Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1) Page 9

by Cleo Scornavacca

  The bar where Tommy was standing was in a small alcove of the expansive porch. My body was ready to enjoy a glass of wine with my new neighbor— to wash away the stress of the past few days and perhaps lighten up my mood enough to get on with the evening ahead.

  “Can I get you something?” he asked, as I took a seat.

  God, his voice…Jade, STOP!

  “Hi, I see Viv made you the official bartender for the evening.” I teased.

  “It looks like she has, doesn’t it? She wouldn’t let me bring anything, so it’s the least I can do.” His smile returned as he warmly answered me.

  “Well, in that case, can you pour me a glass of wine, sir?”

  He grinned and played along, as he snatched a chilled bottle of Pinot Grigio and displayed it before me.

  “Will this do, Miss Stanton? I have it on good authority that it was a fine year. Yes, a very fine year. Besides, I have a feeling by the looks of things you could use this right about now,” Tommy commented, meaning the situation at hand as he poured me a glass.

  “What was your first clue?”

  He shook his head. “I didn’t need a clue. Your Aunt Viv said she invited some additional guests and one of them was your ex. I took that as a not so good thing.”

  “Yeah, Damien flew in from Napa to stay with his dad, Reece, who is recovering from a slight heart attack. Damien was very close with Viv…” I hesitated for a moment, “…when we were together, and he continued to keep in touch with her even after our split.”

  “Doesn’t that make it hard for you? I mean… him being here.”

  “Not anymore, but in the beginning it was awkward, to say the least.”

  “I can imagine. I don’t mean to intrude, but do you think the reason he kept in touch with your aunt was to indirectly be closer to you?” Tommy suggested that it wasn’t over for Damien. Little did Tommy know, but Damien was the one who left, not me.

  I found it interesting that he was curious about Damien.

  “I guess at the beginning that could have been possible, but it’s been over for quite some time and he moved on long before our relationship had officially ended,” I explained.

  “I see, and I don't mean to pry, but will you be okay eating dinner with him tonight?” Tommy seemed truly concerned for someone who barely knew me.

  “Damien is the least of my worries. His dad is the one I have issues with,” I said, as I rolled my eyes at the thought of Reece Montgomery and his unrelenting need to interfere in my personal life.

  Tommy nearly choked on his drink.

  “Why would your ex-boyfriend’s father be a problem?” Tommy questioned.

  “Because Reese Montgomery refuses to learn the word no.”

  “I thought that was him,” Tommy said, to my surprise.

  “You know him?” I inquired and wondered how they could possibly know each other and yet, I had never met Tommy until the other night.

  Tommy shook his head. “Not personally, by reputation, and my company did some shots for a marketing campaign he requested in Italy. My parents run the office, so they deal with all the boring stuff, like the paperwork.”

  “I take it you did the photos for Reece?”

  “No, actually my partner, Rain, did. Her family owns a home in Capri, so while she was out there for an extended visit, she had received the call from our office in New York that a client in Rome needed some pictures for his vineyard and restaurant opening. Rain happened to be available, so she did the shoot for Reece’s company.”

  I was just about to comment, but my aunt called us over for dinner.

  I told Tommy to take any seat. Then I went inside to bring out the salad that Viv had prepared earlier. When I came back out, Tommy was by the door. He took the salad from me and placed it on the table. I closed the patio door before I returned to the table with him.

  Such a small gesture.

  At that point, everyone had taken their places at the table. One end of the table was occupied by Aunt Viv, and of course, the other by Reece. I took my place between Daniel and Tommy. Across from us sat Damien, who was closest to Aunt Viv and Blaze, who was naturally closest to Reece.

  We began to pass the food and wine around. There were small conversations that occurred as we ate. Aunt Viv was speaking with Damien and Tommy. Daniel and I were talking. Reece and Blaze appeared to be involved in some sort of deep discussion, and by the look on Blaze’s face, the conversation wasn’t in her favor.

  As each individual discussion subsided, Reece decided he needed to know more about Tommy. This brought us to the inevitable inquisition. “Viv tells me you own a photography studio in Manhattan.”

  “Yes, I do. Actually, my company did some work for your restaurant and vineyard in Italy a few years back.”

  “Really? I don’t get out there often, but I never forget a face, and you don’t look familiar to me,” Reece responded like the bastard I always knew he could be.

  Tommy grinned. “Well, my partner was the one who took your contract. She happened to be staying in Capri at the time.”

  Reece cocked his head to one side. His partner being a “her” had gotten Reece’s attention.

  “Who’s your partner?” Reece inquired.

  “Rain Medici,” Tommy stated.

  “Ah, yes, Rain… if I remember correctly, she was an exceptionally beautiful woman and she had quite an eye. She shot photos of things at the vineyard I never thought would be appealing to the readers for my magazine article, but it was a tremendous hit. Tell her hello from me when you see her,” Reece said, as he raised his glass to Tommy.

  “I certainly will,” Tommy said, as he reciprocated the gesture and raised his glass to Reece, but didn’t elaborate further.

  Reece continued to direct the conversation. As usual, he liked to be in control of the stage he seemed to think he was standing on. His fifteen minutes of fame was over a long time ago, but it seems he didn’t read the memo. Or he ignored it, which was unequivocally Reece’s style. This time his targets of interest were Damien and me. I knew his promise to lay off was too good to be true.

  “So, Viv, now that I have my son home, how about you and I work as a team to get Jade and Damien back together?”

  Damien and I both groaned in sync with each other as our silver fell to our plates. That man had no filter. He just said anything he wanted, when he wanted, and in front of anyone he felt would hear him. He cared about no one else’s feelings, just his own. I knew his promise was too good to be true.

  My skin burned with fury, but my aunt stepped in.

  “Reece, unlike you, I don’t tell my niece who to date or who not to date. I suggest you stay out of Jade’s business, seeing as this is none of your concern in the first place.”

  “You know I don’t mean any disrespect, but can’t a father want only the best for his son? It’s a parent’s job to step in when they see their child headed in the wrong direction.”

  My aunt didn’t have a chance to respond. Damien stood up and addressed his dad, but not before he looked across the table to see if I was okay. It was the first time in over two years that we actually agreed on something. I nodded because after being with Damien for so long, I knew exactly what he was thinking. Damien nodded back and placed all of his attention and anger onto Reece.

  “You just couldn’t let it alone could you? Viv invited you here as a guest and as such you need to respect your host and the other people she invited. You know no boundaries. You need to stop this, I’m with someone else no…”

  The patio chair’s harsh rumble made everyone look up at me, as I had abruptly stood up to make my announcement. I quickly interrupted Damien to prevent this argument between him and his dad from continuing. I was flying by the seat of my pants at that moment and no one knew what I was about to do or say, especially me, but I went for it anyway.

  “…And I’m with someone too.” I said emphatically, as everyone at the table continued to stare at me in shock…everyone except Tommy, which was odd b
eing that he knew me the least.

  He seemed to be waiting for the punchline, because he knew I wasn’t in a relationship, not after that dance we had Thursday night at the club—strangers don’t dance like that. Well, I never had anyway. It was hot and I wanted more—more of Tommy’s body against mine, more of his strength wrapped around me, more of his mouth on my lips and everywhere else that my clothes covered. I knew this was wrong. I was physically attracted to him, but I also knew I wouldn’t be able to commit to any sort of real relationship. Then again, I was overthinking it; what happened didn’t make for a marriage proposal. Yeah, I was overthinking it and needed to put it out of my mind and return to the problem in front of me…Reece Montgomery.

  “Really? And why haven’t we heard of this someone until now?” Reece pushed.

  “Because I haven’t had the chance to introduce you to him until now.”

  “Introduce us to who, Jade?” Reece persisted.

  I had to think fast and not panic. My plan didn’t include an actual man. I thought, if I told Reece at some point I was with someone and faked the name, he would take me at my word, but now it was put up or shut up. I couldn't let Reece know the truth. I would never hear the end of it and he’d continually try to push Damien and me together again, so I did the only thing I could do; I introduced my boyfriend to the dinner party.

  “Tommy and I are dating.” I blurted out, yet paused for a moment to look around the dinner table for the reactions from the guests. Blaze looked dumbfounded, Damien sized up Tommy, Aunt Viv and Daniel appeared amused, Reece seemed unmoved by my announcement, but when my eyes settled on the most important person in this equation, Tommy, I didn’t know what to expect. He didn’t hold a clear expression.

  Oh boy, I may have just blown it.

  Then a slow, sly grin crossed Tommy’s face which showed me that he was a willing participant who decided to play along. For this stunt, I knew that I owed Tommy an explanation and a huge favor, but for now, we just had to convince Reece Montgomery of our new relationship.

  “Don’t worry, Jade. Your little secret is safe with me,” Tommy whispered in my ear, as he stood behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

  God…his strong hands felt so good. Focus, Jade, focus.

  Reece assessed each of us with smugness and disbelief. “Let me get this straight. You expect us to believe that you and you just met, and you’re already dating?”

  “I truly don’t give a shit what you believe, Reece. You have no idea how long we’ve known each other, and as I said, Tommy and I are dating, and that’s all you need to know. Believe or not, it’s your choice.” To my surprise and relief, Tommy made it even more convincing, moving his hands from my shoulders as his arms came around me from behind.

  Blaze grinned with a delicious twinkle in her eyes. I knew she liked the idea that I might possibly be interested in someone again. Blaze was a true romantic at heart.

  “I know what you're doing, Jade. Don’t worry, I won’t spoil this for you. I’m more than happy to play my part and get this prick off your back, baby.” Tommy’s reassuring voice whispered in my ear and had sex written all over it. I was immediately and secretly turned on.


  “You may not give a shit, as you put it, but Jade you know as well as I do, you’re not the type of girl to haphazardly jump into anything without thinking it through. You’ve always had a good head on your shoulders. You have always been smart and sensible and, yet this is anything but.” Reece stated as he put his hand out to me and Tommy as if we were on display.

  He acted like it was absurd to think that I could fall for Tommy. He was convinced the only man for me was his son, Damien. Maybe he needed a bit more from me to convince him otherwise?

  “You've made it quite apparent you aren’t happy to hear I’ve met someone who makes me happy. I think we can all agree you proved that by saying you have your doubts that I’m even telling the truth.”

  Reece looked down at his plate, his lips strongly perched in contemplation. He took a deep breath in and wiped the corners of his mouth with a slow, precise diligence. He then methodically folded his napkin before he placed it on his plate in front of him and stood up to address the dinner party, but his eyes were on Tommy and me.

  “I will not discuss this with you here, Jade, but we will talk privately and very soon.” The tone of his voice was balanced. He didn’t raise it, but his tone was insistent.

  I had just about enough. I pulled away from Tommy and stormed toward him so that we were eye to eye.

  “You listen to me. I will not discuss my personal life with you. I am sick and tired of your continuous and intrusive behavior. Damien and I are over. That will never change. Get used to it. Do you understand me?” My voice was tight and stressed, but I didn’t flinch or waiver. Yet neither did Reece.

  Reece turned and placed his hands on my shoulders, as he regarded me at arm’s length. Yet, he had no regard for my feelings or anyone else’s here tonight for that matter. He just completely pushed the issue and me.

  “You know that I only have your best interests at heart.” He spoke to me like I was a small child and that was the last straw that finally set me off.

  I grabbed his hands and abruptly brushed them off and shoved them away from me. It may have been the only time I’d ever seen Reece Montgomery wide-eyed. Then, except for Daniel, everyone stood up immediately, as Tommy came to my side and placed a supportive hand on my shoulder before he intervened.

  “You didn’t listen to what Jade said, so now you're going to listen to me.” I didn’t know Tommy very well, but as he spoke I could tell he was not someone you wanted to mess with.

  Reece and Tommy stared each other down. Thick tension began to build in the atmosphere around us, and just as I was about to put an end to their confrontation of wills, Blaze nervously tried to break the tension between the two men.

  “Listen, I think we all need to calm down.”

  Reece snapped around and addressed her. “If I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it.”

  Blaze closed her eyes, lowered her head, and stepped back somewhat embarrassed. I had never seen my friend like that. Blaze was always a happy soul. She never hurt anyone and never let anyone hurt her, but this time she allowed Reece to walk all over her. I wasn’t the only one pissed at this. Damien went to Blaze and placed a supportive arm around her shoulder. It was a kind gesture because although Damien didn’t approve of Blaze and Reece’s relationship, he knew exactly how his dad could be. He saw it first hand with his mom and from what Viv told me, he shouldered the brunt of it with Reece’s continued attempts at manipulation into Damien’s personal life with Courtney.

  “Don’t you dare speak to her that way,” Damien warned.

  “She isn’t with you. She’s with me, and I’ll speak to her the way I see fit.” He was rude and unapologetic. This was when I lost it.

  “Get out!” I screamed as Reece stood, stoic, unaffected.

  “You heard Jade.You need to leave.” Viv addressed him.

  Reece let out a deep sigh. Annoyed, he resigned himself to the fact he was no longer wanted here. He walked to the end of the patio and turned back to address his son.

  “Damien,” was all he said.

  Damien looked at Blaze who weakly smiled and nodded that she was okay. Without saying anything he knew Blaze would not be joining them. Damien nodded in return. He couldn’t blame her for remaining here after the way Reece had acted. He then addressed my aunt and me.

  He stepped forward and took Viv’s hand and kissed her cheek. Then he let out an exhausted sigh of his own.

  “Viv, Jade, I’m really sorry. If I had known the evening would have turned out like this, I would have never agreed for us to join you and your guests for dinner.”

  Aunt Viv touched his face.

  “It’s not your fault. You better take him home. I suspect you are going to have your hands full with him this evening.” She added, giving him a small comforting smile.
/>   He grimaced, at the thought of the night ahead of him with his dad.

  “Not if he knows what’s good for him,” Damien stated as he left to take Reece home. As they were about to leave, Reece turned and called out to Blaze.

  “Blaze, you’ll hear from me tomorrow,” he confirmed, but the look on Blaze’s face was no longer bright and whimsical. He took that from her when he treated her like trash just moments ago. She had the look I knew so well, the look of regret. Blaze may finally be done with Mr. Montgomery once and for all.

  …And she wasn’t the only one.


  THE EVENING TURNED out much different from what I’d expected. It should have been a quiet dinner overlooking the Atlantic Ocean from Viv’s patio, though it ended up being a battle of wills between Jade and her ex-boyfriend’s dad, as well as Blaze and his son.

  Once Reece and Damien Montgomery left, we all sat down to discuss what had just happened. Viv decided to question Jade and me on our new relationship.

  “Feel free to tell us what’s going on with the two of you.” Viv resolved herself to the fact this was going to be a long story, so she pulled up a chair and was fully ready to listen.

  “I’m sorry. None of this was Tommy’s idea. He just played along.” Jade admitted, and then apologetically looked in my direction. I smiled agreeably, letting Viv know there was no harm done.

  “I gathered that this was your idea, Jade, but why?”

  “Ever since Damien and I broke up, Reece would hint in one way or another that he wanted to help me get Damien back.”

  “It’s my understanding that you and Damien have been apart for several years now. Why has Reece suddenly turned up the heat to get you both back together? Why didn’t he try to do that when you both first broke up?” Daniel spoke up.

  “He did, but when he saw it wasn’t going anywhere he let it go. At least, that’s what I thought.”


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