Secretary Number Five

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Secretary Number Five Page 8

by Bridy McAvoy

  “If you’re looking to see if I’m still wearing my panties, I hate to disappoint you, but I’m not a sure thing.”

  “I didn’t think you were a sure thing. I already knew about the panties. I was just studying the perfection of those beautiful legs of yours, trying to work out if they go on forever.”

  She shivered as he turned his face just a little, and planted a kiss on her cheek.

  “With a fabulous pair of pins like yours, a guy can’t help wondering what they’d feel like wrapped around him as you screamed in ecstasy.”


  Before she could word a proper reply, he pulled her tightly against him, her belly encountering his erection as his lips started to work along her jawline. The fleeting gentle brush of his lips against sensitive areas of her skin made her bite her lip to stop herself moaning. Then, seeing he was watching her, she closed her eyes to stop the eye contact. She didn’t want him burrowing into her soul at that moment. Her breathing quickened again as his hands left her butt, but she didn’t pull her body away from him, her head going back when he reached her neck. She knew he was going further this time and she braced her hands on his shoulders. She didn’t try to stop him as his hands crept up her back and then around to her sides, heading for the gap between their chests, even as his mouth dipped lower onto the upper slopes of her breasts.

  Mia knew what he wanted, what he intended, and knew that in such a public place she should prevent him but, at the same time, Dayna and Jason were doing far worse just the other side of the table. They’d taken no notice of her and Wayne’s return to the table and, from the way Dayna had slumped down in her seat, moving rather rhythmically, she was pretty sure Jason had his hand between her friend’s legs and was using his fingers to great effect as his kiss devoured her.

  Mia pushed back on her hands, widening the gap between them, holding his shoulders in place, stopping him using his mouth on her. Although she’d enjoyed his fleeting, teasing approach, she knew that she had to stop him before he reached the neckline of her top and started nuzzling lower still. Going topless in the club wasn’t on her agenda. Allowing him to use his hands through her top—well, that seemed somehow reasonable. She almost giggled to herself, thinking back to making those same dating calculations she’d made thirteen to fifteen years earlier. She watched as his hands moved closer.

  Wayne’s hands closed on her breasts and she gasped at the gentle caress as he cupped them. His eyes were on her face as his hands moved over her chest, watching her intently. Once more, she closed her eyes, not wanting to lose herself in those limpet pools. That was a mistake as, in her mind she saw him working on her top, gradually pulling it down to expose her breasts, and to the group of men gathering to watch her seduction. What he’d said about the club management resonated in the vaults of her mind as she imagined him displaying her breasts, playing with her nipples. The men roared him on before he leaned forward and captured a nipple in his mouth, causing her to shudder and moan as he squeezed and pinched the other one.

  He chuckled, and her eyes opened to see him watching her.

  “I don’t know what you were thinking about right there, but if I was in it, I know I was enjoying myself.” His fingers found her nipples and pinched.

  She shuddered on his lap and looked into his eyes. “I think you’d better stop…for now. I need a drink.”

  “If you’re sure.”

  “Sorry, but yes, I’m sure.”

  “Baby, there’s nothing to apologize for. Maybe I should apologize for pushing too fast.”

  She smiled at him as she slowly pulled her lower body away from his. “No, you’re not really going too fast. It’s all a bit strange for me, that’s all.”


  She slid off his lap and twisted to sit on the seat next to him, glad of being able to snuggle into the crook of his arm.


  Wayne’s voice carried across the table and Jason lifted his head away from Dayna’s, and Mia could see her friend was very flushed. She didn’t stop her jerky movements or moaning as Jason looked over at them. His shoulder and upper arm was still moving and she realized with a start that he was finger-fucking her friend even as he joined the conversation.


  “I think it’s time to take this more private.”

  Jason chuckled. “In a minute.”

  Wayne leaned in close and whispered in her ear. “You ever seen your friend have an orgasm?”

  She shook her head, unable to take her eyes off the lewd scene in front of her.

  “Well, from the look of her, I’d say you will in about thirty seconds.”

  “You think so?”

  “Oh yeah, thirty…twenty-nine…twenty-eight…twenty…”

  “Stop it.” She hissed at him and he laughed and stopped his countdown. On the other side of the table Dayna’s movements became more and more erratic as it was obvious Jason had got her almost to the brink of a climax. Her moans grew louder and more continuous until Jason silenced them by the simple expedient of kissing her again.

  “God! She’s going to explode.”

  Wayne nibbled at her earlobe again but she didn’t take her eyes off Dayna.

  “Wouldn’t you like that to be you?”

  “Not here, no!”

  She realized that might have been a mistake as his hand dropped to her knee, and then slid up her leg. Wayne wasn’t moving slowly either. Within seconds, his hand was under her skirt, and sliding over her bare thigh above her stocking. He pushed his hand down toward where her thighs were clamped together and when he encountered the resistance he moved his mouth back to her ear.

  “What are you afraid of, baby?”


  “Good.” He bit gently on her ear again and she gasped, her attention on his mouth until he gently pinched the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. She almost yelped, managing to keep the sound internal, but the sudden shock made her part her legs. Immediately, his fingers went between them, finding the front of her panties. She clamped her legs together, but that only trapped his fingers between them. He’d already reached his goal. Once more, she thought back to her teenage years and the handy boys she’d dated then.

  “That was sneaky.”

  “It might have been, but I’ve found out something.”

  “Oh, what?” She turned to look at him.

  “You’re wet.”

  She blushed, hoping the dim lighting in the club didn’t allow it to show, then a slightly louder moan from the other side of the table made her look back over at Dayna. Dayna stiffened under Jason’s assault on her body, her back arching, lifting her hips from the seat as Jason clamped his mouth over hers, stifling the scream as she came. Her body started to spasm and shake and Mia watched the whole thing in awe from only feet away.


  Wayne nuzzled at her ear. “Are you sure you don’t want that?”

  “I already told you. No, not in public.”

  “Then we should take this somewhere more private.”

  Dayna was slowly regaining her senses and sat up, blinking at Mia and Wayne, and then having the good grace to blush as she realized they’d been watching the whole thing.

  “Enjoyed yourself there, sweetie?” Mia couldn’t help the slightly sarcastic tone, but Dayna didn’t seem fazed by it.

  “Yeah, that was a good one.”

  Jason spoke up. “Glad to be of service, but Wayne and Mia would like to take this somewhere more private. My hotel suite is just over the road…”

  “For more of that? You bet. Come on, let’s go. If I can walk, that is.”

  “If you can’t, I’ll carry you.”

  “Ever the gentleman.”

  They all laughed and Wayne slid out of the booth, offering his hand to Mia.

  Chapter 8

  The night seemed much colder as they stepped out of the club, Harry holding the door open for them with a smile and a ‘Good Evening’ as they passed him. Dayna wink
ed at him but kept walking. The cool air made Mia shiver, and Wayne, ever attentive, shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders as they walked the few yards down the street to a crossing point. Jason did the same with Dayna, wrapping his arm around her waist as she cuddled into the crook of his arm. Within a couple of paces, Mia, too, was in the warmth and comfort of Wayne’s arm and she smiled up at him as they crossed the street.

  “Let’s get you somewhere warmer.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. It’s getting cold out here.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll warm you up, no problem about that.”

  She raised an eyebrow and shook her head, then realized that’s what he’d been doing in the club, almost effortlessly—warming her. Mia had to admit she wasn’t entirely sure she should be going where she was going, but felt she could do little else but follow the other couple as Jason and Dayna led the way through the main door of the hotel. Being escorted into a hotel by a strange man, intent on taking her up to a hotel room, made her feel a little uncomfortable. The girl on the front desk looked up at their entry, saw they were heading straight for the elevators, smiled and looked back at her screen. Mia was sure the woman knew exactly what kind of group they were but said nothing, treating it as none of her business. Mia, though, couldn’t help but blush, and she sensed Wayne’s laugh as they stepped into the lift was at her expense.

  She half-expected to have to almost fight Wayne off in the elevator, and expected Dayna to be all over Jason, but they all just stood in the car riding up to the fourth floor.

  Wayne leaned across to whisper in her ear. “CCTV. It’s probably the only reason Jason’s not got your friend’s dress off yet.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “Believe me. I’ve been in situations with her where it’s been off quicker than that.”


  Dayna must have heard part of the conversation because she piped up just as the door opened on the fourth floor. “Don’t believe a word of what he says. I almost never get naked in the elevator.”

  “Almost never?”

  “Well, not in the last week or so, anyway.”

  Mia couldn’t help the giggle that burst from her mouth as they stepped into the corridor, then blushed at the look on the faces of the couple standing waiting for the lift. Dayna, however, was unconcerned and walked past them, slipping Jason’s jacket off her shoulder and handing it to her beau, revealing the whole of her dress to the couple. Walking across the road had worked the tight skirt higher on her thighs, and as they walked down the corridor Mia could see bare thigh above the dark stocking tops.

  “Jessica Rabbit!”

  Dayna giggled and shook her head.


  “Stop it, ladies, at least until we get into the room.”

  Jason had, in fact, already guided them to the door of the suite and opened it with a flourish, standing aside to allow them to enter. Wayne hung back as well. Dayna led the way as Jason flicked the light switches, lighting up the spacious central area, complete with two large couches facing each other. A large screen TV dominated one end of the room next to the door, while the huge picture window at the far end of the room ran from floor to ceiling and gave them a fabulous view over the city below them. Mia had forgotten how high this part of the city was and she was drawn to the window to look out, casually dropping Wayne’s jacket onto one of the couches in passing. Almost incidentally, she noticed the doors at the side opening into two large bedrooms, and she caught a peep of two marble-tiled bathrooms off them, making it a very impressive suite. However, it was the view that had her attention as she walked to the window and pressed her hands against the glass, looking out at the night time skyline of the city. So close to the window, her own reflection didn’t block the view but she could see the movements of the other three people.

  Dayna walked up behind her. “Nice view, girlfriend?” She put her hands on Mia’s hips and laughed.

  “It’s a nicer view from here.”

  Wayne’s comment made Dayna giggle, and Mia, feeling her friend’s breath on her neck, shivered at the closeness and wondered if Dayna had an ulterior motive.


  “Just a juice for us, thanks.”


  Mia couldn’t believe she’d ended up in a hotel room like this with a virtual stranger, and she was still totally sober, Dayna having ensured neither of them had had any alcohol. When she’d left home she’d expected to be quite drunk before things progressed this far, if they did.

  Dayna spun her around, kissed her on the cheek and led her back to the grouping of couches.

  “You going to put some music on, Wayne?”

  He grinned up at the two women, flipped a panel open on the arm of the couch he was sitting on, and pressed a couple of buttons. Soft, slow music filled the room. Jason handed them both a glass and then returned to the bar in the corner to fetch scotches for him and Wayne.

  “You going to dance with your friend, Dayn?”

  “No, I’m going to dance with Jason. Mia can find her own partner.”

  “Actually, I’d rather just sit this one out, thank you very much.”

  “If that’s the way you want it.”

  Mia put as much flounce as she could into her movement as she crossed the open area to sit on the couch next to Wayne. Before she’d managed to sit down she was giggling—the situation seemed so strange she was a complete bag of nerves.

  Wayne once again leaned across. “Relax, baby, you’re safe.”


  She watched as Dayna and Jason put their glasses down and started dancing together. Dayna had her arms wrapped around the back of Jason’s neck as he pulled her in to him. They danced in a circle, with Jason slowly pulling Dayna closer to him until their bodies were squashed together. They kissed, gently, and broke again, then Dayna glanced over at her.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to dance with Wayne?”

  “Not at the minute.”

  Dayna grinned at her and winked. “Mind if I borrow him for a few minutes then?”

  “What about…?”

  “Don’t worry. Jason is staying right where he is, aren’t you, Jason?”



  “If Mia doesn’t want to dance and doesn’t mind.”

  “No, go ahead.”

  Mia was genuinely puzzled, not seeing how her friend could possibly dance with both men, then as Wayne rose to his feet, carefully placing his glass of scotch on the side table, she knew she was about to find out.

  “Thank you, sweetie. I won’t keep him for long.”

  “That’s okay. I’m quite happy sitting here.”

  Wayne moved around behind Dayna and moved closer to her.

  Mia’s eyes widened as her friend became the filling in a sandwich, the two men working together to trap her friend between them. Dayna was clearly enjoying the experience and Mia wondered what it must feel like as Jason ground against her from the front and Wayne did the same from the back. Dayna whispered something in Jason’s ear then twisted her head back to say something to Wayne too. Neither man appeared to answer.

  Jason lowered his face to Dayna’s and the two began to kiss in earnest while, behind her, Wayne started nuzzling and nibbling at the back and side of her neck. Jason had shifted his hands to the side out of Wayne’s way, and Wayne’s hand rested on Dayna’s hips, just below Jason’s—at least on the side Mia could see. Dayna’s face rapidly became flushed and Mia could see her friend was enjoying herself. In the fleeting few moments when she had some freedom of movement, she was either grinding her mound against Jason’s thigh or pushing her ass back into Wayne’s crotch. There was no doubt in Mia’s mind that all three were turned on by what was happening.

  Jason broke the kiss and smiled down into Dayna’s face then stepped back, allowing Wayne to spin her around and start kissing her. Jason smoothly moved up behind her, reversing the sandwich. Part of Mia knew
she should be jealous of what was happening—after all, her date was now snogging her friend—but she couldn’t summon up the energy for that. She sat there entranced with the spectacle in front of her. Mia had to admit that her own heat level was rising. Her nipples, painfully hard in the club, had flattened during the walk across to the hotel, although the chill air outside hadn’t let them go all the way down. Now, though, they were button-hard again, while she could feel warmth and not a little moisture between her thighs. She crossed her legs and squeezed them together in a failed attempt to stop the arousal escalating, but couldn’t tear her eyes away.

  Once again, the two men swapped back and she guessed they were each getting a breather from kissing Dayna, but Dayna was getting no respite. Mia realized that was deliberate as Jason slid his hands up to Dayna’s shoulders, catching the shoulder straps of the tight red dress with his thumbs, and starting to ease it off her shoulders and down onto her arms.

  Mia gasped. Jason was undressing her friend in front of her. As Wayne lifted his hands to gently guide Dayna’s arms down to her sides, enabling Jason to continue, she saw Wayne clearly aiding and abetting him. Neither man looked at her, though, as Jason continued drawing the straps down to hang loose on Dayna’s arms. Dayna glanced at the couch and licked her lips and winked. Her eyes seemed heavy-lidded and it was clear she was highly aroused by what was happening to her.

  Jason turned his attention to Dayna’s bust and started peeling the tight fabric lower, exposing the upper slopes of her breasts. From the angle of his eyes, her cleavage captured his attention. Dayna moaned softly as Wayne started kissing the back of her neck and Mia couldn’t stop staring at what was happening right in front of her.

  Jason wasn’t moving fast and her friend didn’t seem worried about that. The slow peel and reveal of her body was happening at Jason’s speed, with him in control, and Dayna had surrendered to that. Wayne had a bit part, his hands pressing against Dayna’s butt and caressing her cheeks, but he, too, knew that once the dress hit the floor the woman would be nude and rather more naked flesh would be available to be played with.


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