Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED Page 29

by Paul Christian

  “The Admiral wished you time to relax for an hour before commencing a series of meetings.” He told them. “I’ll be back in an hour to bring you to the meeting.

  Exactly one hour later the Commander showed back up and escorted Mike and Jake his aide to the Admirals conference room. There were several people already present including the Admiral. Mike and Jake were dressed alike in the new MHM BDU’s with the MHM logo on the left shoulder and the American flag on the right shoulder, Mike wore no rank insignia except his Seal emblem on a subdued patch on his left breast.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, everybody has arrived so we can begin. First I’d like to introduce everyone, since I’m hosting this get together. I’ll introduce everyone. I’m Admiral Aki Rin of United States Navy’s Second Fleet, As far as I know I’m the senior ranking surviving officer on the east coast and this is my flag Captain and C.O. of the USS Bush Captain Donovan Sharp. I’d like to take this opportunity to do something long overdue in my opinion. Captain Sharp please stand up.” She announced more formally. “Everyone please stand.” Everyone stood with no idea what was going on. Mike guessed, having witnessed scenes like this while in the service before. I’m sorry Donovan that this is such a informal setting, but it’s more then I got. So, by the powers invested in me by the United States Congress and the President of the United States.” No one dared mention that he was probably dead with the rest of Congress.

  “On this day by order of congress and the President of the United States, The Secretary of the Navy has on this day commissioned Donovan Sharp to the rank of Commodore O-7 effective immediately signed by the Secretary of the Navy’s representative in Second Fleet Admiral Aki Rin signed this date.” Admiral Rin shook Commodore Sharp’s hand and handed him a Certificate of promotion to be framed.

  “Congratulations Commodore.” Admiral Rin said as she shook his hand. The rest of the audience politely applauded.

  “Back to business. You have all been introduced to the new Commodore and myself. To my right is seated the Representatives from Portland Maine and Casco Bay Islands, Police Chief Robert Grady along with the city manager Stanford Bason. Portland has managed to stay afloat due to its location and determined citizens like Chief Grady, with a little help from our British task force led by Commodore Chase Hanford who flew down with the Portland delegation along with Colonel Truman Astbury of the Royal Marines.”

  “Also we have Captain Bruce Ward of American Airlines who managed to land his plane after the power outage, on Nantasket Beach saving most of his passengers. The people of Hull which is another area that came off relatively easy due to it basically being an Island. The citizens cut the bridges early on and saved Hull. Captain Ward has been asked to represent the twelve thousand people from Hull. Too my left after Commodore Sharp is Brigadier of Marines John Frost my Commander of ground forces.”

  “Our last representative is Mike Mohan who is the most exposed as he represents about twenty two thousand and growing from what I understand. Is that right Mr. Mohan.” she asked him.

  “Yes Admiral that sounds about the right number of people.” He replied.

  Mr. Mohan is instrumental in deciding to set up this meeting. We have had two Marine companies detached to Mr. Mohan’s command. Which has about two Battalions of very good infantry from what I heard. Mr. Mohan, I’m sure you’re not surprised that the mail you carried back from the US Marines detached to your command, sent me back lots of mail and several clips of video from Major Antonio DiCaprio. The Major had nothing but praise for Mr. Mohan. Mr. Mohan could you tell us about your command. Where all wondering how you have survived and thrived under the worst conditions.” The Admiral turned the floor over to Mr. Mohan.

  “Thank you Admiral, I didn’t know I was going to be the keynote speaker or I would have been better prepared.” He smiled. “I’ll just have to do my best without notes. First off to get it out of the way. I’m the guy who won the one point five billion dollars three years ago. I’ve been a police officer for ten years or so, before that I was with seal team six. I was deployed to the Middle East eight times during the wars over there.”

  “We have been hard a work since the Admiral visited us. We have increased our fleet of aircraft to eighty Huey helicopters, five Blackhawk, fifteen Chinooks, twenty C-130’s, six C-123 Providers, and eleven C-145A Sky trucks. We also have an assortment of civilian helicopters and plans that we have been using for observation and flying lessons for the last two years. We have about one hundred and thirty qualified pilots.” Mike paused to take a drink. “We can always use more pilots and have set up a flight school even before the Flare. If any of you have personnel who you’d like to send for training. We can accommodate them.”

  “Now our ground forces are wearing this distinct patch on our left shoulder, A while ago group census decided we would be known as the Moosehill Militia, the men are fond of it. So no matter what happens out of this meeting we will not be changing uniforms.” He said half-jokingly.”

  “After the Admiral visited we raided Westover Air Force base, hence the additional aircraft. Then we decided to start hitting the arms industry to keep those weapons out of the hands of rogue groups. We encountered one of those groups at Westover and had a little battle. Losing a Trooper, needless to say. No Gang members lived.”

  “As of right now we have one and half Battalions of Mechanized Infantry and two company's specializing in airborne assaults. The MHM has four hundred M113A2’s, 300 M2 Fighting Bradley’s, 300 MRAP Cougars, and a hundred and fifty Humvee’s with another three hundred SUV’s or trucks that we have working. Basically enough equipment to field a Division. We are consolidating our gains in area, equipment and personnel. We do have plans to get Worcester Airport under our control soon. Once that happens we go back to Westover for some more equipment. We are using every old farm in our safe area to start growing, I’ve been stockpiling food for a few years and have enough to feed my people for about that same time. We need to grow and preserve food. MHM have been subsidizing the food we’ve stored by raiding every supermarket or distribution center in our area and beyond, and we’ll continue to do so. We have two satellite bases that are set up and running. Becker College in Leicester near the crossroads of Route 9 and Route 56. It’s mainly a forward jumping off point for moving further east and early warning. We have fought off a few infected incursions already.

  The other base is west of Moosehill, St. Joseph's Abbey a Cisterns order known as Trappist. The monks living there have been very supportive. It was an old farm with several hundred acres in the fifty's before the Trappist took it over, now they produce Trappist jelly and Trappist Ale. It’s a rural area and we’re putting in a major farming effort there and other farms in that area. Housing is being put in and along with the existing facilities, can house about four thousand. Becker College about the same. We’re also increasing Moosehill living capacity to around ten or twelve thousand, along with the livable housing in the surrounding area that has been cleared and has access to power from the Moosehill Power company, mostly solar and wind turbines. Also we are looking into Hydro power with all the rivers and lakes in the area, they use to power the industrial revolution with that water. Our living capacity is up to around thirty thousand, within a few months we should be able to double that with just our clearing operations alone.

  I’ll lay it out for everyone here. The world as we knew it is no more, the government is gone, social security is gone, handouts are gone, I see groups like us around the country and world making the best of their situations, some will succeed, some will fail. I intend to succeed. Luckily for all of us here, Admiral Rin and her people have preserved intact most of the US Navy on the eastern seaboard. I have some ideas about how we can cooperative and can discuss that after we hear from the Admiral and the Portland delegation.” Mike sat down ending on that.

  “Thank you Mr. Mohan, that was very informative. I’d like to show some video taken from our Marine unit seconded to you recently, they were in the dispatch
bag from Major DiCaprio. These scenes are very disturbing, so be warned. I’ve already looked at them and it greatly disturbed me.

  The Admiral signaled to one of her aides who fiddled with a computer and the wall mounted sixty inch flat screen mounted on the wall behind her came to life. The first video scene Mike recognized as the Raid on Kahr Arms, one of Captain Yee’s Marines must have been filming. The scene started with the MHM and U.S. Marines forming a wall with the APC’s and starting the fight with the Infected coming through the woods from the housing development. It showed Major DiCaprio standing on top of APC firing down into the mob of Infected. Then shows him running over to the Moosehill section, the view switched to MHM Trooper running across the last APC and jumping off into the Infected and showing several Troopers follow him over the side. The camera view fumbles as the camera man climbs on top of the M113A2, then steady’s up. The view shows the Trooper and his men finishing off several Infected then lift an injured man up to the top of the APC, as the Troopers were lifted up one by one and the Infected were pushed back by intensive fire coming from the APC’s machine guns and rifle fire. The last one up was pulled up and the camera got a good look at his blood streaked face and Mike was clearly recognizable as that Trooper. Mike winced and others in the room did a double take looking at him then back to the screen.

  The view switched to another location. “I believe this is the incursion of Infected that Colonel Mohan was taking about.” Admiral Rin stated to the room as the scene continued. Mike watched as intensely as everyone else. The view was from Locust Street showing a line of APC’s blocking Route 9/Main Street. The tension in the room built as the uncountable hoard of Infected advanced toward the single line of APC’s parked side by side totally blocking the way between a tall stone retaining wall holding back the hill where the filming was going on, and the old red brick Mill building. The gunners on the APC’s and riflemen on top of the M113’s were shooting at a prodigious rate of fire and shredding the front ranks of the afflicted humans. As the camera moved around you could see U.S. Marines shooting down from the hill into the flank of the swarm of Infected. The Infected moved forward shredding body parts, blood, skin, gore, but it was unstoppable. At the last seconds the Troopers on the APC’s dropped down into the bowels of the vehicles and sealed up. The wave of Infected pushing up against the APC crested and rode over the top of the APC’s. They disappeared beneath the swarm as it continued west on Route 9. The camera view changed looking west, further up Route 9 where a second company of armed vehicles waited totally blocking the road again.

  The representatives in the meeting watched as the wave of flesh rode up and over this second road block before disappearing around a bend in the road. The video shut off.

  “I showed that for a few reasons, first it shows everyone what were up against, Mr. Mohan’s right, next month things are not going back to the way they were magically. This is our, the survivors new reality. The next few years are about survival for us and the human race. Cooperation is the key. Right now the Navy controls Cape Cod, Nantasket, Martha’s Vineyard and Bermuda. And probably about one hundred and fifty to two hundred thousand people. Second Fleet is also conducting air rescue operations based out of Cape Cod rescuing people working our way inland on the south shore down to Rhode Island all the way up the Route 3 corridor and the route 25 to I495 Corridor, where rescuing hundreds every day. Still it’s a drop in the bucket. All together we have three or four hundred thousand vs the seven or eight million people that use to live here. Just think how many mobile Infected are out there. We have some operations coming up that should increase our numbers and capabilities

  I understand that The Moosehill Militia has set up a boot camp for all practical purposes.” She looked at Mike and he nodded yes. “The Navy and Marines are planning the same on Cape Cod, hopefully up and ruining in around two weeks. It’s quite simple, if you’re not involved in some industry helping production or a job deemed vital everyone will go through boot camp between the ages of 18 to 38 for now. Most will go back to their jobs and serve in a reserve capacity. Volunteers will be enlisted into the Marine Corps. The second reason I shared that video was to dispel any notion that the Moosehill Militia are some citizen warriors playing at soldiering. That video shows professional soldiers in the worst conditions possible, conducting themselves as true warriors in the best traditions of the United States.

  On the brighter side we have medical people who think we may have a working Vaccine to prevent further infection amongst the healthy.” I’d like to let the Portland Delegates speak now. “Chief Grady if you’d please.”

  A short stocky man stood up he wore a plain blue Police uniform with stars on his collar showing his rank. “Good morning folks, with the help of Commodore Hanford of the Royal Navy and Colonel Truman Astbury of the Royal Marines we were able to hold Portland and advance some distance inland to some natural barriers that will be our border for now. We believe we can grow enough food in the future on the Casco Bay Islands and with our fishing industry to support ourselves. I’d like to send a few thousand men to either of your boot camps also. It’s obvious that the military will play a strong role in our futures for some time. I’d like to thank Admiral Rin for sending our British friends to help. I never thought I’d welcome a British invasion on American soil! It was touch and go until they arrived. Thank you.” Chief Grady sat down.

  “Thank you Chief Grady, and you’re welcome.” She replied to him with a smile and nod.

  “Captain Ward, would you like to add anything.” The Admiral asked.

  “Thank you Admiral. For whatever reason the people of Hull chose me to come here for them. I believe they will approve this agreement. Hull’s going to have a food issue soon, it’s a small land area with about twelve thousand people with limited room for crops. Looking at a map, I think they could easily isolate Lands’ End peninsula with some help and gain around two hundred acres of rich farming land. They would still have to rely on fishing and imports. I’m also sure it would be a prime recruiting area for your military. Oh, also we’ve had contact with Winthrop out in the bay, fishing boats crossing paths. They cut their own bridges and they say Cape Ann is cut off from the mainland, so Gloucester and Rockport are on their own. I’m surprised the Navy hasn’t been in touch with them.

  I’m a trained pilot, ex-military and I’d like to go out to Moosehill and help with the pilot training and possibly an officer billet. Thank you” He said this while turning to Mike. Mike nodded at Captain Ward.

  “What I’d like to purpose to you at this time is a mutual aid agreement with air transportation set up between our respective areas, cross training such as Chief Grady wants, Right now two U.S. Marine Companies are operating with the Moosehill militia and I’m sure learning from each other. I intend to leave them there longer if it’s okay with Mr. Mohan.” She communicated.

  “Do we have an agreement in principle.” the Admiral looked at Mike then at Chief Grady. Mike nodded, Chief Grady agreed. “What about any new communities we find or find us?” Mike asked.

  The Admiral thought for a second or two, “we use majority rules if two thirds of us agree then we bring them in on our terms. Agreed?” They both nodded yes.

  The three principle parties, the Navy, Moosehill and Portland had lunch in the Admirals dining room and had further meeting that evening, the important issue of Cooperation was already decided.

  Mike was tired and turned in early after the meetings.


  Day +15

  Day +15. The Beach

  Mike was up early, meeting Jake his aide and his two man security detail for breakfast in the chow Hall onboard the USS Bush a Nimitz Class Nuclear Aircraft Carrier anchored in Buzzards Bay, south of the Cape Cod Canal. Yesterday he met with Admiral Rin and other top Brass from Second Fleet.

  Second Fleet composes all Naval and Marine elements that have survived the world changing solar flare and the biological attack that's turned Ninety percent of the wor
ld's population into for all intent and purposes, Zombies. Mike came to a Mutual Aid and Co-operation Agreement with the Admiral Representing Cape Cod, the islands and Bermuda. Also in agreement is the representatives of the City of Portland Maine and surrounding area including the Casco Bay islands. Captain Ward had to go back to Hull and present the agreement to the citizens. He was under the impression that they would sign up also.

  After a Navy breakfast, which Mike always enjoyed in his Navy days, they were escorted to the flight deck by Commodore Sharp the CO of the USS Bush and newly promoted.

  Before exiting onto the Flight deck where it was rather noisy they shook hands.

  "Mr. Mohan it's been a pleasure and I hope we're successful in our efforts in the future, Good luck." "I'm an optimized Commodore, we make our own luck, Goodbye." He said.

  Mike and his retinue crossed the flights deck entering a SH-60F Seahawk helicopter. They buckled in and lifted off the deck on their way to Hyannis airport to transfer to their own plane, a C-145 Skytruck. Mike acting as his own pilot flight checked the plane. They were ready to go but had to wait for clearance to take off, a Moosehill C-130 cargo plane was on final approach. As the plane landed Mike admired the freshly painted Moosehill emblem that his daughter designed.

  They received clearance to take off. Mike increased the throttle and the Skytruck curved out onto the main runway and he pushed the throttle to the stops. The plane responded right away and smoothly accelerated down the runway until he had plenty of speed and gently pulled back on the steering yoke. The small but powerful cargo plane lifted into the sky easily and in no time were at twenty five hundred feet and on a heading back to Moosehill.

  They were on a course to fly over the north side of Plymouth where the pilgrims landed. On a whim he curved a little further north to the Scituate area. Mike and his wife use to rent a house in the neighborhood at North Scituate or Minot Beach. Those were some of his favorite memories. Mike just wanted to see how that neighborhood faired. He could see the coast line as they came across Cape Cod Bay. As they turned and followed the coast line north he felt the plane shudder and the engine failure light's came on. Mike quickly scanned the instruments and saw that the right engine was losing oil pressure. He spotted North Scituate Beach ahead as more lights came on for the left engine.


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