Deceived - The Complete Series

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Deceived - The Complete Series Page 5

by Walker, Kylie

  Angela filed the handful of papers that she was working on and stretched back in her chair. She suddenly decided she was ready to go. She grabbed her satchel and headed out the door.

  “Good night Marg.” She said, giving her a smile as she walked by. Walking down the hall almost at the elevator doors she heard that low familiar sexy voice. She whipped around to see where it was coming from when her eyes landed on Kimberly’s office. She watched as Steve leaned against the door frame slightly holding the door open while talking to Kimberly. She watched her boss grab the arm that was holding the door open and pull him into her office. Angela was flushed in the face as she repeatedly pressed the elevator button. Heart racing and slightly shaking she felt a hand on her waist a moment later. “Don’t you dare put your fucking hands on me,” she hissed the words between her teeth as she turned quickly around. Her eyes landed on Thomas’ confused face.

  “What the hell Angela?”

  “I’m...I’m sorry Thomas, I thought you were someone else.” She said apologetically. She looked past him at Kimberly’s closed office door.

  “Apparently,” he said with his eyebrows raised. “Is someone bothering you? He looked over his shoulder in the direction Angela was staring. Let me know and I will kick their ass.” He smiled, trying to lighten the situation. The elevators doors opened and they both stepped in. His mood sobered as he said, “Are you sure you’re alright? You’re shaking for Christ’s sake,” he rubbed her arm lightly.

  “Yes I’m fine.” She tried to flash him a smile and cleared her throat. “So are you cooking tonight?”

  “No, there is a great little sub shop just down the street. Grabbing something there and then heading to a friend’s house to watch the game. You?” He looked down at her while they exited the elevator.

  “Joanne’s coming over for a bit,” she said, repositioning her satchel on her shoulder. “I will see you back at the apartment later then.”

  As she exited the building, Angela’s head was whirling. Her strides were fast while she tried to figure out why Steve would be in Kimberly’s office. There was only one reason. He was the snake that Kimberly just told her about earlier in the day and it made her blood boil. How dare he? He was playing the two of them at the same time. She felt so stupid to have let him seduce her so easily. She was stronger than that. She had always been strong. She always stated what was on her mind and didn’t have a problem saying no. But something about him got under her skin. It was like she was drugged and being pulled into his essence when he was around her and she wanted more, she couldn’t control how she felt. However, she could control her actions.

  Opening the door to the loft she dropped her satchel on the floor, threw her keys on the hall table and made her way to the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass. Her mind thought back to the flowers he had just sent her. “My God am I an ass,” she said out loud, taking a long drink of her wine. She was laughing to herself as Joanne walked into the apartment.

  “Hey Ang. Already into the wine, huh?” Joanne smiled and flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder. She grabbed an empty wine glass from the cupboard and placed it on the kitchen bar, “Well are you going to pour me a glass or just sit there with that smirk on your face? What’s going on? You’re acting weird.” She looked at Angela and grabbed the bottle, pouring her own glass.

  “I’m a complete idiot. That is what is going on.” Angela took another long drink. “That guy, Steve that I met at the club and then again outside of my work, then in the storage room...” Angela blurted out and then drank the rest of her wine. She paused and reached for the bottle to refill her glass.

  Joanne cut her off, “Whoa...Hold on a second, the storage room?”

  “And then the asshole sent me my favorite flowers today. Oh and guess who else he is fucking?” Angela said staring at Joanne with an angry glare on her face, “My fucking boss. Priceless, isn’t it?” She huffed and took another sip.

  “Ok, slow down woman.” Joanne grabbed her arm and gently pulled it back down to the table. “You fucked him?” She asked with raised eyebrows.

  “No I didn’t fuck him. He seduced me in the storage room this week.” Joanne’s hand cupped her mouth as she tried to conceal her smile. “Holy shit! Um...Details please.” Joanne nudged her with her elbow.

  “There aren’t any. He’s a slime ball, one I want nothing to do with regardless of how fucking hot and attractive he is. He seduced me and he is apparently screwing my boss. He sent me my favorite flowers to my office today. God knows how he learned that information,” she sighed swiping a hand through her dark hair.

  “So how do you know he is screwing your boss?” Joanne asked, confused.

  “Today when I received the flowers from him, Kimberly came into my office. She told me about this guy that has been stringing her along for a few months. When I left for the day I saw Steve leaning against her office door and then she pulled him in her office and shut the door behind them.” Still running her hand through her hair she looked at Joanne’s face.

  “So you automatically assume he is the guy she was talking about?” Joanne asked with her eyebrows arched.

  “Yes, I do.” Angela said. “Quite frankly there is no other explanation. And you know what? I don’t even understand why I am so mad about this. I have bumped into him two or three times. Yes, he seduced me and sent me flowers, big deal!” She got up and opened the fridge.

  “You’re developing something for this guy Ang. Whether it’s sexual or emotional, it’s there. That’s why you’re pissed.” She said with a smile.

  “I don’t know how to play this game Jo and I don’t want to play.” Angela told her. “I just want to focus on work, eventually get my own apartment and someday meet someone again when the time is right.”

  “Well then don’t play. Tell him where to go the next time you see him and don’t even give him a chance to explain...unless you really want to of course.” She grinned and took a sip of her wine.

  “Jesus, Joanne, you’re seriously too much.” Angela glared at her, but she laughed.

  “I’m just saying that there may be a lot more to the story than you’re actually seeing.

  Chapter 8

  The following week Angela went about her business avoiding all conversation with Kimberly about her mystery man. When Kimberly would bring up the topic she would just block her out or pretend she had to do something. She had not seen Steve in a week, and it was exactly how she liked it.

  “Need a re-fill?” Thomas held up the bottle of wine as he leaned up against the bathroom door watching Angela get ready. Thomas was taking her out to dinner and she was really looking forward to it.

  “You read my mind.” She smiled and grabbed her glass. She held it for him while he poured. She sat her glass down on the counter and dabbed a little more gloss to her full lips. “So where are you taking me?” She asked, looking at him in the mirror.

  “It’s a cool little place called “The Cecconi’s” on Melrose Avenue. You’ll love it and the food is amazing,” he told her with a smile. “Are you almost ready?” Looking at his watch he said, “Our reservation is for seven and it’s already six-thirty.”

  Fingering her hair one more time, she said, “All set.” She smiled and took a long sip from her glass.

  “You look stunning,” he said as his eyes took in the tiny black dress that hugged her frame perfectly.

  “Why thank you. You look pretty darn handsome yourself.” She winked at him and walked past in to the kitchen.

  She drank the rest of her wine, grabbed her small clutch purse and followed Thomas out of the apartment.


  Cecconi’s was beautifully cascaded with sculptured greenery flanking the entrance. The tiny lights sparkled in the green foliage looking like little fireflies as nightfall set in. Once in the restaurant they were shown to a quiet booth near the terrace and given their menus.

  “This is stunning Thomas,” Angela said as she took in the
scenery around her. The place and the customers both screamed high society.

  “I knew you would love it. Wait until you taste the food.” He said, looking at the menu.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” The waiter asked.

  “We’ll each have a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon please,” Thomas said.

  “Very well.”

  “Is that a red wine?” Angela asked when the waiter was gone.

  “Yes, it is. It’s very good.” He grinned at her. A few minutes later, the waiter returned with their drinks and took their orders.

  “I’ll have the organic salmon, broccoli & basil pesto please,” Angela said, passing the menu to the waiter.

  “And for you sir?” he turned to Thomas.

  “Alaskan halibut, leeks & summer squash, thank you.” They sat quietly for a moment taking in the atmosphere and enjoying the soft background music. “So how are you doing Angela?” Thomas looked serious all of a sudden.

  “What do you mean?” She asked, puzzled.

  “Well you have been here for a little over five weeks now. How are you feeling about the move, the job, the loft?”

  Angela tucked a long strand of hair behind her ear. “Good, I guess. I mean it has really helped me to get out of my shell by focusing on everything else other than Blake.” She looked at Thomas and took a sip of her wine. “I really enjoy my new job and am finally getting a little more familiar with the city. You know I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for me. If it wasn’t for you I would still be in Miami.”

  The waiter arrived with their entrees. They enjoyed some small talk with each other while they ate. She savored the succulent meal until her last bite. When she was finished, she felt so full she had to lean back in her chair. The waiter arrived to take their plates away and asked, “Dessert?” Thomas looked at her with his eyebrows raised.

  “No,” she laughed rubbing her stomach. “I am so full. That was delicious.”

  Taking another sip of his wine, Thomas stretched and inched himself on the seat so he was now sitting beside Angela. His hand reached hers and as he wrapped it up in his, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips passionately.

  Angela immediately pushed him back. “What are you doing Thomas?” She asked him, taking a breath.

  “Just giving my roommate a kiss,” he responded quickly, knowing he had crossed his boundaries with her.

  She looked at him while she tried to clear her throat thinking how handsome he looked but that she only loved him as a brother, not in that way.

  “Just a kiss?” She said with her eyes narrowed. “That was more than a kiss Thomas.”

  “It was just an innocent kiss Angela. Don’t make it into more than what it is.” He said looking annoyed.

  “Thomas, do you have feelings for me?” She asked him as she looked into his bright green eyes. She was almost afraid of hearing his answer. Her body tensed and she was sure her facial expression showed confusion. She clearly didn’t have the same feelings for him.

  “No, well yes, of course I do. But like a little sis, you know.” He slid back to his seat.

  “Well then why would you do that?” Her eyebrows arched not quite believing him.

  “Jesus, Ang. I can’t give my roommate a kiss? I wanted to get a reaction out you. That’s all.” He shot her a nervous smile. He was obviously trying to cover for his actions.

  “Thomas you know I love you with all my heart, just not in that way.” She searched his face; she didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

  “Me too Angela, I have always loved you like a sister, me too,” He said, and then downed the rest of his wine. Standing up he looked at her and extended his hand. “Ready to go?”

  “Yes,” She said, taking it and standing up. “Thomas, I had a wonderful time. Thank you.” She said, smiling a little nervously.


  Once they were home, Angela slipped off her high heels and headed towards her bedroom to change for the evening. “Do you want a glass of wine?” She heard Thomas call after her.

  “Sure,” she yelled back.

  She closed the door to her bedroom and sat on the bed thinking. Thomas had tried to make light conversation during the ride home, but the passionate kiss he called nothing wouldn’t leave her head. Maybe Joanne was right and Thomas really did have feelings for her. More so than what he was putting on. It made her feel uncomfortable no matter how much he denied it. She only loved him like a big brother and nothing more. Maybe it was time to get her own apartment, she thought as she stood up and unzipped her dress. She would have to talk to him about this again.

  She slipped into a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt and tied her long black hair into a ponytail before going back out to the living room. When she got there she sat in the black leather armchair beside the sectional where Thomas was sitting.

  “Your wine,” he said, passing the glass to her.

  “Thank you.” She smiled and took the glass from his hand.

  The T.V. was on another football game. Out of the corner of her eye she looked at him. He was staring at the flat screen.

  “Thomas...I was thinking I will start looking for an apartment.” She held her glass up to her mouth and took a sip, not taking her eyes off of his face.

  “Really?” He looked at her with confusion on his face. “Don’t you think it is a bit early? I mean you have only been here a little over a month.”

  “I know, but I think it’s time I get something of my own. That way you can have your privacy.” She smiled.

  She watched Thomas’s chest rise and fall with his breathing. “Are you saying this because of what I did in the restaurant?” His brow knitted with concern.

  “No, no, of course not,” she lied. “I just think it’s time to lay down some roots of my own.”

  “Ang, the rent alone is going to be extremely expensive. Look at how much you can save by staying here a month or two more. Why don’t you stay here until August or September, save your money and then get your own place?”

  Angela could see he was grasping at straws to keep her there. She could almost hear the desperation in his voice. Thomas had done so much for her. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him.

  “Thomas. You know I don’t have money issues. Blake left me a large insurance settlement.” She played with her ponytail as she looked at her wine glass. “Ok, how about this. I start looking now and try to find a place for August. That will give me all of July to try and find something.”


  “What?” She looked at him puzzled.

  “It will have to be for September,” he said again. “I will need at least sixty days’ notice in order to find a new roommate.” A slow smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

  “You’re a whack job!” She laughed. “You don’t need a roommate! You have always lived alone.”

  “Well, now I do. That is the least you can do Angela.” Thomas looked at her a little more seriously.

  Feeling a little guilty she responded. “Ok. I will find a place for September. No later though.” She told him in a serious tone as she took a long sip of her wine. Two months she thought to herself. She would continue to carry on as usual and hope that Thomas doesn’t try anything with her. She didn’t want the situation to grow any more uncomfortable than what it already was.

  Chapter 9

  It was already Thursday, a day before the long Fourth of July weekend and Angela was trying to finish up all the last minute details for one of her new clients she had just received early in the week. She shut her computer off and turned to the paper sitting on her desk. She had already started looking for apartments that were for rent and could not get over the prices. She found three spaces that sounded half way decent after shuffling through tons of them. She was going to book appointments for the following week to take a look at them.

  She ripped out the page where she had circled the ads, folded it and placed it in her satchel. She pulled out her compact mirror; opening it
she looked at her large eyes and patted at one with her finger. Grabbing her light pink gloss, she dabbed some on her lips. It was now five thirty and she was due to meet Joanne at the pub down the street in half an hour for a few drinks.

  She stood up and headed out of her office. “Night Marg,” she smiled at the elderly secretary.

  “Have a great weekend Angela,” Marg said, smiling back.

  Even though the Fourth of July holiday fell on the Monday, Lyons Advertising would be closed on the Friday as well which Angela didn’t mind one bit. She was really looking forward to spending her weekend away in Long Beach with Joanne. She pressed the elevator button and tugged on her gray skirt patiently waiting. Angela stepped in when the doors opened and pressed the button for the lobby. She watched the doors close when a hand slid in between stopping them from shutting.

  “I’m sorry.” She said trying to press the open door button for the person to enter when she heard his voice.

  “Well hello Angela. We meet again.” Steve had a slow smile forming on his mouth as he stepped into the elevator standing almost directly beside her.

  Angela was flustered just at the sight of him. He was wearing tailored blue jeans that showed off his powerful frame with a white dress shirt that had the top two buttons undone. Her large brown eyes followed the tattoos’ that started on his chest snaking up to his neck. She could feel the warmth build between her legs as she tried to form her words. Jesus he was gorgeous.

  “Yes I guess so.” She said, nonchalantly, “Going down?”

  “Are you?”

  “Excuse me?” She cocked her head to the side and looked up at him.

  “Are you going down?” He said, eyeing her delicate frame.

  Angela watched his blue eyes trail her body and her heart skipped a beat. Get a grip already! “Does that matter?”

  “It does to me.” He smiled, revealing the deep dimple in his right cheek.

  She watched his tongue trace his lower lip and thought about how good it felt during their encounter in the storage room last week. She had to get a grip on herself. This man was screwing her boss for Christ’s Sake.


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