Hunting Gypsy (A Hauntingly Romantic Halloween Novella Book 3)

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Hunting Gypsy (A Hauntingly Romantic Halloween Novella Book 3) Page 3

by M. K. Moore

  “Who was that bawbag?” Duncan asks me. I burst out laughing. “What? Tell me who it was.”

  “What the fucking fuck is a bawbag?” I can’t stop laughing.

  “It be a scrotum.”


  “Wow what? With the disgustingly thin facial hair he has, it does look like a few wispy pubic hairs. Aye, he has a decidedly scrotum-esque look about him,” he says. With his accent, it sounds so dramatic.

  “Oh. My. God. Stop, you're killing me.” I can’t stop laughing. I have never given a second thought as to what Paeter looks like, but thinking back I realize his facial hair does make his face look like a giant set of balls.

  “Who. Is. He,” Duncan finally growls, causing me to jump.

  “He is my father’s best friend. He was hoping to imprint with me, but you and I both know that was never even an option. I thought he was my friend. Maybe he will give up and go home,” I say and shrug my shoulders.

  “He will if he knows what’s good for him. It was pretty feckin’ sexy when ye flattened his tires with yer mind.” I laugh.

  “Not just my mind. It works in tandem with the Light,” I reply.

  “Still, I should go back and tell him what’s what,” he says adamantly.

  “No, I am certain he will leave me alone now.”

  Duncan makes a disapproving noise in his throat but says nothing further. We arrive in the town square, which is actually a roundabout.

  “Where are we goin’? Which direction should I take?”

  “The third exit,” I say, closing my eyes. The house we are going to fills my mind. Fuck it looks scary as shit, even in my mind in the daylight.

  He does as I ask and in just under ten minutes we are pulling down the long driveway. Coming to a halt, he parks right in front of the door. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the car door. As soon as I do the front door swings open. I look up and see the girl from my dream last night; or was it this morning? She walks down the stairs as I am walking up them.

  “You,” we both say in unison. She pulls me into a tight hug. When I pull away from her, I can’t stop staring at her. I can tell she is an old soul, but beyond that, she is remarkably beautiful. I feel like if I stare at her for too long, I’ll go blind or something.

  “You two know each other?” The man who came out the door after the girl says.

  “You’re my dream girl,” I say. When the man growls and pulls her closer to him, I realize what I said. I can’t help laughing, which causes the others to as well. “What I meant was I had a dream about you. I’ve been drawn to this place. I’m Gypsy and this is my Mate, Duncan.” It is the first time I’ve said that out loud since our mating was completed. I am proud of the fact that he is mine and it feels so right. Duncan puts his arm around my shoulder.

  “I am Luna, and this is my Mate, Gabriel. Welcome to our home,” Luna says.

  “Thank you kindly, Luna,” Duncan says, shaking her hand briefly and then Gabriel’s.

  “Come in. I was just making martinis. Will you have one? I also have some beer.”

  “I’ll have a martini and Duncan will have a beer,” I answer instinctively. I look over at Duncan, who nods and smiles at me.

  We follow them inside and I am pleasantly surprised at how lovely the foyer is.

  “No problem. The kitchen is just through here. I have to say, I feel like we have known each other forever.”

  “It is strange, but I feel the same way too.”

  We visit for a while and take Luna up on her offer to stay in the west wing of her huge Mansion. I feel like taking a “nap” with my man. Luna is having a huge party tonight and we are invited.



  Gypsy had a different idea for a nap then I did, but I must say I liked hers better. After I filled her with my seed several more times, she finally slept. I, however could nowt. My bear is pacing within me. Something big is coming. Something, that is much more troubling than that bawbag witch, who lacks sense.

  Does he nowt know how Mates work? Regardless, this is something entirely different. Making my way back to the bed I get in it as quietly as I can. My perfect Mate looks like an angel when she is sleeping. My gothic angel. She moans, and I am instantly hard, but I push it aside. She needs her rest.

  A short time later, I am awoken by Gypsy riding my cock.

  “Lass, you cannae keep waking me up like this,” I say jokingly. She can fuck me any damn time she pleases.

  “Yes, the fuck I can. Ah, fuck. Why is this so amazing? I can't get enough of you. There is no way this isn't love. It should be chemical but fuuuuck,” she moans as I flip her on her back and slam in and out of her.

  “That is because it is love, Gypsy. The kind that dinnae wain.”


  “Forever,” I agree, kissing her.

  “I love you,” she screams as she comes on my cock.

  “Tha gaol agam ort,” I growl as I fill her again.

  “Oh fuck, something is happening.”


  “It’s the strangest sensation, Duncan. Like I'm complete.”

  I look down between us and see that her belly is glowing brightly. I quickly pull out of her. I watch as her eyes fill with tears.

  “Your seed has taken hold. Oh my God, I'm pregnant,” she says with a huge smile. “I wasn't sure this would show up so soon between us, but I am happy that it happened. Are you?”

  “Of course, lass. I just ne’er knew there was any way to know the exact moment it happens,” I say in awe, dropping to the bed beside her with my hand on her belly, next to her own.

  “I think it's just witches, but I could be wrong,” she says as the glow dims lower and lower until it goes out.

  A few minutes later, an ear-piercing scream rings out. I jump out of bed and throw my jeans back on.

  “Stay here,” I say as I run from the bedroom, barefoot. I dinnae think she will actually listen to me, but I hope so.

  I skid to a stop about five doors down in the confined hallway. There are huge and old-fashioned antique furniture pieces lining the hallway. It kind of feels like a storage area because there are so many. I see the bawbag from earlier dangling in the air. He is being held up by a specter. Up in the highlands, there are tons roaming the moors, left behind from one war, or another, but I’ve not seen one this closely.

  “What is the meaning of this?” I demand.

  “Trespasser in the Oakes Mansion. No permission from the owner.” I am even less prepared for the specter to be speaking to me.

  “Excuse me, are ye talkin’?” I scratch my head as I’ve ne’er known one to do this before.

  “I am, Sir. This miscreant was trespassing and looking to make some trouble.”

  “You can let him down. Do you have a name?”

  “Miles Oakes. Date of Death: 16 August 1929,” he says, while letting his prey drop to the floor in a heap.

  “What kind of trouble were ye looking to make?” I ask the witch lying on the ground. He moves to stand, but Miles won’t let him up.

  “I want what was promised to me at her birth and I will not leave without her.”

  “That willnae be happening. She is my mate and I’ve claimed her.”

  “No, you cannot have touched what is mine. You will have ruined all my plans for her.” He stands and takes a defensive position.

  “I assure you, she is mine and I am hers,” I say, drawing his attention to Gypsy’s handprints that are burned into my skin.

  “Impossible. Her virgin blood will have kept me alive for a hundred more years. There are no other choices.”

  “I’m sure it’s still on the motel sheets if ye need it that badly, but she is no longer a virgin. She carries my cub. Ye will do well to leave now, while I still let you.” I realize that was a low blow, but he has really pissed me off.

  “You think you, a mere man can stop me. I am Paeter, High Priest of the Coven of The Aether. She was hand-selected to be my Priestess.” His panic
has increased causing him to spit as he yells.

  As he rants on, the display of a dark light from his fingertips has the hair on the back of my neck standing up and my bear on edge.

  “I was never going to be yours, Paeter. Leave this place at once and take your Dark Magic with you. Rest assured my mother will be informed of this. How have you kept it hidden?”

  She didnae listen to me, of course, she didnae. I roll my eyes.

  I clench my fists. I dinnae want her anywhere near him. I turn to her and all she is wearing is my shirt and her long hair is messy around her shoulders. I am not happy about that, but feck she is gorgeous.

  “Never. You are coming with me or all will be lost. As for my magic and my light, that is no concern of yours, woman.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asks. I watch, unable to do anything as her dark her head snaps backward. Her hand immediately goes to her cheek. My growl is loud, louder than it has ever been before. I can feel my shift coming on and this time, I dinnae think I can stop it.

  “I already told you not to worry about it, you must come. You will learn as my wife that I never repeat myself. If I ever have to again you will regret it.”

  “You are a fucking psychopath, Paeter. I already carry my mate’s cub.”

  “That can be undone. We don’t need a constant reminder of your whore-like disloyalty to me.” He waves distractedly.

  “Oh my God. You are just not getting it, Paeter. Leave this place at once, before you regret it.”

  “I will not leave without you. If I do, I die.”

  “Ye stay and ye will die,” I reply.

  “Stay out of this human.” This witch is about to be in a world of hurt. When he puts his hands-on Gypsy again, my bear explodes from my skin.



  When Duncan’s bear comes out, Paeter drops my arm. God, he is magnificent. He’s large and if he wasn’t so angry he’d be really fucking cute, much like my tattoo. I feel bad that his shift has caused him to break some really nice antiques that line the walls and tables in the hallway. I watch in horror as he swipes his paws at Paeter, but if I’m honest it’s hot as hell. My man has gone to battle for me.

  I watch in fascination as his paws connect with Paeter’s face time and again. There is blood being flung everywhere, but it doesn’t matter. I wipe some off of my cheek, but just as quickly as I wiped it more takes its place. I know I need to stop him before he kills him, but I am not sure how to.

  Suddenly, I am filled with love and joy. My entire body glows with my Light. The Light for The Monster shows it's true nature. I conjure up a vanquishing spell. When the Light shoots from my fingertips it is directed at Paeter. He tries to fight back with spells of his own, but he can't concentrate with the blows from Duncan. Victory is near, but I must stop.

  In my head, I hear Luna calling and searching for me. I am filled with pain. Empathic witches are rare, and they never manifest until the first need arises. The love and joy from a moment ago was Duncan's bear.

  “Stop,” I shout, which allows Paeter to singe some fur from Duncan. Duncan retaliates by knocking him on his ass. I double over in pain and force it back, allowing me to use my Light to calm and soothe Duncan. I run my fingers through his thick, short, and coarse fur. “Duncan, come back to me. We must go,” I say with a shaky breath. His shift is so sudden, and he is so naked that I momentarily forget why I needed him back. Again, I hear Luna's anguish and feel Gabe's fright.

  “Are you hurt, lass,” Duncan says, with his hand on my cheek.

  “I'm not, but Luna needs me. Now.”

  “What about him?” Duncan asks.

  “Leave him. He will not be back,” I say grabbing Duncan’s arm and pulling him away from the destruction we have caused.

  We take off down the stairs while crossing the foyer to the other staircase. I find Luna and she is filled with pain and I have to help her. A sense of calm like I've never felt washes over me.

  “Get him out,” Luna's voice fills my head.

  “Duncan. Take Gabe out of here and find some damn pants.”

  “Aye, lass. We'll be outside if you need us.” He all but drags Gabe from the room.

  “What's happened, Luna?” She pushes some images into my head and I gasp. They begin with her and Gabe doing the nasty and then red-hot burning sensation that is currently coursing through her veins.

  “That was both hot and brutal,” I say, as tears are filling my eyes. Her laughter fills my head. I begin to imagine how I am going to get the new wolf inside her to peacefully bond with her.

  “I need your grandmother’s help,” I say to no one in particular. “Mildred, help me with Luna,” I call out. Seconds later she appears.

  “How can I help?” She asks.

  “Keep her calm. This is going to hurt both of us and her freaking out won't do anybody any good.” Luna looks both red and pale. Whatever is warring within her is fierce.

  Mildred begins to sing a song. It must be one Luna knows well because she calms right down. I pull forth all the Light within me and concentrate it over Luna. Pass after pass, I take on her pain and anguish. It consumes me and gives her up.

  All I can do is bottle it within for now. It takes forty-five long ass minutes, but then all that remains is Luna and her gorgeous wolf. She shifts effortlessly. My smile works over time as I digest what I've bottled up. I expel that evil back to where it came from and say a quick protection spell for Luna and the future generations she will create.

  Where Luna had laid, a black wolf now sits. She is mischievous like a puppy but somehow poised. When she howls, Gabe bursts into the room. Duncan, in pants once again, is right behind him.

  “You did it,” he says in awe. While petting his girl, who shifts back just as easy as before. It's like she's done it all her life. She is naked, but Duncan being the gentleman he is turns around to give her some privacy. I say a spell and a robe appears around her. Then she pulls me into a hug.

  It was the most intense magic session I have ever participated in. I’m tired and hungry. Luna and I cry together while clinging to each other. Our men can do nothing but stare at us. We finally pull it together.

  “Shit. What time is it?” Luna asks.

  “Six-fifty,” I say, looking at my watch.

  “The party. Did the party company ever start decorating?”

  “Aye. It looks like people are starting to arrive too,” Duncan says from his place by the window.

  “I've got to get ready,” she says panicking.

  “Shouldn't you rest, Lună Mică,” Gabe asks.

  “Nah, Gypsy fixed me up right as rain.”

  “Meet me back down in the foyer in an hour?” Luna asks me.

  “Yeah, definitely,” I reply.


  By the time the party ends, I am completely exhausted. My fancy party dress is ruined from trampling on it while dancing, but so, so worth it. Duncan, who after a few beers became the life of the party. I loved watching him interact with people. We complement each other well. Drunk Duncan is adorable.

  I fall asleep as Duncan carries me to our room, but I'm up the second he lays me down. I can't wait to put my stamp on it. It’s kinda boring in here right now.

  The bed dips next to me as Duncan lays down, pulling me closer to him.

  “Yer having my cub, Mate.”

  “I know,” I say giggling.

  “Marry me. Be my wife.”

  “Well duh. That should be a given. Especially given what we are to each other,” I reply, yawning.

  “Is that a feckin’ yes, lass?” he growls.

  “Fuck yes,” I say, and we seal it with a soul-searing kiss. Yeah, that would be good. Wife of the bear, Light for the Monster.

  It's been a fan-fucking-tastic forty-eight hours.

  Ready for a lifetime of that though.



  Ten Months Later

  Hunting for Gypsy turned out to be the best t
hing I've ever done. Our son, Anders was born healthy and happy last month. We can already see the Light in him. Surprisingly, we can see his bear as well. Normally, it would be around age five when uncontrolled shifting starts, but Anders shifts his hands to his claws all the time. It would be cute if it didnae hurt Gypsy.

  Ten months ago, I thought I would do the worst thing I could do in this day and age. Justifiably so, but she brought me back from the edge. For a split-second, I thought I was going to lose her to that psychopath, but then I remembered that Fate chose her for me for a reason. Everything about her is perfectly attuned to me and vice versa. There can never be another love for either of us. Fate and Magic often go hand in hand, and this love, this bond, is no exception. Her soothing touch is a craving that needs to be satisfied. Sometimes, it is more demanding than hunger, but she always comes through for me. More than that, the love I feel for her cannae be altered. There is nowt she could do that would allow me to love her any less.

  We got married eight months ago in a little ceremony here on the grounds. In our eyes, we were already joined and that was what was special to us. It was a quick ceremony for the legalities.

  Since we are living with Luna and Gabe practically rent-free, I have been helping Gabe restore the house to its former glory. We’ve enjoyed it enough to start Spectral Construction. We specialize in homes that have otherworldly beings present. We restore with respect and care to those who are no longer with us, but havnae left yet.

  It was weird at first, but when one of your best friends is an alpha wolf and the other is a ghost, you tend to move past anything out of the ordinary fairly quickly. Miles, Luna’s badass granddad plays poker like a professional. Do you know what a ghost does with his winnings? He lives like a king. Miles is unlike any ghost I have ever encountered. He is solid for one thing. He eats, drinks, and flies. I know he and Mildred; Luna’s recently departed Granny have sex because they are loud as feck. Shite falls off the walls in whatever room they are anointing.


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