You Needed Me III: A Love Story

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You Needed Me III: A Love Story Page 20

by Shvonne Latrice

  “I see that,” he smiled. “How did you know he was Russian?”

  “I could hear his accent, and I could look at him and tell.”

  “You can look at people and tell that they’re Russian?”

  “Yes, can’t you?”

  “But I have Russian in me, so that’s not odd for me to be able to tell.”

  “I have some Russian in me too, every night. Fuck you mean?” I replied and he laughed so hard that people looked in our direction. I had never seen him laugh like that, and I enjoyed it. He was so adorable.

  “You caught me off guard with that response,” he snickered, and gestured for me to go inside of the restaurant.

  “Dobro pozhalovat, Tarenz! (Welcome, Tarenz!)” some man shouted as soon as we stepped foot inside. “Sidet’! (Sit!)” he pointed to a table.

  “Fyodor, eto moya krasivaya zhena, Kimberlyn. (Fyodor, this is my beautiful wife, Kimberlyn),” Tarenz smiled.

  “Ohhhh.” The guy nodded.

  “What are you saying?” I looked up at him.

  “I just introduced you to him.”

  The guy pulled me in for a hug, and then he and TQ conversed in Russian for a few, before he took us to a free table on the boardwalk. They talked some more, but since I had no idea what the fuck they were saying, I just paid attention to my menu. I gave little smiles here and there when I was able to tell that they were talking about Baby Tarenz and I. Finally the guy walked away, and let us be.

  “I’m gonna have to learn Russian.”

  “I can teach you. Baby Tarenz will know Russian won’t you, son?” he looked to our baby, who was sucking on a pacifier with his blue eyes wide as hell. He was so fucking cute, and he had the fattest little cheeks I’d ever seen.

  “All the more reason I will need to understand. I can’t have you guys plotting on me.”

  “We love you, we wouldn’t do that.”

  “I love you guys, too.” I smiled.

  TQ ordered for us, and got two salmon salads, along with the fish assortment to start. For our main entree, we had the Chicken Scallopini, which was so good, especially with the mashed potatoes. And for dessert, he just got some black currant ice cream, and I got the apple strudel, topped with ice cream and fruit. By the time we finished, I was so stuffed. Thank God we had to walk for a little bit, because I definitely needed to burn some calories.

  After walking on the boardwalk and the beach for a while, we decided to go back to our hotel room. We were staying at the Greenwich, which was a beautiful hotel in New York, New York. This hotel was very different from other ones that I’d stayed in, because it looked more like someone’s really nice and clean apartment, than a hotel. I enjoyed that aspect of it, and I also liked that it had a vintage look to it. I felt like I was Marilyn Monroe or something.

  After I fed Baby Tarenz and bathed him, he was out like a light. TQ and I then ran a bath for ourselves, and got into the hot water together. Staring at one another from opposite ends of the tub, we shared coy smiles.

  “You have fun today?” he questioned as he massaged my foot.

  “Yes, I did. I still can’t believe we ran into Hayden. Did you know she moved from Boston?”

  “Yeah I did. Her mom called me, asking me if I had moved with her,” he scoffed and shook his head at the thought. “I guess she was telling her mom some shit that wasn’t true.”

  “Well I’m happy that she left Boston, but even happier that she has her own man to chase after. I thought I was gonna have to murder her.”

  “No need, you know I’m yours.”

  “Yes but these bitches don’t know, so sometimes I have to show them and not just tell them.”

  “I’m working on you not having to do either. Before I even tell a female my name I let her know I’m married,” he grinned.

  “You better. I’m obsessed with you.”

  “I’m obsessed with you, too, shorty, so that makes it okay.”

  “It’s okay to be crazy about each other.”

  “It is. So how is it being Mrs. Quinton?”

  “It’s pretty great. The sex is good, the money is great, and it’s been a blast. I always tell myself I can’t fall more in love, but then when I spend another day with you, I do.”

  “Come over here.” He tugged my foot lightly.

  I made it over to him, and straddled his lap. We just gazed into one another’s eyes for some short seconds, before I pecked him gently.

  “You know I’m never letting your pretty ass go anywhere.”

  “I’m never letting you go anywhere either. Will you love me when I get old and ugly.”

  “You could never be ugly.”

  “Looks don’t last, TQ.”

  “Your looks only contribute a small percentage to your beauty, Kimberlyn. Your inside and your mind frame was what made me fall in love. All your looks did was bait me.”

  “Are you just saying this so you can get some?” I grinned and so did he.

  “Yes and no. It’s the truth. Hayden was pretty, just like you’re pretty, but your personality was what shone the most; that’s where most of your beauty lies. That’s why you had a nigga shooting babies in you and shit.” He caressed my back.

  “Hayden is not as pretty as me.”

  “Nah she’s not. Not at all. But you get my point.”

  “I do. That’s what makes TQ and Kimberlyn so great. We love each other for what we are on the inside, and see our looks only as a bonus.”

  “I agree.”

  He lifted me up and brought me down onto his dick very gently and slowly, making me gasp and coo softly.

  “Ya lyublyu tebya, Kimberlyn. (I love you, Kimberlyn.),” he whispered to me.

  That was the only thing in Russian that I understood. Hearing him say he loved me, and in Russian, only intensified my sense of touch.

  “I love you more, Tarenz Quinton.”


  That same night…

  The family’s restaurant was quiet, lit up with candles, and had roses everywhere. I had white ones in a bouquet, and red petals all over the floor. I had gold silverware imported from France, along with wine, and matching gold goblets and plates. Matikah was obsessed with shit like that. I had been planning this night for about a month, and I’ve never spent so much damn money in all of my twenty-five years. The money was worth it though, I told myself as I scanned the big empty dining room for the tenth time in the last ten minutes. I then took a seat, and waited for that text.

  Andrei: Pulling up.

  Just as I did, my phone buzzed, and after I read the message I went and took my position.

  I waited, taking a few deep breaths here and there, until finally I spotted Matikah coming through the entrance. She was wearing a short, white dress that hugged her body, and even showed the small bump in the lower part of her stomach. Her hair was done, but she didn’t appear to have on any make up, then again what did I know about that shit? Her walk was slow, as she admired the room that was tinted red due to the color of the unscented candles. She glanced at me in between her scoping, and I just smiled whenever we made eye contact.

  “Lendsey, what is all this?” she whispered as she got closer to me.

  I didn’t say anything immediately, because I wanted to take in the sight before me. She was so beautiful, and there wasn’t one thing I didn’t love about her. She’d changed me at the drop of a hat, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way if I had a choice.

  “Sit down.” I pulled her chair out at the small, round dining table. She took a seat, and accepted the white bouquet of flowers I handed down to her.

  “You remembered that I like white roses.”

  “I don’t forget anything about you, shorty.” I pulled the other chair around so that I could sit in front of her. I took her hands into mine once she set the bouquet down. Taking a deep inhale I said, “Matikah, I really don’t know where to start but— why are you crying?” I frowned.

  “I don’t know.” We laughed in unison.

nbsp; “Like I was saying, or trying to say. Umm, I love you Matikah, more than anything in this world. I’ve never cared about someone so much, other than my family. When we met, I knew there was something special about you, which is why even though I knew I wasn’t ready to change I still pursued you. I couldn’t let you get by me, and I’m happy I didn’t. Even during the times where I felt so defeated, and wanted to give up, I never could. I became determined to make you happy, and I can only hope I’ve done that.

  All my life I thought all I needed was a woman who could please me in bed, and hold a few conversations here and there, but when I met you I realized I needed more. I needed a woman who wasn’t gonna deal with bullshit, and someone who was gonna force me to grow up and be a man. I used to wish that I could take back the night I cheated on you, but I think it helped me. You needed to leave me, and make me work for me to see how much you meant to me. I know that sounds bad but it’s honest. Never again will I do anything to threaten our bond baby, ever. That time apart was one of the worst periods in my life, and I don’t ever want to feel that way again.

  I love you so much, that being my girlfriend isn’t enough for me anymore. I need more, more of you. So what I want to know is, would you be so kind as to agree to become my wife? You deserve the best, and I promise I will give it to you, or die trying, Matikah.” I knelt down onto the floor as she bawled.

  She couldn’t speak so she just nodded while staring at the ring that almost broke a nigga’s pockets. I removed it from the velvet box, and slid it onto her finger. She then grabbed my face in her small hands, before kissing my lips very softly but longingly.

  “I love you, Lendsey.”

  “I love you too, ma. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, when am I not hungry?” She pointed to her midsection. “Did you forget baby daddy?”

  “I could never forget.”

  We shared another kiss, before I waved Nika, who was in the corner snapping photos, over to the table. I took my seat as she approached and popped open that expensive ass wine. After she filled our glasses and said congratulations, she took our orders and left us to converse.

  “I can’t drink wine, Lendsey,” she frowned.

  “My mother said you could have one glass and that it was okay. She said it’s actually good to have a glass once a month.”

  “Okay.” She nodded and took a small sip. Shit as much as that damn wine cost, somebody was gonna drink it. “Does my grandmother know?”

  “She does. Everyone knew about tonight except you. Goldie’s ass was trying to extort me to keep it a secret,” I said, making us laugh.

  “She is so crazy. But she wouldn’t be Goldie if she wasn’t.”

  “Good luck to my little brother.”

  “Excuse me? Your brother is lucky to be with my best friend. Don’t get it twisted, nigga.”

  “Nah I know, all of us are lucky… even Rhys. I know Summer is your friend, but a nigga was happy as hell when he moved on. She was gonna kill my brother.”

  “Yeah I didn’t like him dating Indiya at first, but I think it’s better. Summer has someone new as well, Romeo I believe.”

  “Rhys is supposed to meet him. I told Indiya to make sure he leaves his gun at home, because we know he’s a little off.”

  “That’s what makes him Rhys.” She took another sip. “So what do you want this to be?” she touched her stomach.

  “You know I want a boy, but I don’t care. I’m not like my father, so a girl is just as good. I know you probably want a girl though.”

  “No, I want a boy, too. I’m scared if I have a girl she will run into someone like her daddy,” she smirked as I sucked my teeth. “No, I’m kidding. She’d be blessed to meet a guy like her father. There is nothing better than a man who is willing to admit his wrongs, correct them, and grow from them. You’re a catch Mr. Quinton, and you’re easy on the eyes, too.”

  “You’re alright, too,” I replied, laughing along with her. “Nah you know the deal, that’s why you got that rock on your finger.”

  “I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  “I can’t wait for you to be my wife either.”

  We looked at one another in silence, bearing smiles. I think we were both imagining the married life with one another, and enjoyed the idea.

  Nika brought out our plates shortly after, and we continued to talk and eat. After dessert, we retired home for some hot and sweaty sex. That shit was fucking amazing. Matikah was amazing.


  I was lying in the hospital bed, staring across the room at my son. He was sleeping so peacefully, and oddly I enjoyed watching. I never thought I would be someone’s mother. I just didn’t think it was in the cards for me. Even while pregnant, I was scared that I wouldn’t have the maternal instincts needed to love my son. But it all changed when I saw his little face. I didn’t even know him but I loved him so much already. He’d only been on this earth for nine hours, yet I couldn’t imagine life without him already. What the hell was I gonna do with two Britain Quintons?

  “I had to drive around all of fucking Boston for these pastrami chili cheese fries, shorty.” Britain walked into my hospital room. It was around 9pm, and all of my friends had just left about an hour ago.

  “I appreciate you doing that, baby,” I smiled.

  “It’s the least I can do after what you did for me I guess.” Hr shrugged, and then moved his dreads from his face.

  It was such a simple thing, but I loved when he did it. That, and licking his full lips always made me hot. There was nothing like watching his dreads swing as he worked in and out of me.

  “That’s the spirit.” I opened the big plate of food, and knew I wouldn’t be able to eat all of it.

  Britain set my drink on the little table I had lying across me, and after he did, he rubbed my hair back and kissed me. He held his lips on mine for a little bit, prompting me to caress his beard. Pulling away, he looked into my eyes and then kissed me once more before sitting in the chair next to me.

  “You sure he’s okay? That nigga has been sleep for two hours,” he frowned.

  “Britain, newborns sleep a lot. He’s fine.”

  “Nah, he’s been in that same position for a minute. These niggas got me fucked up.”

  He hopped up out of his chair and set his food in it. He then left the room as I shook my head and continued eating my fries. A few moments later, he came in with two nurses, explaining that our son hadn’t woken up in two hours, and that he hadn’t tossed or turn. He was such a big fool, but I was too hungry to chime in so I continued eating as if nothing was happening.

  “Mr. Quinton he is fine, see.” The nurse picked him, tickled his nose, and then he started blinking very slowly. “Newborns sleep a lot, Mr. Quinton.” She looked to me, and I just shrugged.

  “Oh alright, y’all need to pay closer attention though still. What if he wasn’t just sleep? I would’ve blown this muthafucka up!”

  “Thank you, Ashley,” I finally spoke up since Britain still wanted to be ignorant. She nodded hesitantly, and then left out. “Why are you so crazy?” I grinned.

  “I ain’t crazy, I was just making sure my kid was alive. I thought babies cried all night and shit, and that nigga is over there big chilling like he don’ had a steak and a Coors Light.”

  “Shut the hell up.” I shook my head as we both laughed.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m okay. I’m still sore obviously, but it’s not as bad as it was earlier when I’d just had him. I wanted to die at that point.”

  “That shit was crazy to see his ass coming out of you like that. A nigga almost fainted, but then I couldn’t look away.”

  “Thank you, Britain.” I rolled my eyes.

  He took a couple bites of his sandwich, and then put it to the side. Scooting closer to me, he laid his head on my lap, gently chewing what was in his mouth. I used one hand to move my food over to my left, and then the other to caress his handsome face. No words were spoken as we just a
dmired one another, processing our thoughts. I couldn’t believe I used to be obsessed with this man, and now here we were, in love and parents. I never thought he’d be more than some temporary dick, but it turned out to be so much more. I guess it’s true when they say you find love when you’re not looking.

  “How does it feel to be a daddy?”

  “It feels great, but then it’s kind of scary knowing I have to protect this little person. I have a family now, and that’s a bit different for a nigga like me. I’ve never really had to protect anyone but myself. I mean I’ve always had my family’s back, but they’re niggas, even Saya,” he snickered lightly. “But you, and him, it’s different. I can’t be like my father.”

  “He protected you guys.”

  “Yeah he did, but he didn’t show us love. It was like he couldn’t do both. Maybe because his father wasn’t like that, he didn’t know how to be that way. But I don’t want to be like him. My kid means more to me than being able to carry on my crime family legacy.” He stared at my stomach, but he wasn’t even looking at that, he was just in deep thought. I continued to caress his dreads, because he liked when I did that.

  “You’re gonna be a great father, I can already tell.”

  “I’m gonna do my best that’s for sure.”

  “Well a Quinton’s best is much better than the rest’s best right?” I smiled and so did he. “Look how ready you were when you thought he wasn’t breathing.”

  “I’m paranoid, I told you.”

  “I know.”

  Picking his head up, he looked over his shoulder at our son, before turning to face me again. He took my hands into his to kiss them, and then brought his lips to mine. Hugging his neck, I ran my fingers through his dreads as we made love with our mouths. He used his strong hands to rub my back gently, while kissing me harder and harder.

  “How long is the wait?” he pulled away.

  “Just six weeks.”

  “Just? Fuck you mean just? That’s a long ass time shorty.”

  “And you better not touch anything that whole time, or I will cut your dick off with a butcher’s knife while you sleep.”


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