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by I. T. Lucas

  She sighed, but it wasn’t a sad sigh. “I sense so much love in you. Your heart has a boundless capacity for feelings. I hope the Fates bless your union with many children. They will be loved and cherished.”

  Jackson looked into the goddess’s warm, smiling eyes. “Is this a blessing, or a prediction?”

  “Both.” She leaned and kissed his forehead. “Do not tell anyone I was here. My presence in the keep is known only to the Guardians and council members, and it needs to stay that way.”

  Tessa would’ve loved to see the goddess. But now he couldn’t even tell her. Jackson hesitated for a split second before asking, “Can I tell Tessa? Knowing that you came to see her will mean so much to her.”

  Annani turned her head to look at the sleeping girl. “I will do better than that. I will wake her.”

  Jackson was speechless. He hadn’t expected Annani to be so accommodating. The rumors painted her as unyielding, a prima donna that had to have her way in all things—as was her due. After all, she was the last remaining goddess and the mother of their clan. They were lucky she wasn’t a tyrant, and that her demands weren’t too outrageous.

  As Annani walked over to the bed in that floating way she moved, Jackson looked down at her feet, checking if they were even touching the floor, but her cloak was too long, dragging on the floor behind her.

  She leaned and kissed Tessa’s forehead. “Wake up, sleeping beauty.”

  Annani laughed at her own joke, the sound of her laughter so sweet it sent shivers up and down Jackson’s spine. There was an unearthly quality to her voice, especially when she sang or laughed.

  From the other side of the bed, Jackson saw Tessa crack her eyes open, and then open them wider. “Am I dead? Are you an angel?”

  Annani laughed again. “If I am, then I am a very naughty one.”

  “Your voice is so beautiful. It sounds like little crystal bells.” Tessa reached out a hand to touch a lock of Annani’s hair. “So soft.” She lifted her eyes back to Annani’s face. “Are you here to escort me to the other side?”

  The Goddess smiled and patted Tessa’s cheek. “You are not dead, child, and I am not an angel. But I am a goddess. I am sure you heard about me. I am Annani, otherwise known as Clan Mother.”

  Tessa gasped and pushed back on the bed. “Oh, my, God. I mean Goddess.” She turned frantic eyes to Jackson. “What am I supposed to do?”

  Annani patted her cheek again. “Nothing at all except get better. I came to give you my blessing, but you are doing splendidly without it.” She leaned closer. “You and Jackson are already blessed beyond measure. Your love for each other shines like a thousand suns.”

  Chapter 58: Brundar

  A text arrived at three in the morning, or rather night, waking Brundar from the short nap he’d allowed himself. Calypso was still sleeping for long stretches at a time, and he was afraid that during one of them she would slip into unconsciousness. Which meant that he kept checking on her throughout the night.

  He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen.

  The text was from Kian. Congratulations. Best news I’ve got in a long time, Kian wrote at six o'clock in the morning Hawaiian time. An apology for the way he’d kicked out Calypso was apparently too much to expect from the guy.

  Fucking Anandur. He was supposed to keep his mouth shut.

  Brundar dozed off for what seemed like a few minutes when another text came in, jarring him awake. This time from Syssi. I’m so happy for both of you. This is a miracle, and it deserves a grand celebration. Tell Callie we are going to have one as soon as I’m back from Hawaii.

  Apparently, Anandur hadn’t told them about the wedding plans. Maybe he’d misunderstood, thinking that he wasn’t supposed to talk about that but telling Kian and Syssi about Calypso’s transition was okay.

  He would give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, he owed his brother not only his life but Calypso’s as well. For as long as he lived, Brundar was never going to forget Anandur’s arrival at the scene at Shawn’s house.

  He fired a couple of quick thanks to both and closed his eyes again. When he opened them again, it was seven in the morning.

  Frantically, Brundar pushed to his feet and clasped Calypso’s hand, relaxing when she squeezed back.

  “What time it is?” she mumbled.


  “Morning or evening? I lost track of time.”


  Calypso swung her legs over the side of the bed and got up.

  He was at her side in the blink of an eye. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m going to the bathroom.”

  “Let me help you.”

  “No, I can do it. I feel strong.”

  “Can I come with you anyway? I know you need help with your panties.”

  She smiled. “If I can’t manage, I’ll call for you to come in. Okay?”

  He didn’t have much choice. The woman was trying to prove something. “I’ll stand outside the door.”

  Calypso rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

  He listened as she used the toilet, then washed her uninjured hand and brushed her teeth, all while having only one arm to work with. Stubborn woman. He could’ve made it so much easier for her.

  “Brundar,” she finally called out.

  He opened the door.

  “Can you find me a hairbrush? My hair looks like a bird’s nest.”

  “I’ll ask Bridget. But first I want to see you get in bed without falling down and breaking more bones.”

  She smiled sheepishly. “If everything heals as fast as those cuts and bruises, then I have nothing to worry about. Look at my face.” She pointed with her good hand. “Perfect.”

  “I agree.” He guided her back to the bed and helped her up.

  “Can you find me a cup of coffee too?”

  “I’ll ask Bridget if it’s okay.”

  “Ask Bridget what?” The doctor walked in.

  “I want coffee,” Calypso said. “And food. I’m starving.”

  “All taken care of.” The doctor turned her head towards the door. “You can come in, Amanda. Callie is awake.”

  Amanda sauntered in pushing a loaded cart in front of her. “Good morning, darlings. My butler prepared breakfast for you.”

  Calypso eyed it hungrily. “Thank you and your butler. I would kill for a cup of coffee.”

  Amanda lifted the carafe. “No need to kill anyone.” She poured dark liquid into the cup. “Cream and sugar?”

  “Yes, please.”

  She fixed Calypso’s coffee and handed it to her. “You take yours black, right?” she asked Brundar.

  He nodded.

  “Here you go.” She handed him a steaming mug.

  Calypso took a few grateful sips, then looked at Bridget. “Do you have a hairbrush I can borrow?”

  “I got you covered, girl.” Amanda pulled out a large paper bag from the cart’s lower shelf and put it on the bed. “A brush and a change of clothes. No bra, I’m afraid. Mine wouldn’t fit you.”

  “Thank you. You’re awesome.” Calypso got off the bed with surprising ease. “I’m going to change and brush my hair. I need to feel human again.” She giggled. “But I’m not, am I?”

  Bridget lifted a hand. “Not yet. I want to remove your cast, and it will get messy. You’ll need a shower after that.”

  “Are you sure the bone is already mended?”

  “If you still need a little support, I’ll give you a sling. Eat something first, though. You said you were starving.”

  A few minutes later, when Calypso was done with a sandwich and another cup of coffee, Bridget shooed Brundar and Amanda out. “And take the cart with you. I need room to move.”

  “How did you know we were here?” Brundar asked as they stepped out into the waiting room.

  “Anandur told Syssi, and Syssi told Nathalie and me, and we told everyone else. You know how the rumor machine works.”

  Damnation. Now he wou
ldn’t have a moment’s peace.

  As if to prove him right, there was a knock on the waiting room’s door.

  “Come in,” Amanda said.

  The Guardians piled into the small room, sucking up all the air, or at least it felt like it to Brundar. The anxious knot in his gut refused to ease even though Calypso was doing exceptionally well. Everything was happening so fast and so unexpectedly, Brundar was having a hard time adjusting to his new reality.

  Yesterday morning Calypso was a human, and they had zero prospects as a couple, and now they were talking forever.

  Several embraces and backslaps later, the questions began.

  “How did you find her?”

  “Did you know she was Dormant?”

  “Did you suspect?”

  He tried to answer them patiently. After all, these men and Kri were almost like brothers and sister to him.

  “When can we see your mystery woman?” Bhathian asked.

  Amanda crossed her arms over her chest. “Not today, gentleman and lady. Give the girl a breather. Once she is ready, Brundar will invite you over to his apartment. Right, Brundar?”

  “Right.” As long as it got them to leave as soon as possible, he was willing to promise a lot of things.

  Amanda uncrossed her arms and headed for the door as well. “I need to get going, or I’ll be late to my morning class. I’ll call you when I’m back. Oh, and Annani told me that she wants to talk to you. Not right now, but at your earliest convenience.”

  Brundar frowned. “Do you know what she wants?”

  “Probably to give you some words of wisdom and ask about a wedding date.” She winked.

  He was going to strangle Anandur. “Why? What did you hear?”

  “Nothing. But Calypso is your true-love match, and I assume you would like to make it official at some point.”

  “What about you and Dalhu? You guys don’t seem in a hurry.”

  “We are very comfortable the way we are.” She pushed the door handle down. “Do whatever feels right for you and Calypso. You can get married tomorrow, or next week, or in a year, or never. It doesn't matter. The bond between you is indestructible.”

  For some reason, Amanda’s words managed to ease the knot in his gut. He didn’t know whether it was the reassurance that he and Calypso would never have to part, or the realization that they didn’t need to rush into a wedding only because Annani was there. They had all the time in the world.

  He was about to head back into the recovery room when there was another knock on the door. Who the hell was it this time?

  He yanked it open. “Carol. You heard too?”

  She flung herself into his arms, and he had no choice but to catch her. What had gotten into her? She knew he didn’t like to be touched.

  Surprisingly, though, he felt no revulsion, not even the slightest discomfort.

  Carol was family, and she was excited for him. He hugged her back.

  He hadn’t expected her to burst into tears. “What’s the matter? Aren't you happy for me?”

  “I’m ecstatic.” She pulled away and plopped down on one of the chairs. “Those are tears of joy, Brundar. Sometimes females get overemotional, and the only way to let the pressure out is to cry.”

  He sat next to her. “Are you still trying to teach me how to interpret emotions?”

  She shrugged. “You need it now more than ever. This is just the beginning for you. Relationships need constant work.”

  “Calypso knows who and what I am.”

  Carol threw him a sidelong glance. “Does she, now?”

  He frowned. “What are you trying to say?”

  She sighed. “I get you, Brundar. More than you realize. We are both survivors. I haven’t told anyone the complete story of what was done to me. I can’t. Not because I’m ashamed, or anything like that, but because to talk about it would mean to relive it. But if one day I’m lucky enough to find my true love match, I’ll have to tell him.”


  “True love means true acceptance. The good, the bad, and the ugly.”

  Chapter 59: Callie

  Callie’s arm was healed.

  In fact, she hadn’t felt so good in a long time. After what she’d suffered at Shawn’s hands, the visible bruising had been only part of the story. She’d been aching all over and putting a brave face on it because it was nothing compared to Brundar’s injuries.

  “I think I’ll head into the shower now,” she told Bridget.

  “By all means. As far as I’m concerned, you’re free to go. But just in case those blackouts return, I want you to stay in the keep for a few days, and absolutely no driving.”

  “I know. I wouldn’t dare.”

  “Good, and please stop by my office on your way out. I’ll print out a list of instructions for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Bridget patted her shoulder.

  In the bathroom, Callie dropped the johnny on the floor and examined what she could see in the vanity mirror. The bruising was all gone, but she had somehow lost a lot of weight over the last twenty-four hours. Her skin was stretched over her protruding ribs. Not a sexy look. She needed to go on a calorie-dense diet.

  Other than that she was still the same Callie. Same color eyes, same messy hair, same everything. Apparently, the change didn’t make people look better.

  Don’t be greedy, Callie. You’re an immortal, and so is the man you love.



  Life was sure stranger than fiction.

  Except, standing in front of the mirror and staring at her reflection wasn’t going to help her wrap her head around this new reality she’d found herself in. In the meantime, life went on, and she needed to get busy to keep from freaking out.

  Step one, shower.

  When she was done, Callie put on the clothes Amanda had so thoughtfully lent her. They were nothing fancy, a pair of black leggings and a black T-shirt, but the labels were enough to make Callie suck in a breath. She’d never even tried on anything like that. A pair of new panties with the price tag still attached, another sticker shocker, but no bra. No big deal. The T-shirt was loose and the fabric substantial. Unless someone looked closely, it was hard to tell Callie wasn’t wearing one.

  She pulled her wet hair back, tucking it behind her ears, and opened the door to the recovery room.

  Brundar was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest and his legs at the ankles. “You look good.”

  “Thank you.” She looked down at her outfit. “I’ve never worn anything so expensive in my life.”

  “I’m not talking about your clothes.” He pushed off the wall and sauntered toward her, the predatory gleam in his eyes giving her pause. He’d told her a lot yesterday, but that was only the tip of the iceberg. She knew so little about the man she’d fallen in love with.

  God, he’d proposed last night, but he hadn’t told her he loved her yet. Not that she doubted he did, but she needed to hear him say it.

  As he pulled her into his arms and kissed her, hungrily, savagely, crushing her to him, Callie realized that he’d been holding back until now, mindful of her human fragility. How strong was she anyway?

  Suddenly, she was reminded of Donnie’s story about Brundar lifting an SUV with one hand. How strong was he?

  “Ready to go home?”

  “Bridget said I need to stay here for a few days.”

  “I know. I was talking about my and Anandur’s apartment.”

  “Oh. Let me just pick up my things.” Using the same bag Amanda had brought her change of clothes in, Callie put in the sweats and underwear Bridget had gotten for her in the hospital’s gift shop and her purse that the paramedic had pulled out of her wrecked car, then went to the bathroom for the toothbrush Bridget had given her.

  “Now I’m ready.” Sort of.

  Callie still felt as if she’d been transported into a parallel universe.

  On their way out, they stop
ped at Bridget’s office for the set of instructions.

  Bridget handed them to Brundar. “Make sure she follows this. Especially the part about the food.” She pointed a finger at Callie. “Your body needs a lot of calories for what it is doing. This is not the time to think about your figure.”

  Callie waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t worry. I don’t like seeing my own ribs. I’m going to indulge in every sinful dish I skipped over because it was too fattening.”

  That had proven to be a bit of a problem, as she’d discovered looking into Brundar’s empty fridge. “I see that Anandur went back to his old ways after I left. All you have is beer and peanut butter. Nothing else.”

  “I’ll get us something from the café downstairs.”

  She shook her head. “I don't want more sandwiches. I want real food. Can you stop at a grocery store and get me some supplies?”

  “I want you to rest, not cook. I’ll bring takeout from wherever you want.”

  Given the stubborn expression on his face, it was pointless to argue. She would let him win today, but tomorrow she was going to cook no matter what. She would find someone to bring her groceries. Perhaps Amanda could lend Callie her butler.

  “Can you also stop by our apartment and bring me more clothes? And my lotions and my hairbrush.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Shoes. And socks. My nightshirt. And don't forget panties and bras.”

  A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Is that all?”

  “I can’t think of anything else right now. I’ll text you if I remember. But please, stop by a supermarket and at least get some eggs and butter and bread and a few vegetables. Maybe some cookies. If I’m to stay here for a few days, I don’t want to depend on takeout alone.”

  He nodded. “I can do that.”

  “Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and stretched to give him a kiss. “It’s strange to adjust to the reversal of roles. Again. First, you took care of me, then I took care of you, and now you’re taking care of me again.”

  “That’s what people who love each other do.”

  Did Brundar just say the L word?


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