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Talon Page 4

by Delisa Lynn

  “You look fine, I like the little pudgy you got going on.” She giggles. I grab her around her waist and pull her onto my lap. “Stop, you’ll mess up my hair,” she cries.

  “Kiss me, beautiful,” I say, as she leans her face into mine. “God, I love you.” I say as I slide my tongue in between her luscious lips.

  “Not as much as I love you, soldier.” Her arms wrap around my neck. “Shit, you’re going to mess up my outfit. It wrinkles easily.”

  “Fine, get your sexy ass off my lap. Tonight, when everyone leaves, you’re mine.”

  “I think I can arrange that. Are you wearing that?”

  Looking at my ensemble I shake my head and say, “Yes. Is it okay?”

  “Yeah, I think you look hot no matter what you wear. I am really partial to those red basketball shorts, but the jeans you have on will do.”

  “I think I’m going to try my prosthetic again. I want to be able to walk, not be in this chair.”

  “Good, I want you to walk and be out of that chair. I know you can do it. I think that your therapy is going really well.”

  “As long as I have you by my side, I believe that I can do anything.” I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s the truth.

  “I’ll never leave your side. Come on, we better get going. I am starved, and your mom promised me green beans.”

  “Will you help me with my leg?” I see a smile spread across her face. “I’ll need the walker too.” She rushes to the closet to get what I asked for. This place is pretty big. My parents used to rent it out, then they used it for storage. It is attached to the garage and has two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and one bath. There’s even a laundry room. We’ve talked about moving out of here eventually, but I know my parents love having us here. My sister just lives about ten minutes away, so she visits daily. She is a real estate agent and has done pretty well for herself. I haven’t seen any of Amelia’s family since arriving back. Mom has all of my stuff I left at the apartment that was supposed to go in storage. She said that she gave Amelia’s things to her family.

  “Hey, soldier, you ready to show these people you can walk with your new leg?” She winks as she scoots the walker closer to me.

  “Hell yeah.” I grab the walker and make it a few steps. It feels weird at first, but I can get used to it.

  “Son, it’s so good to have you here,” my father says as he pulls a chair up next to me. I love this back yard and the gatherings they have in the summer. He hands me a beer. “So...I’ve been holding off on this conversation, but why in the world would you distance yourself from us? We have loved you since you came into our lives, and you pushed us away when you needed us the most.”

  “Sir, I didn’t know what to do. Honestly, I was ready to just end my life. The love that Amelia and I shared, I never thought I could find that again. She was my world. Other than you, Mom, and Winter...She was all I had. Then she was gone, just like that. Hell, it was suppose to be the night I proposed to her. After I signed myself out of the hospital, I wanted to call you, but I just couldn’t. I needed to get on with my life, away from here, away from everything that reminded me of her.”

  “I get that. I really do. You know your mother wasn’t my first love. Annie, was her name. She was my light in the dark. We had it all. We had just got married and she was expecting our first child. About ten weeks into her pregnancy, she lost the baby. She was so devastated and distraught, she killed herself with grief. I’d kept pleading to her that we could try again, that we would get through it together, but she wouldn’t listen. I came home from work one day and there she was in the middle of the kitchen floor, both wrist slit, blood everywhere.” He chokes back his tears.

  “She was my life, son. We’d dated all through high school and I never thought I’d love anyone as much as I did her. Then I met your mother. We struggled with fertility, and I was so scared that she too would turn out the way Annie did. But we fought our issues together. We won the battle when we had Winter, then years later we struggled again and you came into our life. The son we’d dreamt of for years. I know that you have had a fucked up life, and I hate like hell that we didn’t get you sooner, but I also know that you are a hell of a man. You tried shutting us out, but we had a connection in the Army. Dax Lesion,” he says and I give him a confused look.

  “You see, he and your sister have been friends for years. He’d already moved away to Kansas City, by the time you came into the picture. But once she knew he was there with you, she didn’t want you to know. I know, it was shitty of all of us not to tell you, but you really gave us no choice, son.”

  “Well, now that all makes sense. I’m not pissed, I was just confused on how he and her knew each other, and how he was calling to tell her about the accident.”

  “Now about Reese, she seems like a good woman.” He smirks.

  “She is great, I pushed her away at first, but I fell hard for her. I knew there was no going back.”

  “You can see how much she loves you just by the mention of your name. Never let her go. She is your second chance at love. If you love her the way I love your mom, y’all will be just fine.”

  “Thanks. I know it’s been hard on her, with me losing my leg, and us both leaving the Army. She is looking into getting her real estate license. Winter said she would be more than happy to help her get started.”

  “Sounds like she and your sister have become quite close. She is a talker, she’d do great in that field.”

  “That she will. She’s for sure a people person.” I laugh as I see her walking toward us with a beer in her hand. “Hey, baby.” I grab her hand. “You having a good time?”

  “I am, your grandmother is a damn hoot!” She giggles.

  “That’s my momma. She will have you laughing all night,” Dad chimes in.

  “I had to walk away, my stomach was aching from laughing so hard.” Reese says smiling.

  “Well, I better get back over there. I left your mom at the grill, that’s never a good thing.” Dad grabs my shoulder. “I mean what I said. Embrace it.”

  I nod in agreement. I watch as Reese sits in the chair my father was in. I take her in, her dark hair blowing with the wind. Her smile is contagious. Grabbing her hand, she intertwines her fingers in mine. “Marry me,” I say. She looks up at me. “I love you and it only makes sense for us to get married.”

  “You’re serious, soldier?”

  “Hell, yes. I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t. I could plan this big romantic thing, but you and I both know that’s not us.”

  “Talon, I would be honored to be your wife, and you’re right, I’m not into the fancy proposal. Been there done that.” She laughs. “You will need to buy me ring, though.” She winks.

  “God, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “You’re stuck with me now. Your grandma likes me, so that means I am family. Her words, not mine.” She tilts the beer bottle to her lips.

  “I didn’t want to tell you, but it’s hard to get her approval. She is a tough cookie to impress.”

  “I got that. She was thrilled that I knew how to shoot a gun, and that I’ve been in the Army. You didn’t tell me your grandfather was a SEAL.”

  “Jesus, don’t let her near a gun. She can be dangerous.” I snort. “Yeah, he was. He served five tours, then was injured and retired.”

  “He’s quite.” She rests her head on my shoulder. “I like him though. I have fallen in love with your family. Now I am scared for you to meet mine, they’re so different.

  “Speaking of, is your mom still coming to visit next week?” She’d said her mom wanted to come and stay a week or so.

  “Yeah, she is. She’s pretty excited about meeting you. I told her that she was more than welcome to stay here, but she has already reserved a room at the Hyatt.”

  “It’ll be good for you to see her. I know that you miss your family.”

  “I do miss her. But I have to warn you, you think I talk a lot? She is ten times worse.” />
  I laugh. “You’re not so bad, babe. I enjoy our conversations.”

  “Let’s go tell them the news. Dax just got here. Your sister has been a nervous wreck since she found out he was coming.”

  OCTOBER 31, 2010


  My sister is having a Halloween party tonight. Reese insisted that we go as Raggedy Ann and Andy. She found the costumes online. I’m not thrilled about wearing a yarn wig and wearing make-up, but I’d do anything for that woman. I watch as she sleeps, she is fucking perfect. Sliding my hand up her thigh, I make my way to her breast. I tweak her nipple and watch as she turns over giving me better access. My dick is so hard just thinking about being inside of her. She got on the pill last month, so now I don’t have to worry about condoms. Thank fuck, cause I hated having that barrier between us. I love taking her raw. My dick jumps, as I run my fingers over her bare pussy. Her moans let me know she wants me. Bringing my face to hers, I kiss the corner of her mouth. Trailing down her neck, making my way to her breast, and pulling a taut nipple between my teeth.

  “Talon,” she moans. “Make love to me.”

  “I plan on that, sweetheart,” I say as I wrap my arm under her back. Pushing her hair away from her face, I see that her skin is now flushed with desire. Sliding a finger in her folds, I can feel the wetness. She is ready for me. “Were you dreaming of me, babe,” I ask as I tease her swollen bud.

  “You know it, soldier,” she says with her eyes still closed. “Please, I need you,” she begs.

  Spreading her legs apart with my knee, I feel can feel the pre-cum seeping from my cock. Jesus, I’m not gonna last long. Pushing through her wetness, my cock finds that spot that makes her yell my name as I fill her with my release. Pulling out so I can feel the high as I enter her again, I feel my release building up.

  “Fuck me,” I groan as I start pumping faster. “Love this pussy, sweets. So Goddamn good,” I moan. Pulling out, I roll over and slide her on top of me. “Ride me,” I order. And she does just as I ask. She wastes no time, gliding up and down on my cock, and I feel my balls tighten. I’m holding back as much as I can, I know she has got hers already, but hell I know she can get a few more. “Faster,” I grunt as my hands dig into her hips. I watch her as she gets her high. I love making her come. Stilling her as I fill her with my release, she collapses on top of me.

  “Good morning to you too.”

  “Morning, babe. I have therapy soon.” I only have a few weeks left. I hope that soon I’ll be able to walk without my damn walker. It’s only been a little over two months, but I am so ready to walk on my own.

  “Coffee,” she groans. I start to get up and she pushes me back down. “You stay put, I’ll get it.”

  I watch as she gets up, her fine ass bouncing as she walks. I smile, knowing that lovely woman is mine, all mine.

  I hate crowds and my sister knows I do, so I have no clue why she wanted us to attend this party. She has invited a lot of people that we knew back in high school. It’s weird, because I don’t remember a lot of them. They speak, and I have to think really hard about who the hell they are. I wasn’t popular in school like she was. Miss social butterfly is what dad always called her. I watch everyone around me laugh and talk, and my mind drifts off to my high school prom.

  “Come on let’s get out of here, I reserved a room at the Hilton,” I say in between kisses.

  “Oh God, are you for real?” Amelia asks excitedly.

  “Yes, I told you this night would be perfect, nothing but the best for you.” I’d been saving my allowance for months. I’d also saved every penny from my summer job at Dad’s dealership. I’d detailed and cleaned over five thousand cars last summer.

  “Let’s go, I need to tell Winter I am leaving or she’ll be looking for us.” She starts to walk away.

  “She already knows, I told her earlier.”

  “What? She didn’t tell me. I’m glad she didn’t though. This is by far the best surprise ever.” She kisses me “Let’s go, handsome.”

  I shake my head and see that Reese is staring at me. She mouths, “You okay?” I nod letting her know I am good. I pick up the orange solo cup and down the alcohol. Since I’ve been with Reese, a lot of the Amelia memories and flashbacks don’t come as much, but when they do I still feel that ache in my heart. I still wonder what she would be like now. If she would have really stayed with me, stuck by my side through all this, or if she would have bailed as soon as she got sight of me. Standing up, I feel a little light-headed and sit back down. Reese is next to me by the time I have my eyes open.

  “What’s wrong? You look pale.”

  “I think I am hungry is all.” I have been drinking all evening and haven’t ate much.

  “I’ll get you some water. Have you eaten anything since lunch?”

  “Nah, I haven’t now that I think of it. I also took a few of the pain-killers. So that could be the issue. I hate to be a party pooper, but would it be okay if we took off?”

  “We can go. We’ll stop and pick up a pizza on the way home. Would that be okay,” she asks as she helps me stand.

  “That’d be perfect. I’ll let Winter know we’re leaving,” I say, sliding my walker toward the huge Care Bear in the center of the room. Yeah, my sister had an 80s themed Halloween party.

  “Hey you okay,” she asks as her arm goes around my waist.

  “Yeah, a little tired so we’re going to take off.”

  “Thank you for coming, it means a lot to me.”

  “Of course, we need to hang out more.”

  “I was just telling Dax that earlier. He’ll be here soon. He had a late flight.”

  “Tell him to stop over before he leaves, it’ll be good to see him.”

  “I will. We’ll have to do dinner. I love you, be careful,” she says, hugging me.

  “Love you,” I say before turning to Reese. “You ready, sweets?”

  “I am, thanks for having us over, Winter.”

  “Girl, you’re welcome anytime. Are we still on for manis and pedis Sunday?”

  “Yes, you know I need one.” She laughs. “I’ll call you.”

  We make our way to the car, and Reese helps me in. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you need me to call the doctor,” she asks as she slides in the driver seat.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. I really think I’m just hungry and tired is all. I need to get this prosthetic off though, my nub feels swollen. They said it was fine when I was at therapy.”

  “We can have pizza delivered. I’ll call now so it’s there when we get there.” She puts the car back in park and makes the call.

  I wash all the junk off my face, before pulling my costume off. I slide my prosthesis off; unrolling the compression sleeve that’s stuck to my skin, I see that my nub is red and irritated. Shit, I had a feeling things were going to good. “Reese,” I yell. “Come here, babe,” I yell again. She comes running in the bedroom.

  “What’s wrong,” she asks then sees my leg. “Hell, it’s infected. I’ll get your chair. I need to get you to the hospital. I’ll let Tina know in case she wants to go.”

  “Okay,” I say as I feel my knee throbbing. Flashbacks of that night come to mind.

  “Stay down, Reese,” I cry. “I can’t lose you too.”

  “Talon, please, you’ve been hit. I need to see if you’re okay.”

  “Reese, don’t move, they’re going to kill you,” I beg to her not to move.

  “Talon, baby, I’m fine. You’re the one that was shot, not me, now roll over. Please.”

  “They’re going to hurt you, please stay down.”

  “Livingston, I am fine. I need to check on you,” she cries.

  “Is he okay?” I hear Dax’s voice.

  “No, he’s been hit. His lower extremity.”

  “I’ll call his sister.” I hear him say.

  “Help me turn him over, we need to see where he was hit.”

  “Talon, your mom is going to go with us. You’re so pale. Here, put this
washrag on your head.” I have kind of felt like shit all day, but I have never felt this way before.

  “Water, can you get me water,” I ask.

  “Yes, come on, I’ll need your help getting you in your chair.”

  “I’m not feeling to well, babe. All my energy is gone.”

  “Shit, the pizza is here.”

  “I have it. Oh, sweetheart, you look awful,” my mom chimes in. “Let’s get you to the ER.”

  “Well thanks, Mom, I just...” Is all I get out, before I start losing all the liquids I consumed today.

  NOVEMBER 6, 2010



  I’ve been lying in this bed for days now. Seems like I had an infection and it set up in my body. I had to have intravenous antibiotics for the last seven days. I do feel a hell of a lot better than I did when they brought me here. Reese has stayed as much as she could, but she had some appointments she couldn’t cancel. She will be back later tonight, but I miss her like crazy. I hate that I have to lie here in this fucking bed. Picking up the glass of water on the tray that’s in front of me, I throw it as hard as I can across the room.

  “Now what did that cup do to you,” Melissa, the nurse who’s been here since I have, asks.

  “I’m ready to go home. Have they said if the infection is gone? My stump looks much better.”

  “Well, Mr. Grumpy Pants, you do get to go home today. But...you can’t wear your prosthetic for a few weeks. Give your stump time to heal.”

  “I just want to go home and be with my woman. No offense, you’ve been really nice, but this bed is harder than the ones I slept on in Iraq.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that a time or two. Are you having any pain? You haven’t had any pain meds since last night.”

  “Just in my ass, from this bed,” I complain.

  “Well, let’s go for a walk, shall we?” She scoots the wheelchair closer to the bed.


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