Wild Girls Rule

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Wild Girls Rule Page 5

by Rosalie Lario

  “You should think about coming back home,” Evan said. “The job you went there for is gone, and it’s not like you have any family in New York.”

  “I don’t want to go home.”

  God, she sounded like a whiny brat.

  She took a breath and tried again. “I like it there, Evan. I’m not saying it’s going to be my home forever, but I’m happy there right now.”

  “Okay,” he said grudgingly. “I just want you to know you’re always welcome at my house.”

  “I know.” She wiggled her toes, examining her toenail polish. Bright pink. It made her smile. “I love you.”

  “Me too. Be safe.”

  After hanging up, Hailey contemplated the television for all of half a second. She picked up her phone once again and dialed her roommate Lily.

  “Hello?” Lily said.

  “I’m bored.”

  Lily let out a laugh. “You’re in Atlantic City, girl. I’m sure you can find something to do.”

  “Come over. We’ll have a girl’s night.”

  “I can’t. I have a shift at the vet’s office tomorrow, remember?”

  Hailey bounded off the bed and stalked over to the window. It had a breathtaking view of the beach. Say what she would about Andrew, he was definitely no cheapskate.

  “Call in,” she urged Lily. “I have a room overlooking the beach, and it’s fucking fantastic.”

  “Aye, you’re so impulsive. You know I can’t, so stop torturing me.” Lily sighed. “Besides, weren’t you talking the other day about how you needed to get laid? This is a prime opportunity.”

  One would have thought…

  “Andrew’s not interested.” Hailey had pulled out all the stops on the trip over. If the banana thing hadn’t tempted him, nothing would.

  “So find someone else,” Lily said matter-of-factly. “You said you don’t have any feelings beyond lust for him anyway, right?”

  Good point, and one she couldn’t refute. Even if part of her balked at the thought of bringing a total stranger back for a one-night stand. Not that she hadn’t done it before. “I guess you’re right.”

  “Then go. Have fun.”

  “Ugh, fine,” Hailey said in mock exasperation.

  Lily laughed. “Later.”

  After hanging up, Hailey briefly debated just staying in. Getting a good night’s sleep. But she wasn’t tired and, to be honest, she was feeling a bit lonely. Back in Florida she had no shortage of friends she could count on for a fun night out, but so far she only had Lily back in the city. Great as her new roommate was, she also worked a lot, and Hailey hadn’t found too many friendly prospects at Everly Publications. She needed to get out more.

  Decision made, she stalked over to her suitcase and dug through it until she found the sexy dress she’d packed away just in case. Short, black, and sequined, with a V-cut top and a low back, it punctuated her curves and practically screamed “DO ME!” She might have been scared to wear it out alone if she hadn’t grown up taking mixed martial arts lessons with Evan. If forced to, she could kick some ass, even while wearing such a miserable excuse for a dress.

  She squeezed into the outfit, did her hair and makeup, and then slipped out the door. The ride down to the lobby was…interesting. Even though it was only eight o’clock at night, way too early in Hailey’s opinion for such raucous drunkenness, someone forgot to tell the group of college-aged kids who stumbled onto the elevator. One of them gave her an appreciative glance, but she ignored him. She might be free-spirited, but even she had her limits. In her experience, young and drunk did not spell a good time.

  The elevator opened to the Main Level lobby and she stepped out. First things first, she needed a drink. Preferably a stiff one. She stepped into the bar nestled just off the lobby…and stopped dead in her tracks.

  Andrew was there.

  Not just there in the bar, but without his customary tie and suit jacket. His stark white dress shirt was unbuttoned on top, and he’d partially rolled up the sleeves.

  Damn, he looks hot.

  It was the first time she’d seen him so undone, and the sight sent a shiver of awareness up her spine. Instant libido boost.

  He sat alone at the bar, rolling a glass of something that looked like brandy or whiskey between his hands. Something about that made him seem vulnerable in a way she’d never seen from him before.

  She started forward, keeping her gaze locked on him as he lifted the glass to his lips and took a long swallow. He didn’t even notice as she glided up beside him and set her little black pocketbook onto the counter.

  “Hey, stranger.”

  He looked over to her and blinked hard. His eyes slid down her body, and a heavy, heated emotion momentarily flickered in them.

  Holy hell, had he…had he actually just noticed her?

  “Hailey. What are you doing here?”

  “Getting a drink.” Duh. She slid into the empty barstool beside him. “What are you doing here?”

  A crooked smile curved his lips as he lifted his now mostly empty glass to her.


  She signaled the bartender. “How’d your meeting go?”

  “Not so great.” Andrew frowned into his glass. “He’s decided not to invest in our global expansion.”

  “Oh no.” That explained the glum face. “I’m sorry. Is that going to delay things?”

  “Probably not,” he said, his voice soft, a little bit tired. “I’ll just have to hit up one of the other investors for a larger sum of money.”


  The bartender, a cute, tall blonde, pulled up. “What can I get you?”

  “I’ll have a long island iced tea with a lemon wedge,” Hailey said to her.

  The blonde turned her gaze to Andrew, and a glimmer of appreciation shone there. Not that Hailey could blame her, but her inner bitch still wanted to claw the lady’s eyes out.

  Wow, guess I’m a little more territorial than I thought.

  “What about you, handsome?” the blonde asked. “Ready for a refill?”

  He hesitated for a second, staring down at his glass. But then he drank down the remaining contents and held it out. “Why not?”

  Hailey waited until the bartender left before saying, “I didn’t take you for much of a drinker.”

  “I’m not,” he agreed amiably. His eyes slowly trailed back down her body, as if he couldn’t help himself. “You look nice.”

  Oh my god, he did notice.

  “A compliment?” She gasped in mock surprise and mimed almost falling off her barstool. “And here I thought you didn’t know I was alive.”

  Letting out a chuckle, he shook his head. “Of course I do. You’re pretty impossible to ignore.”

  Something about his frank admission, his demeanor, stopped her cold. She examined his face, shocked when he blatantly stared right back. This was nothing like the Andrew she’d come to know these past few weeks. That Andrew couldn’t be bothered with trivial things like prolonged eye contact.

  The bartender returned and set their glasses down in front of them. They didn’t take their gazes off each other, though, and after a brief pause, the woman left without saying a word.

  That was when it hit Hailey. “You’re drunk.”

  He laughed out loud, and for an all too brief moment, she caught a glimpse of the boy she used to know.

  “Only buzzed. All I had so far is a couple drinks.” He punctuated that statement by picking up his refill and taking a big gulp.

  Hailey watched his throat move as he drank, unable to help herself. He was so graceful, so polished, even while doing something as mundane as drinking. And something about that was undeniably hot.

  Andrew set his glass down and licked the fluid from his lips.

  Holy turn-on. Shuddering, she watched the silky slide of his tongue along his mouth. Her nipples puckered and wetness pooled between her thighs.

  The man was damn sexy when he wasn’t wound up tighter than a nun at a male strip club.
br />   “How often do you drink?”

  His soft grin was devastatingly breathtaking. “Almost never.”

  Oh boy. She lifted a suddenly shaky hand to her glass and drank three quarters of it down.

  “That stuff is strong,” Andrew commented, his eyes locked on her.

  “But it doesn’t taste strong.” She winked at him and tossed the rest down in one smooth swallow. “Which is what makes it so much fun.”

  He made a soft sound that was halfway between a grunt and groan, and her gaze flew back to his.

  Yup, there it was. No mistaking that look.

  He’d actually noticed her. As a woman.

  Well, I’ll be damned.

  What was it that made her suddenly attractive to him? Was it because he was buzzed, or because he was feeling the urge and she was the first person who’d approached him? Who knew?

  All she knew was that she liked seeing that hint of longing in his eyes. It made her want to see much, much more of him.

  This night might turn out interesting after all.

  “So…” Lifting the lemon wedge to her lips, Hailey playfully sucked on the juice. “What are you doing with the rest of your night?”

  He gave a nonchalant shrug, though his free hand rose to tug on his collar. She took that as an unconscious hint that her flirtation hadn’t gone unnoticed, and slid just a fraction closer to him.

  Oh man, he smelled good. Like whiskey and spice. It made her want to lick him.

  “Want to play a game?” she asked.

  His brow rose, his gaze dropping to her lips. “What kind?”

  She pretended to think for a moment, and then gave him a wicked grin. “Real or fake.”

  “Real or…?” He threw his head back and laughed, honest amusement transforming his features. Mesmerized, she watched him. The man was stunning when he didn’t have a stick up his ass.

  His eyes glinted as they met hers once again. Shaking herself out of the lust-induced haze he’d sparked, she turned and scanned the bar. It had filled up since she’d come in, and it didn’t take her long to find a good candidate for the game. She pointed to a petite brunette with a slim waist and large breasts.

  “Real or fake?” she asked.

  She’d half expected him to demur, to state that such silly games were too juvenile for him, but to her surprise he answered without hesitation. “Fake.”

  “Definitely fake,” Hailey agreed. “That one was easy. How about…her?”

  “Real.” He pointed at a woman standing several feet away. “Your turn.”

  “Way to show initiative,” she said with appreciation, before responding.

  Caught up in the game they played, she found herself losing track of time. Andrew had thrown himself into it with a gusto that astonished her…but then, everything about him shocked her tonight.

  Two drinks later, she was just buzzed enough to be honest. “I like this version of you.”

  Andrew gave her a puzzled look, curling one of his hands into a loose fist on top of the counter. “This version of me?”

  “The laid-back one. The one who can have a few drinks. Who can relax.”

  Her admission sobered him just enough for her to regret saying anything. His gaze dropped to his fist. “I suppose over the years I’ve come to think of relaxation as a weakness.”

  “Because of your father?” she guessed.

  He smiled without humor. “Yup.”

  Well, no wonder the man was wound up so tight. The man who was supposed to be his greatest mentor had taught him that anything else was substandard.

  And why had she even thought to bring up this dumb subject? She wanted to see him smile again. Wanted the guy who would so easily join in on a game of real or fake.

  Hell, right now she just wanted him. The Andrew she saw back at the office was handsome in a cold, untouchable way. This Andrew was all heat and solid man, and the knowledge of that made her thighs dampen with longing.

  Hailey bit down on her lip as her gaze washed over Andrew’s profile. The way she saw it, she had two choices. She could continue to let him bind himself in his self-imposed chains of rigidity…

  Or she could offer to help him loosen up a bit.

  Yeah, it would require putting herself on the line. Facing rejection. Potential humiliation. Just the thought of it made her pulse race and her cheeks heat.

  He might shoot her down.

  It would certainly be a risk.

  Which was why she was going to do it.

  What good was being a wild child if you didn’t do something that scared you every now and again?

  Mind made up, she set her hand on his thigh. Slid it higher just a fraction.

  His body went instantly rigid, eyes lowering to her hand.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, his voice going low and tight.


  “Relaxation isn’t always a bad thing.” She leaned in to whisper, “In fact, it can be very, very good.”

  His gaze shot to hers, rife with heat. Palpable awareness thickened the air around them.

  He understood exactly what she was getting at, and if the look in his eye was any indication, he was tempted.

  Thank god.

  “I…” His voice came out hoarse, and he cleared his throat before continuing. “I’m your boss.”

  Part of her admired that Andrew didn’t pretend to misunderstand what she meant, even as the rest of her found his statement hilarious. He was protesting because he was technically her boss? As if that mattered to her.

  “You’re not going to sue me for sexual harassment, are you?” she joked.

  His lips twisted into a quick grin, but then he grew serious once more. “We work together.”

  “That won’t change come morning,” she pointed out, “and this is tonight we’re talking about. We’re off the clock, mister.”

  When he continued to look doubtful, she pressed, “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

  Reluctant amusement shone in his gaze as he shook his head. “What about Evan?”

  “I don’t make a habit of sharing the details of my sex life with my brother,” she said dryly. “Do you?”

  “No,” he murmured.

  He was weakening. She could sense it.

  Slowly, he leaned forward. The movement slid her hand just a fraction higher up his thigh, and she held her breath.

  His lips stopped just inches from hers, so close his warm, whiskey-scented breath fanned her skin. They trailed to her ear, grazing the surface of her skin and sending a shiver down her spine. Her stomach tightened from his proximity, from the urge to feel his body rub against hers.

  “I can’t say I’m not tempted,” he whispered into her ear. “Because I am. Very much so. But you and me, that would be a very bad idea.”

  “Why?” she whispered back. Her voice came out thin and shaky, but she was past the point of caring.

  “I have nothing to offer you. And you deserve better than that.”

  Leaving her to process his words, Andrew sat back and dug into his pocket. He pulled a few bills out of his wallet and set them onto the counter.

  “Go back to your room, Hailey.” His eyes met hers. “Get some sleep. We’ll forget any of this ever happened.”

  He rose from the bar and left.



  Her body trembled with shock as she turned to watch him go. He wanted her. She knew it. She’d seen the desire in his eyes.

  How was it possible that he could just walk away?

  No. I don’t think so.

  Not without talking about this. Not without a better reason than he had nothing to offer her.

  She wasn’t asking for anything more than hot sex. And there was no doubt in her mind he was more than equipped to give her that.

  Rising to her feet, Hailey rushed out of the bar, leaving behind the soft, muted roar of the ever-increasing crowd.

  She caught up with him as he entered the elevator, and slipped inside be
fore it closed with just him inside. Anger took over.

  How could he so nonchalantly walk away?

  “Hold on now,” she said.

  He straightened to his full height, eyes wary.

  “Who are you to tell me what I do or don’t need?”


  “I have news for you, Andrew.” Her feet glided toward him, and his back hit the wall. She came to a stop inches away, rising to her toes so she could better meet his eyes. “I’m not a little girl anymore. I’m a grown woman who can make her own decisions.”

  He sighed and leaned his head against the wall. “Hailey, I—”

  “That includes whom I do or don’t sleep with.” She poked her finger into his firm chest. “And if I want to have a night of meaningless fun, I’m perfectly entitled to do so.”

  His eyes flashed with heat. “I didn’t say—”

  “So, if you’re going to turn me down, give me a better reason than you have nothing to offer me.”

  “I don’t—”

  She jabbed her finger into his chest again. “Because all I want from you is sex.”

  Andrew let out a muffled curse and grabbed her wrist. The spark of heat in his gaze flamed into a blazing inferno. He tugged, and she went tumbling forward. Right into his arms.

  The warm slide of his chest against hers made her gasp for breath. When his arms closed around the small of her back, her heart thumped a furious rhythm. She locked gazes with him, unable to tear herself away from the emotions raging in his eyes.

  “You should know better than to ask that of me,” he whispered, his voice low and hoarse.

  “Why?” She let herself relax against him, let her hips move forward to press against his. He was hard and hot down there, and he oh so definitely wanted her. If the arousal pressing against her stomach hadn’t told her so, the muscle ticking in his jaw would have.

  She reached up to trace the hard line of his chin, the strong bridge of his nose. Down to his full, kissable lips. How many times had she imagined doing just that, kissing him until he went crazy for want of her?

  “It’s okay, you know,” she said. “To let yourself go every now and again.”

  He sucked in a breath and his eyes lowered down her body. The tension between them rose to unbearable levels, making every nerve ending in her body tingle with awareness. He was weakening, she could feel it. He wanted her as badly as she wanted him.


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