by many.”

  “How do you explain his sudden disappearance right after it snowed?” he argued.

  “He probably had an important message to deliver to the monastery.”

  “And take a chance in the snow?” Wolf shook his head.

  “So what are you saying? That he was to meet the dead man and discovered he was brought here and slipped in the village without being seen to steal the knife?” Raven chuckled. “Now that’s a tall tale, which will easily be settled when Iver returns.”

  Her husband scowled at her.

  She placed her hand on his cheek. “Please, Wolf, maybe Brother Noble isn’t who he seems, but you must promise me that if he should show himself before Iver returns you won’t take a chance to prove what you think, for if he truly is a leper…” She shook her head and closed her eyes for a moment. “I don’t want to lose you. Who would keep me warm?”

  “No one but me,” he snapped, the thought of anyone touching her but him sending a fiery anger through him.

  “I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else touching me, so please promise me you won’t place yourself in such danger.” She didn’t care if she sounded as if she pleaded with him. She had to know he wouldn’t take the chance and unmask Brother Noble.

  “If Brother Noble shows himself before Iver returns, won’t we have our answer?” he argued.

  She pulled out of his arms and turned away from him. “You’re a stubborn fool.”

  Wolf turned and wrapped himself around his wife, his leg going over hers and his arm beneath her breasts, cupping one in his hand. His lips went to nibble at her ear and she tried to move away but he held her firm.

  “I won’t make you worry, wife. I will wait until Iver returns with news,” he whispered near her ear, and he felt her relax against him.

  “I appreciate that,” she said and pressed back against him, relishing his warmth, the comfort of his arm so snug around her, the strength of his leg locked over hers as if he intended never to let her go, and she loved the intimacy of his hand cupping her breast. They had found a comfort with each other she had never expected and never thought she’d cherish.

  “Now that your worries are appeased, tell me why Hagen and Leif did not follow you to the keep.” He felt her soft chuckle.

  “Your men and my men work together to protect me. Fyn was to join them but Greta needed him and I told him I would send Ida to let them know he wouldn’t be able to join them.”

  “You had Ida tell them you were in need of him, didn’t you?”

  “You know me well, husband,” she said, another chuckle interrupted by a yawn.

  “Ease my worries as I ease yours,” he said. “Let your men and my men watch over you.”

  “Only if it is not constant. I feel caged when I am constantly watched,” she said, her hand going to rest against his arm beneath her breasts.

  “That can be arranged,” he assured her, feeling her body ready for sleep.

  “You are a good husband,” she whispered, her eyes closing.

  “And you a good wife,” he said. And I believe I’ve lost my heart to you.

  He wasn’t sure where that thought came from but he wouldn’t deny it. He couldn’t. It was too strong of a feeling in him and one he found he favored. He also favored the thought that he could actually love his wife, once his foe but no more. Raven wasn’t anything like he thought she’d be and she was exactly what he wanted in a wife, something he never truly knew until he met her.

  He had thought by agreeing to wed her, he had condemned himself to a life of misery and constant battle. Instead, he had found something he thought he never would.

  He’d found love.

  Chapter 21

  Raven sat at the table cuddled close to her husband in the common room. It wasn’t only his warmth she sought but also the comfort it brought her when close to him. She had given it much thought since the snowstorm four days ago. She hadn’t wanted to admit it, but more and more she was feeling as if she’d come home. She had expected that feeling to embrace her on the da
y she had returned home to her family but, to her disappointment, it hadn’t. While she’d certainly been relieved and happy to see her family, she hadn’t felt the immense joy she had anticipated.

  “Warm enough?” Wolf asked, keeping his wife tucked close in the crook of his arm.

  “Aye, you’ve kept me well heated,” she said with a chuckle.

  “I intend to heat you even more today,” he said, his hand sneaking to playfully squeeze her breast.

  The door to the common room opened and a cold wind rushed in with Lars.

  Wolf reluctantly dropped his hand off his wife, but kept her snug against him.

  “The cold lingers but at least the snow leaves us be,” Lars said, joining them at the table and quickly filling a tankard with hot cider, his large hands wrapping around it to chase his chill. “A rider was spotted heading this way. He should be here soon since he wasn’t far off when I left the keep.”

  “He rides alone?” Wolf asked.

  “From what can be seen, it appears so,” Lars said.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of your brothers, checking to see if I caused you harm,” Wolf half joked, looking to his wife.

  “My brothers wouldn’t be foolish enough to brave a ride here when so much snow still covers the ground. Besides, Clive probably told them all was well here.” Raven may have sounded confident, but if her husband’s thought proved true, then something was definitely amiss.

  The door opened just as she finished and the wind rushed a man in, his dark cloak concealing most of him. After shutting the door, he tossed back his hood.

  “Arran, where is your common sense riding here when snow makes travel dangerous?” she admonished with a welcoming smile while her gut twisted with worry.

  “Making sure my little sister isn’t getting into any more trouble,” he said, approaching the table and casting a suspicious eye on Lars.

  “Arran, meet a loyal and trusted friend, Lars,” Wolf said, seeing the questionable look in Arran’s eyes.

  Arran nodded at the man and Lars returned it with a huge grin. “Sit and warm your innards with a hot brew.”


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