You Needed Me III: A Love Story

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You Needed Me III: A Love Story Page 5

by Shvonne Latrice

  “I know.”

  “You have bigger fish to fry, and I am the only woman that I want you getting worked up over. She will get out of her feelings soon enough, daddy.” She continued washing me. “Uspokoysya (calm down; relax).”

  “Come here.” I pulled her closer, lifted her up, and brought her down onto my dick. “What would I do without you?”

  “Be out there killing everything walking,” she whimpered as I eased in and out of her.

  I pulled her bottom lip into my mouth and sucked on it as I guided her up and down my rod. Seeing her body covered in water droplets was the sexiest shit ever. Her beautiful face was knotted up as she let out all kinds of whimpers and coos. Her body shivered as she released on my pole, so I held her small torso tighter in my hands before slamming into her wet center.

  “Ahh, uuhh, Rhys!” she gripped my shoulders to hold on, as I slammed into her pussy with force. She looked deeply into my eyes, crying as I fucked the shit out of her, which caused me to bust all inside of her pretty ass.

  While still inside, I brought her into me, and she hugged my neck tightly, trying to catch her breath. Once she did, she slipped her tongue into my mouth as we stood under the water.

  See what I meant about her keeping me calm? I could never let her go, I needed her.

  Tekeya Mitchell

  The day I went into Gang’s office, he and I came up with a plan to pin the murder of my unborn on Britain. I spoke to my brother, who is a police officer, and he explained to me that there was a good chance because he was present when I took the drugs that killed my child. We immediately got to work, and after greasing some palms, my brother was able to have Britain arrested on feticide charges. Unfortunately for me, I had forgotten all about his father and his connections. Britain didn’t even spend the damn night in jail before his father was making calls to have him let go. When I asked my brother to look into it, he told me the case was dropped completely, and he was also a bit shaken up because he claims Britain gave him a death stare.

  Upon finding out about the case being dropped, I decided to go ahead and get out of town. Before Britain got arrested, I was already making plans to leave and head to Illinois with Angelica, but changed my mind since I was able to hook up with Gang. Initially I’d applied for a couple jobs in Illinois, and so did Angelica, but we had yet to find anything. Because my brother feared for my life, he bought us both plane tickets and put money into my account so that I could pay rent should I find an apartment. I agreed with him on leaving now, because my plan had gone completely south.

  Gang was supposed to take care of TQ, but I hadn’t heard from him since the night Britain got arrested. I was sure he was dead, but then again he had probably left town. All I knew was that I didn’t have his protection, or Peel’s, and I’d made an enemy out of a Quinton. The only thing left for me in Boston was a bullet.

  “This is nice,” I said as I walked into the hotel room.

  Angelica and I were in Bolingbrook, Illinois, ready to start over. My brother was still working on getting us a condo through some friends he had out here, so we would be living in this hotel until then. I hated to admit it, but I really missed Boston already. I loved the atmosphere, and I was just used to my life out there.

  In such a short time, everything had changed for me, and just the thought alone had me wanting to break down and cry. I’d lost my man, and now I’d lost my life. Out in Boston I was somebody. I was the prettiest bitch in the hoods, and I was the girlfriend of Britain Quinton. Now, I was just a regular bitch in Bolingbrook.

  “Cheer up, Key. We’re gonna be okay out here. This area is really nice.” Angelica smiled as she looked around the hotel room.

  She knew nothing about Illinois to be able to make such a comment. And it was clear that she didn’t feel the same way I did about living out here. She was happy to move away, and I guess it was because she wasn’t like me. She was known as being my sidekick and nothing more, so she really wasn’t leaving anything behind. I’d tried getting her hooked up with one of the Quintons, but them picky niggas wouldn’t even let her sniff the dick. Angelica wasn’t ugly, she was just kind of whack if that makes sense. She had no swag or anything special about her. She had a pretty face, an okay body, but nothing else. You needed way more than that to get with a Quinton.

  “I’m gonna take a shower and get ready for bed. I wanna wake up early tomorrow so I can apply for some jobs,” I sighed, taking my bag with me into the bathroom.

  I quickly undressed as tears began to roll down my cheeks, before hopping into the shower. When I was done, I brushed my teeth and dozed off as soon as my head touched the pillow. I could not get used to this.

  An hour and a half later…

  “Key, Key.” I felt someone shake me.

  I opened my eyes to see it was Angelica. The room was dark, and she was lying next to me in my bed. She better have had something important to say, because if she woke me up out of my sleep for some bullshit, she and I were gonna have a fucking problem.

  “What, Ange?” I sat up.

  “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I nodded. I wanted to be mad, but I appreciated the fact that she cared enough about me. These days it seemed like no one did, and when I say ‘no one’ I mean Britain. She stared at me for a little bit, before pressing her lips against mine, catching me off guard. “Ange—”

  “Just relax, Key.” She pushed me onto my back, and dipped her head under the covers.

  I pushed them off of her, and watched her tug my panties down my legs. Throwing them to the side, she buried her face into my center and got to work. Was my best friend really eating my pussy? And she was doing a good job at the shit, too.

  “Ange,” I whispered and ran my fingers through her short haircut.

  She was sucking the life out of my clit, and it was the best feeling in the world. Pushing my pussy more into her mouth, I began grinding my hips against her tongue, fucking her face slowly.

  “Oh my gosh, Ange!” I screeched as my legs began to tremble wildly. “Shit, keep doing it like that!” I hollered and threw my head back.

  Angelica was a beast. She hadn’t slowed up yet, and I’d already exploded three times. My body was getting weak, and in a minute I would be going into cardiac arrest. My body froze up before quivering, and I was finally able to push her face away.

  “You taste so good, Key.” She smiled as she kissed my inner thighs. I was too out of breath to respond to her ass, so I just caressed the side of her face while gazing up at the ceiling. “I was thinking maybe we could give us a try.” That woke my ass up real quick.

  “Give what a try?”


  “Like as in being a couple?” I frowned. Was she serious? She and I had been best friends for the longest, and she thought we could just be in a relationship? It was weird enough that she’d decided to eat my pussy.

  “Yes, I mean we already love each other.”

  “I love you as my best friend, Ange, not as a girlfriend. Plus I’m not gay. Hello, the whole reason we’re even in Illinois is because of Britain. You know I’m still in love with him, otherwise I wouldn’t be in this situation.”

  “How do you know you’re not gay if you’ve never tried it?”

  “I did just try it, and yes I liked it, but that doesn’t mean I like women. A damn dog could’ve gotten down there and I would’ve liked it, that doesn’t mean I wanna date dogs.”

  “Well you did a date a fucking dog! You dated a nigga who had you out here looking dumb as fuck on the daily! That’s why bad shit happens to you, Tekeya, you don’t know when you have a good thing in front of you.” She climbed off of the bed and began rummaging through her purse for her cigarettes. Once she retrieved them, she took one out, lit it, and inhaled deeply.

  I was perplexed at what was happening right now. We hadn’t drank anything, nor had we smoked, so she couldn’t have been under the influence. Maybe she had a little something while I was
asleep. I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t like the way she was acting at all.

  Angelica was supposed to be my best friend all of these years, but now I was starting to think that for the last couple she may have had an ulterior motive. Lately, but prior to Britain and I breaking up, she would always try to convince me to leave him. She would sometimes even bring chicks to me who would then tell me how they had slept with him. It backfired for them because I would always fuck the bitch up after. Then once I was finished breaking my foot off in their ass, she would ask, “Soare you finally done with him?”

  I watched Angelica continue to pace the room, taking pull after pull on the cigarette. It seemed to be burning away by the millisecond. She looked enraged, and I was actually a bit afraid of what she’d do.

  “Ange—“ I cut the lamp on.

  “Shut the fuck up!” she shouted through tears. Her eyes were puffy and red, and I could see how sad she was to find out that I wasn’t gonna be with her. “I am tired of sitting back watching you chase other people!”

  “Angelica, calm down! I am not gay, and even if I was gay I wouldn’t be with you because we are best friends!”

  What I said seemed to stir something up inside of her, because she smashed the cigarette into the writing desk next to her, and began panting heavily like some animal. As I looked into her eyes, it was almost as if she wasn’t there. This was not Angelica, and once I realized that it only frightened me some more.

  “You bitch!” she charged me, gritting her teeth.


  I pulled my .45 that I’d stored in the drawer next to the Bible, and shot her ass in the neck. She fell back immediately, with her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling.

  “Ange?” I climbed out of the bed slowly. “Angelica! Angelica ,I’m sorry!” I began shaking her ferociously, hoping she’d wake up. “I only meant to harm you!” My brother had been begging to help me get my aim together, but as usual I thought I knew how to do everything already. And because of my stubbornness, my best friend was dead.

  Could my life get any fucking worse?


  A few days later…


  I stood outside of Tekeya’s brother Stewart’s house, banging on the door like I was the police. Stewart lived in Dorchester, a pretty shoddy neighborhood that I was very familiar with.

  I was here for a couple of reasons, and none of them muthafuckas were positive. I knew that since he was in law enforcement, he’d definitely helped Tekeya file murder charges against me, and that had me heated. That wasn’t my only clue, because I’d seen him hiding in the back as they brought me through, hoping I didn’t see his ass. He was the first muthafucka I noticed, and from that night I knew he would meet his deadly fate at the hands of me.

  “Open up this muthafucking door before I blow this got damn house up!” I barked, sounding like the wolf from the three little pigs story.

  Finally I heard whispering as the doors were being unlocked. Cocking my gun, I pointed it at the door, and as soon as it opened, he and his wife held their hands up.

  “Britain, hey man, what’s good?” Stewart smiled, still holding his hands up in mock surrender.

  “Move back,” I grimaced, pointing the gun at he and his wife.


  “Move back!” I hissed, and they both did as I asked.

  Walking in, I closed the door behind me and then used my gun to gesture for them to sit down on the couch across from the door. Once they were seated, I plopped down on the couch across from them and just mugged the fuck out of their asses.

  “Where is Tekeya?”

  “She’s here in Boston, Britain,” Stewart shrugged and smiled.

  “She’s not here, she’s in Illinois, but I need to know which part. The last thing she bought was some peanuts in the Chicago O’Hare airport, so I know she’s close to Chicago.”

  Stewart was hesitating, but his wife was looking as if she wanted to give Tekeya’s ass up. I wasn’t leaving without some answers, and if I did, both of them would be dead when I was gone. I refused to give Tekeya’s ass anymore passes. I didn’t give a fuck if she moved and would be away from me. She immediately became a foe of mine once she decided to have charges brought against me. It’s crazy because I thought she was smart enough to know not to fuck with a nigga like me.

  “Promise not to hurt her.” Stewart looked into my eyes.

  “I won’t.” I smiled.

  He couldn’t be serious. He had to know that I was gonna kill that bitch, but hey, maybe he had no idea about what and who my family was, and why we had so many people in our pocket. If he didn’t and felt comfortable telling me his sister’s whereabouts, that was perfectly fine with me.

  “She’s in Bolingbrook, at the Holiday Inn on Remington,” he responded, prompting a grin to appear on my face.

  “Thank you,” I stood to my feet, and turned on my heels.

  “Britain, please don’t kill her. Rough her up a bit, but let her go. She didn’t mean anything she did, she just loves you man,” he said to my back.

  I looked over my shoulder with a smirk and said, “I promise I won’t.”


  “Ahhh!!” Stewart’s wife, Laila, screamed at the top of her lungs as her husband lay dead on the floor with a bullet in his forehead. I went back and removed his wallet from his jeans, before stuffing it into my pocket.

  “Come on.” I grabbed her arm. “You better come out of this house like you have some sense, and if you don’t I will drop you like I did your husband. No one will tell either, ma, because the Quintons own Boston and you know that,” I whispered into her ear and she nodded. I wanted her in case Stewart had lied about where Tekeya actually was.

  We walked out of the home, and she was calm just like I had told her to be. It was late in the night, so no one was outside, but I wasn’t worried either way. There wasn’t a muthafucka that was dumb enough to tell on a Quinton, and if they did, not only would they die, but it would be for nothing since we had ninety percent of law enforcement on our payroll. We even had a couple of judges. I mean look at what snitching got Tekeya.

  Once we both were in the car, I peeled out and headed to the warehouse. She was quiet the whole time, looking scared out of her mind.

  “Wipe that fucking look off your face,” I stated calmly as I lit a blunt at the red light.

  She wiped her face down with the back of her hands, and then took a deep breath. As we drove through the dark streets, only lit up with streetlights, there was silence in the car. I had nothing to say and she damn sure better not have had anything to say. But suddenly, I felt her hands in my lap, and when I looked over she was lowering her head to try and suck my dick.


  I slammed on the breaks and immediately lifted her head from my lap with my gun.

  “Don’t touch me, ma, just sit there and ride like I fucking told you too, aight?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry I just—” I put my hand up and she stopped talking.

  I pulled up to the warehouse, and threw the Oldsmobile in park. I tugged her across the seat by the arm so that she could get out of the car on my side, and then I brought her around by the trunk. Opening the trunk, I took out a sack, and covered her head with it. She began moving wildly until I shoved my gun into her spine, calming that ass right back down. I placed her weeping ass into the trunk, and then drove to my condo to get a few things.

  When I got inside of my condo, I saw Goldie on the couch wearing just a bra and some of my boxers. My dick sprang up, but I didn’t have time for that.

  “Baby, where are you going?” she hollered after me as I power walked to my bedroom.

  “I have to go to Illinois, shorty. I will be back as soon as I handle some business.”

  “I want to come.”

  “No, Goldie, I’m going alone. What do you need to come for? Don’t you have work at that little magazine place?”

  “They’re not operating for the next three days becau
se of some religious holiday my boss has to take. That’s why I’m here right now. Please let me come, Britain, think about me and the baby being here all alone. There will be no one here to—”

  “Alright, come on but you can’t pack nothing. Anything you need we will stop somewhere and get it.”

  The only reason I was allowing her to come was because my dad was on some bullshit, and I feared he would try something. He was acting like everything was cool, but I had a feeling that if he got word that I left Goldie and went out of town, he would make sure something happened to her. Yes, I would murder his ass in front of a crowd of people, but that wouldn’t bring my baby and girl back, so I wanted to prevent it altogether.

  “Yay!” she jumped up and down, but I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her.

  She grabbed her shoes, a t-shirt, her purse, phone, snacks, and some magazines before we went down to the car.

  “Why are we riding in this?” she frowned.

  “Get yo’ ass in the car, ma.” I opened the door for her and she slid into the passenger seat. “What are we going to Illinois for?”

  “Shorty, stop asking me so many damn questions. Do you wanna come or not?”

  “Okay, I’m quiet now!” she giggled. I couldn’t help but smile because she was adorable.

  “Come here,” I gripped her chin lightly and kissed her a good couple times before pulling away from the curb.

  I drove to TQ’s port, because I needed his pilot to fly me to Illinois. I usually would have used my father’s people, but since I really wasn’t trying to fuck with him like that, I decided against it. When I made it there, I had TQ’s co-pilot Primo help me remove Laila’s body from the trunk, after taking the sack off of her head.

  “Who is this bitch?” Goldie turned her lip up.

  “Baby, get on the plane.” I kissed her face as she kept her eyes locked onto Laila.

  The three of us got on, and once everyone was situated, Primo flew us to Bolingbrook.



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