You Needed Me III: A Love Story

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You Needed Me III: A Love Story Page 9

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Ye-yeah, and she didn’t give you a reason? She can’t do that, shorty. You need to go back and demand a reason, and if she can’t give you one, tell her ass you’re gonna report her.”

  “I don’t want her to ruin me, Lendsey.”

  “Fuck that bitch! She can’t go around firing muthafuckas for no got damn reason! Go ask that bitch why she fired you before I go down there and smoke her hoe ass!” he seethed. He was way madder than I had expected, but his crazy ass was getting me pumped.

  “Okay, baby,” I smiled at him. His angry face was so sexy.

  “Fuck you smiling for? That bitch is this close to getting her wig split, ma.” He held his pointing finger to his thumb to show me how close she was.

  “I know. And guess what else happened today?”

  “Aww shit, what?” he turned his lip up.

  “I found out that you got me pregnant,” I grinned and rubbed his soft kinky hair as he gaped at me with his beautiful eyes.

  “Me and you are gonna be somebody’s parents?”

  “I know right,” I scoffed.

  “That’s gon’ be the dopest fucking kid in Boston, I mean besides Bryleigh and Baby Tarenz.” He smiled as he stared down at the floor, before turning his attention to me. “Come closer.”

  I moved closer into his body after he removed his jacket, and he wrapped his arm around me before kissing my lips. Caressing the side of his handsome face, I admired his smooth brown skin and how well they complemented his beautiful, blue eyes. We kissed again, and then started eating the ice cream as he looked for something for us to watch. He could always make me feel better.


  I was helping my daughter make up her bed, and put up her toys since her mother was coming to get her. Summer was slowly becoming less difficult, and now agreed to just pick our daughter up from me instead of her mother’s and vice versa. It felt good to see her not be so spiteful, but you never knew how long some shit like that would last with Summer. She would be cool for a short period of time, and then after a while she’d go back to her crazy ass ways. But I was gonna enjoy her new attitude for now.

  “Going home already, Bry?” Indiya walked into Bryleigh’s bedroom, looking good as fuck. My dick immediately came to life upon seeing her.

  She was in a simple dress with no straps, but that’s just how beautiful shorty was, she didn’t need much to be pleasing to the eye. Her beautiful, caramel skin glistened, and her alluring smile lit up the room. Her shapely, but small, physique was something I would never get tired of, and her long hair swept her sexy back enticingly. Shit.

  “Yes, I will be back soon though!” Bryleigh giggled and walked over to her.

  I liked that she and my daughter got along, because my baby girl came before anybody, and I could never be with a bitch who couldn’t get shit right with my shorty.

  “Okay, well don’t have me waiting too long, I need you to do my hair,” Indiya chuckled. My daughter loved doing hair, and she loved Indiya because Indiya let her braid her hair up and shit. “I’m gonna go to the nail shop, and when I get back we can go to the movies and dinner.” She looked to me.

  Pulling her closer, I kissed her neck while inhaling her sweet perfume. Pressing my lips against her soft skin, I made sure she felt my dick hardening as I hugged her tightly.

  “Rhys!” she snickered and nudged me off. After gazing down into her eyes for a little bit, I kissed her lips and then let her go.

  The three of us walked into the living room, and when Indiya opened the door, Summer was walking up. She ignored Indiya and came right in with her eyes on Bryleigh.

  “Okay, I will be back,” Indiya said before closing the front door behind her. I just nodded in response, before sitting down on the couch. Bryleigh climbed right into my lap.

  “Is she always here?” Summer folded her arms.

  “You know she lives here, Summer. Don’t start.”

  “You don’t even know her that well, yet she already lives here and is around your daughter? I didn’t let Hakim meet Bryleigh that soon.”

  “That’s why you’re Summer and I’m Rhys. Plus she and I have been together for a while now, shorty, and it’s pretty serious. I don’t have to explain shit to you, I’m a grown ass man.”

  “Bryleigh, go to your room and let mommy talk to your daddy, okay?”

  “Okay,” she climbed off of my lap and ran to her room.

  I didn’t know what the fuck Summer had to talk to me about, but I wasn’t in the mood for her bullshit. Sometimes it was hard for me to even recall the good days when I was in love with her. Don’t get me wrong, I would always love Summer until I was being lowered into the grave, but I wasn’t in love with her ass anymore. She was a different person, even different from whom she’d become just some months back.

  “Rhys, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I wanted to know how you felt about possibly being back together, or trying at the least.”

  “Where is this coming from?” I asked as she sat down next to me.

  “I’ve just been doing some thinking you know. Being apart gave me some time to get my thoughts together.”

  “What happened to Hakim helping you realize that you were never in love?”

  “Oh my gosh, Rhys, really?”

  “Yes really what the fuck? Do you know how that shit felt when you said that? We were together for almost ten years and here I was thinking that we were in love, just for you to shit on it because you had a new nigga.”

  “I didn’t know what I was saying.”

  “No you did know what the fuck you were saying, and you know why you said it. I don’t know if it was the truth, or if you were just trying to hurt me, but either one is a fucked up reason.”

  “You knew it wasn’t true, so why is it even a big fucking deal?” She frowned her pretty face. Summer was one of the prettiest women in Boston, but her insides were rotten sometimes.

  “It’s a big deal because for the last fucking year and a half I have been going above and fucking beyond to try to prove to you that I was being faithful! I was trying to show you that I loved you and nobody else! There were times where I could have slept with women and you would have never found out, but did I? No! My whole fucking family was telling me to drop your ass, but I refused! I loved your ass, and I dealt with your insecure bullshit for the longest because I loved you! I didn’t care about anything or anyone else and how they felt about the shit, and for you to diss me because of one little ass picture that meant nothing was low! And not only that, you felt the need to try and break me down by saying you were never in love with me. And the worst part about that was even after you said that shit, I still tried. I still fucking tried because I loved you. But you know what, I had to realize that you didn’t love me the same. Yeah you care for me, and you love me, but you don’t love me the way I need to be loved, Summer.”

  “Tell me how, Rhys,” she began tearing up. “How?” she scooted closer to me.

  “You needed to trust me, Summer. I understand that I fucked shit up by creeping around, but when you agreed to forgive me, you should have done that. No one was asking you to forget, just to forgive.”

  When I met Lisa, I was hesitant to start fucking with her because like I said, that shit wasn’t me. But Lisa was pretty, and she had a somewhat cool personality so we started being friends. One thing led to another, and next thing I knew I was fucking her here and there. I would usually only smash either right before a job, or right after, because I didn’t want to look suspicious to Summer. I never spent the night, never took her out, I never did anything but drop by her house and beat her guts out.

  After a while I found myself simply smashing her because I knew that she liked me and if I cut her off I would hurt her feelings. I didn’t care too much about her feelings, but I knew it would be fucked up for me to curve her like that. Women take everything personally, and I was sure I would possibly scar her ass for life if I just quit her. So by saying that I kept fucking until I could figure out a way
to let her down easy.

  I started dropping by less and less, but I was still dropping by. Then when Jayce’s wife, Sadie, got murked by his side bitch, I felt like it was God telling me to quit my bullshit, so I did. As I suspected, that shit fucked Lisa’s head up and the bitch went coo coo for coco puffs. If I could go back in time, I would have went with my first mind and never even engaged in conversation with Lisa, because that shit had fucked my family up. I have been paying for that damn mistake ever since.

  Did I blame Summer for not trusting me? Of course not, I cheated on her. But she agreed to be with me, and she promised she would be able to see past it, but she never made good on that promise. I thought as time went on she would eventually get less insecure, but it only seemed to get worse. And as a wise person once said, a man gets tired.

  “Okay, I’m ready to forgive, baby.” She straddled my lap, and cupped the sides of my face.

  “Summer stop.” I turned away when she tried to kiss me.

  “Rhys, it’s me. Don’t do this, I promise I’m ready now. Don’t tell me that you’re really serious about this girl, I mean she’s a fucking hooker.”

  “I’m very serious,” I stated calmly, even though I wanted to put her in her place for disrespecting Indiya. “And she hasn’t done that shit for months.”

  “I forgot my phone—” Indiya came in, stopping in her tracks when she saw Summer straddling my lap and holding my face. She quickly turned around and darted out of the door.

  “Move .” I placed Summer to the side of me and got up.

  “Really, Rhys? I fucking hate you! You whack ass nigga!” Summer screamed after me as I ran out after Indiya.

  Rushing down the hallway, I quickly slipped into the side door and took the stairs since it appeared Indiya had already taken the damn elevator. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I kept saying in my head. I finally made it to the parking garage, and saw her walking towards the vehicle I’d purchased for her. When I finally caught up, I grabbed her wrist, but she snatched it from me.


  “Take these fucking keys, I don’t want the car.” She threw them to me after unlocking it. She reached into the passenger seat to get her purse and jacket, bit I pulled her away before she could get it, and pinned her up against the vehicle.

  “Indiya, what you saw was not even like that. She—”

  “I told you to fucking tell me if you were gonna go back to her!” she hollered loudly and shoved me. She continued pushing me with all of her might, as tears rolled down out of her eyes in abundance. “You’re a fucking liar!” She tried to push me off of her as I grabbed her waist.

  Removing her hands from pressing into my chest, I quickly hugged her tightly before she could put them back. I’d never seen someone cry this hard in all of my life, and I wasn’t sure what the fuck to do about it.

  “Baby, calm down, aight? She was just speaking her mind, and she got the wrong idea. She climbed into my lap, but before I could move her you walked in,” I half lied.

  I mean Summer had been in my lap for a few moments, and I was going to move her, but got caught up in the conversation she and I were having. By the time it had even crossed my mind again, Indiya was walking in.

  “I hate you, Rhys,” she sobbed.

  “I love you, though.” I kissed the side of her face as I hugged her small frame.

  She pulled her face away to look up into mine while still sniffling. She was so fucking pretty it was almost unreal.

  “You love me?” she quizzed, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

  “Yeah, I fucking love you, why do you think a nigga came running down here and shit like a bitch? If I didn’t I would’ve let your ass think whatever the fuck you wanted. After all that shit I’ve told you, do you honestly believe I would leave you?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Aight then. Now come on so we can get your phone and I can get my wallet.” I took her hand into mine.

  “You’re coming with me to the nail shop?”

  “Hell yeah, make sure yo’ ass don’t try to leave or some shit.”

  She giggled before saying, “I would never leave you.”

  Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, I kissed her smooth lips as she embraced my torso. We stood there kissing for a little bit, before I finally pulled away.


  “I promise,” she nodded. “I love you, Rhys.”

  When we made it back upstairs, Summer’s ass was gone, but she made sure to cut up my fucking sofa with a knife. I still had love for her though.


  Currently my brothers, sister, and I were in my dad’s office waiting for him. He said he wanted to discuss some shit, and I don’t think any of us were interested. Over a short period of time our family had begun to crumble. All of us were at odds with my father, maybe excluding Saya, and my mom had filed for divorce because of what my dad did to TQ. As much as I wanted my parents to stay together, I couldn’t blame my mother. TQ may have been a grown ass man, but he was her kid and she always said she would choose us before anything and anyone. I guess she was proving herself. And right now I wasn’t that nigga’s biggest cheerleader anyway.

  “Should we talk to Saya—” Lendsey was cut off when TQ put his hand up and shook his head ‘no’.

  “Not here, we can discuss that later and I will let you know when,” TQ said.

  “Talk to me about what?” Saya frowned, but softened her face when TQ gave her a look. We all went back to being quiet as we waited for my father.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting guys, but look who’s back.” My dad walked in with Pharaoh right on his heels, smiling widely as fuck. His eyes were locked on Saya, and she was blushing and shit.

  “What’s good? When did you get out?” Rhys stood up to dap Pharaoh up, and we all followed suit.

  “Last week. I’ve been staying low-key, working with your father on some things. But I’m ready to work and shit.” Pharaoh nodded, glancing from us to Saya.

  “Oh yeah, what will he have you doing?” TQ asked, making my father look over at him.

  “I ain’t really sure yet, but he said that’s what we would find out today.” He sat down. Once he did, everyone turned their attention to my father, waiting on his bitch ass to speak.

  “So, Rhys I need you to take care of Solomon because he fucked up the weapon order. Bring me his hand for confirmation, preferably the one with his wedding band,” my dad chuckled.

  “Aight,” Rhys sighed, glancing at TQ who just gave him a nod.

  “Alright, and since Solomon’s job is open, Pharaoh, you can take over that area. I will go over the details with you tonight. Umm, we can go out since my wife isn’t up to cooking tonight.” I guess he didn’t want Pharaoh knowing my mom chucked the deuces up.

  “That’s cool,” Pharaoh nodded. “So I’m gonna have my own area within QCF? That’s dope.” He looked around at us and we gave him half smiles. Not that we weren’t happy for the nigga, we were, its just that shit wasn’t the same no more, and soon enough this shit would be somewhat disbanded.

  “Well, everyone is dismissed, I just wanted you all to find out at the same time about Pharaoh being out, and what he will be doing. TQ, don’t forget about the cat you have to meet in Youngstown.” TQ just stood up and walked out without another word.

  Everyone else got up, preparing to leave, but when I did, my dad walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I paused to let everyone leave his office, and once they did he closed the door behind them and turned to me. In all my years of being his son, I’d never seen him look so stressed or worried. Stony Quinton never worried about shit, so I was floored to say the least.

  “Your mother, have you seen her or talked to her?” He squinted his eyes.

  “Yeah, I have.”

  “So she’s serious, huh?”

  “About the divorce? Yeah, she’s very serious. The lawyer was in the hotel room when I went to visit her. You fucked up, dad, you know that. I don’t
even know why you did that shit thinking she wouldn’t trip.”

  “Tarenz is a grown ass man! That’s y’alls muthafuckin’ problem now! She treats you guys like some fucking toddlers! This is business, and when you fuck up you have to pay the price. She’s lucky I didn’t kill his ass.”

  “And what did he do exactly to deserve to be stabbed, beaten, and have his wife kidnapped?”

  “He murdered Gang and Peel, Britain. Don’t act dumb, it doesn’t suit you.” He poured himself a drink. “He murdered them for nothing!”

  “He was protecting his wife, Pop.”

  “His wife,” he chuckled angrily and sat behind his desk with his drink. “I can’t believe he married that bitch. I mean she comes into the family, fucks his head up, gets pregnant, and then convinces him to marry her. I mean honestly I expected him to do better for himself; I expected that from all of you. First Rhys has a child with a broken woman, just to break up with her and get with a whore. Then TQ marries a wounded dog he got from the pound, and now you’ve gotten some Boston hood rat pregnant.” He took a sip. “Sadly, the only one who hasn’t chosen as badly is Lendsey, but he needs to keep her in check. She doesn’t know her place as a woman.”

  “Dad, I’m not gonna ask you again to stop being disrespectful to Goldie,” I stated calmly, while staring into his eyes. I was dead serious, and I wanted him to know that and feel that.

  He just laughed before taking another sip.

  “You know, to be such little bitches, you and your brothers sure try to stand up for these girls.” He rose to his feet, swishing his drink around. “What does your brother have planned?”


  “TQ. What the fuck does he have planned? He came from my nut sack, I know him. He’s acting strangely, and I want you to tell me what the fuck he has planned.”

  “He don’t have shit planned. And if he does, which I doubt, he ain’t told me. He just ain’t fucking with you, nothing more nothing less. He wants to do his job and go home to his family.”

  “I feel like you’re lying to me.”

  “I can’t tell you how to feel, Pop. TQ isn’t thinking about you, and you should stop being so fucking paranoid. His mood has changed because you had him shanked, fucked up, and then put a gun to his girl’s head while she was pregnant. What you thought he was gonna be coming over for drinks?” I frowned. He was really losing his mind. Yeah TQ definitely had something up his sleeve, but even if he didn’t, how could my father expect them to be cool again?


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