Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1) Page 24

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Not exactly defeated, though. And in less than six months,” I said, with arms crossed, leaning on the doorframe.

  “What do mean?”

  “Well, you did get the girl,” I said, with a wiggle to my raised eyebrows, and satisfaction in my smile.

  His head dropped forward like a dead weight. He knew I was right. He proved that when he couldn’t hide the happiness in his smile.

  He brushed the soot from his hair and walked over to me. Leaning in close, he placed a chaste kiss on my mouth, and pushed back, regarding me, tenderly.

  “You’re right. I got my girl,” he said, and kissed me hard.

  My girl.

  The rest of our evening was spent at my house, going over color samples for the shoppe and the beach house as Tommy explained the mishap over dinner.

  “I ripped out the floor and moved onto the kitchen cabinets. I was on the last one when it took part of the ceiling with it.”

  “The house is old, I guess things like that are bound to happen.”

  “You’re probably right. Besides, there’s no use in complaining about it. I knew there was a great deal of work to do.”

  “Just add it to your list.”

  He nodded and smirked.

  “Enough about my day. How was yours?”

  “Good, well, sort of, then, not so good.”

  “What happened?”

  “Let’s just say the beach house isn’t the only renovation that’s going to take longer than expected.”

  Tommy put down his fork, quickly wiped his mouth, and anxiously dragged his chair closer to mine.

  Grabbing my hand, “Jade, what do you say to a few days in Capri…away from all of this? Away from work, the beach house…away from people.”

  Not the reaction I was expecting, but one that was tempting. Yet, one I couldn’t possibly agree to.

  “I can’t,” I said and felt worse when I saw the excited look on Tommy’s face drop away.

  “Listen, I’d love to go away with you, but it’s impossible right now. Even with construction at a standstill, I have my business to consider. I’ve taken off far too many days, already. It wouldn’t be fair to my staff or my customers, to go on a vacation of sorts, when we just reopened for the season.”

  He nodded and appeared to understand.

  “How about this…once the new building is completed and the business is up and running for a few weeks, I’ll go away with you then. What do you say?” I asked, excited at the thought of being with Tommy in such a beautifully romantic part of the world.

  His mouth kissed my lips and touched my heart.

  “I guess that’s a yes.”

  “Yeah… It’s a yes, baby.”


  THE WEEKS FLEW by with the renovations at the new Summertime Sweets and the beach house. Our days were filled with the work, but our nights and free time were filled with us. Life was peaceful. What added to that peace was not only Damien and Courtney returning to California, but Blaze and Reece returning to New York, as both of them needed to go back to their respective careers.

  Blaze called to say they’d be back for the party on the weekend of the Fourth, which was next week. It was never a good time for me because of Jimmy. Tommy knew this and gave me my space, but texted me every so often throughout the day to let me know he was thinking of me.

  The Saturday of the party arrived. I left early for work, leaving Tommy with Daniel, who we picked up yesterday. I had some last-minute things to do for the animal rescue event tomorrow and I wanted to double and triple check the desserts Reece had ordered, to make sure they were up to his specifications. Reece could be a true asshole when it came to food, but in all honesty that was his business, and he took anything pertaining to food and wine seriously.

  I was just about to head over to the new shoppe location when my phone rang. It was Blaze.

  “Hey, sweetie, what’s up?”

  “Jade, listen, I’m sorry to do this to you on such short notice, but the party needs to be postponed.” Her voice was tight.

  “Oh boy, what happened?”

  “I’m not sure, but I can't believe he has me doing this. I don't understand why he didn't have his secretary call everyone? You know, I would have called you regardless, but he asked me to do it for a personal touch…it was his damn party, he should be apologizing for this fiasco, not me.”

  “Blaze, slow down.”

  “I’m sorry. I just don't get how a man like him could forget a business trip and then proceed to catch a plane to Europe and text me his instructions, or should I say order me to call the entire guest list!” Now she was screaming.

  “Do you need any help?”

  “Could you let Viv know? Oh, and Tommy and Daniel, of course.”

  “Sure… Oh shit!”

  “What now?” Blaze’s annoyance was heard loud and clear.

  “What about the desserts? I made enough for over 100 people.”

  “I forgot about those. Wait! Isn't the rescue event tomorrow?”


  “I’m donating them on Reece’s behalf. If he says one word about it, I'll handle him. No reason for all of those delicious treats to go to waste.”

  “Thanks, Blaze.”

  “Don’t thank me. It was Reece’s pleasure.”

  We both laughed harder than we had in months. Much of the tension between us was due to her current love interest, but Blaze was, and always would be, my best friend for life. Before hanging up, she explained the party would be rescheduled for the last Saturday of the last weekend in August. She knew my grand opening for the new Summertime Sweets location was happening on Labor Day weekend, and she said Reece didn’t want his party to interfere with the success of the new place. I knew better. He didn't want to be in direct competition with it. He always had to own the spotlight and for good reason, he paid high dollar for it.

  After hanging up, I felt some relief knowing I could avoid Reece until the end of the summer. I quickly called Tommy to let him know not to head to Reece’s home for the party, due to the cancellation. He didn't answer. His phone went straight to voicemail. I left him a message to call me back.

  I then called Daniel to inform him of the change, and he thanked me and said Tommy had some errands to run before tonight, so he would let him know when he got back. He also said he would relay the message to Kim, but I told him I had that covered already.

  Since the party was canceled, I now had an extra hundred or so desserts on ice. I boxed a few to bring home with me. I called Kim and told her of the change. She said she spoke to Blaze and had already left Daniel a message suggesting they could have dinner together at the club and invited me and Tommy to join them.

  Interesting…Kim and Daniel were still possibly going to meet up.

  I thanked her, but I explained that I made plans of my own for Tommy and me this evening.

  I ended my call with Kim, went over the checklist for tomorrow, and headed out the door to pick up Tommy for an evening that would top Reece’s summer party any day.

  I pulled into my driveway as Kim was pulling out of Tommy’s with Daniel. I smiled, while she rolled her eyes and Daniel grinned. Out of the car, I noticed Tommy’s vehicle wasn't there.

  Good…this would give me time for a shower and to pack up the car for tonight. Once dressed in my swimsuit, shorts, a loose-fitting tee, and my flip flops, I ran down to the kitchen to set up the picnic basket and then load the car with blankets and the boards. Closing the trunk which was filled with everything except the food, I heard Tommy’s car making its way up the street. I turned to see Tommy with the top down. His Camaro was filled with every seasonal plant imaginable.

  He pulled in slowly, careful not to bang into anything.

  “Hey, baby, I just got your message. What happened?” He said when he’d parked and climbed out with a bouquet of sunflowers in hand.

  Tommy kissed me without touching me, his tongue did the talking and I reciprocated the gesture, but couldn’t stop
myself from wrapping my arms around him while deepening our connection. Everything in his kiss gave me pause to rethink going out tonight. His mouth was warm, his tongue commanding. The more it danced with mine, the more I wanted it to lick other places on my body…places that were craving him…places that needed to be soothed.

  He kept up his assault on me, as I softly voiced my demands. “If you keep this up, I going to need that tongue elsewhere.” We kissed more, consuming one another, our breathing escalating, our moans more prominent.

  “If you want it, I’ll make it happen.” His smile was devilish, his voice promising.

  “That’s very tempting, but since we have the entire evening to ourselves, I made plans for us tonight.”

  “A plan that better include this, and more of this later,” he said, lightly nipping my lips.

  “Without question,” I confirmed and kissed him again, then stopped, because the truth was, if we didn’t stop, the only place we were going for the evening was bed. Although enticing, I had something special to share with Tommy and what it was couldn’t be shared in bed. Well, part of it anyway.

  Tommy’s eyes gleamed. His personality was carefree, his growing contentment since we’ve been together proved he felt at home…this was his life now and he wasn’t going anywhere.

  For me, it was another exhale.

  I took my flowers and headed up the stairs to put them in water and grab the food.

  Tommy stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “Jade, did you want to tell me where we’re going?”

  I turned back from the top of the landing. “It’s a secret.”

  “Sure, that’s all well and good, but am I dressed for it?”

  Tommy had jeans and a t-shirt on. Hot…yes, but hardly appropriate for what I had planned.

  I descended the stairs but remained two to three steps away as not to get charmed by more of this man's mouth.

  Leaning forward, I said, “Put on your board shorts.” Then quickly ascended the stairs, leaving him guessing.

  With my flowers in water and the picnic basket in hand, I returned to the car to meet Tommy.

  “Get in. I’m driving,” I demanded.

  “Can't you give a poor guy a hint?”

  “I could, but I won’t.”

  I placed the basket and the sweatshirts in the trunk, and upon closing it, I was cornered. Hanging his head down between his arms, which tactfully fenced me in, as not to allow for an escape, he expelled the breath he had been holding. His body shuddered as his head shook slowly from left to right. He stood firm and didn’t move. He looked at me with purpose. Irritated no, but posed close enough to me physically to cause my heartbeats to pulse out of my chest.

  “Okay, do you want to explain to me what this secret is all about?”

  It was killing him not knowing what was going on.

  Oh! This was going to be fun.

  “Not really?”

  “What?” His response was sharply dumbfounded.

  “What I mean to say is that I want to take you somewhere, which I’ve already explained is a surprise, so if you agree to get in the car, I’ll give you more of a hint on the way.”

  “Okay, I’ll play this your way, but what you have to tell me better be good.” His whisper left a hint of sexual play fueled by his growing annoyance in the space around us.

  Pressing away, he walked backward, and then over to the passenger door.

  “I mean it, Miss Stanton. It better be good.” No smile, no smirk, no nothing…

  Don’t worry, Tommy…it will be. Breathe, Jade, breathe.

  Seated, Tommy turned only his head to face me.

  “Okay, one hint. Let’s go make a memory.”

  That little hint earned me a warm and satisfied smile.

  “Is this really yours? I mean I can’t believe you drive a 181?” Shocked wasn't a good description, looking at Tommy’s face…baffled came to mind.

  Leaning on the door, I answered. “Ah…That’s right, you've only seen me on my bike. Yeah, it’s mine. It’s vintage and it’s very practical for when I need to make large deliveries for the shoppe and for carrying my board. Besides, we’re going to need it where we’re going tonight.” My goofy, justified smile got me a slinky one from him in return, as Tommy turned to make certain our boards were secured in the backseat.

  The trip from Beach Haven Crest down the island’s Boulevard to the town of Holgate was a short one. Yet, for me, and especially because Monday the Fourth was not so far away, the ride stirred a fight with my emotions; part of me was melancholy for the past, and part of me felt trepidation and excitement for the future. The combination placed my senses on high alert…the scent of the breeze off the ocean, the smell of sugary snow cones and funnel cakes drifted through the air. The sounds of small children’s joyful screams on the rides nearby and of the Beach Boy’s music playing in the distance. Palm trees decorated with white Christmas lights, the lines to get stamped-in for the local clubs, the traffic on the boulevard, couples kissing, and the people on their porches after a day at the beach reminded me why I missed Jimmy, and why I loved this place and wanted to share a piece of that love with Tommy tonight.

  The lights faded, the people and the traffic lessened, the noise and the music drifted away as we approached the far end of the island.

  “Jade, where are we going? It’s desolate down here,” Tommy voiced concern.

  There was nothing to worry about, and once I parked the car on the beach and we climbed over the dunes in front of us, he would understand. Tommy grabbed the boards, the bag with the towels and change of clothes, and I took the picnic basket. As we both reached the top of the sand, Tommy looked to me. His eyes filled with gratitude and something more.

  “Thank you for this, baby.” He stated when he discovered the surprise.

  I took Tommy here to join a few of the local surfers who’d hung out with my brother. It was a tradition for them every year since his death to honor him by doing a few of his favorite things. One was night surfing, and two was watching Endless Summer on the beach, a classic surfing movie. I found it hard in years past to come, but this year was different.

  Tommy found a spot for us on the sand and helped me with the blankets and the food. One of the guys who met him the night of my accident came over to talk with him. I sat myself down and relaxed. I was slightly chilled and decided tonight should be for Tommy. I would sit this one out and watch as he surfed with the guys in memory of my brother. The money raised each year for this event, which goes on each night surrounding the 4th of July holiday, is donated to the center where Daniel works.

  The boys, including Tommy, headed out on the water. The lights from the boards or from the apparel they were wearing, glowed. The ocean took on a magic all its own. I sat wrapped in a blanket mesmerized by how beautiful the waves looked in the dark.

  Some surfers continued to stay out on the water, while others, including Tommy, ran in to be with their dates. Tommy reached the blanket, shook out his hair, and grabbed a towel from the overnight bag to dry off. Once done, he wrapped the towel around his waist, removed his shorts from underneath, and replace them with the sweatpants I brought for him.

  “That was incredible! Thank you for this.” Leaning down, he gave my lips a quick peck.

  Completely dressed, he sat down next to me, immediately pulling me into his lap, as I wrapped the large blanket around me, now, around us. The movie Endless Summer started on the screen set up on the beach, while Tommy and I kissed, holding each other close.

  Neither of us said a word for quite some time. We were content to just be in each other’s arms, here on the sand, taking in the movie, enjoying some delicious wine and dessert foods, snuggling and not worrying about the universe around us.

  Once all of the surfers had left the ocean and sat down to watch the movie, I thought this was a good chance to give Tommy his gift.

  “Tommy, this is for you,” Kissing the side of his face and placing the small teak box in his hands.

  Tommy looked at the box and then to me and back again.

  “Open it. I hope you like it.”

  He carefully opened the lid and removed the leather rope bracelet with 3 beads dangling on the knotted tail.

  “I don't know what to say. I love it.Thank you.” He wrapped his arms around me, then he loosened our embrace to hold the gift between us, running his thumb over each bead. Maybe he was contemplating the meaning, or maybe he wanted to admire it more.

  I felt at this point I should explain.

  “I noticed you wear several of them already.”

  “Yeah, I started buying them years back on some surfing excursions. You know, to take a piece of paradise with me. I noticed you wear them too, plus, a sailor’s knot.”

  “Everyone at the Jersey Shore has worn one at one time or another,” I said, deflecting away from my bracelet’s true meaning; I made light of wearing it.

  “Maybe they have, but you don't display yours as a souvenir.” Tommy looked down at the rope at my wrist, caressing it briefly as he looked up for me to confirm what he was thinking.

  Resting my head on his shoulder, I explained.

  “Well, I definitely don't wear it for the purpose of wiping my brow in the heat as many sailors did. I’ve had it such a long time. Jimmy and I bought them together. Perhaps at first, I bought it for what it was intended to represent…good times and good fortune. But now…”

  “It’s not?”

  Thinking some more, I realized, or Tommy did, that it still represented those things, even more so tonight.

  Looking at this beautiful man—a man I had denied my feelings for, yet felt them from the start, a man with each passing day and experience I’ve come to trust, a man…I’m falling in love with, I answered his question.

  “You know, it’s funny. I thought I’d say it was a memorial to my brother, and as siblings, that’s true, but it’s not exactly how I see it anymore. It’s the fun of summers past. It’s truly good times, not so much great fortunes, but fortunate to have had the opportunity to live here, around an amazing backdrop with best friends and family and to be able to get up each morning and work here and enjoy what I do…” I stopped, although there was one more thing it represented.


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