Making Sense

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Making Sense Page 6

by Lila Rose

  She was as surprised and confused as I was about the whole situation.

  “She did not.” He glared.

  “She must have if you’re pulling this shit with my friend.”

  “Even if she wasn’t your friend, I’d still be pulling this shit. She’s a mother. Doesn’t matter how long she works in that place, someone in the school could find out and then there’d be trouble for her son and her.”


  Oh, wow.

  Okay, that had penetrated.

  And it did, hard.

  Vice Salvatore was taking care of me.

  Why in God’s name would he want to do that?

  He was confusing.

  My heart went wild in my chest. His words warmed me, yet terrified me. Why was the stunning man doing this to me, causing me to… God, like him, actually like him, when he’d been nothing but a tool around me.

  Sugarplum on toast.

  I was going gushy. I needed to get away from him. “Yes!” I shouted, their eyes coming to me. It was then I knew I should have kept my mouth shut and slunk off while they argued because as soon as I had his eyes, I was back in fantasyland seeing him naked.

  Look away, Adalyn, before it’s too late and you start drooling. Shifting my gaze to the drink in front of me, I noticed my hands shook, but I managed to grab it and twist it between my two hands without an accident.

  “Adalyn?” Molly asked.

  “I, uh, I mean. I’ll find another job,” I got out, eyes to my drink still. I heard Molly’s laughter behind me. Never should have opened my mouth. She knew from the muttering and gaze, I was, once again, a goner. And I shouldn’t be for goodness’ sake. He was still a douche, in some ways at least. Definitely domineering by ordering me around so much.

  “You don’t need another job. I already have one for you,” Vice bit out, his voice gruff and low, as if he was annoyed with me. Which he probably was. At least he didn’t know I was attracted to him. I had to admit to myself his pull never left. I just hid it behind my crazy when he peeved me off. So, if I took up the job he was offering, it wouldn’t work. I would become more infatuated with him, and since he already had a girlfriend, that would be awkward. He wasn’t interested, and it seemed he could be just looking out for me because I was his sister’s friend and a mother.

  Internally groaning, I realized I was rambling to myself and honestly had no clue if I was making any sense.

  Clearing my throat, I said, “Thank you, but no.”

  “Yes,” he demanded.

  “I can’t. The hours I work already are perfect for me.” There, that was a good enough excuse. I was sure his usual assistant would do nine to five, or later even. He seemed like he’d be a busy man.

  “Nine thirty to three, those were your hours, right?”

  “Yes.” I nodded.



  “Look at me when I speak to you,” he clipped.

  Stupid man.

  I could do it. I could look at him without swooning over his full lips, his tanned skin, his charcoal hair, buff body, and how he acted like I was important enough to take care of, and that Drew’s welfare, by giving me a job my son wouldn’t be ashamed of, was just as important.

  There it was. A lightbulb moment.

  He wasn’t doing it for me, but for Drew.

  Rolling my eyes at my stupidity, I looked up and glared. “What?” You stunning man, you. Darn you for letting me see you naked and for having a body of a Greek god.

  “You can do those hours as my assistant. Maggie will be back in a year. I’m sure we could keep it civil until then.”

  Why couldn’t he just give up?

  Even though I fought with my own body, my cheeks heated, and I wanted to glance away, but I couldn’t. His good looks weren’t going to win over me.

  Bloody heck, I sounded like one mixed-up woman, and it was all because of the man in front of me. Honestly, why was I fighting so hard? Because I was attracted to him? I had to think of Drew. And Vice was right about one thing: if any parent or teacher saw me working in the adult store, things could get out, and boys were little monsters when they wanted to be. Then again, if they knew I was working for a man who made porn, it would still be a problem. God, I was so flipping confused.

  “Wouldn’t working for you be just as bad as working in an adult store?”

  “No.” He shook his head.

  Was he going to elaborate? When he sat back and just stared me down, I knew he wouldn’t continue.

  Thankfully, Molly did. “What my brother is saying without words, is that he doesn’t run his productions company. His minions do that. His other business of buying and selling companies is the one Vice mans.”

  “Oh” was all I said. So the job would be as a legit assistant for an aboveboard business. “Fine,” I stated, and my tone sounded like I wasn’t fine with it at all because I wasn’t since I knew working so close to Vice would drive me crazier.

  “Good,” he barked, as if now I’d said yes, he wasn’t sure about the whole deal himself. “You start tomorrow. Molly will give you the address.” He stood.

  “Mom, can I have more money for the machines?” Drew asked, stopping beside Vice. He then looked up, and up, until he met Vice’s gaze. “Hey, I’m Drew.”

  “Hi, Drew, I’m Vice. Your Mom’s—”

  “Boyfriend?” Drew blurted.

  “No!” I cried, then laughed awkwardly.

  Both Vice and Drew were looking at me. Drew with a smile and Vice with his brows raised. Molly was still behind me, and once again laughing. Yes, I was a real clown. Ha de har ha.

  “Drew, honey. Mr. Salvatore is my boss.”

  “Oh, cool.” He glanced back to Vice, and when he saw he didn’t have his attention because Vice was still looking down at me glaring, he tugged at his sleeve. “You play basketball? You’re really tall. I like basketball. I had my first game yesterday. We lost, but Mom said I still did a good job. Hey, you should come to my next game. That’s if you like basketball.”

  Where was a gag when I needed one?

  My son, my sweet boy, who didn’t know I had a crush and also disliked my boss—well, except for his penis—had just invited him along to watch basketball. I wanted to cry in frustration.

  When Vice smiled down at Drew, I clenched my legs together. His smile was amazing.

  “I used to play ball in college. Haven’t for a while. I like to box.”


  “Yes. Still, I’d enjoy coming to watch you sometime, just not sure when.”

  Say what now?

  Did Vice understand when saying something to a child they take it for truth? He couldn’t tell Drew he’d be there and then not show.

  “Cool.” Drew’s grin grew wider. “Mom, hear that? Mr. Vice said he’d come watch me.”

  My expression warmed at his excitement. “I did, honey. And I think you should call him Mr. Salvatore.”

  “Vice won’t mind Drew calling him Vice,” Molly put in, not helping me at all.

  “Fine with me,” the man himself added.


  “Hey,” I called, Drew’s stare came from Vice to me. “How about another half hour and then we go get some lunch?” I grabbed some money out of my purse and handed it to him.

  “Okay. Hey, Mr. Vice, do you want to come have lunch with us?” Mr. Vice. I wanted to laugh at how cute my boy was adding in the Mr. Though, I was too busy praying to Satan to come up and take his minion back to hell. Meaning Vice, not my son. Though, there were days I did wonder about Drew.

  “Drew,” I started with an urgent tone. I calmed it, smiled, then added, “I’m sure Mr. Salvatore is busy.”

  “Actually, I am. So I’ll take a raincheck on basketball and lunch.”

  “Cool,” Drew cheered, which caused Vice to chuckle. My body shuddered.

  Vice looked to me, and said, “Tomorrow.”

  Nodding, I offered up a lame wave. He said a quick goodbye to Drew and Molly,
then left. Once Drew took off on a run to play all the games he could in half an hour, Molly took Vice’s vacant seat, and asked, “You all right?”

  “What just happened?”

  “My brother happened. Just some advice, my brother always gets his way.”

  “Why would he want the likes of me working for him?”

  She shrugged; however, I saw the glint of something in her eyes. She had an idea, but she wasn’t going to share it, and I wasn’t sure I would like what she thought anyway.

  “What do I wear?”

  “Dresses, skirts, slacks, blouses.”

  “Darn, no jeans?”

  “No jeans.”

  “My life couldn’t get any worse.”

  “Chin up, honey. I’m sure it’ll get better.”

  “When murder comes into it.”

  “Pfft, please. And all those flushed faces, mutterings and not meeting his gaze meant nothing. You like my brother.”

  Scoffing, I slumped in the seat and shook my head. “No. I don’t.”

  She made a rude gesture with her hand, like she was jerking off. I grabbed her hand and slammed it on the table. “Kids are around.”

  She pulled her hand free and patted the top of mine. “I wish you luck for tomorrow. Man, I can’t wait to tell Clint about this.”

  Why would she wish me luck?

  Actually, she was right. I would need all the luck in the world to get through my first day of being around Vice Salvatore for five and a half hours.

  I may also need to take a change of panties, some earmuffs, and boxing gloves, or just a sharp knife. Then a body bag for when he peeves me off and I kill him.

  God, what was he thinking?

  And what was I thinking by agreeing?



  With lack of sleep, I made my way to the elevator from the underground parking garage ready to start my new job. A sure sign a panic attack was looming was how my hands shook as I pressed the button and waited for the door to open to then take me to the twentieth floor. Where Vice Salvatore would be.

  The man hadn’t even asked if I could do assistant work. For all he knew about me, I was only good at selling sex toys. What would I have to do as his assistant? I could make a mean cup of coffee, and answering phones was simple enough. Did I have to file? Would I be any good at it? Then again, it couldn’t be any harder than when I took care of John’s bookkeeping.


  My breaths came faster and faster as the bell chimed for the arrival of the elevator and the doors slid open. This is it. Doom day. Disaster day. Death day. Any of those I was sure would be appropriate.

  Stepping into the elevator, I pressed the number. My legs shook, and since my hands were still dancing their own jig, I tucked them under my armpits. My bag slipped from my shoulder, but I left it and closed my eyes breathing deeply through my nose and then out my mouth.

  I needed to calm down or I would have sweat stains on my white blouse. Molly had said I looked great when I sent her a photo of myself dressed that morning. I again glanced down at my dark knee-length pencil skirt and second-guessed my choice. Not only were the clothes a little restricting, but I wore heels. Heels and I weren’t friends because they always seemed to trip me up.

  Mom had been giddy with the news of me getting out of the adult store. In fact, I was sure she was half in love with Vice already, and she hadn’t even met him. She also assured me I looked amazing for my first day. Then she suggested I undo more buttons on my blouse to give the girls breathing room. Which was when I told her for the millionth time Vice Salvatore was annoying, bossy, my boss, plus Molly’s brother. In other words, he was off limits.

  The doors opened, and I had the sudden urge to vomit as I stepped out and into a room full of hustle and bustle.

  “Hi, welcome to Tore Corporation. My name’s Kylie, how can I help you?” a woman in her twenties asked at the front desk, just outside the elevator doors.

  Walking up, I smiled. I knew it was a shaky one. “Yes, hi. I’m Adalyn Wallis and—”

  “Ah, you’re Mr. Salvatore’s assistant.” Her eyes ran over my body, and I saw the nasty smirk before she stood. “Follow me, please.” She walked around her long desk and then ducked behind the divider to the rest of the room. I quickly moved to catch up with her.

  She swayed her hips as she moved throughout the room, saying hello to people as she went, and I saw those people give me a once-over. I was the new meat. I hated being new in any place because it felt like I had to prove myself. Oh well, if they liked me or didn’t I wouldn’t care. I was over caring about anyone unless they were close to me already, and then I would move mountains to make them happy.

  “This will be your desk. That’s Mr. Salvatore’s office. He’s in a phone meeting with a client right now so he won’t want to be disturbed. Make yourself comfortable and go over the list Maggie created of things that will need to be done during each day. She left it in the top drawer.” She turned, with a flick of her hair over her shoulder, only to spin back with a frown on her face. She asked, “You do know how to use a computer, right?”

  “How old do you think I am?” I blurted.

  She laughed. “About my mom’s age.”

  The rude little…. “I’m only thirty-seven.”

  “Yes, well.” She smiled and walked off.

  What I would’ve liked to do was teach her some manners, but since it was my first day, I ignored her jeer and went around my desk, sitting down on the swivel chair.

  I took hold of the handle of the drawer Kylie had pointed to; however, when I pulled, it only opened an inch. It seemed like it was stuck on something. I pushed it back in and then out again quickly. Again, it stopped. With my fingers, I felt in the small opening to see if I could find what was stopping the drawer to open but couldn’t find anything.

  Strange. Was there a trick to it?

  I tried wiggling it, shifting it from side to side and still it wouldn’t come all the way open. “You piece of poop. Open all the way,” I grumbled and glared down at it.

  Great, my first day and I couldn’t even open a drawer. No, I wouldn’t let some wood beat me. I grabbed the handle in a tight grip, banged my fist on the top of the desk and then with a big yank, I pulled it open. It came flying my way. I leaned back only way too far and, with the drawer still in my hand, it and I went shooting to the floor. Everything in the drawer tipped out all over me and my bruised butt.

  “Shit,” I snapped.

  Of course, with the commotion, the office door behind me came open. I glanced there and saw Vice standing in the doorway looking down at me. His eyes widened, his lips twitched.

  “Having fun?” he asked.

  Nodding, I pushed things off me and said, “Grand time.”

  A few other people, who had desks close by, come over. A woman in her fifties asked, “You all right, dear?”

  “Yes, thank you. Sorry to disturb everyone. The drawer was stuck.”

  A man, maybe in his forties, stepped up and held a hand out to me. “Let me help you. Maggie always had a hissy fit over the drawer, so don’t worry about it. Boss was supposed to replace it.” I took his hand in mine, and with ease and strength, he helped me to my feet again.

  “Thank you…”


  “Thanks, Henley. I’m Adalyn.”

  “Do you think we can all get back to work?” Vice snapped with his low growly tone.

  Henley smiled down at me, since he was another tall man, and said, “Enjoy a great first day.”

  “Thanks, I’ll try and not disturb anyone again.” I laughed.

  “All good. We won’t mind at all,” he replied before dropping my hand and walking off. I noticed his desk was only a few away from mine. At least two people, including the older woman, were nice. The others gave me dark looks and went back to what they were doing before I’d made a ruckus.

  Turning to Vice, I saw he had his usual evil stare going as he looked down at me. I offered hi
m a hesitant smile. “Sorry about that.”

  “Clean up the mess and get to work. I’m sure Kylie told you about Maggie’s list.”

  “She did.”

  “Good. I’ll have to call my client back now.”

  I winced. God, he’d probably been on an important call, and I’d interrupted it. It was no wonder he was in a foul mood. Then again, at first when he came out, he didn’t seem too upset. He was confusing. And people said it was women who had mood swings.

  The rest of the day went smoother than the morning. Actually, I hardly saw Vice, so that helped. He kept to his office, or if he did come out, it was either to head to a meeting or bark at me about something I needed to do for him. I ate my lunch at my desk, which thankfully I brought in since I wasn’t sure there would be anywhere close to buy lunch from. Deidre, the older woman who was nice to me, later told me there was a cafeteria on the first floor. It was good to know, except I didn’t want to leave the phones, and besides, I was only there for five and a half hours. I didn’t mind eating as I worked if it meant I got more work done. I found the work to be easy and similar to what I had done for John, so at least Vice wouldn’t find what I did lacking.

  I seriously had to stop with that word.

  By the time I finished, he wasn’t anywhere in sight. I said my goodbye to those who were friendly with me that day on the way out. I even waved to Kylie, the front desk girl, who in turn ignored me. With a shrug, I got onto the elevator and headed to pick up Drew, happy with myself and the job I’d done for the day. Truly, I was looking forward to continuing working there. It was challenging in its own way, and it seemed as though I wouldn’t have to see too much of Vice.

  The other great part about my new job, it was closer to Drew’s school and Mom’s house. When I worked in the adult store, I was usually five minutes late in picking up my son. That day I was early, so I parked in front and waited.

  When the bell rang, my son took extra-long to come out the front. He probably thought I would be late. When he walked out with Rick at his side, he spotted me, said goodbye and ran to the car.

  The back door opened. “Mom, you’re here already.”

  “Sure am. From now on I’ll be on time to pick you up.”


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