Deceived - The Complete Series

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Deceived - The Complete Series Page 15

by Walker, Kylie

  “Good. Hey, let me fix you a glass of wine to take with you. It’ll relax you.”

  “You may be right,” she said. Thomas got a glass out of the cabinet. He poured her a glass from the bottle he already had opened and swirled it around before he handed it to her. He watched...a little nervously as she took a sip. She closed her eyes and let it settle. “Thanks,” she said. She looked back at the bottle and said, “I thought you weren’t drinking tonight.”

  “I’m not. I opened it for you.”

  She looked skeptical but said, “Okay, I’m going to shower and I’ll be out in a bit.”

  “Take your time,” he told her. “We have all night.” What a night it was going to be, he thought.

  Chapter 10

  By the time Angela came out of the bathroom, she was visibly more relaxed. Thomas breathed in her fresh, clean scent and shuddered. He was thinking again about what he wanted to do to her...what he was going to do to her. He looked at the empty wine glass in her hand and said, “Want a refill?” She handed it to him and smiled. It was the first time she’d smiled at him in a while the way she used to...before Steve came into the picture. He didn’t let himself believe it was the drug working already. He wanted to believe she felt genuine affection for him...the way that she used to. He refilled her glass and handed it to her and then he switched on the Bose speaker he’d programmed her favorite music into. “Go sit and relax,” he told her. “About fifteen more minutes and it will be ready.”

  Angela made her way over to the couch. She was wearing her yoga pants and a tank top. She had her hair back in a ponytail. She was swaying to the music and Thomas enjoyed watching the motion of her hips in the tight pants. She sat on the couch and he watched as she leaned back into it and closed her eyes. She was getting sleepy...not long now. His mouth watered and his cock twitched at the thought of what he had planned for her.

  Thomas had spent a big part of the past week doing research on his laptop. He was desperate to find a way to get Angela to loosen up her inhibitions with him. He knew alcohol made her a little less guarded...but that wasn’t enough. He needed her guard to be completely gone...and he needed her to not remember any of it in the morning. What he’d come up with was GHB, or liquid ecstasy as it’s called on the streets. He found out that he could buy it in liquid form and that taking it with alcohol would intensify its effects. It basically caused euphoria, relaxation, increased sociability and loss of inhibition, as well as heightened sexual interest. The major side effects are those similar to a hangover...and memory loss. It was as if the God’s had created it just for his purposes. It was odorless and colorless so that he could mix it in her bottle of wine and she would never be the wiser. He’d mixed it before she came home. The fact that he’d promised her he wouldn’t drink tonight was also playing right into his plans.

  He fixed two plates of chicken and pasta and two bowls of salad and put them on the table with the French bread. He poured himself a glass of ice water and looked over at Angela. She still had her eyes closed. He hoped that she wasn’t asleep yet.

  “Hey Ang, dinner’s ready.”

  She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “I’m not sure why I’m so sleepy,” she said, taking the last sip of her wine. He liked her like calm. He hadn’t really seen her this way since before Blake got sick.

  “Maybe dinner will perk you up,” he said. She pushed herself up off the couch and swayed a little bit side to side. “Hey, are you okay?” He didn’t want her falling down and hurting herself that would screw everything up.

  She smiled again. God, she’s so beautiful. “I’m fine. I forgot to eat lunch today because I was so busy. I get a little light-headed when I don’t eat, so that’s probably all it is.”

  “You need to take better care of yourself. But, if you’re not going to, come on over and I’ll stuff you up.” She came over to the table and as soon as she sat the wine glass down, he refilled it. He sat down with her then and while they ate he said,

  “So, I got a call about your house today.”

  “The Miami house?”

  “Yeah, do you have another house?”

  “Oh stop it. Tell me what they said.”

  “The agent I hired said we got a really good offer. It’s even better than the last one that fell out of escrow and these people have the assets to back it. As long as everything they’ve told us checks out. We’ll know by early next week.” Thomas had gone out of his way to keep that house from selling. Once Angela realizes that he’s the one she belongs with, he has dreams that someday they might move back there and raise their children together in it.

  “Yay!” she said, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek. “That’s awesome! You’re the man!” she was slurring her speech just a little bit and her eyes were looking at him softer than she had in a long time. She felt like getting rid of the house would be getting rid of the last stages of her grief. Thomas disagreed. That house felt like as much a part of him as it was of her. He’d spent many weekends there with her and Blake. He was always envious of Blake, but never jealous and angry like he is with Steve. There has to be something about that guy that brings it out in him.

  He smiled at her enthusiasm and said, “I didn’t sell it; I just worked with the agent. We’ll see how it goes. Don’t get too excited yet.”

  Angela took a bite of her dinner and closed her eyes to savor it, making a noise deep in her throat that was almost sexual. “Oh God, that’s good,” she said.

  With a smile and more hope than he’d had in a long time Thomas said, “Thanks. I’m glad you like it.” He watched her pick up her wine glass and take another big drink.

  “Is it hot in here?” she asked, suddenly.

  “I’m not hot. Do you feel like maybe you have a fever? I hope you’re not getting sick.”

  “Me too, I can’t take any time off right now. Kim’s being a bitch.”

  He laughed again. “What is she being a bitch about?”

  “Steve of course. She’s a jealous wench! But, I don’t want to talk about it tonight,” she said. “I finally feel good. Talking about her will run my happy away.” She was talking fast and her eyes were only half open. “I like this song.” Her thoughts also seemed to be jumping from one subject to the next. Thomas filled her glass back up.

  “Me too,” he said. “I think this is the one you and I danced to at the dollar dance at your wedding.” He was lying but she was too drugged to know or care.

  “Was it? That’s so sweet of you to remember. I loved my wedding. You were Blake’s best man. Blake loved you. Dance with me, Thomas?”

  He threw down his napkin and stood up. Holding his arms out he said, “There is nothing I’d rather do.” That was a lie. There was something else he was dying to do...but all in good time. Angela took his hand and he pulled her to her feet. He put one arm around her waist and took her other hand in his. He led her to the space between the living and dining room and began to sway with her to the music. He could feel himself getting hard already. His cock has waited so long for her. It was tired of waiting. Angela had her eyes closed and her head back, singing along with the music. Her long, sexy neck was exposed and he had to force himself not to sink his teeth into it. It’s too soon...and besides, he has to be careful not to leave any marks. For now, he’d content himself with dancing.

  They danced until the song ended and Angela continued to stand in his arms for several seconds after the music stopped. When she opened her eyes she said, “Oops! The music is over, isn’t it? Why is it so hot in here?”

  “Why don’t you go put on something cooler before we finish eating? Just throw on a t-shirt or something. It’s just us.”

  She smiled. “You just want to see me in my panties and a t-shirt, don’t you? I felt how happy you were to see me while we were dancing you naughty boy.” Thomas grinned. Everything was falling into place. She was actually coming on to him. She wanted him.

  He took a step in closer and with his mouth only inches from he
rs he said, “To be honest, I’d personally prefer if you wore nothing at all.”

  Instead of getting angry, Angela giggled and pushed his chest playfully. “I’ll just bet you would you nasty boy. Go sit down. I’m going to change and I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay, but hurry before your dinner gets cold.”

  “Yes sir,” she said with a mock salute. Then she laughed again and made her way down the hall. While she was gone, he filled her glass with the last of the wine in the bottle...just to make sure. Thomas sat back down at the table and waited for her. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and imagined once again what she was going to taste like. He could hardly wait. He opened his eyes again and looked down the hall for her. When she seemed to be taking a really long time he got worried, thinking maybe she passed out already. He got up to go check on her just about the time she came out of her room in a t-shirt that only came to the bottom of her flat belly and a pair of hot pink lace panties. He was relieved she didn’t go in there and go to sleep and he was ecstatic that she’d changed. “This was all I could find,” she said, slurring even more now. “Is this okay?” She spun around and Thomas thought he might come in his pants. The panties were cut so high in the back they were like a thong. Her smooth, round ass cheeks were almost completely exposed. His cock just grew an inch. She was really trying to seduce him. The drug brought out her true feelings...for him.

  “That’s perfect,” he said. “Do you want to finish dinner?”

  “I want to dance some more. Come on, let’s dance.” Thomas wasn’t going to object to that. He took her in his arms again, this time pulling her in closer to his chest. She must have taken off her bra because he felt her hard nipples press into him through the t-shirt. As their bodies swayed to the music he began rubbing her back with his hands. He started at her shoulders and rubbed across to her neck. She moaned slightly and extended her neck again. As he began to massage down her back she said, “Mm! That feels so good.” He massaged down to the lower part of her back. He felt her flex her hips forward and rub them into him slightly. She was getting aroused. He slid his hands down further and let them land on her ass. He thought he might die of pure joy. For years he’d wanted nothing more than to get a handful of that sweet, perfect ass. Now as he let his hands and his fingers run across it, Angela was becoming limper in his arms and rubbing her hips against his cock. “Feels so good,” she whispered. Thomas put his mouth to her ear and said,

  “I can make you feel so much better, baby. You’ll be screaming out my name and begging for more.”

  “Mm...what are you going to do to me that I’ll want more of?” she asked. She sounded like she was just about to pass out. Her voice was heavy and thick and she was also clutching onto him to be able to stay on her feet. He shuddered once more in anticipation and then he said, “I’m going to taste every part of your delicious body...I’m going to lick you up one side and down the other....and then I’m going to fuck you until your head explodes.”

  Angela let her eyes lift open a slit. She looked at him for a long time and then she finally said, “I shouldn’t...”

  Thomas pulled her back into him and let his hands run over her ass and down around the front of her panties. They were wet. He slid one finger along underneath it and she squeaked. He brought it up to his lips and said, “This is proof that you should. It’s proof that you want me.” He smeared his lips with her juice. She tasted as sweet as he knew she would. “Taste me...taste us, together,” he said. Then he covered her mouth with his and he kissed her. She was a little too out of it to kiss him back, but he didn’t care. He was intoxicated on the taste and the feel and the smell of her. He reached up while he was kissing her and pulled the band out of her hair. He wrapped both hands up in it and once again, he almost came right there. It felt as silky soft as he knew it would. He brought it up to his face and buried his nose in it and inhaled. “So fucking beautiful,” he said. He was still holding her, but they had both stopped dancing a while back. “Angela?”

  “Mm hmm....?”

  “Are you awake, baby?”

  “Mm hmm....” she still had her eyes closed.


  “Mm hmm...?”

  “Do you want to go lay down?”

  “Mm...are you going to lay with me?” she asked. The little vixen wanted this to happen. Drugs or no drugs, she wanted him. Wild horses couldn’t keep him from it.

  “Sure baby, I’ll lay with you.” All night long.

  “Will you massage me some more?”

  He was leading her down the hall towards her room. “I’ll do whatever you want baby. You tell me what feels good and I’ll do it.”

  “Mm....thank you...” just before they got to her bedroom she said, “Steve.”

  Thomas stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of the name. It took every shred of impulse control in his body not to slam her back against the wall, take her right there and force her to call out his name. He was so pissed off all he saw was red. But that wasn’t going to help and he knew what he would do, is use it to his advantage.

  “Yeah baby, it’s Steve. I’m here...I want you so bad. I want you to suck my cock baby...will you suck my cock?”

  She smiled. “I love the way you taste,” she said. Thomas pushed her back on the bed and stripped off his clothes. She had her eyes closed again and it looked like she was barely breathing. He got a little bit worried.

  “Angela?” she didn’t answer him. He put his face down close to hers. She was breathing...slowly. “Angela?” She smiled and mumbled something but it was obvious she was asleep. Damnit! He’d had hopes there for a minute that he’d get to fuck her while she was still awake...but this was probably better. This way he could make sure she wouldn’t remember. He stripped her out of her t-shirt and her little panties and for a few seconds he couldn’t do anything but stand there and just gazed down at her. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. She was even more beautiful than he’d imagined from the glimpses of her he’d gotten when she forgot to close the bedroom door. He knew that after this, he really wasn’t going to be able to live without having her. He lay down next to her and ran a hand across her breasts one at a time, letting his palms rub hard against her nipples. She didn’t stir. He leaned in closer and took one into his mouth. Her breath quickened a little, but she didn’t open her eyes.

  “You like that baby? Yeah, I knew you would. I know you want me. You feel guilty because of Blake...but he’d so much rather you were with me than with that fool Steve.” He began licking and sucking then to his heart’s content. He even scraped them with his teeth and bit down on one of them once when he got carried away. From his research on the drug, he knew the dose he gave her would have her out for at least five or six hours. He was going to take his time. He kissed his way up to her mouth. She had her lips slightly parted and he pressed his lips against hers and let his tongue slide into her mouth. God, it felt like heaven to kiss her, even if she wasn’t responding. She would...someday.

  His cock was painfully hard. He slid his hand down between her legs and felt how wet she was. He wasn’t sure if it was from the drug...or sucking her tits...or the fact that she secretly wanted him, but he wasn’t complaining. He moved her thighs apart and brought his face down to breathe in her scent. It was like her panties...only so much better. He opened her lips with his fingers and let his tongue trace a path down the inside of them. She made a noise and he looked up at her pretty face. Still sleeping like an angel...his angel.

  He wanted to be inside of her so badly he could taste it...but he was hesitant. He didn’t want to rush it. He wanted to remember this exact moment forever...exactly what it felt like to fill her up. His pulse quickened at the thought of what was about to happen. He’d waited so long...He just sat there, looking at her and every so often running his fingers through her hair or his hand across her smooth, sexy body.

  He let his thumb press against her clit and he began rubbing it in small circles. She stirred
with that, but her eyes still didn’t even flutter. “You like that, even in your sleep...yeah baby, see...I told you I’d make you feel good. I’m going to make you feel so good that you won’t be able to remember another man’s name...ever.”

  He couldn’t stand it a minute longer. He had to be inside of her. He pulled her down so that her butt was almost hanging off the bed and then he grasped his aching cock in one hand. Taking a deep breath and almost coming in his hand just at the thought of what he was about to do...he slid himself inside of her. He went in slowly, an inch at a time...savoring it, dragging it out. It was so hard though, he’d been patient for so long.

  “Oh fuck! Oh God, Angela! My angel! Nothing has ever felt as good as this. Nothing ever will! This means we fit perfectly together...just like I always knew that we would.” She was so wet and so tight and every fantasy he’d ever had about her had just gone out the window because this was a billion times better. Thomas was lost inside of her. Lost in the feelings he had for her. She was his...she would always be his...and he wasn’t about to lose her to that rich race car driving loser. He tried so hard to take things slow, but he was too excited to last so he just went with it. He pounded into her...hard and fast...relentlessly, until he felt his orgasm building. She was going to be sore in the morning....but he knew she’d never suspect him. Just before he came he cried out her name and he told her that he loved her. One of these days he would be able to say that to her face...for real and she would say it back.

  He was breathing heavily and his legs were shaking hard. He slid out of her and lay down next to her on the bed. He wrapped her up in his arms and pulled her up against him. Her warm, naked body felt so good. He closed his eyes and held her for a second, only to force them back open, suddenly afraid he would fall asleep with her and ruin the whole thing. He kissed the side of her face and said, “There’s always tomorrow my love. Right now, I have to get you cleaned up.”

  He went into the bathroom and found a soft washcloth. Wetting it in warm water and pouring some of her body wash on it; he put it to his face and inhaled. That smell always reminded him of her. It was soft and delicate like she was. He took it back into the bedroom. He picked her up and lay her down on the floor. Using the warm cloth he bathed her body in all of the places he’d sweat, licked or came. The last thing he wanted was her waking up sticky and beginning to question him about what happened. He’d be reliving this moment forever...but he was sure she wouldn’t be happy about what he’d done. Once she was all clean again, he went to the drawer where she kept her long night shirts. He pulled one out and then he got out a pair of her panties. He rubbed them along the side of his face. He loved doing that...they are so soft. He knelt down next to her, thinking what a shame it was to have to dress her. He could sit here on the floor and look at her naked all night. She was like a work of art. He again had to force himself to follow the plan. He dressed her finally, and then he took hold of all that gorgeous hair and pulled it back into a pony-tail like she had it. It was messy, but she was going to sleep on it anyways.


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