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by Eco, Umberto

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  Abbo of Fleury, 280n11

  Abduction, 480, 483, 485, 487

  Abelard, Peter, 12, 81, 126, 127, 136n19, 198–200, 205, 231, 232, 233, 361–364, 366n7, 371; authentication and, 231, 233; on denotation, 361–364; on Porphyry, 12–13; Stoic influence and, 197–200; terminology of, 549–550

  Abelson, Robert P., 57

  Abulafia, Abraham, 301–302, 303–306, 307, 308, 399

  Academicians, 175, 176, 179, 182

  Accidents, 6, 6n3, 7, 12, 18

  Acerba’L (Ascoli), 30

  Achilleid (Statius), 230

  Achilles and the tortoise, paradox of, 526

  Adelard of Bath, 246

  Adler, Mortimer, 311

  Adso of Montier-en-Der, 283

  Advancement of Learning (Francis Bacon), 37, 172n2

  Adversus Jovinianum (Saint Jerome), 186

  Aelian, Claudius, 24, 180–181, 181n9, 182

  Aeneid (Virgil), 138, 571

  Aeschylus, 103

  Aesop, 138, 139

  Aesthetic (Croce), 339, 531–547

  Aesthetics, 309–313, 322, 323, 338; aesthetic relativism and, 376; creative intuition and, 326; of Croce, 533; historiography and, 339; intellectual intuition and, 345–352; linguistics and, 532, 540; Romantic, 335–336; Thomistic, 341, 510. See also Art

  Affordance, 581

  Agent intellect, 327–331, 333

  Agriculture, 31, 32

  Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius, 75, 409n15, 417–419

  Aistheta symbola (perceptible symbols), 152

  Alan of Lille, 111, 130, 159–160, 244, 245n14

  Albertus Magnus, 97, 111–112, 166, 199n25, 238; aesthetics of, 342, 348; Platonism and, 316, 511

  Alciati, Andrea 193

  Alcuin, 120, 209n37

  Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 27, 28

  Alemanno, Yohanan, 302, 303n12, 408

  Alexander of Hales, 138, 168, 348

  Alexander Romance (attrib. Callisthenes), 24, 30, 135

  Alexandria, library of, 24

  Al-Farabi, 107, 111, 112, 114

  Algazel, 401

  Alighieri, Dante, 50, 106, 122, 125, 132, 135, 137, 144–150, 190, 221n49, 230n7, 251, 252, 286–308, 342, 424, 537, 540, 541, 544, 547n4

  Allegories, 27, 118, 344; Apocalypse of Saint John as, 250–251; Dante on, 145–149; metaphors and symbolism in relation to, 129–140; metaphors distinguished from, 155; Thomas Aquinas on metaphor and allegory, 140–144; visualization of Scripture and, 272

  Allégret, 122

  Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 34–36, 72

  Ambiguity, 19

, 96, 204n29, 209, 210n38, 212, 213

  Anagrams, 386–396, 398, 410, 419

  Analogia entis (analogy of being), 95, 159–169

  Analogy, 126, 159, 163, 167, 168; of proportion, 162; sign-image and, 322

  Analytic philosophy, 18

  Analytics (Aristotle), 185

  Anatomy, 27, 58

  Anceschi, Luciano, 544

  Angelini, Cesare, 252, 265

  Animals, 24, 27, 39, 57, 164; Aristotle on, 6, 16, 23, 65–66, 549; barking dog as intentional agent, 199–200; communication with other animals, 220; divine names and, 153, 156; in fables, 137, 139, 173; grammarians and animal voices, 213–214; inarticulate sounds of, 216; legendary, 47; man as rational animal, 202; in medieval bestiaries, 30, 31; medieval views of ancient sources on, 185–194; names of, 289; Pliny on, 25, 183–185; Porphyrian tree and, 7, 10–11; soul, rights, and language of, 173–185; sounds made by, 204, 209; Wilkins on species, 44–46

  Annales Ecclesiastici (Baronio), 281n11

  Annales Hirsaugiensis (Trithemius), 281n11

  Anonymous Spaniard (Pedro Bermudo), 434, 435

  Anselm of Canterbury, Saint, 89, 358, 361, 378m15

  Anthropomorphization, 154, 168, 173

  Antichrist, 276, 281–284

  Anticlaudianus (Alan of Lille), 111

  Antigonus of Carystus, 24

  “Anti-porfirio, L’ ” [“The Anti-Porphyry”] (Eco), 564–565

  Antonomasia, 82n50, 504, 532

  Antonymy, 19

  Apel, Karl-Otto, 486n14

  Apocalipsin libri duodecim (Beatus), 252

  Apocalypse (Revelation of Saint John the Divine), 250–252, 256–257; millennium prophecy in, 275–285; theological image of Jerusalem in, 273–274, 276; visualization of Scripture and, 264–265

  Apocryphal writings, 225, 238, 239

  Apologia (Pico della Mirandola), 409, 410, 415

  Apologie pour tous les grands hommes qui ont été accusés de magie (Naudé), 385

  “Apology for Raymond Sebond” (Montaigne), 189n17

  Appellatio, theory of, 361, 368

  Apperception, 471

  Apresjan, Jurij D., 553

  Arabic language, 22, 96–98, 107, 108, 234, 454

  Arbor Porphyriana (Porphyrian tree), 4–18, 26, 45, 169, 170, 193n20; Croce’s critique of, 532; Great Chain of Being and, 87; Llull’s scientific trees and, 33, 406; matrix compared with, 211; ontologies and, 60; open-ended conception of knowledge and, 55; purpose of, 35; schematism and, 481; semantics and, 550


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