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Revenge Page 2

by Rita Cain

  Chapter 5: Hook, Line and Sinker

  It was fairly late now, but as far as Ally was concerned, the party had just begun. She was leaving a closet now with Wesley. She had convinced him to go chat with her in a more secluded place. She also spiked his drink, so after a few “lemonades” he was pretty loosened up. She used this to her advantage, of course. After she could tell that he was drunk, she made another move on him. She caressed his face slowly before diving in to a fall out make out session. Oh, it was terrible. She wanted to believe that he was such a bad kisser because he was wasted but she had her doubts about it.

  “Hey, Wes,” Ally said in an inviting voice.

  “Yes?” he responded.

  “So, about what we just know? That little we just had,” she said.


  “Well, I think we should have one again. Really soon.”

  “I totally agree.”

  “I’m glad you agree,” she paused. “Could you agree to something else for me?”

  “Well, it depends if I can...”

  “Oh, please, I’m sure you can!”

  “What is it?”

  “Well, I want you to be my boyfriend.”

  “Your boyfriend?”

  “Yes, silly! How does that sound?”

  “Well, I don’t understand...”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re pretty, popular, athletic and such. Why would you want to have a nerd as your boyfriend?”

  “I’m flattered by your compliments but you’re not a nerd! I think your just so hipster and I love it. You’re suspenders are so trendy! In fact, some days I think you dress better than my friends who are girls!”

  “You notice what I wear?!”

  “Certainly. I know good fashion and I like to observe those who are wearing it.”

  “Mind. Blown.”

  “Haha. So does that change your answer?”

  “Well, I guess it does.”

  “So you’ll be my boyfriend?”

  “Yes, I will be your boyfriend.”

  “Fabulous!” she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I will see you later!”

  “Bye!” Wesley said astonished. She just smirked and walked on. Although, Wesley was a total loser, he was a catch. He was one of the smartest kids in her grade, which meant he might do her homework. (Yeah, she was smart and could do her own homework but that takes so much time.) He was actually a decent dress and finally he was friends with Gabriella. Taking him away from Gabriella would be a true pleasure.

  Chapter 6: Who Are You?

  It was Monday morning and Gabriella still hadn’t heard anything from Wesley. She felt disheartened and betrayed, and she didn’t even know the half of it. She walked down the hall with her head down, hoping that one person would make her raise her head. No one came.

  Usually, every class would captivate Gabriella. She would scribble down notes and be drawn by every word the teacher said. She would inhale all the information like a sponge. Sadly, today was different. It was fifth period and she still hadn’t heard or seen Wesley. She wondered where he could possibly be. He had to be angry with her too; he never responded to any of her messages. With this in mind, Gabriella slumped down on her desk, no longer feeling the need to work.

  The bell rang and Gabriella sprang to life. “Oh my god,” she thought, she had fallen asleep in class. Now she felt worse, first she made Wesley made at her and now her teacher was probably angry at her for falling asleep. Paranoid, she snuck out of the classroom in the crowd of students to attempt to avoid a scolding from her teacher. She was walking down the hall in a hurry to get away from her previous class. Gabriella was in such a rush that she ran into someone but not just anyone. She slowly looked up from the floor to see whom she just ran into and that somebody was Wesley.

  “Wesley! I’m so glad to see you! I called you a few times,” Gabriella said. She was absolutely delighted to see Wesley.

  Shifting uneasily, he responded, “oh I’ve been really busy.”

  “Well, that’s okay. You can call me tonight, right?” Gabriella prompted.

  “Sorry. I can’t.”

  “But why not?”

  “Uhh...I have to go...”

  “But, Wesley!” It was too late; Wesley had left. He had left her alone. Now she just stood in the nearly deserted hallway. She was dumbstruck, standing there frozen.

  Chapter 7: Ally Rules All

  Sometimes people forget the rules and to be even thought of as part of Ally’s crew, you had to follow her rules blindly. Wesley was about to find this out the hard way because the night he hooked up with Ally, she made rules for him to abide by.

  “Wesley, where have you been?!” Ally said annoyed. Waiting was not something Ally was use to because after all; being prompt was one of Ally’s many rules.

  “Sorry. I ran into someone, literally,” Wesley grumbled.

  “Well then, whom did you run into?” Ally asked angrily.

  “Gabriella....,” Wesley responded sadly.

  Ally narrowed her eyebrows, her tone was fierce, “listen here, we made a deal, remember? For us to become an item, we went over some rules that had to be obeyed. Rule number one was that you and Gabriella do not talk or interact...ever.”

  Sighing, Wesley responded, “yeah, I remember.”

  “Good! Because wouldn’t it be such a shame that we don’t work out because you talk to the girl who broke your heart in the first place. Wesley, I’m doing this for your own good. She was not good for you. She broke your heart and played you. Don’t go around her. Don’t talk to her. Trust me, I know what’s best.”

  “Okay. Fine. Whatever you say love.”

  “That’s better! Now I have to go skip the rest of the day and go shopping with Christina and Jessica! Later, we can FaceTime and you can tell me how fantastic I look in my new clothes! Hugs n’ kisses!”

  “Bye,” Wesley said indifferently.


  Ally was at a boutique with her two best friends trying on the latest styles for the spring line. The boutique was small and didn’t hold too many items but with designer prices there was no need to sell a ton of items.

  “So, Ally, how’s the new beau?” Jessica asked while examining a rack of new spring dresses.

  Staring at a dress Christina was holding, Ally responded, “hm, I don’t know. I don’t think he is whipped enough yet. He totally disobeyed me and had an interaction with Gabriella today. He knows he’s not allowed to do such things. I mean if he thought he could just ignore the rules he could do it again and again. Ugh.”

  “Oh, we understand completely. I mean your rules are the best, Ally. You have them for a reason,” Christina said.

  “Yeah, Ally, I think you just need to prove to him why you make the rules. You need to show him that Gabriella only causes pain and misery,” Jessica suggested.

  Ally smirked, “that’s brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! I’ll find a way to hurt Wesley but frame Gabriella. After he is hurt and thinks its Gabriella’s fault, he’ll feel the need to listen to me because evidently I know what’s best!” Jessica and Christina nodded their heads in unison, if Ally every suggested something, you ought agree to it. “You know what? C’mon girls! We’re going to go spy on Wesley and see what we can dig up on him.”

  Chapter 8: Cry Me A River

  Gabriella was whimpering in a stall in the girl’s bathroom. She had been there for hours now. After her ordeal with Wesley, she stood in the hallway in shock for a while. Then the tears began to come streaming down her face because she realized that she had lost her best friend, her only friend.

  She sprinted to the nearest girls bathroom to be alone and mourn her revelation. She wished to be alone and she was alone all right. People opened the door to the bathroom, heard moaning and left. It had been like that for hours now. School was over but Gabriella didn’t dare move. She didn’t want to be seen by anyone. It would be shameful for her.

  Gabriella started a n
ew round of tears, coughing and moaning when she thought of what she had lost. She was trying to calm herself down but to no prevail. She left the stall finally to check the damage of what little make-up she had on; her face look like it had melted. Gabriella had just started dabbing her face with some paper towels when a girl walked in.

  The girl was fair skinned with sleek dark hair pouring over her shoulders. She was thin, dressed in a tennis uniform, her emerald eyes gazed upon Gabriella. At first, the girl was taken a back, startled by seeing Gabriella balling her eyes out in front of the mirror. The girl didn’t turn away and leave though like all the others. She came closer to Gabriella and before Gabriella knew it, the girl had embraced her.

  “There, there,” the girl said, holding Gabriella tight, “what’s wrong?”

  At first, Gabriella stuttered with how to answer. What could she say? How could she explain to some person she didn’t even know how she felt. If she were to say that she’d lost her only friend, she’d sound like a complete loser, then again, she was crying in a public restroom; which made her a loser anyway. Finally, Gabriella responded, “I llllost myyy be-best friend. I’m lllost without him.”

  The girl released Gabriella from her grip and looked Gabriella up and down, “oh you’re not lost without them. It’s only one person.”

  Wiping her eyes, Gabriella said, “he was my only friend though.”

  “Don’t worry about him,” the girl said, “I’ll be your friend!”

  Gabriella glanced at the girl confused, “you don’t even know me!”

  “I don’t know you yet,” the girl corrected. “My name is Lily. Lily Edwards. What’s your name?”

  “My name is Gabriella Santiago.”

  “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Gabriella! We’ll be great friends, I promise! Now I have to get ready for my tennis match Give me your number. I’ll text you later.”

  “Okay, sounds good.” They traded numbers and Gabriella left the bathroom feeling a million times better than she did when she entered. Sure, she didn’t know Lily but that didn’t matter. She would get to know Lily and they could be best friends. Gabriella was proud o herself for talking to someone new and potential making a new friend. She was so proud that she actually left the school with her head held high, something she hadn’t done in ages.

  Chapter 9: Oh, That’s Embarrassing!

  Ally and her crew were cruising around town in Ally’s gorgeous red mustang. They saw all the perfect estates, shopping centers and eateries of Richmond. They drove a ways until they reached Wesley’s street. They drove down the road until they spotted his jeep. Ally slowed down, so that they could all get a good look at Wesley’s house. The house was a heather gray three-story with balconies. The back yard included a pool with a diving board and the front yard included a miniature basket-ball court. Ally could definitely work with this, especially the pool. Ally knew that Gabriella lived next door and could already imagine the look on Gabriella’s face when she saw Ally in Wesley’s pool. Priceless.

  Ally drove a ways further down the street to park her car. She did not want her car to be seen by Wesley when she was spying on him. Ally and her crew walked down the sidewalk, heads held high, smirks across all of their faces. They knew that this was going to be good.

  They walked around the side of Wesley’s house spying anything out of the usual. Nothing. They kept walking when Christina spotted Wesley’s room.

  “Perfect,” Ally said with a smirk engraved upon her face. The girls all huddled around the window, astonished and thrilled by what they found. Wesley was lying in bed wearing footy pajamas! How perfect? Ally quickly pulled out her phone to take Wesley’s picture. Ally turned to Christina and Jessica, “they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I have a feeling that when Wesley gets wind of this, none of those words will have to do with adoring Gabriella anymore.”

  They all rose from the window, they got exactly what they needed from Wesley. The best part was how easy Wesley made it, they hardly had to do a thing. Plus, it was still early so they could easily go back to the mall and continue shopping. And hey, Wesley knew that Ally was shopping so he wouldn’t question a thing. But why would he anyway, you don’t just go around posting embarrassing pictures of your boyfriend, do you?

  Chapter 10: Ouch

  Wesley awoke somewhat startled. He thought he heard a noise, maybe it was Gabriella at his door. He sighed, he wasn’t being very fair to her after all. She tried to apologize multiple times. She called him. She came over and left his parents with messages when he wasn’t home. She really tried. He also knew that he was Gabriella’s only friend and that it was pretty obvious to her if he wasn’t interacting with her. Yet, he couldn’t interact with her. He couldn’t. It was against the rules, Ally’s rules. Ally made a deal with him when they decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend. As being queen bee of Richmond Academy, she got to make the rules for him to abide by. He couldn’t just openly disobey his new girlfriend, could he? Well then again, how would she know if he just popped over to Gabriella’s house for a few minutes. After all, maybe his family needed a cup of sugar.

  Prior to walking over to Gabriella’s, he changed clothing. Although, Gabriella had seen Wesley in his footy pajamas many times, it just didn’t seem like the manly thing to do. Plus, Gabriella basically fell over laughing at him whenever she saw him in his footy pajamas.

  He rang the doorbell once, twice, three times. Just as Wesley was about to turn and go, the door opened. Gabriella stood there with her eyes gleaming, she looked like she had been crying.

  “Uhh, hey!” Wesley said.

  “Hi,” Gabriella said coolly. She did not appear to be in the talking mood.

  “Soo uhh, what’s up?” Wesley tried.

  “Homework. Like every other day,” Gabriella responded stiffly. “Why are you here?”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Then talk and make it snappy.”

  “Gabriella, oh how to begin? The night after we fought, I went to a party. I just wanted to blow off some steam and some guys from the basketball team suggested I go partying. So I went. However, I was really bummed there. I felt sad and hurt. I was completely miserable until I met someone there....”

  “Go on.”

  “Right. So, I met someone there and she was so amazing. She listened to my problems and how I felt about things and we really hit it off. It was spectacular!”

  “Who was she?”

  “Ally Andrews.”


  “But she was so amazing and spectacular! We decided to become boyfriend and girlfriend right on the spot!”

  “Whoa now, what?!”

  “We decided to date.”

  “Ally Andrews? She decided she wanted to date you? You?”

  “Yes, is that so hard to believe?”

  “It’s just, she’s not like you at all. She’s popular and a queen bee.”

  “So are you implying that I’m not popular?”

  “Well, no....”

  “It sure sounds like it! Geez, you know at first I wasn’t thrilled that she told me not to talk to you! I thought that she was just being controlling and what not. But now, I can see why she doesn’t want me talking to you. Look at you! You seem so shocked that another girl would ever want to hang out with me. She was right when she said she was trying to protect me from you.”


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