Finding Me: Book 1: All I've Ever Wanted (A New Adult Romance Series)

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Finding Me: Book 1: All I've Ever Wanted (A New Adult Romance Series) Page 38

by Unknown


  When Chelsea woke up in the hospital, she found her family waiting for her. Everyone was happy to see that she's finally awake. Although, she could not remember anything that happened except that she and Michael had gotten back together. Her eyes won't stop searching for him. She wondered why he wasn't there or could it be that he doesn't know that I was almost killed. Oh my baby, I'm so glad you are alright. You got us all worried sick, Antonia said. Yes, Cecil, you have to tell us what happened to you. She's in no condition to do so now, the doctor interrupted. Please allow her to regain her consciousness and memory fully before any interrogations. I will be sure to inform the police as well. She suffered a severe blow to the head. You should be thankful she even recognizes you all. Ok doctor, we won't pressure her with anything, Colin intervened. After a while and Chelsea still hasn't seen Michael. She felt it was time to ask someone about it. Cecil, why haven't I seen Michael at the hospital? Well, mum told him to stop visiting, she also accused him of being responsible for your accident, Cecilia explained. Chelsea was furious with what she's just heard. She was with Michael that night and she'd left him at home. She was more convinced now that Michael and Mathew were not responsible for the murder. She had seen a long blonde hair just before the car hit the ditch and that proves the murderer is a female. She was only unfortunate to see her face. She couldn't wait till her mother visits. She picked up her phone to call Michael. She needed to see him now more than ever. Michael got to the hospital few minutes later. He was delighted Chelsea was in good shape. She was all better; she just needed to complete her treatment before getting discharged. My love, I'm so sorry I haven't been here like I should, said Michael. I don't doubt that you wanted to be here. I heard what my mum did to you, I apologize on her behalf, Chelsea replied. He hugged her gently and whispered into her ears. I don't know what I would have done if I lose you. I'm going nowhere darling, "it's you and I", said Chelsea. Now that I can remember what happened, I want to speak with Jack. I have some information to share with him concerning the murderer. Alright, let me contact him. Jack got to the hospital in no time and Chelsea explained all she encountered to him. He carefully took note of every detail and promised to look into it. Antonia is relieved at her daughter's fast recovery, the doctor assured her and it's been quite evident. Mum, I'm aware of what you did to Michael. Allow me to make it clear to you that I'm an adult. I can choose to be with whoever I damn well, please. Do not interfere in my personal affairs except I ask for your assistance. I'd appreciate if u could get along with him because I love you both! Michael said. Antonia's countenance seems to have changed, she was upset that Chelsea's gotten back together with Michael. I'm sure he's responsible for your accident just like he killed both girls. Chelsea tried to explain to Antonia what had truly happened. Now, she needs to prove to her mum that she's wrong. She could not help but feel uneasy.


  Michael and his family were having dinner when he told them about Chelsea's accident. They all expressed their concern but didn't dwell on it. They were more focused on Lawrence political career. Michael realized he doesn’t care as much about Lawrence’s campaign anymore. They've shown less concern towards his personal feelings and life over the years. His family has always placed their interest in business and politics. Lawrence was more political driven than anyone he's met. His quest for power and fame had caused him to lose his reasoning, he thinks. He recalled what growing up with him was like. He cheated countless times on his wife. He could not understand how Sadie still bears to live with him after all he's done to her. Well, I guess they are a perfect match because Sadie wasn't exactly the best person, but she had always supported his career. Sometimes, I feel she's hungrier for power than Lawrence is. He spent the whole night thinking about his plans for the future with Chelsea. The next morning, at the breakfast table, everyone seemed to be involved in the conversation that interests them. He interrupted their discussion by announcing his decision to move back to the city with Chelsea when she returns to school. Only Matthew was supportive, the rest of the family expressed their disappointment and regret. His father was really mad about it; you are not going to leave Hatton to go to the city. You have shown no interests whatsoever in the progress of our family's business. What will you do at the city uh? Tell me, Joseph demanded. I made enquiries about the school of Arts and found that they offer an intense two years’ program that would enhance my skills and turn me into a professional artist. I applied already, father and they seemed to be impressed with my work. I think it will be nice if I take this opportunity because this is what I've always loved and wanted to do. Michael turned to his mother now; please I need your approval to go. His mother who was hesitant to speak at first because she didn't want to go against her husband's wish. She looked into her son's eyes and spoke up finally. My son, are you certain this is what you want? She asked. Yes, mum! I know I'm making the right decision, said Michael. Then, you have my approval. I will support you in every way that I can. Thank you, mum! He turned to his father whose anger had escalated. You will not leave Hatton; I will not grant you the permission. His father left the table angrily to go to work. Michael got closer to his mum now, please try to convince dad for me. You know how your father is. I'll speak with him and I'm sure he would see reason, said Margaret. Later that evening, when Joseph got home, he went straight to his room. Although, he was less angry now. Margaret went straight into his room. He was just about changing his clothes. She walked closer to help him undress. He said no words to her, but he didn't push her away. I know you are angry I gave my support to our son without your consent. Do you know the secret to this long lasting marriage we have? It's not only because of the love we feel but also the understanding and friendship we've built. You know I won't go against you if I don't see any good in what Michael is about to do. Please let's give our son a chance. He has always stood by our decision. Now is the time to stand by his. He sighed then spoke; I guess you are right dear. We will support his decision. Later that night at the dinner table, Joseph made it clear to everyone that night that he has decided to let Michael Bobby his dreams. Thanks, Dad!! Michael said with a huge smile on his face. Michael was always at the hospital to help her out. He never left Chelsea's side at the hospital. He was there day and night. He only leaves when her family wants to be with her alone or the doctor needs a private session with her. Antonia and the rest of the family noticed how caring and loving he's been to her. They all gradually accepted him. Chelsea got discharged from the hospital after few weeks. Before they left the hospital, Antonia admitted to Chelsea that she was wrong about Michael. I guess you should be with who your heart chooses, Antonia said. Yes, my dear, that boy has shown us that he loves you so much and will do anything for you, "Colin added. Chelsea was happy to hear of her parents’ approval. She wanted more than anything for them to get along. They meant the world to her. Colin's have been an exceptional father to her. She felt so blessed to have him. Colin and Antonia took Chelsea home. Michael didn't go along with them. He felt it was probably best if she went home with her family. Her room was already well prepared. Everyone showered her with a lot of love and made her feel so comfortable. Shortly after, Michael showed up at her house. She couldn't come downstairs so he was allowed to go up to her room. My love, you are here, Chelsea said. Yes, darling, I will always be where you are, he said that as he moved close to give her a kiss. I have something to share with you. You know how much I love art. I have decided to attend the school of arts at the city. I sent my work to them and they think I've got great potential. Wow! That sounds good! Does that mean you will be moving to the city? She asked. Of course darling, he said. She was thrilled after hearing his plan to move to the city in order to be near her. You have filled my heart with so much joy u can't contain it. Chelsea became optimistic about their future as she thought of it. She even went ahead to share the news with her family. They were really happy for her. All that matters to us is your happiness darling, Colin said. Thank yo
u so much for everything. You all are my rock! I also want to tell you, Bobby, that I love how much you've improved and became understanding. Thank you for being there for me since the accident occurred. You sincerely amaze me with the new change I and everyone else have observed in you. Well, let's bury the hatchet and unite ourselves as one family. Even though it's difficult to admit, Michael does love you truly. I'm sure you both will be happy together. I wish you the best, Bobby concluded. The next morning, Michael went to pay a visit to Jack concerning the murder case. Jack showed him the evidence he's gathered. Over the past days, I've been convinced that the murderer was only trying to confuse us. The broken front light is the part of this case that will help shed light to everything. It's the missing piece of the puzzle that we need to decipher to solve this case. We are almost their boy. I'm really glad to hear that, Michael said and he took his leave. Jack thought as Michael left the office that it's better if you don't know who we suspect boy. I won't let the cat out of the bag until I'm absolutely sure.


  Michael and Chelsea were at his house making plans for the future when Lawrence and Sadie came in. Hello, lovebirds how are you? Lawrence asked. We are doing good, they responded. Lawrence sat down while Sadie gave the excuse of going to get something upstairs. She felt quite uncomfortable seeing Chelsea because it's her first time since after the accident. Chelsea watched as she walked away. She felt there's something striking about her. Something she's seen before, but she dismissed the feeling. Lawrence started to explain the details of his campaign. He thought he might be able to arouse the interest of his brother again. Michael and Chelsea made few contributions to the plan on the ground. Lawrence teased his brother a couple of times, they all laughed at his jokes. After a while, Sadie joined them again. Chelsea told her how beautiful she looks and commended her on the hard work she puts into the foundation. You are a very strong woman, to be able to handle such huge responsibilities. Do you know that my sister already started working as an intern at the foundation too? Yes, Sadie replied. It's because of people like your father that the foundation still functions and strongly too. Chelsea decided it was time to take her leave. Michael was in agreement and they both stood. It was nice seeing you again Lawrence and a pleasure meeting you Sadie. Sadie had a big grin on her before she nodded and said 'bye'. Lawrence felt it was a good opportunity for him to ask his brother to stay and work with him on the campaign, but Michael refused blatantly. Although he said he will do what he can from the city. Lawrence, who’s on the verge of being drunk, got angry and called Michael an ingrate because of all he’s done for his brother. Michael was confused by Lawrence's statement. Do you mind explaining what you mean by that? Michael asked. Lawrence started talking about how he's helped to cover up Emily and Georgina’s murder. Both Michael and Chelsea were stunned and Michael angrily demands to know what he’s talking about. Lawrence said that he and Sadie have been covering up for Michael because he murdered Emily and Georgina because of the money missing from the foundation. How could you even say or believe such a thing? You are my brother, you are supposed to know and defend me against these sorts of lies. I can't believe this! Michael said angrily. When Michael angrily denies it, Lawrence got confused and said Sadie told him and their father that’s what happened. Is that true Sadie? Did you really tell them that? Why? Michael asked. She became speechless and confused as to what to tell them. She started blabbering. Her husband shouted at her, what's all this? Why can't you speak out? Sadie pulled out a gun and pointed it at all three of them, Chelsea, Michael and Lawrence.


  Chelsea was in shock as she listened to Sadie admitting she stole the money from the Olsen foundation. She told them how Emily found out about the missing funds and planned to report her so she figured it was best to kill her. Georgina also found out about the missing money, she started blackmailing me. I did not intend to kill her, but she started to ask for more and more money. That was when I decided it was best to get her out of my way. I started to think of what to do with her. I didn't want to raise any suspicions to the foundation, much less to me. I paid her more than enough the last time thinking that would be all but her last time was never the last. She shouldn't be asking for more. That afternoon, she had come to my office to demand money as always. So I told her to meet me at the park in the evening. She asked why I couldn't just pay her off at the foundation like I used. I lied to her that I wanted us to be cautious. On my way to the park, I had gotten the drug and injection that I wanted to use on her. On getting there, I had to wait for her for another ten minutes because she wasn't there yet. When she got there, she came into my car and asked if the cash was ready and complete. I told her yes, but I would like it to be the last time she asked me for money. She told me not to debate with her about when and how she should ask for money. You have to play by my rules if you don’t want the police involved, Georgina said to me. I succumbed to her wish but what she didn't know was that I had something up my sleeves. I wasn't going to let some brat ruin my husband's campaign. We worked so hard for this. I locked the car without her realizing it. As soon as she turned to get out of the car, I stabbed her by the neck with the injection. It took about five minutes before she passed out. I got down from the car and carefully dragged her out. I made sure it was the part of the park where people hardly go. That was how I dumped her body as for you Chelsea, you didn't really offend me but your dear stepbrother Bobby was beginning to figure out what was happening. He was the secret lover of Georgina before she died. He wouldn't accept mere explanations. I had threatened him once, but he didn't heed to it. So I tried to show him what I'm capable of by running you over. I wanted him to stay out of my business. Not only because of Bobby but Michael too. He was so desperate to save himself and brother. I never wanted you dead; I just wanted you to be a distraction and diversion for both of them. You and Michael have been going to the detective's office to help him out with the case. I found the perfect opportunity to run you over that night when you came to the Olsen's house. I was driving in when I saw your car parked outside. I asked the security about you and Michael. He confirmed my suspicions that you were in the house. I thought to myself then that now is the ideal time to act. I waited for you for a long while before you came out. I had orchestrated it so that Joseph will summon you to the main house, Michael. I saw how you were both kissing and cuddling by your car. You wouldn't stop displaying your love for each other. It was romantic, but I wasn't cut out for such show. As soon as you got into your car, I drove after you until I got the perfect time to hit you. Oops!! Michael said, so you were the blonde Chelsea had seen? I could never have thought you were capable of doing this. Why did you have to steal from the foundation? Our family has got enough money to run Lawrence campaign. There's no doubt about that, but Joseph said Lawrence was beginning to request for a lot of money. We needed the money to pay some people whose support was needed for the success of the campaign. Politics demands more than loyalty and honesty. Joseph failed to understand that. You have been misled Sadie, I just wish you didn't go down this path. Shut your mouth! She shouted. It's too late for you to preach to me. Before I go down, you are all going down with me. She pointed her gun at Chelsea now. I'm going to let you watch your sweet and adorable girlfriend go first. She started shooting, but Chelsea was lucky enough to have things that shielded her from Sadie's bullets. Michael could not stand watching her anymore. He couldn’t bear it if Chelsea got hit. He ran towards Sadie and knocked down her gun. The gun had released a bullet that hit Lawrence by his right shoulder. He shouted out in pain and fell to the floor. She could care less now. She fought and struggled with Michael. Chelsea seized the chance to call the police. She tried reaching out for her gun, but Michael was fast enough to knock it off. The police were there in no time and they took control of the situation. I did all that for you, darling, she faced Lawrence as the police handcuffed her and took her away. I never asked that of you. Why? Why did you have to do that? He asked in a disliked and
agonized tone. Lawrence knew she had just ruined his political ambitions. He was rushed to the hospital in the ambulance. The doctor said he was lucky the bullet only braced his shoulder. That aided his quick recovery and healing. His parents advised him that stepping down was probably the best thing to do for now and he agreed.


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