Rise of the Goddess (****All proceeds from the Rise of the Goddess anthology will go to benefit the Elliott Public Library**** Book 1)

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Rise of the Goddess (****All proceeds from the Rise of the Goddess anthology will go to benefit the Elliott Public Library**** Book 1) Page 13

by Catherine Stovall

  She didn’t notice Hestia come down the hill with her clothes or remember being pried from her last child. She stared glassy eyed into the flames that consumed the body; no one would know what had fallen within the meteor. The evidence was being destroyed and the deaths caused by the second coming of the Teumessian Fox would be blamed on something else, maybe a pack of wolves.

  The shock would follow long after the ashes cooled. She hadn’t realized her own wounds until Hestia had forced her into a hospital. She could heal them with a thought, but she needed to suffer for what she had done. There she sat in a bed hooked to an IV, with stitches that couldn’t staunch the flow of blood, remembering the pleading in the fox’s eyes. This wasn’t their world anymore. Why was she still here when everything that had been hers was faded and gone?

  Then the reason walked in the door with his foolish smile and messy hair, Greely Clark. The man who had seen that there was more to her than being a circus freak, the man who had shown her what true gentleness was. Even if he was repulsed by her goddess form, he had given her purpose once more. He didn’t have to say a word, his eyes showed his own guilt for sending her on this mission and after he set the flowers on the table he took her hand in his and kissed her forehead. He would never apologize because it was their job, but he would hold the pain in his heart and that made her feel better. She allowed the wound to close and pulled Greely close to her and began humming a happier song.

  Goddess Touched

  Elizabeth A. Lance


  Mt. Olympus

  About 21 years earlier…

  “Why are we here, Minerva?” Apollo asked in a bored tone.

  “A child has been born,” Minerva replied impatiently.

  Venus rolled her eyes. “Minerva, I hate to tell you this darling, but children are born every day.”

  Minerva shook her head and frowned. “This one is special, she’s different! She is of our blood!”

  “Our blood? Do not be ridiculous, Minerva. There hasn’t been a child born of our blood in nearly forty years! And with the way birth rates are dropping, it is unlikely that two touched humans would manage to meet and have a child together,” Apollo commented. “There are only a handful of them left!”

  “I have been watching, and it did happen nearly nine months ago, and we must hurry if we are to gift her within the first few hours. You know the gifts do not work if they are not bestowed in the first forty-eight hours of life.”

  Apollo frowned. “Is she actually worthy of our gifts? Who is her mother? And her father?”

  Minerva nodded. “She is very worthy. Her mother is Marigold McCain.”

  “The actress? She’s what, thirty-nine?” Venus pondered. “She is quite lovely, I remember gifting her with her legendary blonde locks and that smile…”

  “Yes, Venus, you made her beauty even more radiant,” Minerva complimented the vain goddess.

  “I did not gift the gilded beauty,” Apollo said sourly.

  “No, you gifted her father, James Daniels, an extremely talented doctor who worked for the US Air Force. He passed on two weeks ago,” Minerva replied. “Plane crash.”

  Apollo shook his head and frowned. “I remember him. Do you wish me to gift his daughter with the same gift?”

  Minerva shook her head. “No, I think Moira would benefit more if you gifted her with music and dance.”

  “And me?” Venus raised her sculpted eyebrow.

  “Venus, darling, I know when you see her you will know exactly what to gift her with,” Minerva replied.

  Venus smiled. “I usually do. And what shall you gift her with, Minerva dear?”

  “Wisdom of course, and perhaps a little bit of magic, but we must go if we are to do this.”

  “Lead the way, Minerva, my sweet,” Apollo replied.

  * * *

  “Shhh,” Minerva said as they entered the hospital under a veil.

  They moved quietly down the hall to the Maternity wing and crept into the room with McCain upon the door. They found Marigold sleeping soundly and little Moira in the bassinet next to her.

  The small baby had a slight glow about her, and they could see that the essence of the gods was strong within her. “You see?” Minerva said satisfactorily. “She is very worthy.”

  Venus smiled down at the child. “She is lovely…” she said as she touched the tuft of hair upon the babe’s head. “Perhaps…” she murmured as she traced the child’s lips and kissed her cheeks, giving them a natural blush, as well as her eyes to give them a special twinkle. “And I think…” she continued as she drew her hands down the babe’s neck to her breast bone and drew a heart, giving her the capacity to love greatly. “I think that should do it,” Venus said contented with how young Moira would look and act as she grew.

  “Apollo?” Minerva gestured toward the babe.

  Apollo nodded and leaned over the bassinet. With a smile he too kissed each cheek, leaving dimples in the babe’s cheeks. He kissed her forehead and her ears, giving her the mind for music as well as the ear. He picked up each hand and kissed the palms, gifting her with the talent to play any instrument she chose. Lastly he kissed her throat, giving her a truly melodic voice. “Happy?” he asked.

  Minerva smiled and nodded. She stepped up to the bassinet and gazed down at the glowing child. She touched her brow, gifting her with wisdom and opening her young mind to a world of possibilities. And then, she traced her sweet little lips giving her just a touch of magic, not enough that she would be able to perform what the mortals called witchcraft, but just enough to make people believe in her and her talent.

  “Well, we timed that perfectly,” Venus said as the glow around the child began to fade. “Ten more minutes and we would have been too late!”

  “Why do you think I rushed you out of the Parthenon?” Minerva replied. “Now, we had best hurry back before Jupiter gets wind of what we’ve done.”

  Venus turned on Minerva and scowled, something she did not like to do, as it marred her good looks. “You mean he did not give his approval? Minerva!”

  Minerva shrugged. “There wasn’t time to wait around for Jupiter to approve, Venus. You know how he is.”

  A loud clap of thunder sounded in the perfectly clear sky and the three knew they were caught.

  “Father is not happy,” Apollo said, stating the obvious. “I hope you know what to do to appease him, Minerva,” he continued before flashing out of the room. Venus and Minerva followed not a moment later.

  Chapter One

  Los Angeles

  21 years later, March 4th

  “Ms. McCain! Ms. McCain! Over here Ms. McCain!” the photographers shouted.

  Moira stepped out of her limo and onto the red carpet. She smiled and posed, tossing her long blonde tresses over her shoulder. “Thank you all for coming out this evening,” she commented sweetly.

  “Ms. McCain, who are you wearing?” called a young woman.

  “Jovani,” Moira answered as she showed off the deep blue tulle skirt and sweetheart neckline of the strapless dress.


  Moira glanced over her shoulder to see her co-star, Jake Devin scowling behind her. “Good evening, Jake,” she said pleasantly.

  “Why do you pander to them?” he muttered. “They are a bunch of parasites,” he whispered as he smiled through gritted teeth.

  “They are my fans, and the ones who buy tickets to see my movies and hear me sing, I do this for them,” Moira commented as she posed a few more times. “Now smile, damn it.”

  Jake rolled his eyes, took her arm and smiled for the camera as he escorted her up the red carpet and into the theatre. “Happy?” he said as they entered the building and dropped her arm.

  “Of course,” Moira replied as they approached the director of her latest film, Dark Dreams. “Michael! You are looking fabulous this evening!” She kissed his cheeks and held his hands.

  Michael Masterson grinned and stroked the lapel of his vintage style suit. “What?
This old thing? Darling you flatter me! Come, I have some deliciously, delightful people waiting who are just dying to meet you!”

  Moira took his arm and glided across the room to the group of critics they’d invited to the premiere. “Good evening.” Moira smiled beautifully, holding her hand out to each of them. “I am so happy you have joined us this evening,” she said, her voice melodic and pleasing.

  “Ms. McCain, it is our pleasure to be here,” an elderly gentleman said. “We have heard very good things about your film.”

  “I do so hope it lives up to your expectations, Mr. Vanheight. I’m very proud of it,” Moira answered.

  “I understand you are off on a USO tour after this,” he commented.

  Moira’s face lit up with excitement. “I am! I am so looking forward to it. I just really hope to bring a little joy to the lives of those who do so much for our country,” she replied.

  “I was a flyboy back in the Seventies, and the USO tours were always exciting. Where are you headed?”

  “To Manas Air Base in Kyrgyzstan. It will be one of the last tours before they close down the base.”

  Vanheight nodded. “Well, my dear, you be careful out there.”

  Moira smiled. “I am sure our Air Force will look out for me and keep me out of trouble,” she replied with a grin.

  Vanheight offered her his arm. “Shall we?” he asked.

  Moira took his arm and he led her into the theatre with a smile.

  * * *

  “Miss, we are about to land in Washington D.C.,” the pretty flight attendant whispered to her.

  Moira smiled and said, “Thank you. Do you know how long the flight to England is?”

  “No, I’m sorry. I only fly the domestic flights, but I can find out for you,” she commented.

  “Oh, it’s fine, I’ll ask when I board,” Moira said. She folded up the magazine she’d been reading. She’d had the first class cabin to herself on the red-eye out of Los Angeles, which rather surprised her, but it had allowed her a bit of privacy, which was quite nice.

  As the plane landed, Moira straightened her short black skirt and matching jacket. She picked up her carry-on bag and followed the flight attendant to the door and then went down the platform to the gate. As she emerged into the waiting area, she was greeted with gasps and pointing fingers. She smiled pleasantly and paused to take a few pictures with some of her fans.

  “Oh, Ms. McCain! I just love you!” a young teen girl said as Moira signed an autograph for her.

  “Who do I make it out to, love?” Moira asked.

  “Jessica,” the teen replied with excitement.

  “To Jessica, thank you for being a fan, love Moira McCain,” Moira asked as she wrote. “How is that?” she asked as she handed the notebook back to the girl.

  The teen squealed and held the notebook to her heart. “Thank you!” she said in a rush and another squeal.

  Moira grinned as the girl ran over to her mother to show off her new treasure.

  “Ms. McCain, I’m Robert Bevens with British Airways. Your agent called and asked that I escort you to your next gate so you don’t miss your flight.”

  Moira smiled. “Thank you,” she replied with a small wave to Jessica and the crowd that had gathered around them.

  Robert helped her into a golf cart and whisked her down the hallway to her gate. “Right this way,” he said gesturing toward the boarding passage.

  As they reached the passage, Moira shook his hand and then boarded the plane. She settled herself into her first class seat, stuffing her carry-on under her chair. “Excuse me,” she said to the attendant who was coming down the aisle.

  “Yes, Ms. McCain?” the attendant said as he paused by her seat. “Can I get you something to make your flight more comfortable?”

  “Yes, a pillow would be lovely,” Moira acknowledged. “And can you tell me how long this flight will be? My agent didn’t mention when she booked my flight.”

  “It’s a seven and a half hour flight to RAF Mildenhall,” he said with a grin. “I hope you don’t mind flying.”

  Moira laughed. “I’m used to it, though not quite such a long flight. Do you always fly on this route, Matthew?” she asked reading his name tag.

  Matthew grinned. “This is my fiftieth flight to England. I love it. As a matter of fact, if you are looking for a great place to eat once we reach Mildenhall, you won’t go wrong with The Bird in Hand. It’s excellent.” He handed her a pillow and a blanket. “Now, you let me know if I can get you anything else.”

  “Thank you, I shall check them out,” she said as she pushed the pillow behind her neck and unfolded the blanket around her.

  Chapter Two

  The Sky above the Transit Center at Manas

  “Mars, you should take a break, I’m sure that the military can get along without you,” Minerva said as she gazed down at the air base with him.

  “Minerva, you know I must remain vigilant. These men are depending on me to guide them and give them courage,” Mars said tiredly.

  “You’ve been at it for almost ten years straight, Mars. Take a short break,” Minerva said. “Look, the men and women of the One Hundred and First are flying in for the weekend. Why don’t you join them?”

  Mars sighed and glanced at the wise goddess. “I suppose I should listen to you. Your wisdom has never directed me wrong, at least when it comes to work,” he murmured with a slightly roguish grin. He drew his hand over his dark beard and through his tangled dark curls.

  “No it hasn’t,” Minerva agreed with a smile. “Oh, and Mars…perhaps you might clean up your appearance before you go down?”

  Mars frowned, sullenly. He liked his dark curls just a bit on the shaggy side, and he’d had the beard for centuries. He’d grown used to the scruffiness of it under his hand as he pondered how best to guide the men and women who looked up to him and asked for him to give them courage. “Don’t push your luck, Minerva.”

  Minerva grinned and said, “As you will,” before flashing back to Mount Olympus.

  Chapter Three

  Manas Air Base/ Transit Center at Manas

  Aboard Boeing C-17 Globemaster III

  March 7th…

  “If you look out this window, Ms. McCain, you will get a nice view of the mountains before we land. If you look just there,” Airman Williams said as he pointed to a specific peak. “You will see Alamyudyun Peak.”

  “How beautiful,” Moira said. “Is that the base?”

  “Yes, Ma’am, it used to be an International airport, until the U.S. contracted to rent the space. Now they call it the Transit Center at Manas, but it will go back to being an airport when the contract is up.”

  “I see,” Moira replied.

  “Well, we will be landing in just a few moments, we should take our seats,” Williams advised.

  Moira nodded, took her seat and fastened her seatbelt. She waited patiently as the plane touched down and came to a halt in the middle of the tarmac.

  “I hope your stay at Manas will be a pleasant one, Ms. McCain,” Williams said.

  Moira stood, pulled her bag from under her chair and made her way to the door. With a smile and a wave to Airman Williams, she stepped over the threshold and onto the stairs. She could see a group of Airmen and women gathered on the tarmac and as she descended she was greeted with cheers. She smiled and waved to them.

  “Ms. McCain we are so glad you have come to visit us here. We have many troops coming in specifically to see your performance.”

  “I’m happy to be here…” Moira glanced at his rank and name. “Chief Master Sergeant Owens.”

  “We have prepared a room for you. It’s not too far from Pete’s Place, where you’ll perform,” the Chief said as he picked up her bags.

  “Thank you, Chief Master Sergeant Owens,” Moira replied with a smile.

  “You can just call me Chief, Ms. McCain,” he said.

  Moira brushed her long golden curls over her shoulder and smiled. “And you may call me Moira,
Chief,” she said as they walked. She stopped every few steps to sign autographs and snap some pictures. The walk to her room should have taken a matter of minutes, but with all of the stops, it took nearly an hour to reach her room.

  “I’m sure you are quite exhausted from the flight, Miss…Moira, so I will let you rest. Airman Jones will see that you are not disturbed.”

  “Thank you, Chief,” Moira replied as he placed her baggage next to her bed.

  “Anytime,” he said as he closed the door behind him.

  Moira sighed and sat down upon the bed. Before long she was sound asleep, still in the suit she’d worn on the plane.

  * * *

  Mars took human form and outfitted himself with the rank of Colonel. He sent a wave of knowledge over the base, so anyone who saw him would recognize him as Colonel Garrett Mars of the One Hundred First. His thoughts turned to Minerva and her assessment of his person and with a sigh he drew his hand over his jaw and erased his beard, leaving a trimmed mustache, and over his unruly curls, leaving just a wave of dark hair. It was still a little long, but it was nothing a trip to the base barbershop wouldn’t fix, and it would help him to be seen as one of the men.

  He strode across the base to the Exchange and headed for the barbershop.

  “Colonel Mars, sir! What can we do for you?” a Middle Eastern man asked.

  “Good evening, Amon, it is good to see you again. How about a little trim?” Mars replied.

  “Very good, sir! If you will just have a seat?” Amon gestured to the chair in front of him.

  Mars sat down in the chair and relaxed next to Master Sergeant Campbell. Amon began to shape up his hair into some semblance of order. “What’s on the agenda for a weekend of R and R, Campbell?” he asked of the man in the chair next to his.

  “Haven’t you heard, sir? Moira McCain is singing tonight at Pete’s Place. It’s bound to be packed. As soon as I finish up here, I’m headed over there to get a good spot!”


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