Deadly Encounter

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Deadly Encounter Page 11

by K. L. Humphreys

  “So, what did Oscar and Sam say? Are they all for it?” Geez, she barely left the shop, and she’s questioning me already.

  “Yes, they are all for it, so are you ready to go back to the hotel? I want to order room service; I’m starving.”

  “How the hell can you be hungry?” She demands as we walk toward the train station.

  “I have a fast metabolism. We’ve found out a lot we can work from today, once we start the conference, we can get Henry to search for yellow Jeeps. There can’t be that many around London.” As we reach the entrance of the train station, I see a sharply dressed man who keeps glancing at Skye, and it’s starting to piss me off.

  “Yeah, hopefully, we’ll find something. I hate that she’s been gone three days and I’m no closer to finding her.” She’s starting to lose hope.

  “Skye?” Fuck, that asshole who was staring at her actually knows her?

  Skye turns and faces him, shock evident on her face, “Callum, hey.” Who the fuck is Callum?

  “You never called; I’ve been waiting for you to.” The desperate fucker says, and I just want to ram my fist in his face.

  “Yeah, I know, it’s been frantic.” She sounds apologetic, and I don’t know why she would be.

  “So fancy dinner tonight Darling?” He has the nerve to call my wife darling in front of me, does he have a death wish? If I say anything to this fuck, Skye’s going to go crazy.

  Her cheeks pink when he calls her darling, “Um, Callum, meet my husband, Ryder.” She stands close to me, and it’s because this situation is making her uncomfortable.

  “Hmm, don’t see a ring on your finger love.” He winks at her, what the hell is wrong with this dude? “I’ll see you soon Darling.” The fucker walks off, and it takes every ounce of self-control I possess not to go after him and snap his fucking neck. How the hell does Skye know this fucker? Why the hell does he think that they are going out for dinner?

  Chapter Twelve


  That was the most uncomfortable situation I have ever been in; I think I’m in shock. I mean who finds out someone’s married and then continues to flirt with them in front of their husband? Glancing at Ryder I know that he’s barely keeping his cool and for that, I’m so proud of him, if this were the old Ryder; Callum would be beaten to a pulp.

  “Um, sorry about that.” I don’t know what else to do other than apologize, although I don’t think I have anything to apologize for.

  “Sorry for what? You didn’t do anything other than enjoy being called Darling.” The way he imitates Callum’s accent and the way he says Darling is pretty good, but he is so infuriating. Here I was thinking how well he had done not going after Callum when all the time he was angry at me! “Can we go now?”

  “Yes, Ryder we can go now. What a way to ruin the day huh? Why do you have to be such a goddamn asshole?” I walk ahead of him, and into the station, I can’t believe that everything was going so well between us, and then he has to mess it up by being an asshole.

  We make it down to the platform just in time to get on the train; I don’t want to talk to him right now, I’m so mad. I didn’t do anything wrong, and he’s acting as though I have. I manage to get one of the very few seats that were available, and Ryder is left standing, of course, he has to stand as close to me as humanly possible. “Skye, I’m not angry with you. I’m just angry at the situation. Put yourself in my shoes, what if that was a woman who wanted to have dinner and she was flirting with me, and I enjoyed it?” He raises his eyebrow as he hits the mark, I’d be the same way. I’d be hurt and upset, damn it!

  “I didn’t enjoy the flirting,” I tell him stubbornly yes, his British accent is sexy as hell and the way he calls me darling is something out of a movie, I’d still pick Ryder any day of the week.

  “Hmmm.” He gives me one of his looks, the one where he just stares at me as if that will make me tell him my deepest darkest secrets.

  “I’m not in the mood for this shit Ryder. I didn’t flirt with the guy; you heard me tell him that I’m married! I don’t know what more I could have done in that position?” I take my cell out of my purse hoping he’ll get the message and leave things alone. He’s made his point, and I’ve made mine, there’s nothing we can do about it now. What’s done is done.

  “I’m sorry; just don’t work yourself up over it.” Who would have thought that Ryder could be so soft?

  I agree there’s no point in getting worked up over his moods, so I decide to change the subject. “Are the P.I.G.S going to do training before they join us?”

  He looks at me questioningly but with a bemused look on his face, “Yeah, that’s one of the details that Nathan and I will be working out. I have already made it clear that they will not be allowed into the field if they don’t meet requirements.”

  “Makes sense, I know that they’ve all done their training to become P.I.’s, and we don’t want to ruffle any feathers seeing as they’ll have a new boss, but they need to learn tactile training.” I wouldn’t want to be on an assignment with someone who isn’t trained.

  “That is what we’ll be discussing. How to transition them from P.I.’s and bodyguards to intelligence agents. Most of them are either ex-cops or are children of cops and know their way around an investigation. Then you have the ones who just know how to fire a gun, and that’s as good as it gets.” Wow, it seems Ryder may be planning on getting rid of some of them. “Oh, and then there’s Asher, who slept with Keely while he has a girlfriend.”

  “What? Oh no, poor Keely! Is she okay?” What a douche bag! Why the hell is he so stupid?

  “She’s mad as hell, and she’s one woman I’d hate to get on the wrong side of.”

  “Isn’t that what you say about all us Smithy women?” I smile because I know that he’s said it about Soph and me before and if he hasn’t said it about Maisey yet, he soon will. That woman is the silent type; they’re the worst ones.

  “Of course, I have, I know what you and Soph can do, and there’s no way I’d want to piss off either of you. Although sometimes I do when I don’t mean too. But the other’s I wouldn’t have hired them otherwise, to be able to work with us you have to let things roll off your back. Take the shit that’s handed to you but sometimes give it back as good as you get it.” He has proudness in his eye, and I know that he’s extremely proud of all of us who work at Smithy’s. We didn’t expect it to take off as much as it has, we’ve got clients all over the world, and they are some of the wealthiest, most influential people in the world.

  The train comes to a stop at the station in which we need to change trains, and I know that the train we are about to get on will be a lot busier than the one we just got off, we’re going into the center of London, and that is always the busiest. Ryder takes hold of my hand as we make our way to the other platform, trying to make it through the other commuters and passengers. Having him hold my hand makes me feel as though we are a couple and that thought alone has me smiling.

  “So that you know, the members of P.I.G.S won’t be the only ones going on training courses. I’ll be sending Hailey and Keely on a firearms course; anyone who is a member of Smithy’s will learn how to use a gun correctly.” He tells me as we wait for the next train, it’s weird when I thought about him opening up to me and finally being himself, I didn’t think he’d be talking about work.

  “If Hailey does learn how to use a gun, is it bad that I want her to use it on Eric and kill that motherfucker?” Hailey has been through too much, she lost her parents when she was a teenager, and her sister Maddie looked after her until she started doing drugs and fucked up every relationship she had including the one with Hailey. Now, Hailey’s in a relationship with a man that physically abuses her, and although we all want to help her, she wants to do this herself and we all respect that.

  “No, it’s not bad, I want to kill the fucker myself, and if he hurts her once more I’ll put the fucker in a coffin.” Yeah, he’s not the only one, every
one at Smithy’s and P.I.G.S are one big family, hurt anyone in our family, and we’ll kill you. You don’t fuck with our family.

  Our train arrives, and just as I thought, it’s so busy that there are no seats hell there’s hardly anywhere to stand. Thankfully we’re only on it for a few stops, Ryder’s already tense and on edge and the longer we’re on this train, the worse he gets. I really want to know what has caused him to be so claustrophobic, he deals with it really well but to those of us that know him know that he’s hiding it. Although I don’t know why, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, we all have our hang-ups. I’m scared of being rejected yet again, like this thing that’s between Ryder and me, I don’t know where it’s going to lead, but I have to try otherwise I’m going to look back and wonder what if.

  Once we’re back in the hotel Ryder instantly orders room service for the both of us, we’ve only twenty minutes until the conference call, and I can feel the nerves setting in already. I’m scared of what they may have uncovered, what if she’s into something terrible? What if they’ve found her and she’s not alive? I look to Ryder who’s lying on my bed staring up at the ceiling. “Ryder, they would have called us if she was dead, wouldn’t they?”

  He looks at me and whatever he sees has him by my side within a matter of seconds, “Skye, they would have called me, and you know that I would have told you.” He reaches out and holds my chin with his thumb and forefinger. “We’re going to wait until we get the lowdown on what everyone has found out and then we can go from there. Until then, Addison is missing, but we have to hope that she’s alive, okay?” He’s a bossy fucker, but good he’s calming me down.

  I nod at him unable to talk now, why am I such an emotional wreck? I mean, I should be positive and hopeful nothing we’ve found yet has had us believe that she’s dead. “God, what the hell is wrong with me?”

  “Nothing’s wrong with you, it’s your hormones they’re multiplying,” He shrugs his shoulders as if it's not a big deal and that I’m not acting weird. “Where the hell is that room service, I’m starving.”

  “Ryder, you only ordered it twenty minutes ago, and you ordered enough food to feed this entire floor.”

  “They should be well equipped to feed the whole fucking hotel within twenty minutes.” He’s such a gruff bastard sometimes and so damn impatient.

  “Ryder, is the laptop set up and ready to go?” This is the third time I’ve asked him; I just don’t want to miss the call.

  “Yeah, and they’ll be calling at any moment.” There’s a knock at the door, and his face lights up, I swear he’s like a child.

  He brings the food into the room and sets some of it out, I got a burger and fries, and it smells so good. I don’t waste time in digging in, hell I’m standing while I’m eating. “Nope, that isn’t happening again. You’re not making those noises while we’re in the middle of a damn conference call.”

  I shove a few more fries into my mouth as Ryder starts eating his burger. “What noise?”

  “You made those noises earlier when you were eating those sausage roll things, and you're doing it again now. It’s like food porn.”

  My laptop starts to ring, and Smithy’s name comes up on the screen. I feel as though my stomach is doing flips; I’m so nervous right now. Ryder reaches across and answers the call, I see everyone looking at me, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m pregnant or because my sister is missing? “Hi,” I sound nervous, and I hate that I’m vulnerable with so many people to witness it.

  “Hey, Skye.” Sabine waves at me and she instantly puts me at ease, she has a huge smile on her face and looks happy, and I’m brought quickly back to the reality that while I’m here, everyone’s life continues.

  “So, who wants to start?” Ryder asks as he sits back on the sofa and continues to eat.

  “I will,” Henry says, and I quickly take my seat beside Ryder as I want to know what he’s found out. “Skye, I went through the footage of you in the bar last night, and you’re right, you were watched, and it was the same guy who was watching you and Ryder this morning while you were talking to the neighbors.”

  “Fuck, please tell me you know who the hell it that was watching us?” Ryder demands as he sits forward-looking menacing.

  “Yes, boss, Will and Gareth found them.” Finally, something that can help us.

  “Boss, six men are in connection with Misha Brezhnev. Three are Croatian: Aleksandar Marić, Dominik Kovačević, and Ivan Grgić. There are two Serbians; Matija Subotić and Miroslav Petrović and the man that has been watching you is Misha’s older brother Andrei Brezhnev who was also an ex KGB member. They are all living in the UK, London to be exact although in different areas.” Will tells us, and he’s just sucking up to the boss. Ever since the day he flirted with me and found out that Ryder is my husband, he’s been on his best behavior and always sucking up, and it’s driving everyone crazy.

  “Who does the yellow Jeep belong to?” Ryder asks completely ignoring the suck up.

  “Ah, that is Ivan’s Jeep, not hard to miss the pretentious prick,” Gareth says, and I smile because that’s something that Ryder would say.

  “Good, Maisey, did you speak to your contact with MI5?” There’s no let up with the questions from Ryder, and he’s not missing a beat, he’ll ask a question and eat while they answer.

  “Yes, Frank and I have spoken a few times, and he’s taken an active interest in the case, so he can keep me updated. He told me that the Croats are watched by not only MI5 and Interpol but by the FBI and CIA, the Croats are gun smugglers in Europe and the agencies have Intel that they are trying to expand that to bring them into the states.” Damn, Maisey got some great Intel that will have us more alert whenever we’re around them, especially since we know that have access to guns.

  “That’s great Maisey; did you find anything else out?” Ryder asks and leans forward and hands me my food.

  “The Brezhnev’s aren’t the leaders of this band of misfits. Subotić is the leader, and Petrović is his right-hand man, they don’t get their hands dirty unless they have too.” Maisey really has got a lot of Intel.

  “Maisey, did you find out how Gloria and Addi got involved with them?” I speak for the first time since I said hello.

  Maisey gives me a warm smile as she nods, “Yes, Gloria’s father is Serbian and knows Subotić. Gloria’s father is a high-class attorney and represented not only Subotić but also Petrović on an assault charge, and they both had the charges dropped, and the word on the street is witness intimidation. That has yet to be proven as no one is talking, but it’s the only thing that makes sense.”

  “Thanks, Maisey, did anyone talk to the Metropolitan police?” Ryder asks as I begin to eat again.

  “I did boss. I spoke to Sergeant Bell, he’s been forthright with me and told me that they’re looking for both girls and are appealing for witnesses, but so far no one has come forward. I’ve told him that you’re in London looking for your sister and he’s told me to inform you that he’ll help you every step of the way.” Patrick tells us, and I’ll go see him tomorrow morning.

  “He also told Patrick that the amount of blood that was present in the house means that one of the girls is severely injured and if they don’t receive medical treatment soon they may die.” This time it’s Oscar’s turn to tell me, and he does it so gently that tears spring to my eyes. I get up and walk toward the bed; I need time to compose myself. That isn’t what I wanted to hear at all, that takes away some of the hope I’ve had. How sick is it that I want it to be Gloria that’s injured?

  Chapter Thirteen


  I look over at Skye making sure that she’s okay. What the hell is wrong with Oscar, couldn’t he have told us that privately? Her eyes are glassy, and her face is pale, she’s barely able to hold herself up right now. Ignoring the conference call as they’re all talking among themselves right now I walk over to Skye and help her to the bed. She looks as though she’s going to throw up
. This isn’t what she needed to hear, she had been so full of hope, and this has knocked her for six.

  “Boss?” Damn it, what the hell does that fucker want? I thought that kiss-ass had his turn already.

  I finish helping Skye lie down on the bed; she instantly takes up the fetal position, I’d love nothing more than to find whoever has Addison and kick the fucking crap out of them. As I walk back to the laptop, I see everyone has their eyes on me. “What?” I grit out, what the fuck does Will want now?

  “Boss, have you checked Skye to make sure that they didn’t put a tracker on her? It will explain how they knew that she was at the bar and at the crime scene.” As soon as Will says it he looks embarrassed as he knows Skye’s listening to this and her sister was in that house, so she doesn’t need to hear it called a fucking crime scene.

  “How would they have traced her? Surely she would have known?” Maisey says, and movement from the bed catches my eye, looking over at Skye as she sits up; her face so full of concentration, everyone at Smithy’s starts to talk among themselves giving me a headache while they’re at it. I start to look through her stuff; I need to see if Will is right. Do they know where we are right now?

  I search through her luggage, clothes, and shoes nothing so far. I keep searching through her jewelry hoping I find something because them having placed a tracker on her is the only thing that makes sense. Coming up empty handed yet again, I spy her purse and wonder if they managed to access her cell? As I pick it up something glistens, and I have my answer, no they haven’t accessed her cell, they placed a fucking tracker on her purse. I can hear them still talking on the laptop as I turn to Skye showing her what I’ve found.


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