Deadly Encounter

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Deadly Encounter Page 7

by K. L. Humphreys

  “He’s right, what do you think you can achieve that the British Police can’t?” Mom can be a real bitch sometimes, and this is one of those times.

  I take a bite out of my grilled ham and cheese and grimace at the burning sensation on the roof of my mouth. “What you don’t know mom is that I co-own Smithy’s, I own an intelligence company. I know people, who know people who can find out information a hell of a lot quicker than the British police can.” I can’t keep the bitterness out of my voice.

  “Skye, we can’t lose you too. Not when I’ve finally gotten you back.” I’m engulfed into my dad’s arms as tears stream down my face. Damn pregnancy hormones!

  “Dad, I have to find Addi,” I tell him as I pull out of his arms and close up my suitcase. “I’m not coming home without her dad, no matter what.” It takes dad only a few seconds to realize I meant with her alive or I’ll be escorting her back in a body bag. I go to my safe and get my passport, and hear my cell buzz on the bed, Oscar’s outside waiting for me. “I have to go, I’ll call you tomorrow. Stay here, and Oscar will be by if you need anything.” I hug my dad, and he engulfs me in yet another hug, my mom is no longer in my room, she’s in the sitting room watching television by the sounds of it.

  “Be safe Skye and please call when you land.” He kisses my cheek, and I grab my cell off the bed and walk into the sitting room, dad following at my heels. “Barbara, Skye’s leaving now,” Dad tells her, and I really wished he hadn’t said anything, she doesn’t give a fuck, and she never did about any of us, dad included.

  “Bye, dad I’ll talk to you soon.” I don’t acknowledge mom, especially as she ignored dad when he told her I was leaving. I don’t wait for a response before I leave the house and see Oscar at the curb waiting for me. As soon as he sees me, he’s out of the car and walking over to me. He takes my suitcase and puts it in the trunk for me.

  We sit in silence for a while and the way Oscar keeps gripping the steering wheel I know he wants to ask me something and the longer he waits to ask me the more anxious I’m getting. The closer we get to the airport the quicker my heartbeat races, “For God’s sake, whatever it is you want to say, will you just hurry the hell up and say it.”

  He’s taken aback by my outburst, but it lights a gear up his ass, “Fine before we get to the airport are you going to tell me what the hell has been going on with you?”

  Now I’m the one taken aback, “What do you mean?” Yeah, I’m playing stupid right now, and although I’m pretty sure he suspects that I’m pregnant, he has no actual proof.

  “Don’t, after everything we’ve been through don’t pretend that you don’t know what I’m talking about. Are you pregnant?” How the hell did he know?

  “Did Sabine and Morgan tell you? I honestly thought they would have kept it a secret. It was Sabine who blabbed wasn’t it, she told Dwayne who told you?”

  “No one told me. I’m not blind Skye, you were sick for a long time, and now you’re completely fine even though the situation with Ryder hasn’t been resolved. So how far along are you?” He reaches over and squeezes my hand, something he always does to me; it’s weird because he never does it to anyone else. I know he does it to offer comfort and support. Sophia says it’s because he sees me as his little sister a lot more than he sees her that way. I think it’s because out of everyone in our team I was the one who took being captured the hardest. “We’ve all been around Soph who’s constantly pregnant to know the signs.” He sounds more hurt than anything.

  “Seventeen weeks. God, I didn’t tell anyone until I came home from London, I was so scared. I only told Morgan and Sabine because out of everyone we know they are the ones who aren’t close to all of us. They’re new to the group, and I thought by telling them I could get their opinion since they don’t really know either me or Ryder.” I try to explain, so he understands that it wasn’t personal.

  “I know Skye, and I get that, but you’ve been home a while now, why haven’t you told me or better yet Ryder?” There’s a slight disapproval in his tone when he asks why I haven’t told Ryder yet.

  “Ryder doesn’t want me, and I have come to terms with that. It hurts but it is what it is, and there’s nothing I can do to change that. However, if I tell him about our baby, he’s going to be his usual self and want to take over my life, and I can’t have that. So, I will tell Ryder when I’m damn ready and not when my sister is missing!” I didn’t mean to shout at him, but I need him to understand that I have to be the one to let Ryder know he’s about to become a father.

  “I won’t tell him, Skye. It’s not my place to, and I certainly won’t want to be the one to face his wrath when he finally does find out. He’s going to be pissed that you kept it a secret for so long.”

  “I know that he’s going to be angry, but right now I don’t have it in me to care. I need to find Addi, right now which is my main priority.” God, this is going to be such a mess when he does find out. I never set out to keep it a secret or to hurt him; I wanted to get used to the idea of being a mom first and then finding the courage to tell the man that I love that we’re going to have a baby and set down some rules.

  “Okay, I won’t say any more about it. Just look after yourself and please remember to eat!” He chastises me, and I know he’s thinking about back in the war room when I stood up and almost fell.

  “I will, I promise, and I do not doubt that you’ll be reminding me constantly!” Even though I say it as a joke, Oscar will actually do it. He’ll call me every day, and every time we’ll talk he’ll ask if I have eaten.

  “You bet I will, I know you’ll say you don’t want anyone else involved in helping you…”

  “I don’t, everyone has lives and jobs, we’re booked up Oscar, and with me gone it’ll pile even more work on everyone else. I can’t expect them to help me out when they’re already working so hard.” I interrupt him, and I know what I’m saying doesn’t matter; the look on his face is indication enough.

  “You’re family and we help out our family. So, I will tell everyone in the morning, and we should conference call you when you arrive at the hotel…”

  “What?” Why the hell would he want a conference call?

  “If you had let me finish. I was going to say so Maisey could get in contact with her friends at MI5 and gather as much Intel for you before you start walking the streets.” He smiles at his double entendre, and I can’t help but laugh at him. “When you get to the hotel, you’re going to sleep. You need the rest and having you at your most alert will help you find Addison. That and give us enough time to try and find out what we’re dealing with.”

  What he’s saying makes sense and I know that I’ll be tired when I land, and sleep will be the first thing on my mind but what about Addi? I need to find her. My flight lands in London Heathrow at ten in the morning UK time, God, I’ll be leaving at ten in the evening my time. Ah, the time differences will be the killer. The first place I want to go is to that bar that we went to and talk to the barman; it’s the only lead I know of at the moment. So, sleep is what I’m going to have to do. “Okay, sleep it is.” He smiles, and I know it’s because he thinks he’s won some sort of mini-war, but he hasn’t; I’m doing what’s best for Addi, me and my baby and that means sleeping.

  “I’ll inform the others and Henry, and I will keep searching for our mystery man. Be safe Skye, please.” He timed that perfectly, just as he stops outside the terminal.

  “I will be, I promise.” I have a hell of a lot to protect, so my top priority is finding Addi while protecting my baby.

  “Call me as soon as you get to the hotel.” Geez, you’d think I am a child he’s sending out into the big bad world.

  “I will do, dad.” I smile at him, and he rolls his eyes at me. “I’m going to be okay.” I place my hand on my non-existent bump, “We’re both going to be okay.”

  “I know you will; I’m allowed to worry though. You had better go; we don’t want you to miss your flight.” He’s
right; I need to hurry. He gets out of the car and gets my suitcase from the trunk before I even manage to get out of the car.

  I walk over to him and take my suitcase from him, not before reaching up and kissing his cheek, “Thank you for dropping everything and helping me.”

  “You are family and you know I’ll do whatever I can to help. We’re going to find Addison, Skye.”

  “I know, and I won’t stop until I find her. I’ve only just got her back; I can’t lose her again.” I’m so close to breaking down, but I can’t. I need to be strong; I need to be able to function so that I can do this. So, I can bring my little sister home!

  “I know you won’t Skye and neither will we. Call me.” He kisses my forehead. “Bye Skye.” He jogs back to his car and drives off, and I know that from this point onwards I’m going to be by myself.

  I managed to get some sleep on the flight; it helped that Oscar had me sitting in first class. I was one of the first on the plane, and I managed to get my seat and get comfortable. I still feel tired, and I know that I will sleep for a bit when I get to the hotel, it won’t take me very long to crash since anytime my head hits the pillow I’m out like a light.

  The excitement I had the last time I was here is just a distant memory, one I don’t think I’ll even remember if I were ever to come back to London. Now the memory will be one of fear. I’m so scared right now, and I don’t know how the hell I’m going to compose myself. My legs feel like jello, and my hands will not stop shaking, I feel numb and lost. This isn’t me, I’m an ex-army vet I should be able to have my adrenaline kick in and my instincts take over, but this situation is like I’m a scared kid and I hate it.

  Oscar has booked me into the same hotel I was in the last time I was here. I make my way to the train station, I keep remembering back to the last time I walked here, and how Addi was with me and how awesome that day was. God, I need to get the hell out of this depressing mood I’m falling into. I need to think of the positive; I need to think of what’s to come. I’m going to find her because even though there was blood, there were no bodies and that is the little bit of hope I’m clinging on too.

  I forgot how cold it is in the stations especially when you get into the tunnels. I look up at the screen and the next train is due in three minutes and I forgot to text my dad when I got off the plane. Shit, pulling out my cell I see that I don’t have signal. I’m going to have to text him when I get off the train, he’s going to be worried, but there isn’t much I can do about it now.

  The train finally arrives, and I’m pleasantly surprised that there are plenty of seats available. I drag my suitcase toward the door when I feel someone’s hand on it, looking up I see a handsome man dressed in a suit with a gorgeous smile looking down at me. “I’ll carry it on for you.” His British accent is gorgeous, and I’m in shock that chivalry still exists. I let go of my case, and he effortlessly lifts it from the platform on to the train.

  “Thank you, so much.” I take a seat and have the case beside me.

  “You’re welcome Darling. Are you here for a holiday?” God, I forgot how sexy the British accent was.

  “No, I’m here to see my sister. Do you live here?” He laughs, and I can’t believe I just asked that of course, he does. “I meant near here.”

  “Kind of Darling, I live in West London. Where are you staying?” He has a cheeky smile, and his eyes are alight with mischief.

  “I’m staying in Knightsbridge.” I can’t help but smile when I’m around him; he has one of those personalities where you just have to smile. Even though I don’t know him, he’s made my fear slightly disappear by putting me at ease.

  “Posh. Are you hungry? I’d love to bring you for breakfast or brunch.” He winks at me, and I’m starving, and I’d love to, but I can’t since I have to call Oscar, and I have to text my dad. “Come on, you must be starving after that long flight, and I know the perfect place.”

  “Thank you, but I can’t. All I want to do is fall into bed and sleep.” As much as I’d love to get to know him better, I don’t have time, and I’m pregnant.

  “Let me give you my number and when you come to your senses give me a call.” Damn, he’s a smooth talker. “I’m Callum by the way.” He sticks out his hand for me to shake.

  “I’m Skye. It’s nice to meet you.” I go to shake his hand, but he starts to stroke mine instead, and it’s a bit weird but feels oh so good

  “A lovely name to match a lovely face. So, do want my number?” He’s not shy that’s for sure.

  “Yeah give me your number, and if I have time while I’m here, I’ll give you a call.” I doubt I’ll call him, but if I did have the time, I would like to see him, to buy him lunch or dinner for helping me. He takes a pen and a piece of paper out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket and writes out his number...Did I just step back into the nineties? When do people write numbers down on a bit of paper? Most people input their number into cell phones. I like that he’s different, he hands me the scrap of paper, and I put it in my suitcase.

  “Right Darling, the balls in your court. I’d love to see you while you're here even if it’s just for coffee.”

  I love that he calls me Darling especially how he says it with that accent. “It’s something to definitely think about.”

  “That it is, and this is your stop. I hope to see you soon Skye.” He winks as I stand. “Have a great time with your sister, if I don’t see you.”

  “Thanks. It was really great to meet you, Callum.” As soon as the train stops, I get off the train, but I can’t help but look back just as the doors close and see Callum staring at me. The stare is really intense, and when he sees me looking at me, he smiles at me and I swear I almost whimper, that smile is lethal. I turn and start to leave as the train starts to move again. It felt good to smile even though I’m in the midst of a crisis.

  I exit the station and quickly send a text to dad telling him that I forgot to text when I landed, but I’m almost at the hotel. Now to get booked in and give Oscar a call, it’s almost noon here, so that means that it’s almost seven in the morning back home and no doubt Oscar hasn’t slept yet.

  Chapter Eight


  Something’s not right; I can tell by the way Oscar’s acting. He looks as though he hasn’t slept, did something happen with Emma? Then why has he called a meeting, he called me this morning and told me that everyone will be attending, and that attendance is a must, so I’ve been on edge ever since that call.

  As I enter the conference room, I see that he wasn’t joking when he said everyone would be here. Soph and her husband Nathan, Sam and Winter, Luke and Morgan, Dwayne and Sabine, Scott and Hailey, Steven who is Soph’s dad, every member of Smithy’s and P.I.G.S except for Oscar, Henry and Skye. What the hell is going on?

  “Ryder, what’s happened?” Soph asks as I walk toward the top of the table where I see a stack of files, and I’m curious as to why we’re all here.

  “Why the hell were we called at seven in the damn morning? I had only just got home from being on the night shift.” Sabine says looking pretty pissed, and I’m glad that Oscar’s going to be the one to catch her attitude and not me.

  “I’m in the dark as much as you are. So, let’s wait for Oscar to arrive and see what he’s got to say.” I say it as nicely as I can because right now I’m getting impatient and having to look at Will’s smirk is making it worse, he really does get on my last nerve. I hear footsteps in the hall, and I know that they’re Oscar’s I’ve been around the man long enough to know that he’s heavy on his feet when he’s not trying to be stealthy.

  “Good, everyone’s here.” He says as soon as he enters the room and does a quick sweep.

  “Umm, you may need glasses. Henry and Skye aren’t here.” Gareth tells him, and everyone chuckles.

  “I know that. Now, can you all take a seat please?” Damn, whatever it is it’s bad. He’s being extremely serious, and that’s never Oscar, usually there
will be a joke or two in there but not today. Everyone including me takes a seat, and we wait for him to tell us what the hell is going on. He starts sorting through the files that are on the desk and my temper starts to rise as I wait for the ass to get his shit together.

  “Umm are you silent for a reason? Do you think it adds to the suspense?” Sophia asks him a little irritated herself.

  “Yes, I’m silent for a reason; I’m waiting for Keely to bring in some papers, so I can begin.” Ooh someone definitely pissed in his Wheaties this morning. Soph holds up her hands in surrender; she too knows that this isn’t the normal run of the mill conference. He starts to set up his laptop, and he hooks it up to the big screen in the room.

  Keely enters the conference room without knocking so she knew that we wouldn’t be having this meeting until she had whatever paperwork ready. “Sorry, it took me a while. I got everything you wanted, and the delivery from Starbucks is here.” She drops the paperwork on the desk, and her eyes dart toward Asher who is an employee of P.I.G.S, and as soon as he meets her eyes, she rushes from the room leaving Asher looking like he wants to go after her.

  “What the hell did you do to Keely?” Maisey asks Asher making us all look at her and then at Asher. “Hmm, why did she rush out of here when you looked at her?”

  I think I’m the only one to see Keely enter back into the room, “He slept with me even though he has a girlfriend which I didn’t know about.” Keely says with her head held high,

  “Wait… that’s why you left the bar early last night. His girlfriend was there. You really are an asshole Asher; I expected more from you.” Winter says, and damn he’s fucked, the women are staring at him as though they want to kill him and he’s not getting any back up from the men in case they catch shit.


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