Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED Page 23

by Paul Christian

  Mike instructed Sean to grab all the practical clothing, shoes etc. Two of the Alpha Marine Platoons will accompany him. The last two Marine Platoons will provide rear security around the intersection of Airport Drive and Goddard Memorial Drive. He planned two hours for this mission.

  The three companies of mechanized infantry moved into their assigned positions and Mike along with Major DiCaprio walked into the Kahr factory as teams moved through the facility. Everything looked pretty secure, he didn't expect much Infected activity in the building. Soon they got the cleared signal and moved to the area near the back of the building with two doors. The employee was a supervisor at the factory and had the codes. Two technicians carried up a battery and got the cover off to the control panel and in ten minutes had it hooked up to the panel and the door open in short order. Mike and Major DiCaprio walked into a armory much bigger inside then anyone would have suspected. Along one wall packaged in cardboard boxes appeared to be Thompson submachine guns. Maybe three hundred boxes were present On the back wall were boxed M1 rifles, Another stacked pile held M1 Carbine’s Maybe another three hundred total and on shelfs on the inner wall were plastic cases holding three or four hundred semi Auto hand guns of either 9mm, 40 caliber, and 45 Caliber. Stacked in the middle of the floor were cases of ammunition of each caliber represented here today.

  “Excellent, just what I was hoping for.” He told the Major. He directed men to start loading the weapons and ammo onto the trucks they brought with them.

  “Major would you think the Admiral would like a Tommy gun as a souvenir?” he asked. Major Ant was about to respond when Jake, Mikes aide came in.

  “Sir.” He addressed Mike. We have a group of Infected coming through the woods from a large neighborhood maybe two or three hundred yards to the southeast of us. Captain Maddox sent me to inform you, he estimates a thousand plus. They haven't engaged yet just observed, he has scouts out falling back before them. They seem to have a little trouble negotiating the Woods. He estimates ten minutes and they'll have to engage.” Jake told Mike.

  “Okay, thanks Jake go tell Dave we will be out momentarily.” Mike turned to Major Ant. “Can you call your two platoons at TJ Maxx, have them get down here. Where going to need additional firepower, we have to hold them back until we clear out this building, I’m not so concerned about TJ Maxx.” He asked Major Ant.

  “Sure thing Colonel, let me step out to my Comms man in the APC.” He said.

  “Thanks Major.” As they both walked out. Mike grabbed a Lieutenant from Bravo Company that was in the building and told him to lite a fire under the civilian that came with the trucks. Keep your platoon loading with them until I call you for support.” He told the Lieutenant.

  Major DiCaprio met Mike outside and said his two platoons are on the way and he also relayed to Sean what was happening through his men up there.

  “There’s not much we can do in way of strategy in this parking lot, we will form a line with our APC’s along the edge of the parking lot. The banking going down into the woods will help us slow them down when they get here. The weak point is going to be the ninety degree angle that points like an arrow right at where there coming from. We need to enforce that corner with some extra weapons, either M60 or M240 Saw’s.” Mac explained. Captain Dave Maddox who was listening moved out and started to maneuver his twelve M113A2’s on the east side of the parking lot and Major Ant Can move his onto the south edge of the parking lot meeting at the ninety degree angle. The Vehicles were almost touching front to back pointing at the advancing Infected.

  The two U.S. Marine platoons arrived and were guided into position by Major DiCaprio and Mike with approximately one hundred and ten men and twenty six APC’s as a bulwark with Machine guns on top Mike and the Major felt pretty confident they could hold this line.

  “Colonel what about the Platoon on Godard Memorial Drive in blocking position?” Captain Dave Maddox asked Mike about his other platoon.

  “Make sure they know what’s going on, but leave them there, we could still get activity coming up Godard.” He told Dave.

  Mike and the Major took position each with their respective units both near the center ninety degree angle. The Major could now hear and see the Infected making their way through the brush about fifty feet away. In the thick brush, it looked like a human wave coming through the woods small trees were being pushed over by the weight of numbers, and there was a low moaning sound coming from them. Something caught his eye and drew it to the left where a group of Infected came up and were moving diagonal to the slower larger group almost as if there was some intelligence behind there action.

  “Colonel,” Antonio pointed to the faster moving group moving toward the west side nearer the Colonel after he got his attention. The Colonel Waved back at him in understanding. The moaning and bodies moving through the brush toward the banking was muck louder then he imagined. Antonio estimated twice what they originally thought at least two thousand or so.

  “Fire, Colonel Mohan yelled. Twenty six M60’s or M240 Saw opened up on the Infected who were only twenty feet away or so down a six foot slope approximately. That many Machine guns firing at once makes a racket unimaginable unless you’re heard it. The Troops with their M-4 Assault rifles were ordered to support the Saw Squad automatic weapons only if any Infected made it to the top of the banking.

  “Fire for the heads.” Major DiCaprio yelled at his gunners. Only head shots will put them down for good. He watched Infected get hit multiple times in the body and jerk and fall and get right back up and continue trying to climb the banking. It’s a good thing these creatures don’t handle and incline well he thought or they'd already be swamped.

  The Major could hear Colonel Mohan yelling something to his Troops and pointing further to the left. He ran across the top of the APC’s jumping the space between them. Several other solders followed him. He thought the pressure seemed to be heavier on the left.

  While he watched the soldiers on the far left started firing down right below the outside of the APC’s. As he watched one of the soldiers slipped or was grabbed from below he wasn’t sure. But what amazed him was the Colonel never slowed and ran right off the side of the M113A2 and a few seconds later five or so soldiers followed him over the side.

  “Holy shit, Lieutenant you’re in charge here keep the fire up, you know what to do.” He yelled and ran off to the left side of the conflict.

  Mike running along the top of the APC’s to the left saw a lot more of the faster Infected then he thought, they must have crawled through the underbrush and jumped up and ran at the left flank which was up against the building. While leaping across to the APC before the last, he saw a soldier grabbed by the foot by and Infected and he lost his balance and fell onto the ground on the outside of their perimeter. Without thinking, he ran off the edge of the last APC and fell onto the ground rolling just like in Jump school and coming up drawing his Glock 21 a 45 caliber from a thigh holster and a six inch stiletto knife from his vest, he was moving on instinct now, back in the zone his instructors would have called it. An Infected came at him from the front as he drew his gun, Mike put one round in his forehead and stuck his knife into the eye socket of the one next to it on the left. He turned and shot three more in the head that were reaching for the private on the ground. He spun back around sticking his stiletto straight up into the jaw of another who was reaching for him and shot over its shoulder into the one behind it.

  The next thing Mike knew, a barrage of shot rang out next to him on either side as fast as they could shoot and aim. The soldiers who came to his aid helped clear a larger area around them. The man who had fallen originally broke his leg and was lifted up non to gentle onto the deck of the APC. The rest of the soldier now with more fire support from up top were lifted out also, with Mike insisting on being the last one up.

  “Colonel that was either the bravest or dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.” Major DiCaprio said to Mike. “You can call me Ant, Colonel.” Mike laughed and tu
rned back to the fight which continued at a furious clip.

  “Colonel, Colonel.” Someone was yelling. He looked behind him to the inner perimeter, the Lieutenant he left in charge in the building was yelling to him. It was hard to hear over the noise. He pointed at the trailer trucks that were starting to pull out. Mike nodded in understanding. Looking back over the banking at the Infected it looked like they were close to finishing off the last of this bunch. He waited another minute thinning the heard out a little more and blew a whistle that was in his pocket that got everybody's attention and waved his arm around his head meaning wrap it up.

  The Infected were being hampered from their own dead trying to climb the hill. Mike took this opportunity to move his and Major DiCaprio’s men into their APC’s and pull out onto Godard Memorial Drive. Two of the Huey’s provided fire support lighting up the front of the Infected trying to climb the embankment giving them a chance to break contact. Pulling out Mike noticed a bunch of dead Infected down at the position where his blocking platoon was, it looks like they saw their share of action too.

  Mike put his headset back on so that he could communicate with his Troops. “Sean you there he spoke into the Mic.” He said.

  “Affirmative Colonel, we’re wrapping up and ready to go in a minute, sounded like a bees nest down there?” He asked.

  “Sure was tell you about it later, right now I want to move out back the way we came, same march order everyone. Knowing that all the Company Commanders were listening, he received confirmation from everyone and in five minutes they were entering Airport Drive heading toward the service entrance to the airport.

  Mike didn’t relax until they were all in the airport and the service entrance was locked and they were traveling back down the runway to Mulberry Street. Then and only then did he start with the shakes, not noticeable to anyone but himself.


  South Spencer Raid

  Mac and Captain Dylan Deneke watched the armored column head out with the trucks, then the air support take off after.

  “Captain we don’t have to leave for a little while, how do you and your men feel about eggs, bacon and pancakes? All we have to do is March less than a mile up that road.” He pointed south at Airport Road back to the Moosehill Complex.

  “You’ve won me over Captain, my men have been eating MRE’s for three days now.” Captain Deneke said with some enthusiasm.

  Dylan walked over to the front of his men who kind of looked dejected. Men were going to march up this here road for a mile or so.” There were some silent moans at that. “Then were going to have a pancake breakfast including eggs and bacon and I’m sure good coffee too.” He received a Bunch of Oorah’s at that and soon they were marching up Airport Road past some parked C-130’s and past the entrance to the shooting range which by now had part of the new group of five hundred recruits shooting. Next they passed some of the above ground fuel tanks, and water tanks and the Solar Farm and windmills. Mac could tell Dylan was impressed.

  “Where’s the chow hall Sir.” Dylan asked Mac. Mac pointed down at his feet then at the main entrance to Mohan Manor. “Where going into the bowels of the earth Captain.” Mac laughed, and the Captain Deneke looked at him a little nervously.

  They entered the outer wall of the Manor then the inner wall that led to the tunnel and down roughly forty feet underground. His men followed there Captain down the tunnel after Mac. What they saw passing through the large Opus Factory shelters and through the security checkpoints impressed the hell out of them, then they entered the Dome and all the activity there was awe inspiring, but what really impressed them was the breakfast buffet that was waiting for them courtesy of Walmart Superstore which they cleaned out this past week. Mac earned their trust with that meal, they haven't eaten that well since before they left Norfolk, Virginia. After the meal Mac wanted to address the men.

  “Marines, you don’t know me. Let me introduce myself I left the Marines as a First Sergeant at the ripe old age of thirty, I’ve been a Police officer and a Sergeant of Police since then. I’m now fifty years old. I’m afraid my Police career was cut short.” That drew a few chuckles and the First Sergeant remark drew there interest also.

  “I’ve served with the best from the Balkans to Afghanistan and Iraq, I’ve seen my fair share of combat as you have by now I’m sure. Everything you see here today was the brain child of Colonel Mike Mohan who was one of my police officers once upon a time.” More chuckles and a few bullshits. “It’s true he was. Until the day he won one point five billion dollars. That same day earlier before he found out he won, he responded to an active shooter incident at Cumberland Farms Convenience store just down the road a bit. Without fear for his own safety he went into that building and killed the son of a bitch, not without suffering wounds himself. Before that, he wore the eagle, anchor and trident emblem on his chest and has seen more war and killed more bad guys, in more shit holes, then all of us combined or probably ever will. I trust him with my life that’s why I retired and went to work for him when he told me what he was planning. Now I’m asking you to keep an open mind about our set up here. I know some of you are thinking amateurs. I’m I right or am I right. Just remember where I came from, now I’m XO of almost two Battalions of mechanized Infantry and all the air assets you see out there. So who wants to go kill some Zombie’s?” That brought a few cheers on.

  Captain Dylan, have some breakfast then where moving out in twenty. Our transport will be up top in front of the main entrance by then. Mac had called for the Alpha Company to be ready and for the APC’s of Echo Company to be brought up with just there drivers. U.S. Marines of Alpha Company will be using Echo’s APC’s today.

  Jack Majors of Alpha Company was waiting up top when Mac and Captain Deneke of Alpha Marines came out of the tunnel. This isn’t going to work, two Alpha Companies! He thought. He wondered if Mike has addressed this with the Marine Major yet.

  When Mac walked up to him with Captain Deneke, Jack brought it up.

  “Colonel, two Alpha Company's two Bravo Company's that’s not going to work.” He stated to Mac and Dylan.

  “Yes I see what you mean. Captain If there’s no objection from you for today I’d like to call your company Mike Company for Marine. Your Bravo Company can be November Company if your Major and the Colonel agree.” He asked Captain Deneke.

  “Well I’m not that fond of it, but Captain Majors is right so if we have to be someone else Mike Company is good enough. He walked away to inform his chain of command. Five minutes later they were loaded up and headed down Donnelly Road to Route 9. Twenty six APC’s and five buses and four straight diesel trucks, just in case they need to liberate any supplies, and they always get survivors.

  Mac stopped had Jack stop the column on top of the hill before going down in the Valley where Spencer town center sits. Mac got out and walked across to Captain Deneke’s APC and climbed up to speak with him.

  “Caption Deneke it’s going to be like hell down there I believe. So tell me how much combat has your team been in?” Mac asked Dylan.

  “We’ve been in combat in Iraq then this all happened. Since then we landed on Bermuda, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket and Cape Cod. The Cape was the worst for sure.” Captain Deneke told Mac.

  “Okay, "It's inevitable that the Z's will filter back in behind us, so where going to sweep these houses along Main Street from here down to the town center. Once the front elements sweep past the big D shopping plaza we will pivot to the south. Both companies will be on line, the Marine Company will be on the east side and the Moosehill Troopers on the west side. Then we move south clearing all those little streets until they eventually dead end. Just have your men be careful theirs lots of apartments and tight quarters. This should clear out the worst of this area. I don't need to tell you to help any survivors, buses will be on standby. Oh, make sure you mark the cleared areas on your maps provided. Good?" Mac checked, no one spoke so he assumed everyone understood their roles. "Let's move out."

sp; Mac watched as the U.S. Marines took the south side of Main Street and the Moosehill Troopers took the north side. The armored column moved down the road and each APC parked in the road in front of a building and the Marines or Troopers from that APC would clear that particular house. Each company in that manner could clear fourteen houses at a time. Mac timed the first few house entries. Total time to clear the house on the first few he checked was averaging around ten minutes.

  In an hour and a half they cleared one hundred fifty houses. Mac watched both companies. They were about to kick off the second phase, Captain Deneke's company and Jack Majors company we're both at their starting points. So far today they suffered one sprained ankle and one family of four rescued by the Marine company on the south side of the road.

  Mac and Mike have told their Troops there as good as any solders in the world, now after watching a seasoned Marine company side by side with his own Troops he actually believed that himself. Both companies were outstanding as far as he was concerned.

  Mac gave the go ahead to start phase two of today’s mission. The U.S. Marines led by Captain Deneke moved south house by house along Route 31 south and along Linden Street and Mechanic Street. They started to encounter Infected immediately. Just about every residence had infected. The Marines and Troopers would bang on the door until all or most of the Infected were right on the other side of the door chomping at the bit for some flesh. One volunteer would kick the door in or smash the lock with a sledge hammer and run like the wind out of the way. As soon as enough Infected cleared the door the six to eight men assigned to that house would open up with rifles single shot head shots. No full auto or even quick firing. They need to think about conserving ammunition. One Marine or Trooper in each squad carried a bag to pick up spent brass so eventually they can reload them.


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