Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED Page 4

by Paul Christian

  “You sir.” Pointing to a man up front with gray hair. “Dave Reynolds channel 5, Mike so tell us do you have any plans for spending that money yet?” he asked.

  “Not at first, I plan on taking my daughter and others on a vacation to get away, pay off bills those kind of things while I think about the long term.” Mike pointed to a blond women in the middle of the crowd.

  The blond asked. “Mike for all the single Lady's out there what’s your relationship status?” the crowd lightly laughed.

  Mike responded. “Technically, I’m single but there is someone I’m interested in.” Mike eye’s briefly looked over in Charly’s direction. Charly could not believe what was happening and felt a little light headed.

  “Can you tell us who Mike?” The blond followed up with.

  “No, not at this time.” Mike responded. Another women spoke up. “Are you planning on retiring?” she asked.

  “Yes, I am planning on retiring with that kind of money it would be ridiculous to stay working as a police officer on the streets.” He answered.

  Commissioner Foley stepped forward. “That will be all the question for today thank you for attending. At the door will be a handout with pertinent information that Mr. Mohan is willing to give out in a statement, including his service time and some facts. Thank you again.” The Commissioner and Mike walked off the stage exited through a door in the back.


  May 3, 2017

  Day -697

  Robert Aucoin watched the new dark blue F250 extended cab pickup driving up the quarter mile gravel access road heading up to Moose hill from Donnelly Road in cloud of dust. He thought to himself how things have changed in a year. A year ago he had a small excavating company, now he owned one of the biggest in the northeast thanks to his eccentric cousin Mike. He wasn’t sure if he believed the tale Mike told him, but then he didn’t not believe him either. Mike was paying the bills so he was going to do whatever he asked of him. Mike coasted to a stop in front of Bob.

  “Hey Bob, how’s the progress today?” as he and Mac exited his truck while looking up at the blue sky.

  “Mike, Mac, considering we only got the go ahead three months ago, I’d say were doing pretty good. We lowered the top of this hill by sixty feet and extended the level ground outward toward the periphery by a good deal. We have about one hundred acres of level ground starting on the top of this hill, we’ve been leveling going back north towards Marshall Street and curving around toward the airport. The perimeter will encompass a total space of four hundred and two acres, with a perimeter of almost 4 miles. The south side faces Sugden Reservoir down below us to the southwest and Donnelly Road coming up the west side of Moosehill Reservoir between. Put a barrier across the bridge below the Moosehill Dam and atop the dam and you’ve sealed off a good portion of the south.”

  Bob continued. “Did you know back in the 50’s and 60’s they use to downhill ski on this side of the hill down to the area of the boat ramp. The skiers would climb in the back of trucks with benches and be trucked around the side and up the hill by the way that you came up. Just a little trivia of the day.”

  “I remember hearing about that when we were young, your father and my mother use to ski up here. I remember a rope tow on the hill in its later years, not sure when they stopped, then it was just a large field with no trees so it wasn’t too far from then.” Mike replied, looking pointedly back at Bob.

  “Oh well, the west perimeter encompasses most of the Anderson's farm that you purchased and parallels Paxton Road including the old Spencer Airport almost to Marshall Street on the north side. The perimeter then cuts east across the woodlands, south along Laurel St and Moose hill road again. The outer fence will go in soon around the whole perimeter with warnings of high voltage courtesy of the Moosehill Electric Company. A gravel road is in all along the perimeter on what will be the inside of the inner fence when that does go up. A road has also been driven through the woods to the airport that will be wide enough and strong for taxiing planes.”

  “Work has already been started on expanding the runway by fourteen hundred feet, seven hundred on the far end of the runway and seven hundred on the closer side, with a four thousand total distance. It should be able to handle C-130’s and most Medium size aircraft. We also stared widening the runway by a hundred feet. And building eight hangers each capable of taking in a C-130 for servicing, plus those extra-large fuel tanks you ordered from that company in Texas will be going in, those must have cost a pretty penny, ten two hundred thousand gallon fiberglass tanks for aviation fuel. What that set you back? Forget it, I don’t want to know, anyway there starting on those this month.” Bob finished catching his breath.

  “Excellent news Bob, Don’t forget the ten similar tanks going in for diesel fuel. He said with a smile. When those hangers and runway are done, we can start shipping in the surplus military equipment for our military and aviation museum.” Mike said with a wink. “The last Chance Firearms store has quadrupled in size and where keeping a lot of inventory on hand. I’ve made deals with all the local Police department to provide cheap ammo and weapons for their departments and to the officers individually, were giving great deals.” My people working the Store have made a point of signing up as many local cops, local veterans and State Police Troopers as members of our Military museum association which includes access to our indoor firearm range at the airport. Most of my employees at the store are either retired Police and military or cops working part time, and I pay well, so there’s no lack of guys and gals looking for a job there. I’m hiring as many part time as I can get away with and encouraging them to apply for their dealers licenses.”

  “We have two used C-130 due in around a month from now and four used UH-1N Iroquois Twin Huey helicopters from Israel, with plans for sixteen more Huey from various countries that are ready to retire and offer them as military surplus. I also have word on a possible total of eight more C-130, some surplus several civilian owned. Needless to say they don’t come cheap. I’m crossing my fingers, I have a line on some early model black hawks that are about to be mothballed. Getting those would be huge. Additionally I’ve hired several pilots, three of which are instructors. Anyone who wants to learn to fly choppers or the big boys, sign up classes start as soon as the Birds arrive and are flight ready. Damn I think I just opened another business. Mohan Flight School.” Mike laughed along with Mac and Bob.

  “Bob, I’ll have the final site plans after meeting with Opus shelters next week.” Mike told him. “Sounds good my surveyors should be done with their work on the roads and airport work by then, things are coming together pretty much on course.” Bob pauses for a few seconds. “Mike, I know I’m being paid and everything, but I can’t help but think this is a huge waste and everything. How many people know the full story, further do they believe you and Mary.” Bob looked out toward the Horizon over the two lakes below.

  “Sometimes I don’t know Bob, Mary’s been one hundred percent accurate in the past, so I have to believe, somehow I came into this money which gives us the chance to do something about whatever coming, how can I not do it? I know I’m looked at like a crackpot and if nothing happens I’m the fool and wasted a billion dollars! Cheer up Bob it’s not your money. In fact you’re making a killing.” He said with a smile, “Plus it’s kind of fun.”

  The only thing I regret is it putting a damper on my relationship with Charly, things were progressing gracefully quickly. After I told her about Mary’s ability's and told her everything, she’s held me at arm’s length, we still talk, but if word gets out what we’re doing her reputation as a news women could be damaged. So were kind of on hold.”

  Mike and Mac jumped back in their truck and took off back down the hill. Bob watched them go for thirty seconds then turned back to work, spotting something that needed his attention yelling at anyone and everyone in the area.


  Opus Shelter team was already in the room when Mike, Mac and a team of lawyers Mik
e had on retainer walked into the room at The DCU Center in downtown Worcester formerly known as the Centrum, That’s how Mike remembers it. Several of Mike’s Police Buddy's now worked for Mohan Security including his friends Jack Majors and Dave Maddox. Other police worked part time with their department’s permission. Mohan security now had a total security force of around forty personnel, some full time and some part time with plans to expand rapidly

  Jack walked, up as Mike arrived. “Morning Mike rooms been swept for bugs and the Opus team was searched, they weren't happy about that but they’ll get over it. All the doors are covered with our personnel, I’ll stay in with you and Mac, and Dave will supervise the exterior.”

  “Superb, thanks Jack. Let’s go in.”

  Mike walked in behind Mac and Jack who stood until the Opus team stood up and everyone shook hands all around. The head of Opus Corporation, Oddie Gussdorf shook Mike’s hand. “It’s so good to finally meet you Mr. Mohan.” He said. “Call me Mike, my father was Mr. Mohan.” He replied.

  “Then please I’m Oddie. So now that introductions are over I’d like to get right too it and start our presentation.” Oddie stated. Mike nodded as his team sat down on one end of the presentation.

  Oddie started a power point presentation showing their production facilities, quality products and such and such. After a half hour, Mike asked Oddie if they could skip the rest of the power point or was there something vital not covered yet. “No Mike, everything was pretty much covered the rest is more of the same. So what do you think?”

  “Well Oddie, I did my research and am quite satisfied with the product. I told you this would be the largest order you ever processed and we need it done in a year, so I’m willing to pay a bonus on completion of the project. Mac hand over our requirements to the gentlemen and let them have a look.”

  Mac pulled out a large binder and passed it over to Oddie Gussdorf, the CEO of Opus Shelters Corporation, one of the biggest builders of underground shelters in the world and probably not an easy man to impress.

  Oddie took the binder and started leafing through the pages. You could tell how excited he was by his eyebrows raising and his frequent looks up at Mike. The list of products broke down to:

  20 Opus survival factories 225’x50’ Gun range and store for half.

  80 Opus Bunk shelters 50’x10’ 25 persons max

  300 Family shelters 50’x10’ 10 persons max

  Large Dome concrete 250’ Diameter

  All connecting hallways

  Material for 15 more survival factories and the shells for 100 more 50 X 10 shelters.

  $ 55,000,000 delivered and or built on site.

  Oddie looked up at Mike stunned. “I know you said this would be our biggest order, it’s more like twenty times our biggest order. Where going to have to work three shifts and find more space even. Why, all this, do you know something the rest of us should know about?” Oddie asked Mike, who sat across the table calmly staring back at him.

  “I’ll tell you shortly Oddie, first can you do it, I have a large work force of my own who will do the site prep and installation. They would just need to be shown one install first to make sure there doing it right.”

  “Yes Mike, I believe we can do it, it will be close, but we can meet you deadline.”

  “Excellent Oddie.” They shook hands and paperwork was pulled out and signed to legalize this contract. After the lawyers left it was just Oddie and Mike remaining. Mac and Jack also went outside.

  Mike told Oddie his story with Mary and all that went along with it, the Lottery, all the other small predictions and what he was doing. He had an instant trust of Oddie Gussdorf.

  After telling Oddie. Mr Gussdorf was silent for a bit, then asked. “Mike do you think I could add on ten family units and a few bunk units of my own to your complex at my cost. I have a large family, most of them work for Opus or a few other company's I own. Let’s just call it hedging my bets.”

  “Sure Oddie, My boys will even install them, just send them along with the rest.” They got up and shook hands. Leaving on friendly terms.


  Mac walked into the Last Chance Gun store that he owned thirty percent in and managed for Mike or more specifically the Mohan Group. On advice from his Lawyers with all that Mike had going on, the airport, gun sales, non-profit museum, solar electric company, construction company, security company, flight instructor school and others, they needed a parent corporation sheltering those company's and more.

  Today Mike was off on one of his unending tours or inspections and Mac was minding the store at the Last Chance Gun store. By this time the Last Chance was the largest gun store in the state and handled most of central Massachusetts police department’s needs along with personnel sales and surplus guns for the museum. “Hey Sergeant Mac, there’s an armored delivery truck out back with a special delivery that only you or Mike can sign for.” Bellissa or Bell for short yelled out across the storage room in the back.

  Mac was holding a clipboard and doing some inventory on new 5.56 ammo that was delivered yesterday, One hundred thousand rounds to be exact. He sighed, “Okay, be there in a minute.” He yelled back. Bell what a sweet little number he thought, she would never go for a guy his age he suppose, what is she? Twenty eight or twenty nine. He was fifty three! He thought he looked younger than his age and stayed in shape. Mac marked the last box he checked and put the clip board down on top of a pallet of ammo. Everyone working in the store went armed, instinctively he touched his right side feeling the Smith & Wesson Shield 40 Caliber semi-auto he carried under his shirt. Mac carried that gun everywhere now. That wasn’t unusual for police these days. It was his and Mike’s policy at the store that all employees were to go armed while working.

  Mac walked into the receiving room to the back where the loading dock was and came up behind Bell. He couldn’t keep from admiring her jeans that were molded to her rear end and looked fantastic, Bell was short around five foot three inches or so, and her body was curvy and muscular with shoulder length straight black hair just below her shoulder. Bell had an olive complexion with delicate features and pouting lips. OK Mac get control! He thought.

  “OK Bell what do we have.”

  “Don’t know Mac, he won’t show me.” She said with a smile for the driver who smiled back.

  “Sorry sir.” The driver said. “Confidential delivery for Mike Mohan or Mark McDermott only sir.”

  “OK, let me see the packing slip and I’ll sign for it.” Mac stated. The driver gave Mac some paperwork to look over and sign. The driver once the slip was signed cut the seal off the rear door and opened it. Inside was four pallets with numerous long wooden boxes. The pallets were removed by a forklift and placed against the interior wall the receiving doors were closed and locked and Mac and Bell took crowbars to open one of the boxes.

  “Look at that beauty.” Mac stated.

  “What is it Sergeant?” Bell mistakenly said.

  “What is it she says, this is a vintage M60 machine gun, bought from unnamed South American countries for a pretty penny. We should also be getting conversion kits to upgrade them to the M60E4. They fire the 7.62x51mm NATO cartridge or a .308 which is commonly used in large bolt action rifles. Of course these beauties are for the Museum, there will be a whole section about the Vietnam War featuring the M113, M60 machine guns the C-130 and several other vintage pieces. I hope you plan to be there opening day Bell.” Mac looked at Bell with a smile.

  “Ah sure Sergeant, I wouldn’t miss it for the world I know lots of people who plan on attending.” She said, Bell didn’t know how to take Mac, she found herself oddly attracted to him even those he was twenty years older than her. “Bell fire up the fork lift and move those pallets over next to the ammo.” They continued working quietly together in amicable silence until around six pm when the store was closed up.


  Mary and Mike arrived at the middle school at 6 p.m. sharp, there appointment with Mr. Harry Maggert was at 6:10 p.m. M
ary’s grades were in the 90th percentile so Mike was wondering why he received a letter for this appointment. He always thought the kids who were struggling or disciplinary problems were called to Parent teacher conferences. At 6:10 p.m. Mike entered classroom number 11, Mary’s history class.

  “Good evening Mr. Mohan, I’m Harry Maggert, Mary’s History Teacher.” He announced and stepped forward shaking Mike’s hand.

  “Good evening Mr. Maggert, can you tell me why I’m here tonight, I know it can’t be Mary’s grades and she’s not a bully.” Mike said.

  “Yes, well you see Mary has been telling other children that the world ends as we know it in 593 days and these kids are going home and telling their parents who call our principle who called me in since several of these incidents happened in my classroom and I witnessed one such episode.”

  “I see.” Mike replied and looked over at Mary sitting in her chair.” I’ll talk to you later young lady.” Mike turned back to at Mr. Maggert, Mr. Maggert looked to be in his late fifty’s or early sixty’s average build thinning hair with a pleasant disposition. Mike could tell he was very uncomfortable with this discussion.


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