Dark Fall

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Dark Fall Page 2

by Gwendolyn Cease

  Max shivered as heat crawled over his body like a million pin pricks. God, he hurt and not only his dick. Every part of his body felt as if he’d fallen off a cliff. He forced his eyes open to discover some type of cloth canopy hanging above where he lay. Turning his head, he found he was on a bed in a room he’d never seen before. Maybe everything had been a dream, and he was in some type of hospital.

  The idea was shattered a moment later when a large naked male entered the room. He had to be close to seven feet tall, with long black hair that swirled and moved around him as if it were in a constantly shifting breeze. Slabs of solid muscle moved easily under darkly tanned skin and a thickly veined, heavy cock jutted arrogantly forward. Max tore his gaze away from the male’s body as he put a tray of some type on a table next to the bed and turned to face him.

  “My name is Darke.”

  He knelt on the bed and slowly crawled towards him. Eyes of molten gold caught and held his gaze and Max’s heart began to pound harder. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out but a soft moan.

  “You are dying. Do you understand?”

  The voice, with its deep growling quality, sent a shaft of lightning through his gut and into his groin. He remembered this man from before. He’d saved him. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why.

  “Do you understand what I am telling you?”

  Max tried to follow the conversation and nodded his head stiffly. If he was dying, why did the man save him? Unless he hadn’t. Was he waiting for Max to die to eat him? God, he hoped not.

  “The only way your body can process the Zargat venom is if you are penetrated during sex. Do you understand?”

  Max gasped as a spasm shook his body and sweat poured off him to drench the bedding. His hips lunged at the air as he gripped the sheets. He tried to stop, but his body wouldn’t follow his orders. A hoarse cry burst from his mouth when a large hand closed around his overly sensitive cock. He forced his gaze to where Darke lay beside him. When did he lie down? The male had his hand wrapped around Max’s erection and pulled roughly, causing him to come up off the bed. Fuck, it hurt, but in a really good way. He’d always needed to be handled more forcefully, but most women couldn’t or wouldn’t. This man, on the other hand, knew what to do without being told.

  Max closed his eyes to block out the sight. He wasn’t into men, but damn he needed so bad. He shuddered as a hot wet mouth replaced the hand and, through sweat-drenched eyes, he looked to find Darke licking him gently. Without thinking, Max grasped the other male’s hair and began to drive his cock into the warm wet cavern of his mouth. He whimpered as the male swallowed him whole and forced his legs apart to pull on his balls.

  The man’s hair moved over him as if caught in some type of current. The thick mass curled around his arms and thighs and began to massage him. Max panted, as tears gathered in his eyes. Shit, he needed to come. The urge was so great he thought it would kill him whether he did or not. He drew his knees up and began to force his cock deeper into the male’s mouth. Though it felt amazing, he wasn’t tipping over the edge. He needed more stimulation to gain the release he desperately sought.

  “Do something,” he yelled. Not sure what he wanted, but praying this male named Darke would deliver.

  The male growled deep in his chest and painfully twisted Max’s balls. Apparently, Darke had figured it out since Max finally went off, filling the other man’s mouth with his cum. He whimpered as Darke sucked firmly pulling his mouth away from his aching cock. Max struggled for breath as his body shook like he was seizing. Painfully, he rolled onto his side and pulled his knees up to his chest. Even after the mind-blowing orgasm, his body ached and burned for more.

  “What is your name?”

  Max forced his eyes open to stare at the other man. He’d almost forgotten about him, but how, since his cock has been in his mouth? Fuck, he was messed up. “Max,” he whispered. “Max Whitfield.”

  “Do you know how you came to Thorash?”

  He shook his head. “My unit was in Afghanistan. Some kind of explosion. I don’t know.” Max watched the other male closely. High sharp cheekbones, a thin aquiline nose and those brilliant gold eyes created an arresting image he found he couldn’t look away from. Slowly, he reached out a hand to touch Darke’s face and the other man froze. Max wasn’t sure what he was doing, but since he was dying, he didn’t have anything to lose.

  He moved his fingers gently over Darke’s cheek and down his neck. Though it couldn’t easily be seen, the man was covered in a thin layer of baby soft fur. Darke closed his eyes and allowed Max to explore down his chest where Darke finally ended it by grabbing him by a talon-tipped hand. Max knew he probably should be frightened or, at the very least, wary, but he felt none of those emotions. The only thing he was aware of was his body’s need to fuck, and how soft Darke’s body was.

  “Do you want to live?” Darke opened his eyes and stared at him.

  “Why do you care?” Max blinked, surprised the question popped out. No one cared about him. He had no family left at home to worry about him. The Corps was his family and had been since he’d entered right out of school.

  “I do not know.” The other man shook his head, not breaking eye contact. “But I cannot let you die. Let me save your life.”

  Max rolled away as intense pain shot from his chest and radiated throughout his body. His heart stuttered, and for a brief second he didn’t think it would keep beating. Gasping for breath, his heart finally kicked into an uneven galloping pattern.

  Roughly, Darke rolled Max to his chest and pushed a pillow under his hips. He yelled out at the touch of the fabric against his swollen dick. Unconsciously, he began to thrust his hips, knowing he’d get no satisfaction, but unable to stop. A hand pressed down in the centre of his back and the touch felt like a brand to his sensitive skin. He writhed and fought to pull away, but Darke easily held him in place.

  “Wait until I get inside you, khartag, you will grip my cock like a fist.” Darke whispered against his ear. Max shuddered, one part of him horrified, while the rest filled with a dark, secret joy. His mind grabbed onto the image of this strange male pushing his cock in his ass, and Max whimpered.

  Darke kept one hand pressed against Max’s back while he grabbed a bottle of oil with his tail. He uncorked the bottle and tipped it onto his fingers. Pushing Max’s legs wider, he moved up and slid an oil soaked digit into Max’s ass. Slowly, he began to ease it in and out. Max moaned as he began to work himself against Darke’s hand. Pouring more oil, Darke forced two fingers into Max and scissored them open. Normally, he wouldn’t rush an untried male, but Max didn’t have the time. The longer Darke waited, the closer Max came to dying.

  Darke coated his cock with oil, enjoying the feel of his rough pads. He knew, though, Max’s ass would feel much better. Darke grabbed Max by the hips and pulled him up onto his knees. He struggled, but Darke was too strong to allow him to go anywhere. Leaning forward, Darke positioned his cock at the entrance of Max’s ass and pushed. Max fought harder, but Darke leant forward and palmed his dick. He gripped it tightly and pulled as he pushed into Max’s body.

  Max whimpered and began to shove himself back into Darke’s cock. He didn’t want to hurt him, but Darke gritted his teeth as he sank farther into the tight hot opening. Taking his hand from Max’s cock, he wrapped his arms around the straining male to control him. Darke wanted this to feel good for Max, not cause him more pain. He replaced his hand with this tail and wrapped it firmly around Max’s throbbing dick.

  Max gripped the sheets under his body as Darke shoved his monster cock up his ass. The rational part of his mind screamed at him to run, fight, whatever it took to get away. Nevertheless, the majority wanted to stay and revel in the painful pleasure Darke gave him. No one had ever taken charge in bed before. He’d never allowed it. Now he was on the receiving end and could do nothing to stop it, even if he wanted to.

  Max gasped as a tightly furred band gripped his dick. He spread his legs farther
apart and began to work his cock back and forth in the fur. As he moved, he could feel Darke sink farther and farther into his body. As he did, he hit something deep inside Max causing him to jerk and moan. Whatever Darke hit, sent pleasure shooting through his body. He wanted it to happen again, had to have it again. He twisted and shoved until Darke’s heavy balls slapped against his own.

  “Please, please,” he whispered.

  “What, khartag, tell what you want of me?” Darke draped himself over Max’s back and licked his ear.

  “I need.” Max couldn’t think of exactly what he needed, but up until this point Darke had seemed to know. He hoped he still did.

  Darke nipped him on the shoulder. “I know, let me give it to you.”

  Without waiting for an answer, Darke sat back and withdrew his cock from Max’s body. Max fought him, not wanting him to leave. But Darke easily held him and shoved forward again to seat himself more fully into Max’s body. Max began to frantically move with Darke, slapping himself harder and harder back against the large male as the soft, firm grip on his dick tightened.

  Every time he shoved back, Darke ran across the place deep in his ass that sent bolts of lightning through his body. Sweat ran off him as his temperature soared, but he kept up the relentless pace wanting, needed the punishing rhythm. Max stiffened and gasped as Darke slammed home one last time. Hard jets of semen shot out of the other male’s cock deep into his ass, and Max yelled as his own orgasm hit.

  Impossibly, Darke remained hard after the orgasm, and he continued the impossible pace the two of them set. Max could do nothing but hang on as his cock again got hard. He slid down until his chest rested against the bed putting his ass higher in the air. The position gave Darke the opportunity to go deeper and Max bit the sheets to keep from yelling. The angle and the depth of entry made him wish this would never end, it felt so fucking right.

  Whatever was around his cock tightened as Darke fell over his body and bit him on the shoulder. Max could contain himself no longer and screamed as another orgasm tore through him. He felt Darke go off right after him as another load of semen shot into his body. Max’s legs gave out and he laid spread eagle on the bed with Darke still embedded in his ass. The large male turned them on their sides, and he cradled Max close as they both tried to catch their breath.

  Max closed his eyes as the crushing pain dissipated. Sleep stole over him as Darke murmured words he could not understand. Finally, sleep claimed him and he surrendered, a very willing victim.

  Chapter Three

  Max opened bleary eyes and blinked to clear his vision. He felt as if a tank had rolled over him since he hurt from head to toes. His brain moved sluggishly as he tried to remember what’d happened. Had he been in a fire fight? Bar fight? His mind refused to call up any memories and he didn’t have the energy to look around at where he was. Obviously, he was on some type of bed since he could feel a soft blanket under his body, but beyond that, he didn’t have a clue.

  Max let his eyes close again, but his mind refused to shut off now it was awake. He’d always fought insomnia, but in recent years, it’d gotten worse. On a normal night, he probably slept no more than two or three hours. Though his body still refused to cooperate, his mind clicked into gear, beginning to gather what information it could. Though he ached everywhere, the pain centred mostly on his neck. He wondered if he had been shot, but didn’t think so. The next painful areas were his shoulder and ass. There wasn’t pain exactly but a deep ache in both areas. Why would his ass hurt? He couldn’t think… His eyes flew open as the memories of last night returned in an avalanche. He’d had sex with a man. No, not a man, some type of daemon with claws, fangs, and fur. He distinctly remembered the hair. Impossibly, his cock stirred as he remembered how the soft pelt felt as he rubbed against the hard male body.

  “You are awake.”

  The raspy voice from his dreams spoke from behind him and Max rolled quickly to his back. Golden eyes met his own hazel, and Max blushed remembering what this man had done to him last night. All night. The male sat up, unashamed in his nakedness, and quirked a brow.

  “You have nothing to say, khartag?”

  “What do you keep calling me?” The question popped out before Max could think.

  The male pursed his lips. “It is a Carthus word, like an endearment.”

  “Where am I?” Max forced his body upright to sit against the headboard of the bed.

  “I will feed you, and we will talk.” The male rose from the bed and left the room, his tail swishing as he walked.

  Tail? The man had a tail? Max drew his knees up to rest his face against them. Nothing made sense. One minute he was in Afghanistan, and the next he was begging to be fucked in the ass by some alien. Maybe he had lost his mind and was in the hospital. He looked up as the other man re-entered the room carrying a tray loaded with plates and cups. He set his burden on the bed and climbed back in to sit beside Max, as if they did this all the time.

  “You are in Thorash. I am Darke.” He poured thick black liquid into a cup and handed it to Max. “You were at the slave market.”

  Max sipped at the cup surprised to find a beverage very close to coffee, but a bit stronger. “I remember. They took us there to sell. What about my men?” Max looked up to meet Darke’s eyes. “They were there too. Three of them from my unit.”

  “I only saw you. I am sorry.” Darke cut and arranged the food on the tray and handed Max a plate. “Eat. It would please me to feed you.”

  Max hesitated, but took the plate. Darke nodded, but the agitated way his tail moved made Max think accepting food was more important than only eating. Max picked up a piece of what looked like bread and bit into it. A sweet honey texture flowed over his tongue and he hummed with pleasure. He hadn’t realised how hungry he was until he’d began to eat. Darke gave a small smile and nodded as he dug into his own plate.

  As soon as Max finished, Darke piled more food on his plate and Max continued to eat. The longer he ate, the longer he was able to put off talking to this person he’d been intimate with. He’d woken up with women he didn’t know, but never a man. The worst part was he remembered every single moment with this man. He clenched his asshole, remembering the feel of Darke filling him until he couldn’t tell the difference between pleasure and pain. In the deepest part of his soul, he had enjoyed it, wanted it again, but he wasn’t into men. Had never thought about being with a man until meeting the one sitting next to him. There hadn’t been a conscious decision on his part to engage in sex. The venom had forced the issue. Do it or die. He’d choose to live any day. But the next time—What the hell? There wasn’t going to be a next time. Right?

  “You think too much,” Darke growled softly.

  Max looked up to find the other male watching him. He swallowed and swiped a tongue over his suddenly dry lips. Darke watched his every move, making a small rumbling noise deep in his throat. Max’s cock stirred and he wanted to shove a pillow over it to make it stop. But he couldn’t move, pinned in place by the mesmerising eyes watching every move he made. Never had another person looked at him the way this man did. As if he wanted to eat him up, savouring each bite as he did it.

  “Look, I don’t know what happened yesterday. But I don’t sleep with men. I don’t like men that way.” Max finally spoke, forcing out each word. “Obviously, we did, but this isn’t something I do.”

  Darke’s face went blank, and he nodded. “You were stung by a Zargat. They hide deep within the rocks, but the Gorsh often keep them as pets. The venom is extremely potent and dangerous, but they use it to force unwilling females to yield. They use it on males as torture.”

  “You said I would die.”

  “If the person stung does not receive an ejaculate, he or she will die. The Gorsh have no use for men at all so they use it to torture especially hard to control slaves. Sets an example for the others.” He rose and pulled the tray off the bed. “I will find you something to wear.”

  Max leant back watching Darke�
��s abrupt departure. For some reason, Max’s gut and chest hurt at the thought he may have upset the other male. Hell, he didn’t even know him. Sure, they’d fucked, but other than his name, he was a complete stranger. He rolled his eyes. What the shit? It didn’t matter whether he knew the guy or not. He didn’t sleep with men willingly. Yeah, and if kept talking, he would maybe begin to believe it.

  Darke washed and quickly dressed, unsure of why he felt the way he did. Angry. Hurt. Lonely. All of those feelings were foreign since Carthus were a very solitary race. He didn’t need anyone around, didn’t want anyone around. Why did Max’s words and actions, which spoke of rejection, bother him so much?

  He didn’t have time for this. Someone was illegally bringing beings in from other dimensions, and he had to find out who it was. The male, Max, could help him in the investigation. And once it was over, Darke would find someone to transport him back to his home. It was the least he could do since Max hadn’t asked to be brought here.

  “Do you need to get cleaned up?” Darke spoke as he came back into the main room. There, he found Max sitting on the side of the bed, feet dangling off, looking pale and shaky. Instinctively, Darke moved forward and knelt by his side. “What is wrong?”

  “I feel like shit.” Max braced his arms on his legs and grimaced. “I guess that’s what almost dying does for a guy.”

  “Let me help you shower and dress. The venom put your body through quite a bit. It will most probably take a while for you to recover.” Darke waited, sure Max would not allow him to help. But the other male surprised him by nodding his head and placing a hand on Darke’s shoulder.

  The mere touch sent shocks of heat through Darke’s body. Why? What made this male special above all others, male or female, he had been with? Standing, he placed an arm around Max’s waist and helped him to the shower. The whole time, Darke tried to ignore the naked body pressed to his side. Max was probably tall for a human, over six feet, but was a head shorter than Darke. In fact, Max fit perfectly under his chin. His body was sleekly muscled with a small dusting of dark hair on his chest that matched the dark hair he wore tightly cropped on his head. Darke wanted nothing more than to lay him down on the bed and lick him starting at his chin and moving all the way down his body to his toes. Tendrils of Darke’s hair began to stroke Max’s naked back and he forced them back into the customary braid he wore. He didn’t need to scare the male any more than he probably already was.


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