Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED Page 12

by Paul Christian

  Thank God it’s early spring he thought. He gave the signal to move out once everyone was loaded up. The buses and the APC’s were loaded with people. Forty minutes later the over packed relief column was passing the gates into Moosehill Base.


  Rear Admiral Aki Rin Commander of CSG Bush and now acting Commander of Second Fleet welcomed all her ship CO’s that were close enough and could make the conference, the rest would have to attend by video, which was set up on a white board.

  “Thank you all for coming, before we get started I’d like Captain Sharp C.O. of the Bush to read Section 1.A paragraph one for everyone present. Captain Sharp Begins. “To: Commodore Rin, Aki. Commander CSG USS George H.W. Bush. From: COMLANTFLT. You will immediately assume the duties and responsibilities of Rear Admiral O8, and take command of all U.S. Navy and Marine unit’s in the Atlantic Ocean and Eastern seaboard and assume the Command of Second Fleet effective immediately. As Commander of Second Fleet you will move to establish a safe zone including the Islands of Bermuda, Nantucket, Martha’s vineyard and any other land masses in the Atlantic and Caribbean that you deem appropriate to conduct ongoing rescue operations on the Continental United States and its Territory's. Furthermore you will coordinate your efforts with any other United States Armed forces or government agency's that you deem necessary. Signed COMLANTFLT: Admiral Richard Perry.” Captain Sharp finished.

  “Thank you Captain Sharp, Now that’s out of the way, I’ve already made moves to implement those orders. Right now as you know we steam for Bermuda. The British Government gave the U.S. permission to base operations on Bermuda and to secure that island temporary or until permission has been withdrawn. I don’t expect that to happen soon. All contact with the British has been lost since 0400 hours this morning. We have to assume the British Government is no longer functioning. The Grid failures around the world and this virus thing springing up at the same time, I don’t think that’s a coincidence. With the British Islands population density I don’t expect them to fare well. We have been in contact with some British naval units and there either doing pretty much the same things from there Ilse of White. No word from the French or interior Europe. The Pacific Commander can deal with Asia, although we did get word that the Japanese are faring pretty well, Mainland China, we have no idea about.

  So we are less than twenty four hours away from Bermuda. As far as we know the Island is contained with none or very few Infected on Bermuda. We will plan a operation to secure the harbors of Hamilton, Saint George’s harbor the L.F. Wade International Airport and the Royal Naval Dockyard. Colonel John Frost as the senior Marine Officer you are receiving a temporary promotion to Brigadier General and I expect a working plan on my desk in eight hours.

  We are also leaving behind units to secure the islands off of Cape Cod and possibly Cape Cod itself, depending on the infection levels. As you have noticed I’ve already detached the USS Wasp(LHD-3), USS Arlington(LPD-24), USS Gettysburg(CG-64), USS Ramage(DDG-61),USS Sullivan's(DDG-68) and the USS California(SSN-781). There orders are to secure and hold those locations for future operations and assist survivors. Okay people, Washington is out of the loop they have given operational command to theater commanders before losing communications. So let’s get to work and make the best of it.

  I know many of you are concerned about your dependents. Just so you know Marines have secured Norfolk Naval Base and are taking in as many dependents as they can and shipping them out to Bermuda as we speak. That’s all I have for now. Get your commands ready for amphibious action.”


  Day +2

  Dave Maddox was leading Bravo Company clearing houses on Donnelly Road of any Infected. A six men section would enter a house clearing room to room middle floor, top floor, and basement.

  A platoon would clear three houses every ten minutes or so.

  Dave walked up to the next house with the section he was with and knocked on the door. Either it was empty, someone came to the door and answered or you could hear Infected inside.

  This time an uninfected woman opened the door. "Good morning Ma’am, I'm Lieutenant Dave Maddox and we're going door-to-door checking on the welfare of everyone in this neighborhood." Just then two houses down multiple cracks of rifle fire erupted. The woman jumped startled.

  “Don't worry Ma’am that house must of had Infected inside keep your doors locked and be observing what's around your yard at all times. We are clearing all these neighborhoods and streets and we'll keep doing it until the area is safe. We plan on having the power back up and running within a few days in this area. If you have anyone in the house between the ages of 17 to 50 we asked that they report to the Moose Hill front gate. It's voluntary but our way of life has changed and we need all the help we can get. The Mohan Group will be providing power, water and limited food within a certain area, where we expect volunteers to help with security or working in different occupations to keep utilities running and to help the greater good of our community at this point."

  Lieutenant Maddox with his section moved on to the next house. Within the hour they had cleared that road and houses on that road and Donnelly Crossroad. Other platoons we're clearing the roads around Sugden Reservoir.

  The Lieutenant guessed that they were averaging every 3rd or 4th house having Infected in it. Alpha Company was clearing Paxton Road, the new Housing Development by the airport and the roads around Sugden Reservoir on west side of the lake.

  Charlie Company that had perimeter security was now performing duties outside like Alpha and Bravo Company.

  Charlie Company was clearing the north side of the airport, Marshall Street and the side roads in that area commanded by Sean Thornton. Security duties for the base were taken over by a newly-formed Delta company mainly populated by police and security personnel that have come in since the event. Many of them were prior service and wouldn’t take long to get up to speed.


  The Wasp Expeditionary Strike Group was off the south coast of Nantucket early in the morning. Colonel Tristan O’Neil found himself in a Ch-53E Super Stallion helicopter with one other Super Stallion and six CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters with four hundred Marines of the 22 M.E.U. Tristan’s orders were to secure the harbor and airport. Eliminate any Infected and speak to whoever represents the government of Nantucket and hold this island for a secure base.

  “Two minutes Colonel.” The pilot announced in his earphone, Tristan was wearing a crew helmet so he could communicate with the crew. It was way too noisy otherwise. His chopper was heading toward the harbor and center of town. The pilot got his attention and pointed down. They were passing over the docks and they were descending toward Brant Point light house. His helicopter hovered over a grassy area near the light house and forty Marines rushed off the back ramp and cleared the craft in twenty seconds. A second Super Stallion came in right behind the first and dropped off another forty Marines. The CH-46 Sea Knights, The Navy version of the Chinook was securing other parts of the island. Two Sea Knights were going to the Nantucket Memorial Airport near the center of the island. Two were landing on the east side of the island at Sankaty Head Golf course near the center of activity for that part of the island and two landed at Miacomet Golf Course not too far out of town where they could back up Colonel O’Neil and his Marines if needed.

  Colonel O’Neil gave the order and the advance scouts moved down road heading toward Main Street and the center of town near the docks. The column of Marines in full BDU’s moved out and followed the scouts down the road, a single file column down either side of the country lane. They reached the center of town fifteen minutes later. Tristan found a delegation of folks waiting for them.

  Thomas thought what’s this all about. There’s been no problems here on the island. Not like the mainland.

  Tristan walked up to the delegation across the cobble stone street. “Good morning folks, I’m sorry for disturbing your peace. I’m Colonel Tristan O’Neil of the United States Marines. Do you
represent Nantucket?” Tristan asked.

  “Yes Colonel, I’m Jennie Bartlett, the Mayor of Nantucket and this is Thomas Collins the Police Chief. We are glad to see you and your men. I do hope you will be staying, what with all the troubles.” Jennie Bartlett greeted Colonel O’Neil.

  Tristan thought, old New England right away, as he listen to the Mayor. She sounded just like one of those characters from some of those seafaring novels he use to read.

  “Well Mayor Bartlett that all depends. We will be here for short time at least until we can determine the extent of the epidemic, has it reached Nantucket or Martha's Vineyard?” Tristan asked.

  “I’ll let the chief answer your questions, I’m sure he’s more informed on the matter then I. Could you point me to your man who I can speak to about quarters, he I can discuss billeting for your men. Good day Colonel.” Mayor Bartlett said as Colonel O’Neil called out to a lieutenant to come forward to assist the Mayor.

  Tristan walked away a little to speak with the Chief of Police Thomas Collins. “Well Chief Collins what can you tell me about the situation here, and Martha’s Vineyard or Cape Cod for that matter?” Tristan asked.

  “Colonel, please call me Tom or just Chief, Nantucket is doing Okay. The power went off from the Solar Flare like elsewhere. But we are lucky the town has had backup generators that are forty or fifty years old with no new electronics. So we started them up, lots of residents and business have their own generators also, so most of the Island has power back up. Fuel is a different story. We probably only have enough fuel on the island for two weeks. We suspended ferry traffic two days before the Solar Flare and had only two cases of the virus infecting people. It’s sad really on the last ferry to arrive a man came home to his wife after some business in Boston and turned into whatever and bite his wife. After the news came out about the Infected and the attacks and how it’s transmitted by bites and probably bodily fluids. Well the husband… the officers shot the man multiple times when they were called by the wife. She was locked in the bathroom and he was trying to get in and eat her I suppose. He was killed. When she realized what would happen to her she pulled a gun out of downstairs draw and shot herself in the head before my officers could do anything. I suppose it was for the best.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that Chief, but not surprised. You’re lucky out here, having time to isolate yourselves. The Mainland is a horror show. How about Martha’s Vineyard?” Tristan asked.

  Chief replied. “They didn’t shut down as quickly as we did. Plus there only a short boat ride form the Cape. I am in radio contact with their Chiefs of Police and they have lost a few hundred to the infection. It’s an ongoing problem over there I’m sure they can use your help.”

  “We have forces landing over there as we speak. The Admiral intends to use the Islands as jumping off points for relief efforts for New England. What do you know of Cape Cod Chief?” Tristan asked.

  “Not much, I know they attempted to close the bridges over the Canal yesterday that’s the last I heard from them. Sorry I couldn't help more.” He said.

  “Nonsense Chief, I know more than I did five minutes ago, we need as much intelligence as we can get. We are also going to start looking to sign up new recruits. Manpower is going to be crucial in trying to take control of parts of the Mainland. Most of the Troops don’t realize just how bad it is. Not even at the command level, or there just fooling themselves. Isolated islands like this are going to be very important now and in the near future. I personally think we are going to lose close to eighty percent of the population if not more. That’s a sobering thought.”

  “After we consolidate on Nantucket. I imagine leaving a Platoon of Marines to assist you, the rest will be moving on to the Vineyard or Cape Code at some point. Tomorrow at 9 a.m. we will be having a teleconference with the Commander of the task force off your coast and the Admiral in charge of Second Fleet. You and the Mayor are welcome to attend.”

  “Thank you Colonel, I’ll make sure the Mayor and I are both present.” The rest of that day with assistance from authorities on the island, Troops were consolidated at the airport for pickup. One platoon was staying on the island for a least a week to help the Chief with security. Seeing as it wasn’t the summer season yet there’s a lot of empty houses on the island. Colonel O’Neil informed the mayor that they most likely would be relocating rescued or some of the military dependents to the Island. They understood but weren't excited about the idea of a bunch of strangers moving in.

  Later that afternoon the six Sea King Helicopters and one Super Stallion landed at the airport and embarked all the Marines except one platoon, and departed for Martha’s Vineyard.


  Mike reviewed the morning report with Mac. The population of the base was pushing three thousand. The Mohan Group military forces estimated killing about 500 Infected and cleared Donnelly and Paxton Road to Route 9 in the south, and up to Marshall including Marshall Street in the north.

  Mike estimated they should be able to clear the Route 9 corridor in Leicester and Spencer in about a week. He also predicted they should have four companies operating outside the base by that time, and a fifth and sixth company not long after that with all the new arrivals. Mike figured he can field 7 Mechanized companies. After that to add more companies, we need to decrease the number of APC’s per company, find a new source of armored vehicles or have motorized or leg infantry companies. Mike would have to think that one over with Mac and his staff…Air mobile company, now that’s a thought, Mike considered. They would need more air assets for that. We’ll see what we can come up with.

  Mac spoke up telling Mike that Communications have been in contact with Ham radio operators and some local Police frequencies. The consensus is that there is no organized government in the area. No power and no services offered to citizens within fifty miles at this time, probably across most of the country. Mike and Mac discuss this and the Mohan Group appeared to be the only organized Group that can help out.

  "Mac time for me to head to the airport you're in charge here. I'm taking six Huey gunships and a Chinook with a platoon from Delta Company and flying them into the Super Walmart in Leicester. I'm leaving them there until tomorrow when we can send a convoy of trailer trucks escorted by a platoon and we can confiscate everything that we can use. I'd like to do that with all the large department and grocery stores in the area within the next week or two."

  " I agree Mike we also need to send a reconnaissance into the city maybe two or three Huey's canvassing Worcester for survivors, I can imagine some of the public buildings started out as shelters and they may still be in there. We need to see how many we can rescue with our limited resources. We also need to find out if there's any Federal Government Forces out there that we can coordinate with. This virus has to be a terrorist attack, the timing was too perfect and the spread of it was unnatural. Mike, I also have the comms unit trying to work on some federal frequencies and see who they can contact."

  "That sounds good Mac let me know as soon as we have any contact with the Feds or state level government, military or FEMA or anyone for that matter. I have to get going the choppers are waiting for me to head up to Walmart." Mike said as he stood up and left.

  At the airport Mike boarded and within a minute six Huey helicopters and the Chinook helicopters were airborne and over Walmart parking lot within five minutes. The pilots observed quite a few cars in the parking lot most of them closer to the building. He directed the choppers to land in the parking lot further out. First Platoon Delta Company which had a sprinkling of experienced soldiers from Alpha and Bravo Company fanned out across the parking lot and advanced towards the three main doors. There were several Infected sitting in cars gnashing their teeth on the windows. The Troopers approached and dispatched ten Infected with head shots easily enough.

  Mike who was co-piloting today decided to get out to go with the soldiers into Walmart and see what kind of shape the interior was in. Mike followed the first squad of soldiers i
nto the middle door. There are three entrances, one squad was assigned to each door, and they would stay online and clear from the front to the back.

  They passed through the cash registers, Mike was with a private going down the center aisle, about halfway down three Infected lurched out of the art supplies aisle right into the private. Mike, while pulling the private back by his Molly pack with his left hand and raising his M4 with his right hand triggering a three round burst into the front of the first Infected. The bullet rounds stitched up the front stomach, chest and head, blowing blood and brain onto the two stiffs behind the first. The first one dropping provided a temporary pause in the others before they continued to advance over there fallen Infected.

  Private Joe Robles got his act together by then and double tapped the last two. Mike and Joe continued toward the back of the Store several other shots rang out in the twilight lit store from the overhead skylights. They had one injury, a badly sprained ankle on one soldier, otherwise the mission was successful. Mike left the platoon leader with orders to clean up the dead. Keep the building in lock down check on the generator and if in working conditions get it going to keep the freezers cold. They would be back in the morning to pick them up. Mike left with the injured soldier who was pretty embarrassed. They boarded Mike’s Huey and took off. Before heading back to Moosehill he had the pilot do a flyover of the Big Discount and the Big Y grocery stores also Klem’s was near the Big Y. All three seemed to be in decent order no looting that he could see. Then again how are the looters going to get to the stores? Hardly any modern vehicles were in working order after the Solar Flare EMP event.


  Martha’s Vineyard, was a semi-Battleground. Only the permanent residence were on the island, around 17,000. The island was in a state of emergency and only designated peoples were supposed to be out, such as Police, fire, ambulance. At 8 a.m. the residence of Oak Bluffs were startled out of there nervous anxiety by the roar of two LCAC Navy landing Craft. Jeff Pullman Sergeant on the Oak Bluffs Police force was in his cruiser near the ferry docks. He had shot one Infected already this morning when Old Lady Stewart called and said someone was scratching at her back door. Sure enough Jeff had walked around the side of the house with his Remington 870 pump action shotgun. When the man turned and started walked towards him in an unnatural way dragging his left foot and moaning reaching for him. Jeff admits to himself, but no one else he was scared to shit and shot the man point blank in the chest, knocking him down and again in the head like he was supposed to do. The island now had a crew designated for cleanup. So far in four days the six towns of Martha’s Vineyard have a combined total of 188 confirmed Infected that have been killed.


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