Rise of the Goddess (****All proceeds from the Rise of the Goddess anthology will go to benefit the Elliott Public Library**** Book 1)

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Rise of the Goddess (****All proceeds from the Rise of the Goddess anthology will go to benefit the Elliott Public Library**** Book 1) Page 20

by Catherine Stovall

  Over the past forty years or so, I had periodically visited this village. It was a sufficient place to relax and regroup when events became challenging. I'd been traveling with a feeling of listlessness lately. There was only one thing that I desired, to hunt down and obliterate Diokles.

  Diokles was the despicable creature that created me. I had yet to figure out a way to do this since coming into my own power. He still held more power than me and that maddened me. He had thought that by creating me he would have a powerful weapon against other creatures of the realms, but what he got was something entirely different, me.

  The first time I’d seen him I was a young child, I’d leapt at him trying to tear into his throat with my fangs. He was fortunate at the time I had no real power. Diokles had immediately tried to kill me by biting my throat, but as soon as my blood touched his lips, he screamed in agony. I was poison to him. He had left in a rage, and since then, had tried different ways to kill me.

  Diokles was one of the nine Archontas vampires. In fact, the only surviving Archontas. They were the first creatures of their kind, sires to all vampires. Diokles had destroyed and taken the power of the other eight long before he created me. I don't know the process that he used to create me, but it had killed my fae mother who had been stolen from the realm of the light fae. I don't know how he managed to get her. As a high light fae, she would have been well guarded, but it was ultimately irrelevant because he had used her entire life force to create me.

  A knock on my door brought me out of my musings. "Come," I commanded.

  A slave entered and kept his eyes focused on the floor, he shook with fear for disturbing me.

  "I know you wished not to be disturbed, Goddess. There is a man that insists on seeing you. He said he would not leave until he spoke with you. I beg your mercy."

  I was curious as to who would visit; a human wouldn't disturb me because they would fear my wrath. It had to be someone ‘other’.

  "I am in need of entertainment. Let him enter." I waved him out with the flick of a wrist. The groveling of the humans could get bothersome.

  I was more than a little taken aback when a hellhound walked into my chamber. I could see the blue fire in his eyes and smell the sulfur and ash of his skin. I waved the slave from the room as I studied the hellhound. He was handsome. He wore only pants that had been constructed in the fae realms and dark brown boots. Power emanated from him, but no malice.

  I’d only met two hellhounds in my life on the one trip I had taken into the realm of the light fae. He was more powerful than either of the ones I’d met. That meant he was high ranking among them. I looked for the mark of an enforcer but saw none. Hellhounds were charged with the keeping of the gates and regulating who and what passed through them. They kept the peace between the realms. They were some of the most powerful creatures in existence, and could produce blue flames on command. I'd found through trial and error that it could not harm me.

  "You have made yourself quite at home here, Kalypso," his rich deep voice reverberated throughout the room.

  "I do not believe we are acquainted. I feel at a disadvantage that you should know me, yet I do not know you." I narrowed my eyes.

  "I apologize. I realize you may not have recognized me. I am Alkaios and I come in peace." He pulled back his lips and produced a slight smile, which exposed the tips of his razor sharp fangs.

  "Why, should I recognize you?" My curiosity was piqued.

  "I am the one that stole you from Diokles and brought you to safety when you were but a child," he said

  "Why did you do that," I asked. I leaned back and studied him harder. I tried to place him in my memory. It must have been before I could recall. If he was who he said he was then I was sure he wasn’t here to harm me. I relaxed into the cushions.

  "We can explore that conversation at a later date. What I came here for is time sensitive. I believe that we could help each other." He had a sly smile. I leaned forward interested in what he could want. This could be just the thing to relieve my recent boredom.

  "Have a seat and tell me what it is that we can do for each other. Help yourself to the food and wine." I motioned to the bench across from me.

  He sat and placed a grape in his mouth. His eyes were intense blue, his focus unnerving.

  "You may not be aware, but within the hellhound community there is need for a new top-dog.” He chuckled at his own joke, “the current leader, Palden, has become corrupt and needs to be removed."

  "No, I had not heard this. Please go on." I wondered why he was telling me this. What could this have to do with me? I’d had no dealings with hellhounds other than the one time I’d been allowed to pass through the gates. They were shape shifters, but I had never fed from one. I found myself wondering what it would be like to take this one’s blood. I shook my head to dispel that thought. I didn’t think the hellhounds thought of me as an enemy and didn’t really want to incur their wrath. I would keep my fangs to myself.

  He stared at me as if he was deciding how much he was actually going to say, "There is evidence that Palden assisted Diokles in capturing your mother all those years ago."

  I was surprised by his admission but it allowed me to see what had happened. "If the master of the hounds was helping him, it would explain how he was able to enter the realm of the light fae and take her. I’d always wondered about that. I mean, it was well known that he did it. I would have thought the hellhounds frowned on such things."

  “We do frown upon that. Usually when things like that happen, which they rarely do, enforcers are sent to deal with creature that broke the laws. It never happened in this case. That is why the rest of us became suspicious that Palden was involved.”

  “What does any of this have to do with me, besides the obvious? Are you planning on killing me because I was the byproduct of this act against the laws?” I got tense as I thought about that option.

  "No, since you have not broken any of our laws, you will not be killed or imprisoned.” He smiled kindly, and I relaxed.

  “As for what this has to do with you. I have become aware of your power and abilities. I believe that we could help each other to get what we desire most. I wish to become the master of the hellhounds and I know your wish is to destroy Diokles." His eyes glowed with blue fire.

  "What makes you want to be the new master of the hellhounds, and why would you be better than the current one?" I was skeptical, but the idea of getting what I wanted most held me captive.

  "In other words, why should you trust me?" He smiled as if he had read my thoughts.

  I returned his smile, beginning to like him already. I couldn't explain it, but I could tell he was someone I could trust.

  "I am not among those prejudiced against you; what you are is not your fault. The hellhounds should be a neutral force. We hold the power over the gates between all the realms. Without us, there would be chaos. Our responsibility is to keep balance among the realms. The gates should not be used to commit heinous acts like what happened to your mother."

  "You wish to restore that balance as you see it?" It was a noble cause, not that I was one for a noble cause. All I wanted was to kill Diokles before he could kill me. If helping this hellhound gain power was the way to do it then I would consider it.

  "Yes, I also believe that Diokles has outlived his time. Even among the vampires, the genocide he committed is considered abhorrent. He is the strongest among them, so no one has taken action against him."

  "That I am aware of," I said, seething beneath the calm composure of my facial expression. "How is it that you think us working together would be beneficial?"

  "You are immune to hellfire, as well as having certain other abilities. I wish for you to come with me to confront Palden. With you by my side, I believe that we can avoid a war. In return, I will accompany you to kill Diokles."

  "That sounds rather simple," I said, knowing that it wouldn't be that easy.

  "The concept is, but putting it into action will not be."r />
  I took a moment to think. Here was a creature that I knew could kill Diokles easily. He was willing to assist me, and all I had to do was kill a hellhound. If I did this, and we succeeded, I would be gaining a powerful consort.

  "There is a chance we will not succeed," I stated.

  "Yes, there is always a chance. I believe that working together is the answer. On our own, neither of us has succeeded in gaining our desires. Perchance, if we combined forces, we would not fail. I have the backing of the elders of the hellhounds. If you wish to speak to them, I can arrange it."

  That was good information to have. If he had their backing, there would be no resistance or consequence after Palden was killed.

  "How do you see this working?”

  Alkaios smiled, knowing that I was going to agree. "I believe that if we confront Diokles first it will make killing Palden easier. She would not be able to call in any favors from him. I do not want to face both of them at the same time, if it can be prevented."

  "What assurances do you have that, after I get what I want, I will not just leave my end of this bargain unfulfilled?"

  A wry smile played across his features. “Kalypso, I know you are dearly in need of friends in power, by helping me, you would be gaining my protection. I know what that would mean to you. Plus, I believe you to be a woman of your word."

  It was hard to believe that he would trust me so easily. The fact that we would be taking on my problem first relieved me of worry just a little.

  "This could get both of us killed," I said, repeating my earlier observation.

  "Have they found a way to actually kill you," he countered.

  I smiled knowing to what he was referring. Over the years, many different creatures had tried to kill me and failed every time. "I assume that decapitation would kill me, but no, and they have tried many times."

  "You have much to gain with our alliance. As do I." He said, and I knew he was right.

  "When would we do this?"

  "We could leave now if you consent. What say you?"

  I only had to think about it for another moment. This was my chance and I was going to take it. "I say, what are we sitting around here for?"

  "We will need to travel by horseback or some other mundane mode of travel. I do not want it to be known that we are traveling together," he said.

  "That is how I usually travel, so I am comfortable with that. In fact, I have just received a gift from the deserts in the south. They are reportedly the fastest horses ever bred. We can take them." I stood to leave and he did the same.

  "That would be excellent. Speaking of gifts, I have brought a gift for you," he said, pulling a cloth wrapped bundle out of his satchel.

  I took it and unwrapped it; finding black pants, a loose fitting black shirt and boots. The clothing he had provided were like nothing I had seen in this realm, but I recognized them from the one time I was in the realm of the light fae.

  "Black is such an unimaginative color," I couldn't help but comment.

  "These are special, as you may have surmised. They will keep you warm, dry and safe from harm."

  "I recognize where they are from," I said letting him know that I knew fae work when I saw it. "Thank you."

  "There is one other thing. It is a gift from your mother's people. I left it downstairs with your slaves."

  “I do love gifts, especially ones as fine as these. I wonder what else you have for me,” I said, earning a laugh from him.

  “How could I visit a goddess and not come bearing gifts of the highest quality?” He winked at me.

  Is he teasing me, I wondered? I was speechless. It was rare that someone spoke to me like that. I liked it.

  "Once you change into those clothes, I will give you the other gift. Then we can leave,” he said.

  With thoughts of a greater gift than clothes, I quickly changed. The pants and shirt felt soft against my skin. The boots fit snug and made each step feel as if I walked on air.

  "Those suit you." An appreciative smile played across his face.

  "Thank you. Show me what else you brought," I said, giddy with anticipation.

  "Come along then." he said, and I followed him from the chamber.

  In the lower chamber with the entrance was another cloth wrapped bundle. He presented it to me. Inside, I found an intricately designed short sword. Leaves, trees, and flowers were engraved along the hilt. The metal looked golden in the firelight. It was beautiful, about the length of my arm and not made from a metal found in this realm.

  "What did I do to receive such a gift from the fae," I asked in awe of its craftsmanship and beauty.

  "You are seeking revenge for one that they lost and held in high esteem."

  "How do they know what I am doing?" I wondered. They were too fine of gifts to question. It shouldn’t matter why they were given to me. The fact that they were mine now was all I needed to know.

  "They have their ways. Put it on,” he commanded and I obeyed without hesitation. “You will have time to practice along the way."

  "Very well." The weapon felt at home secured to my hip, almost as if it had always belonged on my person.

  "The clothes and weapon have been enchanted, most beings will not see them, but will see you however you wish to be seen. Only those with Fae or hellhound blood will be able to see you as you are."

  Another hellhound entered my domain, coming through the door and looking in a hurry. This one was carrying a message. I moved around, getting comfortable wearing my new weapon as Alkaios read the message.

  Chapter Two

  "Our plans have changed. Palden and Diokles are meeting at his palace in Pompeii. It seems they may be on to us. We will just have to face them together. It is not the preferred way, but it can’t be helped."

  "I think it makes it easier. If they are together, then we can destroy them together," I said. My lust for Diokles blood was growing with every moment that passed.

  Alkaios smiled, "You and I are going to get along wonderfully."

  "Our journey will be swifter by boat. I will have my fastest prepared."

  "Being a goddess suits you."

  His blue eyes held my gaze. In them, I saw a steady dose of respect. I was surprised by that. It was rare that a creature like him would show a half-breed like me any kind of reverence.

  "Don't tell the humans, but you know as well as I do, I am no goddess."

  "I beg to differ. Even among our kind, you hold more power than you realize, which is why half of our kind fears you."

  I didn't know what to say, so I called a slave and had them prepare my vessel to sail. I walked out of the door and knew he would follow. He did and was laughing under his breath. I wasn't sure what to make of him, so I decided to focus on what lay before us.

  I stopped walking so abruptly that Alkaios almost ran into me. I turned to him; a thought had suddenly occurred to me, "I will need to feed."

  He smiled. "Do not fret. I have taken care of that as well. Let us get to the ship and I will explain."

  I narrowed my eyes, trying to figure what he was about. His plan could still be a trap for me. I still had the chance to turn around and not go through with it. Yet, he had given me no reason not to trust him. I stood still for a moment, and then made the decision that would seal our fates.

  "I am putting my trust in you, do not let me down." I told him, and then continued down to the harbor.

  “While I cannot guarantee that we will live through this, I can promise to be with you and fighting at you side."

  We didn't speak again as we got onto the vessel that would take us to the city of Pompeii. It was a place where everyone who was anyone had a villa. I despised it, too many self-important humans for my taste. It didn’t help that I knew that Diokles frequented the city.

  The sun was hot and the water was the color of the gems that graced my sword. I raised my face to the sun, letting it fill me. I pulled its energy into my body. Sunlight was almost as good as drinking the blood of a shape shifte
r. It powered my healing abilities and energized my being.

  "You are a true child of the sun," Alkaios commented.

  "Yes, but it only brings health not death. I need the blood of a shifter to destroy," I said. Unlike normal vampires, I could go out in the sun and human blood did nothing for me. Only shape-shifters fed me adequately. I could just get by on the sun, but if I wanted to tap into my full potential, blood was needed.

  "Your mother's people have informed me. Which is why I will offer myself to you. They believe that you take on the power of the being that you consume."

  I was surprised he offered. I had never consumed the blood of anything more powerful than a werewolf. Every time I drank the blood of a shifter, I could feel the power of the being enter me and amplify my own.

  "What will happen?" I asked because I knew that hellhounds were some of the most powerful of all shifters. They held abilities like none other, and Alkaios was even more powerful than the average hellhound. Part of me salivated at his offer, the other was a little fearful. I was unsure of the consequences that possessing that kind of power would incite.

  "You will take on my abilities, and combined with your own, you will become unstoppable."

  "What will become of you," I asked.

  "I will remain unharmed and still possess my own powers. By combining vampire, fae and hellhound magic, you will be the goddess that they call you. Your true potential will be revealed," he assured me.

  I didn't want to admit it, but I was sure he could sense the slight twinge of fear I was feeling. "How long will it last?"

  "We believe a week, at most, depending on how you utilize it."

  "It should take only a day to reach Pompeii. I am assuming that you wish to confront them as soon as we arrive." I wasn’t sure we could do this but I was more than willing to try.

  "That is correct. They will know of our presence as soon as we step off this ship. We will lead them up to the mountain. That is where we will have our confrontation—away from the people. I would like to keep the humans out of this as much as possible."


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