A Walk After Dark

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A Walk After Dark Page 8

by Kirra Pierce

  How could Cassandra possibly say no?

  If I can just get you away from here to my men, we’ll have you before anyone knows you’re gone. I will break both Ty and the duke. With the duke out of the way, my dearest brother can take Birne, and I will be a power in our new country. Melisande’s smile grew even more charming at the thought.

  * * * * *

  Damnation of the seven hells. If she had been a minute later, I would have already been gone. Why is this woman choosing this time to be friendly? She might know that Cyn isn’t going to offer for her, but surely, she doesn’t know yet that he asked me to marry?

  Cassandra looked into the pale blue eyes of a woman who had never before pretended to be guileless in any way. She felt sure Melisande would love to rub the presence of a common trader in the noses of those who quietly sneered at her bastard parentage, but dared not openly show it since Melisande was the king’s favored half-sister. However, Cassandra just didn’t believe this was all Melisande wanted. Perhaps she hoped to obtain something else from Cyn and saw Cassandra as a means to it? It would not do to make an open enemy of the king’s half-sister, and she might find it interesting to match wits with this courtier ‑‑ but not at this moment.

  Cassandra composed her face to look suitably regretful. “Of course, I would love the opportunity to get to know you better and hear more about the capital. Unfortunately, I have an appointment and was just about to leave the garden. Perhaps we could talk over late-morning tea tomorrow?”

  Melisande’s face at first grew stiff as Cassandra dared to decline her invitation. However, when Cassandra proposed meeting the following day, her smile took on a brilliant gleam. “That sounds wonderful. Perhaps, we could walk instead? Then neither Cicely’s silly gossip nor Adeena’s boring plans for the next keep event will interrupt us.”

  “That would be lovely. Around midmorning bells, then?” Melisande nodded and was on her way. Cassandra gritted her teeth. Adeena provided more stimulating companionship than even the clever Melisande could hope to offer. Although the king’s half-sister had one thing right: Cicely’s inane gossip would drive anyone crazy.

  A real smile appeared on Cassandra’s face, now determined to corner her men. I can’t believe they will both be mine and no other’s. Then she groaned. Good gods above and below. I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this: a duchess.

  Chapter Nine

  Savor the day; tomorrow is a promise that might never be kept.

  -- Book of Common Wisdom

  The keep

  The duke’s personal chambers

  “What will we do if she says no?” Ty leaned against the small desk by the fire, arms crossed over a heavily muscled bare chest. Cyn paced before him in an uncharacteristic display of anxiety.

  “We make her accept!” Cyn shook his head, then impatiently pushed back the strands of the long, auburn hair falling in his face. “No, not force, but persuade. Damn, I feel like fire ants are crawling all over me. First your control is shaken when she disappears for a few hours, and now my beast is fighting to break free at the thought of rejection. She has already accepted us both in a chosen’s bond. Why is this giving me so much trouble?”

  Ty considered the question. Cyn was always in control. Why did this shake him so? “Possibly it’s rooted in your family history. Your human side knows how your great-grandmother rejected the brethren that kidnapped her and forced a chosen bond on her. So despite your personal inclinations, you know you can’t force her to love or marry you.

  “The beast doesn’t care. He just wants to have her tied to him and acknowledged as his. Since you must keep the secret of being brethren as well as duke, you cannot openly call her your chosen. A marriage would allow both man and beast to claim possession.”

  “Gods, you’re right. Having her hesitate this way, possibly saying no” ‑‑ Cyn’s face twisted ‑‑ “it feels like a rejection of me, of the bond we share. Ty, you will have to help me. If she says no, and my beast takes over, do whatever it takes to protect her.”

  “I will, but you won’t lose yourself to the beast, Cyn. If the answer is no, we will find a way to change her mind. We can alter the role of duchess to suit her.”

  Ty grinned. “You know, she’s quite possessive. She will say yes, if for no other reason than to keep the other women away from you. Have you not see the way anger lights her eyes when any of the visiting gentle nobles tries to get your notice? I saw her fingering her dagger when even harmless Cicely tried to flirt with you.” Ty smiled at the memory of how close to death poor little Cicely had unknowingly come.

  Some of the tension left Cyn’s posture. “Yes, I have noticed. Sometimes I let one of the gentle courtiers talk with me just to see the spark of her passion. I don’t think she has any idea what her unfeigned response means to me.”

  “Ty, what if it is only passion and caring. What if she doesn’t return our love? Eventually, this place, the restrictions, will chafe. She will want to go away from us, for as long as the bond will allow her. Worse, she is very strong. If she decided freedom was better, she might be able to break the bond, and you know that bastard Darius would be glad to help her.”

  Ty’s frown echoed the one on Cyn’s face. “Darius had best keep to brethren matters and leave Cassandra to us.”

  He opened his mouth to say more, then stopped. Light footsteps approached the door. Cassandra was returning. He felt an impulse to tell Cyn they would grab her and take her away to the hills with them, and keep her there between their bodies with no one to distract them until she agreed to marriage. His beast rejoiced at the thought. He fought the impulse back with frustration. No, if she said no, he would hold her here and demand… He mentally shook his head. He would find a way to win her instead. Whatever it took, he would do it. Unconsciously, both he and Cyn drew to attention, waiting for her to come, waiting to hear her decision.

  * * * * *

  Cassandra stood outside the heavy door. Sharing blood with the brethren enhanced her body’s ability to heal itself. Her senses were also better than the average human’s, but not on the level of the brethren. She couldn’t tell if her men were still waiting inside or not. She rubbed a sweat-dampened palm against her pants and reached for the door handle.

  Inside Ty and Cyn stood stiffly as they watched her enter and shut the door softly behind her. Neither had bothered with a shirt. Their beauty momentarily stopped her thoughts, and she stood silent. Then she relaxed a bit. They looked like men expecting a death sentence. Somehow, their nervousness made her feel better.

  “Before I tell you what I’ve decided, I have a question for you both. Aside from this little subterfuge about easing me into life at the keep and the possibility of being duchess, is there anything else you have held back from me? Anything else I should ‑‑ no, make that anything else I might possibly want ‑‑ to know?”

  Confusion was her answer. They looked at her and then at each other as if to say, “Did you do something I don’t know about?”

  Apparently assured by Ty’s equally blank look, Cyn wrapped his regal bearing about himself. Only his clenched hands gave away his tenseness. “We have been honest as best we know how. If there is something more you need, tell us. We will hold nothing back.”

  Ty’s eyes sparked with a dangerous anger. His voice came out a low growl, a guttural warning that combined man and beast. “You know how we want you, how we need you. If our love is not enough for you, then, damn it, tell us what you need. I will make it happen.”

  Her mouth dropped open, and her body slumped in relief. “Love? You did not speak of love with marriage. The only time you mentioned love was when I first agreed to stay with you. I thought it was only gratitude.” Her vision wavered, and she realized tears filled her eyes.

  Cyn’s arms wrapped around her, supporting her, while she tried to focus on Ty and read his face. Cyn spoke quietly, the breath from his words tickling her ear. “You never spoke of love. I…we didn’t know your feelings. We still don’t. You seemed
to like and care for us, but never have you seemed interested in love.”

  Ty stepped up, pulling Cassandra and Cyn into his embrace as well. “You spoke to me of your friend who died, who killed himself rather than live as a raver. You spoke of your friends among the brethren. It was clear you value honor, friendship, strength. You spoke of bargaining and travel. I see your joy in adventure and working with clever minds, but never have you spoken of love, of lives freely pledged.” He gently brushed her hair back from her face and cupped her cheek.

  “Our love for you is in every touch. It is not just the chosen bond that drives us to you. I want to always be in you, to be a part of you. You and Cyn are part of my soul. If I had not thought you cared little for it, or perhaps even only saw it as another way to bind you, I would have spoken of it.” His eyes bored into hers, clearly willing her to believe him.

  Cassandra remained still within their arms. Her heart raced with fear and excitement. Was she really hearing this?

  Cyn pulled back a little and tugged her to turn and look at him. “I, too, Cassandra. I love your strength. I love your courage. I love how you care for me and Ty without regard to title or riches. But there is something more I cannot define ‑‑ something in you that has called me from the first. I only know I will do whatever it takes to keep you. If it is my love, know you have it beyond whatever other comfort or advantage you represent. You will always have it.” He squeezed her shoulders and searched her face.

  “Do we sound like fools? Are you asking about love because you want it or because you fear it as yet another bond?” Cyn’s look assessed her. Once again, he amazed her with his insight.

  She let her arms go around them for a brief, tight hug. “Once I did look at love as a tie to hold me down. Not now. With you, it strengthens me. When you are holding me, my spirit soars.”

  Tears ran freely down Cassandra’s face. “I love you both, and yes, I will marry you, Cyn.”

  She leaned in close, and her lips melted into his in a kiss more tender than any she had allowed herself before. She traced the outline of his head with hands that just skimmed over the silk of his hair. When she pulled back, she saw the sparkle of unreleased tears in his eyes.

  Ty’s hands were joined with Cyn’s, pressed against her waist. Then Ty pulled a hand free. He tangled it within her long, dark hair and pulled her head back to receive another kiss, this one hard, barely controlled. He feasted at her mouth, tugging her head further back, more within his control.

  There was no hiding now. The moment was too raw and unguarded, but she felt safe.

  “At last.” The words said in a throaty growl rumbled up from the depths of Ty’s chest.

  Her tunic neck pulled taut, then ripped. The blouse pulled halfway down her arms, forcing them to her sides. A hot, wet mouth enclosed her nipple. It sent a shockwave of sensation down through her belly and into her cunt.

  Cyn’s hands pressed down her sides. She felt her pants slide away. Ty continued feeding at her mouth. Her arms were immobile, held in place by both his hands and the tightly stretched tunic. Cyn moved away. She moaned at the loss of the contact of his mouth on her breast. Ty raised his head, breaking the kiss, although the fire in his eyes promised much more.

  She gave a little startled jerk as her feet were swept up. Suddenly, Cyn held her in his arms, pressed tightly to his chest. His eyes captured hers. His arms and body felt like hot stone. He slowly knelt with her. He had stripped, and his now naked body pressed against hers. Then he looked up at Ty, who was also removing his pants.

  Ty joined them, pressing against Cassandra’s other side.

  “Hold still,” Cyn commanded them both.

  Her head bowed back as she gasped. His seeking fingers had parted her pussy lips and were stroking in a languid tease. Waves of pleasure built in her body. He moved his hand, leaving her moaning once again in longing for more.


  She tilted her head to see Ty open his mouth to accept Cyn’s fingers, wet from stroking her. She swallowed back another moan, watching Ty’s eyes close. His face full of pleasure, he sucked her body’s offering from Cyn’s fingers. He grabbed Cyn’s wrist and traced his tongue over and between each digit, taking all there was. She traced her tongue over her lips in response.

  Ty pressed Cyn’s hand down, splayed between her breasts. She felt him give an extra “stay put” push. Ty’s hand moved down to first cup her mound in his palm and then slide between the lips and take his own turn, stroking, teasing.

  “So beautiful.” Ty’s hard face grew soft watching Cassandra’s helpless undulations beneath his touch. His reaction made her feel beautiful, and the pleasurable ache within her grew more intense.

  He stopped. She hung almost at the crest. She could have sobbed her disappointment until she saw him offer his fingers to Cyn.

  Cyn sucked off each finger by turn while watching Cassandra’s face. Passion simmered on his face. He murmured, “The taste of our bride.” Eyes half closed, he licked his lips slowly, evidently savoring the flavor.

  She tugged at the torn tunic still holding her arms tight, wanting to touch them, to bring them pleasure and torment as they were doing for her. Ty smiled and ripped the last of the fabric binding her.

  She reached up to caress the face of each of her lovers. “Fill me. Seal this promise.”

  Ty rolled to his back, pulling her with him as he did.

  She pushed up to sit on his legs. His hands rubbed up and down over her spread thighs, his expression asking her to take him, to take them both and show that they were hers.

  He gave a small gasp, and she could feel and see the tension fill his muscles when she grasped his cock. His breathing stuttered as he moved to the demands of her strokes.

  Cyn moaned. Cassandra turned her head to see his eyes fixed on the sight of her fucking Ty with her hand. She reached and took him in her other hand, glorying in the sensation of both men thrusting in her hands.

  Their moans. The naked evidence of their need echoed within her. She had to have more. She saw Ty’s eyes glaze over. His beast scent filled the air, quickly joined by Cyn’s.

  The scent stripped away her control. She released Cyn and moved up to her knees, still holding Ty. She held herself just above the end of his cock, briefly rubbing the tip through the folds of her pussy and over her clit before she sank down over his flesh. From the corner of her eye, she saw Cyn rise and move behind her, then his hands were upon her, bending her forward to expose her ass.

  She felt a wave of heat behind her. Cyn was partially changing. His cock would be coated with the slippery fluid that preceded the change. One hand moved down her body, and fingers held open the globes of her buttocks. The blunt, round end of his cock circled, then nudged, and pushed into her body. She couldn’t hold back a long moan. Full. It was so good.

  “Now.” Her voice was a demand and a plea. “Fuck me now.” She sucked at the flesh of Ty’s chest beneath her, then her head jerked up as he and Cyn began to move within her.

  Her cries of pleasure filled the room, echoed by those of her men. At last there was no more teasing. No stopping. The pleasure rose and completely filled her. The waves of orgasm crested again and again until both Ty, then Cyn, each shouted out their completion, filling her with the hot fluids of their release.

  Cassandra dropped onto Ty in exhaustion and felt Cyn press a kiss between her shoulders before gently pulling free and taking her in his arms when he rose to his feet.

  She looked over her shoulder, gave a half smile, and quirked an eyebrow in questioning. Cyn looked back at her with the confident possessiveness of one who knows what he has. “My love.” His voice was warm with happiness. He bent his head down to hers for a brief kiss. “I’ll wash you, we’ll rest a little, and then I want you both again.”

  “You mean we’ll wash her.” Ty stood so she was once again between the two of them.

  Her smile widened. She really did love the way these men thought.

  * * * * *
/>   Cassandra stretched sleepily before snuggling down between her men. Ty and Cyn had decided she wasn’t convinced of their feelings and devoted much of the night to reassuring her. Of course, they also demanded to hear the words from her again and again. She would never tire of seeing the effect of her words on their faces, or their bodies. Mine. All mine. And tonight we’ll announce it to the keep. She couldn’t wait to see the expressions on the faces of the other women when they knew she had effectively slammed shut forever the door to Cyn’s and Ty’s bedroom.

  One of those faces intruded in her mind. Oh, yes, I promised to walk with Melisande this morning. It will be interesting to compare how she treats me today and then after the announcement tomorrow. The king’s love and her adopted family make her a power, so I’d best rise and start behaving like the duchess I’ve promised to become.

  * * * * *

  In another part of the keep, another woman stretched and smiled for different reasons.

  Soon. Soon I’ll have everything I want within my reach.

  Melisande sat up in her bed. Her waiting maid handed her a still-steaming damp towel, then her morning cup of tea. Rarely did Melisande allow herself to vary noticeably from popular convention, but despite the popularity of the new beverage, she kept with her preference for tea over the more costly and exotic coffee. She mentally reviewed her plans for the day while she sipped at the fragrant brew.


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