Should Have Looked Away

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Should Have Looked Away Page 18

by Philip Cox

  ‘Are you going out later, sir?’ she asked.

  ‘Possibly. Why do you ask?’

  ‘I need to come in and turn down your bed.’

  ‘No; there’s no need, thank you.’

  He saw the maid out, and she apologised again for the intrusion and started to push her trolley down the hotel corridor. He watched as she pushed it to the end of the corridor, looking round once before she turned the corner. Will went back into the room, this time sliding in the chain.

  He looked around. He had checked everywhere here; time to check the bathroom. Most of the bathroom was covered in large beige tiles: not many hiding places. He crouched down and felt behind the sink pedestal. Nothing here: only pipes. Not that he knew what he was looking for. He slid over to the toilet and did the same, only after checking, he stood up and washed his hands.

  He stood and studied the toilet. The cistern was in the wall, covered by four large beige panels, screwed in. He peered down at the screws, wishing he had thought to bring a screwdriver. Looking again at the screws, he dipped into his pocket and fished out a handful of change. He fingered through the smaller coins. He tried a penny first, but the screw groove was the wrong size. Next he picked up a dime, and found it fitted almost perfectly. Using the 10c, he unscrewed two panels and gained access to the cistern. He checked inside and behind the cistern and behind the panels. Nothing.

  He screwed the panels back into place and sat on the bed. He looked around again to see if there was anywhere else to check. There had to be something here.

  He looked over at the curtains. They were dark brown, heavy drapes going down to the floor. Lifting them off the carpet, he looked to see if they were concealing anything. Frowning, he knelt down in the corner, and pushed the curtains aside.

  Right in the corner, about half an inch of carpet was turned up. Looking closer, he could see that a small segment of carpet in the corner, about twelve inches by four, was a separate patch. He pulled at this raised piece and the whole patch lifted.

  Lifting the patch right out, he could see that it was fixed - probably glued - into a piece of linoleum the same size. He peered down: this small piece of carpeted tile was covering a space in the floor of corresponding size, and around six inches deep. He felt around inside the space, but it was empty.

  Will carefully replaced the patch of carpet, and the curtain. He sat back on the bed, resting against the pillow, and picked up the little notepad and pen which were resting on the cabinet. Sitting up, he started to jot down some notes.

  DiMucci had booked this room.

  he always requested this room.

  the 2 guys were after something he had – the room key?

  therefore something of value in the room

  DiMucci put it here or mean to collect it?

  if collected, who put it here?

  if he put it here, who’s it for?

  what am I doing here?


  Will put the notepad and pen down on the bed and lay down, his head nestling in the pillowcase. Looked up at the ceiling, then over to the corner of the room.

  So that was the answer. Something had been hidden in this room. Hidden on a regular basis, otherwise why would DiMucci have requested this room each time he visited?

  Will looked down at his list. If DiMucci had been putting something in that space, who’s it for?

  As he lay on the bed trying to figure out all the possible options, another thought passed through his mind. When he was here before, those two police detectives emerged from where the elevators were. Therefore they had been up here. Did they find this space? If they had, surely the room would have been quarantined as a crime scene by now. No - they’d missed it. They’d missed it and he’d found it. He tried to imagine the look on Detective Roberts’ face when he told her.

  Lying there, he felt validated. A sense of relief, justification, even triumph began to well up inside him. He felt himself getting aroused. What - now? He thought about taking care of business right there - who would know? - but also began to yearn for Chrissy. He tried to recall the last time they had had any moment of intimacy; at least a moment lasting more than a couple of minutes before Louise needed one of them.

  It was just after three. Will remembered that today Louise had an after school dancing club, and would not be home till five. Jake might be home, but he would be in his room, door shut, totally separated from the world.

  If he hurried, he could be home by four, and he and Chrissy could have around an hour together.

  A game plan was forming in his head. He was done with the room; he was sure of that. All he had to do was hand in the room key, and head for the train. He could stop off at the convenience store on Christopher and pick up a bottle of Champagne to celebrate what he had found, hopefully to mitigate the ninety bucks he had spent on the room. After an hour of passionate love with Chrissy, he would go to the police, which was what Chrissy wanted him to do all along.

  He made a quick visual check of the room and bathroom, and hurried downstairs. In reception, there was a line of six people waiting to check in. He had no time to wait, so decided to try to check out online later. He could always mail the key card the next day. Looking at the worse case scenario, he always had a bed for the night here if Chrissy reacted badly. Half walking, half running to the subway he sent Chrissy a text: have stng to celebrate - meet u in bedroom ;).

  As he sat on the subway, he tried to visualize being in bed with Chrissy. He had never tried to get home so quickly.


  Chrissy was already waiting in the bedroom. She was wearing a tight fitting purple dress, clearly with no underwear. He could see the outline of her erect nipples showing through the dress.

  With a grin on his face, he stepped around the foot of the bed and up to her. Saying nothing, their arms and lips interlocked. Still holding onto each other, they collapsed onto the bed, her long legs wrapped around his waist. She tugged at his shirt buttons, revealing his tanned, smooth chest. He released her for a second to pull off the shirt. She pressed her face against his chest and ran her hands alternatively up and down his torso and her own body.

  Chrissy sat up on the bed while he leaned over her; their tongues wrestling, he put his hand up the purple dress, feeling first her pert breasts, then her thighs. She pulled off the dress, their mouths teasing each other and her eyes focussed on his. They were both breathing heavily, Chrissy letting out the occasional moan as his hand slid once more between her legs. She lay back down again, him on top, her legs wrapped round his waist.

  He raised himself slightly, so she could reach for his belt and zipper. Now he was kneeling in front of her, sliding off his own belt while she kissed his chest.

  Chrissy lay on her back while he climbed back on top and slid inside her. She held him tightly to her as he started firm, and strong. Every so often he would lift himself up so they could stare intently into each other’s eyes once more, their gazes fixed on each other.

  They had been here for fifteen minutes now; to Chrissy it seemed much longer. She wrapped her legs around his body, locking her ankles together. His face was up against hers as their tongues fought hard. She wrapped her arm around his neck and held him close, as if trying to squeeze every last drop of what he had to offer. She ran her fingernails up and down his body, stopping now and again on his buttocks to control his movement. Now he lifted himself off her slightly as he became more urgent.

  ‘Oh God, oh God,’ he panted.

  Chrissy reached up and held him round his head. ‘That’s it; that’s it,’ she gasped, encouraging him on. She locked her legs together once more, crying out.

  He was now back to slow, rhythmic movements, groaning like some wounded animal. He was reaching down to hold her behind and was lying flat on top of her now, his chin pressing on her shoulder. Her hands mirrored his, her fingertips tightly grasping his back.

  ‘God!’ How much more could she take? She could sense he was coming to an end, and rel
eased him from the ankle lock so he could increase his intensity as he built up to a climax.

  ‘You ready?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes, yes,’ she shouted back.

  Then it happened: one, final, crushing, thrust. She could feel a tremor go through him as he cried out one more time before collapsing on top of her.

  Underneath him, Chrissy brushed her hair from over her face and rested her hands on his back. After a few moments, he rolled off, and lay beside her. They were both breathless.

  After a minute or so, still out of breath, Chrissy spoke. ‘Shit, I enjoyed that.’

  Dan Gleave looked over to her and grinned. ‘We aim to please,’ he said.


  Will ran up the steps to his front door, key already in hand. In his eagerness to get indoors, he had two attempts before getting the key in the lock. Once inside, he leaned back on the door to close it, and listened out if he could hear Chrissy.

  ‘I’m home!’ he called out.

  No reply.

  No Chrissy.

  He checked the kitchen, looked up the stairs. ‘Chrissy?’ he called out. Hearing no reply, he climbed the stairs and checked the bedroom. ‘Swell,’ he said aloud, sitting on the bed, still clutching the bottle of champagne.

  So where was she? If the kids were going to be home late, then she might have gone out somewhere, but what about his text message? He checked his phone again: his message had definitely gone, but she had not replied. Maybe she hadn’t seen it. He dialled her number.


  Chrissy lay back next to Dan. ‘I need to go soon,’ she said. ‘Get home in time for the kids.’

  ‘Yeah,’ he replied. ‘’Jia’ll be on her way soon, too.’

  As they both sat up, Chrissy’s phone rang. She got off the bed, leaned over to the chair where her bag was hanging, and felt inside for it.

  ‘Shit, it’s Will.’

  Dan sat up, staring at her. ‘Let it ring,’ he said.

  It stopped after a few rings. She took a deep breath. ‘He sent me a text earlier. I didn’t hear it coming through.’

  ‘Busy coming yourself,’ Dan joked.

  She glared at him; read the message, frowning.

  ‘What was his message?’ asked Dan.

  Slowly shaking her head in puzzlement, she slowly read the message aloud. ‘What the hell does he mean?’

  Dan pulled a face and laughed. ‘If he wanted to celebrate in the bedroom, today’s your lucky day.’

  She walked back to the bed. ‘Daniel Kelly Gleave,’ she said, leaning over to kiss him, ‘you are incorrigible.’

  He nodded and began to check his own phone, then began to watch Chrissy as she got dressed.

  ‘See you soon,’ she said, kissing him one more time.

  As she was on her way out of the bedroom, Dan got up and began to dress. ‘Chrissy,’ he called after her, ‘if Will’s got something to celebrate, then let me know what it is. Yes?’ Now he had a serious look on his face.

  Chrissy turned round and nodded. ‘I will.’


  It was four thirty when she finally got home. Will was sitting in the kitchen working on his laptop. He looked up as she got in. ‘Where have you been? Didn’t you get my message?’

  ‘I’m so sorry, honey,’ she said breathlessly as she put her bag down on the kitchen worktop. ‘I just noticed it.’

  ‘Where’d you go, then?’

  ‘Only to do some shopping.’

  ‘What shopping?’ She had no bags.

  ‘I figured that as you were at work and the kids would be late home, I could make a start on Christmas shopping.’

  ‘Christmas shopping?’

  ‘U-huh. Will, do you know what the date is? It won’t be long before Thanksgiving, and then Christmas. I thought I’d make a start. What’s this in the refrigerator?’

  ‘That’s what my message was about. It was for us to celebrate.’

  ‘Celebrate what?’

  Will got up and stepped over to her. He put his arms around her waist. ‘Let’s go upstairs and I’ll tell you.’

  She put her hands on his, and took them away. ‘Sorry, no time for that. You can go pick up Louise from her school club. I’ll start preparing dinner. Jake’ll be back soon, too.’

  ‘Oh,’ he said, disappointedly.

  ‘Tell me later.’


  Later that evening, Chrissy came downstairs and joined Will in the kitchen. He was finishing off clearing up the dinner things.

  ‘She wants you to kiss her good night now.’

  Will switched on the dishwasher. ‘Fine, I’ll go up.’

  He quietly stepped into Louise’s bedroom. She was still awake, although not far from sleep.

  ‘Have you come to say goodnight to me, Daddy?’ she asked.

  Will sat down on the edge of her bed. ‘Sure have, Loulou.’

  ‘Can you read me a story first?’

  ‘I thought Mommy did that tonight?’

  She grinned from beneath the covers. ‘She did. Can you read me one as well? Please, please.’

  Will knew when he was beaten. ‘Just a short one, then.’

  After he had read Puss in Boots twice, Will kissed Louise goodnight one more time, turned down the night light, and slowly closed the door till it was ajar. Before going downstairs, he looked in on Jake. His son was sitting at his desk, at his own computer. It looked as if he was typing a Word document.

  Jake looked round. ‘Hey Dad.’

  From the door Will asked, ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Oh, just an assignment for school.’

  ‘All right. Don’t stay up too late, though.’

  ‘Dad, it’s only eight thirty.’

  ‘I know, but keep an eye on the time.’

  ‘I will. Night.’ Jake swung back round to his screen.

  Will closed Jake’s door and went back downstairs.

  ‘She asleep yet?’ Chrissy asked.

  ‘Probably by now. I had to read the same story twice. Jake’s working on some school assignment.’

  ‘Sure he is.’

  ‘It looked like he was. From his screen, I mean.’

  ‘That was probably for your benefit. He’s playing some game now.’

  ‘Mm.’ Will filled the kettle with water.

  Chrissy said, ‘You need to get that software loaded. You know the stuff Jia was talking about the other night.’

  ‘Yeah, you’re right. I’ll speak to Dan in the morning. Double check what they did with Clyde.’

  Will made tea. As he took Chrissy her cup, he could see she was working on something on her laptop. He knew she was involved in some fund-raising project for Louise’s school.

  ‘About what I had to celebrate,’ he said, putting both hands on her shoulders and beginning to massage them.

  Chrissy patted one of his hands. ‘Later, Will. I just need to finish this report. Later, I promise.’

  ‘Okay.’ Will straightened up and wandered into the den to watch television.


  It was just after eleven o’clock when they both went upstairs to bed. Will followed Chrissy with two champagne flutes he had found at the back of a cupboard, and the bottle. Chrissy had told him to open it downstairs in case the pop woke the children.

  ‘Mm, nice,’ Chrissy murmured as she lay on the bed, sipping her glass. Will had to agree.

  Will pulled off his shirt and moved across the bed to her. He manoeuvred her so she was on her back and lay down on top of her, pulling up the outsized tee shirt she wore for bed. She slowly wriggled her hips underneath him and reached down to the front of his shorts.

  ‘So what are we celebrating?’ she purred.

  As they made love, Will told her what he had done that day, and what he had found at the hotel. He could feel her flinch a couple of times as he talked, probably at the ninety dollars he had spent.

  They continued to talk as Will moved inside her and she moved her legs up and down the back of Will’s.
  ‘What are… you going to do?’ she asked.

  ‘I’m… going to go… to the police… in the morning.’

  ‘Is there any… point?’

  ‘It’s what you… wanted me to do… all along.’

  Chrissy nodded, putting her arm across his neck. His face now was buried in her neck, and he could not see the expression on her face.


  Afterwards, Will took a shower. Wrapped in a towel, he returned to the bedroom. Chrissy was still lying on the bed.

  ‘I think I’ll take one too,’ she said, getting off the bed.

  ‘You could have come in with me,’ grinned Will, rubbing his back with the towel.

  ‘Could have done,’ she replied. She put on her bathrobe and went to take her shower.

  Will sat down on the bed, towelling his hair. He stopped as Chrissy’s phone bleeped.

  Chrissy took longer in the shower than Will had. For one thing, her hair was longer than his, and took longer to wash; but also she wanted to wash the odour of sex off her body. Ideally, she would have taken a shower either at Dan’s or when she got back home, but there was no time today.

  After her shower, and dressed in her bathrobe, she checked on Jake and Louise, then went back to their bedroom. She was half expecting Will to be asleep, but he was sitting on the bed, dressed in the tee shirt and shorts he wore at night. He was holding up her phone.

  ‘Why have you just texted Dan?’


  For once, Chrissy was wrong footed.

  ‘A text? What do you mean?’ she rambled, knowing perfectly well there was no way she could deny it.

  Will read from the phone. ‘While I was in the shower, you texted Dan and said “Will has been to the hotel and found the safe place. Says he is going to the police in the morning.” And then, while you were in the shower, he replies.’ Will read out Dan’s reply. ‘“Okay, thanks for telling me. X.”’ He threw the phone down on the bed.

  Chrissy stomped over to her side of the bed. ‘What are you doing, snooping around my cell?’

  ‘Oh, come on. Is that the best you can do?’

  She began furiously brushing her wet hair. ‘Because Dan asked me to. When you were so late home the other night, when you were doing whatever you were doing up in the Bronx, I was worried. I phoned Jia. Dan was there as well: they were both as worried about you as I was. So Dan asked me to keep him up to date on where you were going, what you were doing?’


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