Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED Page 17

by Paul Christian

  “Brigadier Frost.” the Admiral said. “You can stow that attitude for now. Mr. Mohan is not a part of the active military and does not have to observe military protocol and if he was in the military we should probably be saluting him, from what I know of his actions, he deserves the medal.” The Admiral said with node to Mike.

  “Yes Ma’am.” Frost said. Turning to Mike he said. “Please accept my apologies Mr. Mohan.” The frocked Brigadier said.

  Mike now that he cooled off felt a little embarrassed. “Accepted, I also apologies, I may have overreacted we have been under a little stress as you know. Let’s go for a ride and we can show you our little base.”

  Mike escorted the Admiral to his Humvee. Mike and the Admiral entered the first vehicle driven by Jake West his aide. Mac with the Brigadier were in the next Humvee and the third was for the Admirals four Marine escort. They toured the airport and hangers watched some helicopters operations, coming and going that were supporting the two convoy operations to the Abby and Becker College. A C-130 took off on a training flight with students. They stopped at the APC depot and observed some of the new recruits from Foxtrot and Golf Company training on the M113A2’s on the training course and small arms range. They saw the two new Barracks going up near the airport, also a new larger tower being built.

  The Brigadier asked about any other runways in the area for larger aircraft. Mac told him that they have plans to secure and take over the Worcester Airport that can handle any size aircraft including the C-5 Galaxy. They next took the airport road over to the main Moosehill Complex and saw the solar array farm and the wind turbines.

  The Admiral asked who’s castle as they pulled up to its main gate.

  “That’s mine Admiral, I may have gotten a little carried away building that. My daughter and I have been living in the Moosehill Base, not the Manor. Someday we might move in, maybe. For now we use it for functions and large planning meeting and for everything else we can. It’s also the secret entrance to the base.” At that Mike drove through the main gate into the second gate and down the ramp into Moosehill Complex. They entered the motor pool and Mike informed them they walk from here.

  The Admiral was in awe they were in a underground chamber easily over two hundred feet long housing numerous motor vehicles from SUV’s to APC’s, she then followed Mike through a smaller security room she guessed. They had to go through another entrance with firing ports in the wall and she could hear the security personnel behind the firing ports, an enemy would have a hard time getting through here. They passed through the security area and went down a fairly large tunnel, several hatches led off this. One was open and she could see several soldiers gearing up to go out, it appeared to be some sort of bunk room.

  They next entered another large room like the first and it was obviously a military depot, she noticed a supply area off to the side. There appeared to be an indoor firing range leading off this room also. The next entrance was also guarded and they were passed through and entered the largest underground room she had ever been in. It was a large domed room easily two hounded and fifty feet across with numerous activity's going on there were at least four other garage entrances like the one she came through leading off to other areas. Too say she was impressed was an understatement. Mike led her and Colonel Frost and there Marine escort off to the side with Mac taking up the rear with Jake the driver. They stopped outside a smaller hatch.

  “Admiral could you leave your Marine escort outside this room or Jake could take them down to the cafeteria for a bite to eat. This is our Command Center and access is restricted. You and the Brigadier are cleared by my say so. But I’d like to leave it at that if you don’t mind.” Mike told her.

  “I understand Mr. Mohan. Men go with Mr. Mohan’s aide to the cafeteria if you like. I think I’m safe here.” Aki said to the Marines.

  They entered the Command Center after Mike entered a code and the door unlocked.

  The Admiral entered behind Mike, then the Brigadier and Mac. Inside she observed a fifty by thirty foot room with multiple work stations, including Communications, Radar arrays, and a few dozen monitors showing different views of the base, inside and out. Also on several camera she could see what looked like operations going on elsewhere. Mike took this moment to observe the Admiral as she looked around. He thought she was very attractive in a severe kind of way, she looked to be around five foot five inches slim build but obviously fit. She had flawless complexion with straight dark hair cut just below her ears. She carried herself with authority and confidence, she remained him of an Asian actress but couldn't remember the name. The kind of women that Mike might go after in different circumstances.

  “Mr. Mohan what are those camera’s showing?” the Admiral asked while pointing at the monitors in question.

  “Ah, those are two operations we have going on right now, low risk, where setting up satellite bases at the Spencer Abby, where we will be growing a lot of food this summer and the other is Becker College on a hill close to Leicester Center, a cross roads of sorts and can easily block access from anyone or thing coming from the Worcester area where there could be a couple of hundred thousand Infected coming this way at any time. Also that will be a jumping off point for any operations to claim Worcester airport or any further push east. A forward fire base would be a good idea I thought.

  The map on that large monitor over there shows the immediate towns and the extent that we have cleared the Infected out. Not to say there couldn’t be stragglers. All our people go armed outside the base or inside for that matter. Seventy percent of the towns of Spencer, Leicester and Paxton have been cleared, that is an ongoing mission just about every day. The Troops are having a break today, but as you can see there still providing security for the two satellite bases where setting up and convoys going between Moosehill and the two.”

  The Dozen or so men and women in the room while having one ear listening to what their guest had to say were also paying attention to their duties monitoring Troops or planes or other duties on computer screens.

  “Well Mr. Mohan, I don’t know what to say. At the least I’m very impressed. Let me tell you what we’ve been doing outside your area. So far the information has been one sided you providing info to us. I’d like to fill you in now if you’d like.” The Admiral told Mike.

  “Of Course Admiral ever since the Solar flare, news has been very rare.” He said.

  Okay, first. It’s probably a lot worse then you imagined. The Federal Government is gone as far as I know. Before the end, the writing was on the wall and all the fleet units with as many personnel and dependents and anyone else that could get to Norfolk or any base were being evacuated to ships and sent to Second Fleet. I believe I command up to forty five naval ships at this time with more added daily with a big contingent of amphibious ships along with a British task force and several cruise ships with thousands of civilian. We first took control of Bermuda with British approval. I sent one amphibious strike group to secure the Islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard and they have also taken control of Falmouth and Woods hole for a secure landing area, when several other amphibious units arrive there soon with reinforcements.

  Colonel Tristan O’Neil the Commander of the 22nd MEU also has taken the Bourne Bridge and the Sagamore Bridge to limit the inflow of Infected over those two bridges. When the reinforcements arrive, around ten thousand in all with their air support should be able to secure the Cape. We expect to find quite a few survivors. The populations of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard were just about intact. The epidemic hardly reached Nantucket. They closed the ferries early. Martha’s Vineyard had several hundred dead either from the Infected eating people or us killing the Infected. Our British friends are on their way to Portland Maine. We’ve received reports that they are holding out against a Infected swarm. So we hope the Royal Marines can get there in time to help.” The Admiral finished.

  “Wow, you’ve been busy. I’m glad there are other pockets of survivors. So now for
the big question. Other than curiosity, what brings you here?” Mike asked.

  “Cooperation Mr. Mohan, for us to survive we need cooperation. After seeing your operation here I’m inclined to offer you a direct commission as a Colonel or even a Brigadier. Did you say you have a plan for a Battalion of Air Mobile infantry?” The admiral smiled and shook her head at her own remark. “You let me know either way I want us to be working together.” She said.

  “Well that’s a kind offer Admiral, and I’ll have to think about it some.” Mike replied with a wink.

  “Time to head back and see how Colonel Tristan is managing Cape Cod, don’t you think Brigadier Frost.” Admiral Rin stated smiling.

  “Yes, I think so Ma’am.” Frost said.

  They exited the command center and made their way back to the entrance and motor pool. At every corner their visitors were treated to new sights. On the ride back to the airport a recruit class was marching by in full battle dress on their way back from the shooting range. A Blackhawk came over low landing at the airport from either the Abby or Becker.

  Jake, Mike’s aid drove up to the V-22 Osprey with the other two Hummers right behind. The whole contingent exited their vehicles and shook hands “We will be in touch Mr. Mohan.”

  “Hopefully we can be of help to each other.” Aki said to Mike.

  “I’m looking forward to it Admiral.” Mike replied with a grin that he usually reserved for someone special. Aki looked at him for a moment with a question in her eye’s, but let it pass.

  Secure frequencies were exchanged earlier when they were in the command center.

  Mike, Mac and Jake and the other driver stood by the edge of the runway and watched the Osprey lift off the ground and the tilt rotors start to move forward as the aircraft gained speed until they were moving in plane configuration and disappeared over the horizon.

  “What do you think Mac?” Mike asked.

  “In the long run, I don’t think we have much choice except cooperation and integration. I like the Admiral she’s a person of her word, I think. But I’d like to be in the best possible position when that happens so where not an afterthought. Speaking with Frost, they have quit the Fleet and a large percentage amphibious ships with around thirteen thousand Marines, and there still growing and gaining units. They’re going to control Bermuda, Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard and maybe Portland from what she says.” Mac said.

  “I hear you Mac, Let’s just see what happens. I do agree with you we need to be better positioned to effect policy so with that in mind, get planning this Westover visit.


  Lieutenant Colonel Gil Isaac off the USS Arlington the second ranking officer in the 22nd MEU was commanding the Marines that landed in Woods Hole to Falmouth. They took their objectives that first day and were waiting for reinforcements from the Second Fleet. The last update Gil received about an hour ago should have Marines landing in the cleared zone anytime. He was expecting around twenty two hundred Marines. Right now his forces were spread out in Woods Hole and the coastal area of Falmouth around the harbor.

  “Sir, I just got an ETA of one minute from the air units. They will be coming in on the same Surf Drive we landed on, Six hundred and sixty from air units first, followed by fifteen hundred and thirty seven Marines landing on the beaches from LCAC’s and Amphibious Assault Vehicles AAV’s from the USS Bataan, USS An Antonio, USS Oak hill and the USS Tortuga.”

  “Okay, keep me informed of any changes.” Lieutenant Colonel Isaac replied.

  Gil moved toward the beach near the harbor entrance looking southwest and could see severe large helicopters approaching the beach also higher up and behind a half dozen or so MTV-22 Osprey’s. Looking out to sea about a mile or two out he could make out the larger LCAC’s moving in at a fast speed. Excellent he thought with around three thousand Marines he could finish clearing between Falmouth and Woods Hole then move up through Falmouth up Route 28 toward the Bourne Bridge. Also start pushing further out along the Cape toward Hyannis.

  The plans as Colonel Isaac new them called for around Sixty three hundred Marines to land on Hyannis secure that large town and harbor then move up to route 6 and across to buzzards bay. While pushing Troops out both sides of Route 6 toward the Sagamore bridge and further east tower the outer Cape. Another force of eighteen hundred Marines were landing at the Sagamore Bridge and Moving east along Route 6 toward Hyannis.

  The Marines orders were to eliminate any Infected they run across provide assistance to everyone they can. Collection points are going to be Hyannis after its secured, which shouldn't take too long. It was centrally located and had the most facilities like Hotels with convention centers, Airport and Medical facilities. The Colonel thought the Cape was going to be their new home for a while it had the most room, the fleet could shelter in Buzzards Bay on the lower end of the Canal or Cape Cod Bay north of the Cape.

  Colonel Isaac figured in two to three days they should have everything secure between Cape Cod Canal and Hyannis or a little east of that. Once that’s done forces can be concentrated moving east of Hyannis. The land is narrower at that point heading east and should figure right into our hands. We will be able to have local superiority over the Infected which would allow us to move east quicker and within a week, most of the Cape should be secured.

  “Okay, folk’s looks like it’s time to move out and show these newcomers to the party. As soon as we hook up I want us moving north. Let’s go folks.” Throughout the day Marines pushed through the towns of Cape Cod and killed Infected, finding survivors in attics, cellar holes, anywhere where the Infected couldn’t get at people.

  It would take a total of two weeks to eliminate most of the Infected and sweep the Cape clean. Every once and awhile for the first month or so, an Infected would show up somewhere on the Cape and the local authorities would have to take care of it. The survivors on the cape numbered around fifty thousand out of the two hundred and twenty thousand permanent residence.


  Mike was touring the work being done at Becker College in the afternoon and was observing work being done by about five hundred workers, mostly people with construction experience. They were working on securing the perimeter of the college, including part of the town common and town hall. That included the old Stone church and other town buildings within that perimeter.

  Construction crews were pouring twelve foot tall forms that they knocked together, just like when building a house foundation. The Mohan Group had had enough cement left over from the Moosehill Base and runway projects to totally enclose this hill top with twelve foot concrete walls. The inside will have a parapet, mostly wood staging or gravel slopped away from the inside around all the perimeter, with occasional watch towers.

  Moosehill Solar and Wind Power is producing sixty five percent more power than needed. So there are a few dozen or so refugees with electrical power company experience and they are out with security isolating the power grid by disconnecting breakers on the power lines so the power runs up to route 9 then east to Leicester center and Becker College. The College also has large generators if the power is cut. All the schools and public building in town have solar array on the roofs that can be tied into this local grid. The Abby’s power should be easy, power can be run out Marshall Street to Thompson Pond road to Route 31 then a short distance to the Abby not that far up. Of course its fragile system but the Infected have no awareness of that. If it was a conventional enemy the power grid wouldn’t last an hour with these vulnerable power lines.

  Mike figured as neighborhoods are cleared and families want to move off base into these neighborhoods, the breakers for those can be reconnected easy enough. After replacing any electronics that were fried from the Solar Flare. Mike thought maybe the Power company guys could start working on that in certain neighborhoods that are most likely to be reoccupied. He’ll mention to Oddie and Robert Aucoin the head of their construction and projects department.

  Mike was in the Leicester Town Hall. Several of
the former town fathers, selectman were reestablishing there position and trying to run Becker Base as part of the Town of Leicester. Rory Scannell the Chief of Police for Leicester was there as well as two of the selectmen and the fire chief.

  Rory wasn’t saying much but the Selectmen and the Fire Chief and several others connected to town government were arguing back and forth what there next step was. Darrin Dodgen a selectmen and former Select chairman, and Shelley Willmott the present Chairman before the Event as most people were starting to call the Solar Flare, never mind the Infected walking like zombie’s amongst us. Mike and many others including Admiral Rin thought the virus was caused by either terrorist or a terrorist state who were responsible and it was a lot worse than whoever did it predicted. Mike doubted that whoever did it wanted the whole world contaminated, even their own nations. He understood that no nation has survived untouched.

  “Lady’s, gentlemen, Please what you’re arguing is a moot point. I am not ready, not even close to being ready to turn over this complex, Moosehill or the Abby or any other, to civilian authorities anytime in the near future.” The chairwomen turned to Mike and for a brief moment, Mike saw the hostility in her eyes, before it disappeared.

  “Mr. Mohan we are a Democratic Society and what your saying is you’re going to run this community as a Dictator. We are a nation of laws and elections what right do you have to suspend that.” She said with some determination.

  “Mr. Willmott, I have the right because you would all be dead without the Mohan Groups foresight and my money to accomplish it. I am not going to throw that away on the bureaucratic mismanagement of small town politics. If you haven’t noticed this town, state, nation, world is never going to be the same. I and my associates are trying to position us in the best possible position for dealing with outside forces, and there will be other groups challenging us in the future we are not the only survivors and some of them are going to be downright nasty. So if you don’t like it, leave. These offices you’re in right now will be taken over by the Commander and staff of this base within a day or two.” Mike turned and walked out followed by Jake his aid and two Moose hill soldiers in full BDU’s with M-4 rifles shouldered.


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