Chance Encounters

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Chance Encounters Page 52

by Linda Wells

  Bingley watched the activity and met his friend’s burning gaze and nodded.

  Darcy regarded him. “What drove you to make such a request of me?”

  “It seems that my aunt wishes her gone as well.” He laughed hollowly. “I thought that if she could return to London, she could live alone, and leave us in peace.”

  “Perhaps she will live alone quite comfortably in Scarborough. I am sorry, Bingley, you know that I would do most anything for you, but not this.”

  “I understand. At least I can say that I spoke to you.” He looked at his stony face. “Forgive me for imposing on you, Darcy.”

  “Of course. I know that you are simply doing what you feel you must.” He turned his mount. “Come, let us go and find our lovely wives.” He galloped off and Bingley smiled. He had not lost his best friend, and secretly he was relieved at his decision. Caroline would have to make her way on her own. He laughed softly to himself and thought, she can stew in her own pudding as Jane said.

  THEY HAD JUST SAT DOWN to dinner that evening when a footman entered the dining room. “Sir, an express has just arrived addressed to Mrs. Darcy and Mrs. Bingley.”

  Elizabeth and Jane looked at each other. Darcy took the missive and saw that it was from Longbourn. He was hoping that it was not bad news and hesitating, handed it to Elizabeth. “Perhaps you should read this now; otherwise we will all be staring at it throughout the meal.”

  She took the envelope and broke it open. Her eyes grew wide as she read, her hand coming up to her mouth. Jane was beside herself watching, and four pairs of eyes bore into her.

  “Lizzy! What is it? Has something happened?”

  Elizabeth looked up, shaking her head. “I do not believe it. I am not entirely surprised, but I do not believe it.” She suddenly remembered the other occupants of the room. “There is no need for us to travel to Hertfordshire next week, William. Lydia is married.”

  “Pardon?” Jane asked, grabbing the letter from her sister.

  “Apparently Colonel and Mrs. Forster found that they could not bear Lydia’s complaints and behaviour any longer, and the Colonel personally went to the church and bought a wedding license for them. He gave Lieutenant Denny an early leave, and saw them wed five days ago.” She looked helplessly at Darcy. “They are honeymooning in London, and will travel to Hertfordshire, then on to his family’s home in Essex before returning to the married officers’ quarters in Brighton. They expect to remove to their winter post in Berks in late October. Lieutenant Denny is seeking a permanent assignment somewhere, he hopes in London with the regulars.”

  Jane dropped the letter onto the table. “Oh Mama must be devastated!” She looked at her husband. “You saw how excited she was to have another wedding, and to have the breakfast at Longbourn.”

  “What does your father have to say about this?” Darcy asked his still incredulous wife.

  “He is glad that it is over, and is surprised that she lasted this long. He was expecting at any time to receive a letter that they had eloped. In his opinion, this was the far better outcome.” She said sadly while looking at the letter, “I suppose that Papa will never change completely.”

  “We can still go and visit your family, Elizabeth.” He offered gently, taking her hand in his.

  She squeezed his fingers and knew that his making the offer to go was a great gift, and she appreciated it more than she could say. “No, William. If they come here for Christmas, I think that will be enough of my father’s presence for you to have to bear for some time. I will write that we will stay home.” She looked at Jane. “I know that probably disappoints you, Jane, but perhaps you can extend your stay here since there is no reason to rush back to Hertfordshire.”

  Bingley immediately jumped in, “I would like to stay here longer, Jane. We have many estates to view, and perhaps we could settle on one, and complete the negotiations in person instead of by post. That would be much better I think.”

  “Yes Lizzy. I would like to stay.” Jane smiled at her sister. “I need the relief from Mama and Papa!”

  “Good! That is settled!” Bingley turned to Darcy. “Perhaps we can get some sport in as well?”

  Elizabeth grimaced at Georgiana and turned to Jane. “Oh dear, men and their sport, thank you for staying Jane, and rescuing us from those conversations!” The ladies laughed and began planning their activities for the weeks to come.

  “OH, HOW LOVELY!” Jane exclaimed as the Darcy carriage approached Lyndon Hall. She turned to her husband who was watching her eagerly. “Charles it is perfect!”

  Bingley took her hand and kissed it. “We have not entered yet, Jane, it may prove disappointing once we do.”

  Elizabeth leaned forward across the coach and touched her sister’s knee. “What I think Charles is trying to say is to keep your effusions to yourself until a price has been negotiated.” She smiled as the look of dawning understanding crossed her sister’s face.

  Darcy took Elizabeth’s hand and squeezed. “I think I should have you present during my negotiations for next year’s wool production. I have a feeling you would drive a hard bargain.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Well, I imagine my presence would be quite unsettling to all of those men. They would be offended to have a woman in their midst, and they might not notice what they are signing.”

  “Hmm, perhaps I would be the one unsettled.” He brushed his lips over her hand and enjoyed her blush.

  The two couples had spent the past week visiting properties around Derbyshire for the Bingleys to purchase. There were four that Darcy deemed suitable to both Bingley’s resources and meeting the required income generating potential. Lyndon Hall was, he felt, the best and therefore the last one to be viewed. It was located approximately thirty miles from Pemberley House, but if taking into account the acreage, Lyndon Hall was actually within seven miles of the nearest Darcy-owned land. As they travelled, Elizabeth kept looking at him expectantly, and he would just smile and shake his head. Finally after hours of travel, he nodded, and laughed at her stunned expression upon his confirmation that they had finally passed the outer boundary of Pemberley. The enormity of his estate was indelibly impressed upon her, and he saw that slight trace of fear in her expression that he immediately acted to dispel.

  “It is just sheep and pasture out here, sweetheart, please do not let it overwhelm you.” She drew breath and nodded, reassured by his steady gaze and warm caress of her hands.

  They disembarked from the carriage and were soon met by the estate’s steward, Mr. Douglass. He explained the history of the home, the former owner had died a bachelor, with no entailment and no heirs who wished to live in Derbyshire. They also had no desire to see the estate, and had ordered that the property be sold complete, including the contents, as soon as possible. For a man who was coming to landownership for the first time, it presented an ideal situation, and Darcy’s research proved that the income could certainly be enough to match, and with proper management, exceed what Bingley currently drew on the interest from his father’s savings, funds which would be significantly depleted upon purchasing the estate. It was essentially the size of Netherfield, but with the savings from not needing to furnish the rooms, Bingley could purchase additional land nearby which was available. The profits from the estate, combined with the income from his continued interests in trade would raise his income to at least seven thousand pounds.

  Elizabeth and Jane set off to investigate the house, while the men spoke with the steward. The furniture was dated, but in good condition. The wall coverings needed to be replaced, and some minor repairs were necessary, but those were superficial things, as the house was sound. The gentlemen rejoined the ladies and the couples separated. Elizabeth watched her sister from afar, smiling as she valiantly tried to suppress her excitement. Darcy’s lifted brow caught her eye and she smiled up at him. “It seems to me that Jane’s choice is made.”

  “That is a good thing as Bingley just negotiated a price.”

  She shook her h
ead. “You knew he would take this place all along?”

  Darcy shrugged. “I had a fairly good idea.”

  “What would Charles do without your subtle guidance?” She asked as she gently stroked his cheek.

  Darcy blushed slightly. “I am sure he would do quite well.”

  Elizabeth laughed and squeezed his hand. He gazed at her, she was restored to her happy self again, and he was overjoyed to share her vibrancy. Since returning from their honeymoon, the two had become practically inseparable. Only estate business or entertaining their guests drew them apart. They walked through the secluded gardens adjacent to the house, arm in arm in a comfortable silence. “I am so pleased that we will be present for the tenants’ harvest celebration, Lizzy. It is the one event each year where I really should appear, and I am delighted to have you by my side this time.”

  She grinned. “Do you join in the frivolity? I know the harvest celebrations in Hertfordshire are always rather raucous.”

  He kissed her cheek. “I doubt that you would believe my participating in anything remotely frivolous, my love.”

  She smiled, thinking that indeed, he would likely be very uncomfortable, but there to do his duty. “Perhaps this year it will be a happier occasion for you.”

  He caressed the hand resting on his arm. “I know it will. I shall dance for the first time.”

  “Really? With whom?” She teased.

  He placed his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. “If you think that I will dance with anyone but you, my dear, you are sadly mistaken.”

  She raised her brow. “Not even one with Jane?”

  He sighed. “One with Jane and you shall have one with Bingley. I refuse to relinquish you to any other man.” She blushed and looked up to his loving gaze.

  “Thank you. I would not wish for any other arrangement.” Darcy caressed her face and gently raised her chin. She watched as his eyes closed and her breath caught as his lips lowered to capture hers. Her own eyes closed and she felt the racing of her heart as his beat against hers. His hand left her face and moved to the back of her head, as his other pulled her waist so they were pressed tightly together. She felt his tongue lightly trace her parted lips, and sighed as it entered and began tasting her own. The kiss escalated from softly caressing to an ardent exchange. His hands roamed her back, and he pulled away to kiss her neck.

  His husky voice whispered, “Lizzy, could we not go and explore the park?” His lips then found their target, the sensitive spot on her throat that gave him the pleasure of her moan.

  Her arms tight around his waist, she whispered, “Do we have time?”

  His eyes opened and met hers, they were warm with desire. “They cannot leave without us.” She laughed. Darcy firmly grasped her hand, and scanned the garden. Spotting a copse of trees he glanced down at her flushed face and leaned to kiss her. “Come.”

  They soon arrived at the chosen spot. It was perfect, the surrounding trees formed a private room, and the dappled sunlight through the leaves warmed the long, soft grass. Darcy removed his topcoat and laid it on the ground. Elizabeth added her shawl, and he aided her to lie upon their makeshift bed. They knew their tryst must be quickly achieved, but that did not stop them from savouring each other’s bodies. He carefully lowered himself on top of her and they lay, she enjoying the comfort of his weight, he the softness of her form. His hands caressed her face. “I could not go another moment without loving you, Lizzy.” Before she could reply, his lips were upon hers and she was lost in the sensation of his kiss. She ran her hands through his hair, and down his broad back, pressing his bottom firmly to place him between her parted legs. He moved to again suckle her neck and she moaned.

  “Oh Will, please. . .”

  He breathed into her ear. “Tell me what you want, Lizzy.”

  She clutched him and her voice begged, “Slow, please go slow.” He smiled, and propping himself on an elbow, opened his breeches while she gathered up her skirts. He gently pushed her back, kissed her tenderly, and slowly entered her in one long, delicious stroke. “Ohhhhhh.” They moaned together.

  Completely joined, they held each other and took a moment to lose themselves in the pleasure of their intimate embrace. Darcy raised his head from where it lay against her curls and began to bestow lingering, increasingly hungry kisses as his hips began driving rhythmically into her. Her hips rose and met his with equal desire, and their clandestine, passionate, devoted lovemaking soon resulted in Elizabeth’s back arching up into his thrusting body, her muscles milking him of every precious drop of the essence that now flooded her. He gasped her name as the blackness of total, joyful oblivion overtook his senses when his final stroke pushed him as deeply inside of her as he could go. They remained in their lover’s clasp, softly kissing, their hands buried in each other’s hair, until their hearts and breathing calmed.

  With regret, they separated and then carefully rose to adjust their appearance. Elizabeth gasped and blushed. When he looked at her with questioning eyes she lifted her skirt, so he could see the evidence of their love slowly running down her thigh and catching in her stocking.

  He stared and swallowed. It was all he could do not to throw her onto the ground and love her again. “Do you mind? Shall we go inside so you can refresh yourself?”

  Shaking her head, she lowered her skirt, “There is no hurry. I like the feel of you upon me, it marks me as yours.” He swallowed again, such words only made him want her more. She gently caressed the growing bulge in his breeches.

  “Lizzy. . .”

  Taking his hand she began to lead him back into the sunlight. She took one step but was brought instantly to a dead stop. He remained where he was. She turned to look at him. “Will?”

  His searing gaze burned into her and instantly her heart started pounding. With one strong tug she found herself encircled in his arms of iron. He stared down at her, his breath ragged. His eyes travelled down her face, her throat, her heaving chest, then back up to her mouth. She watched as he slowly licked his lips, like an animal about to devour his prey and feeling his erection pressing urgently against her, stood in trembling anticipation of his passion.

  “Do you remember all of those mornings at Rosings Lizzy, when we met at that one particular tree at dawn?” She nodded mutely. He pushed her backwards until she felt the jolt of her back contacting the solid oak tree behind her. Fascinated, she watched as his hands hovered over her body, following, but not touching her curves, the heat from his near touch escalated her trembling to shivers. Her breathing now was in short pants, as his became harsher, his burning eyes raking over her. She watched as he again released his throbbing arousal, and then lifted her skirts. He pressed his mouth to her ear. “Do you know how hard it was for me not to take you against that tree like you are right now?” He lifted her up to his eye level, and kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he lifted her bottom with his hands, placing her legs so they encircled his waist. He broke the kiss. “Did you want me then, Lizzy?” He thrust himself into her, and then ground his hips, spearing her against the tree. “Did you? Tell me Lizzy. I wanted you constantly.” He began pounding into her.

  She closed her eyes. “Oh . . . yes. . . I . . . wanted you. I . . . ached . . . every time you . . . touched me.”

  “Do you still ache for me?” His voice rasped. Her head dropped onto his shoulder, and she gave herself completely over to him. “Always, Will.” She moaned.

  “Look at me.” He demanded. She lifted her head and stared into his face. “I love you.” He watched as her lips began to respond and saw instead her eyes close as she fell over the brink. Smiling with satisfaction, he crushed his lips to hers as his seed again pumped into her and groaned with his release. The tree held her firmly as his body shook against hers. Finally letting her down, she stood on shaking legs and they pressed their foreheads together, holding hands and breathing hard. Elizabeth’s skirts fell back down around her. “Did I frighten you?” Darcy’s soft voice was back,
the rake retreated.

  She touched his face and he opened his eyes, looking at her shyly. Yes, her gentle lover was back.

  “No Will, you surprise, but never frighten me.” He smiled. “Was that a dream of yours?” He nodded and looked down. She caressed him again. “I love making your dreams come true.”

  He kissed her hand. “Thank you, my love. If you have any I would be happy to . . .” She giggled. He blushed and cleared his throat. Once again they righted their clothes and hair. Darcy held out his hand. “We should return, I think.” She just smiled and together they returned to the garden and settled on a bench, leaning against each other and regaining their composure. Soon they were joined by the beaming Bingleys.

  “Well Darcy, I believe I am about to join the ranks of the landed gentry.” Bingley was practically jumping up and down with his excitement; it would not be until the carriage ride home that he would remember the flush on his friend’s face or the red marks on Elizabeth’s neck.

  Darcy stood and held out his hand. “I am delighted to see your happiness, and witness the fulfilment of your father’s wishes. Congratulations, Bingley!”

  Elizabeth and Jane embraced. “When will you move here?”

  “With the redecorating and repairs that must be completed, Mr. Douglass thinks that we may relocate here by Christmas.” Jane was beaming.

  “Oh how wonderful! You can come and stay with us at Pemberley for Christmas, then move in afterwards. We already planned to invite Mama and Papa, and William’s family.”

  Jane looked to Charles who was listening. “I am not sure, what of your sisters?”

  Bingley met Darcy’s gaze and grimaced slightly. “I believe that the Hursts will be visiting with his family, and I am sure that Caroline will remain in Scarborough.” Darcy nodded. “Pemberley will be full of guests and as it is not our home, I will not feel obligated to invite my sisters.”


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