One of the Guys

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One of the Guys Page 21

by Dawn Doyle

  I felt really exposed. I wasn’t used to showing my legs, but now hundreds of people were going to get a good look.

  “You look hot as hell.” Poppy assured me. “You have a great set of pins and, to be honest, I’m a little jealous.”

  That got my attention.

  “Why? Jealous of what?” I looked myself up and down.

  “Oh Chase, you are totally gorgeous!” She said, shaking her head because I didn’t see it. “Seriously, I don’t know why you hid yourself away.”

  I bounced up and down on my toes a little, showing her why. Poppy giggled.

  “Jesus, those things need their own zip code.” She laughed, making me laugh along with her.

  “Kate’s here.” Sian said, coming over to us. “She made it. I saw her sitting next to Lex.” She smiled, a twinkle in her eye.

  “Well, I think someone’s gonna get lucky tonight.” Poppy giggled.

  Sian’s face paled, and her eyes snapped to Poppy, then me.

  “Come on, Sian. I’m well aware of you and Kate.” Poppy lowered her voice as she spoke. “You can’t keep your eyes off each other.”

  “I… uh…” Sian was speechless.

  “Nobody cares, Sian. Least of all your friends.”

  “I told you.” I said.

  “Thanks girls.” Sian smiled, then her look changed from sweet to devilish. “Let’s go out there and tease our bitches.”

  We burst out laughing at her comment; the others wondering what the hell we were on. The thing was, Logan wasn’t my ‘bitch’ but when were finished, he was sure going to wish he was.

  “Showtime girls!” Charlotte squealed as the whistle blew for the second half of the game, and my heart raced.

  Here I go.



  The first half of the game had been boring. Our team had scored dead even with the other. Even their cheer squad was bland, I never used to like watching anyway, but even a sped up track of ‘Back in Black’ by AC/DC wasn’t enough to make it exciting.

  I remembered when Chase and I would make fun of them.

  She’d stood up, rolled her arms as if she were cheering and shouted:

  Give me a G O D U M B A, give me an S S and then what does it say? Goooo Dumbaaass!

  When she’d thrown her hands in the air in mock excitement, I’d almost choked with laughter.

  “Our girls are coming out soon.” Carly said from the bench in front of me.

  She’d broken her ankle and was out of action. That meant they were down a girl, but she didn’t seem to be upset about it. Actually, she looked kinda pleased. That wasn’t something I expected of the head cheer leader.

  I looked to my right, where Matt was sitting. He was busy texting, obviously bored waiting for the second half to start. To my left, Lex, Pike and the other guys sat.

  Chase should’ve been sitting with us.

  Yeah, I’m a wimp. I thought to myself. I still hadn’t gotten over the fact that my own brother had hidden the fact that my best friend had feelings for me. Thinking about it, it could have been just the light reflecting off her ocean colored eyes. The way she smiled when she was happy about something.

  I dropped my head down, resting on my hands with my elbows on my knees.

  I heard a voice announcing the Tigers cheer squad, but I didn’t look up. I was too busy feeling sorry for myself.

  “Holy fuck, is that Chase?” Lex said in surprise. “It is!”

  My head snapped up as the guys spoke.

  “Jesus!” Pike whispered.

  “Fuck me!” Matt’s eyes bugged.

  Walking onto the field with the squad, was Chase. Wearing a cheer uniform, and Oh. My. God. She looked so damn sexy I had an instant hard on.

  Her legs were on show, and my eyes traveled up and down her body, over her tight curves and her… dear God, her chest.

  I wanted to rip everybody’s eyes out if they looked at her, but I knew that was stupid. Chase was so beautiful everybody should have been made to look at her.

  I felt the heat in my face when she made eye contact with me. I attempted a weak, pathetic smile, but she just turned away and looked to Poppy. They had a wordless exchange before looking forwards again.

  The music started, and ‘Low’ by Flo Rida and T-Pain sounded out.

  They started by swaying their hips side-to-side to the intro.

  When the beat kicked in, they moved about in unison, and seductively, which only made my groin strain even more.

  Their backs turned to us and as they circled their hips round, the skirts lifted, showing the tiny white shorts underneath. I heard a collective male groan from around the field.

  Nobody spoke as we watched the girls perform.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off Chase. She was so graceful in her movements. So fluid and natural.

  Watching the routine, Chase shocked the crowd when she performed a front aerial -a forwards walkover with no hands- and then a variation of back handsprings, somersaults, and movements that had her contorting her body in ways that shouldn’t be humanly possible in my opinion; all perfectly in time with the other girls’ movements and the music, making the other squad look like amateurs.

  “What the fuck?” Said Stu, when Chase performed a back handspring, only to be facing us in a walkover. What was that? It looked like she turned back-to-front!”

  “It’s called an onodi.” I said, remembering the names after asking Chase myself.

  I felt the guy’s eyes on me when my voice sounded tight.

  Just then, my heart flew in my throat when the senior girls held Chase with their hands. The juniors had been thrown and caught, but this was Chase, getting ready to be thrown in the air.

  “If I was a guy, I’d have such a boner for Chase right now.” I heard Carly say. “She’s super hot. Who’d have known?”

  I did! I thought to myself.

  My thoughts were broken when Chase was thrown upwards, the crowd gasping when, in the blink of an eye, she performed a full twist into a double back landing perfectly on the girls’ hands.

  I swear my ass gripped the bench for dear life.

  After jumping down, the dance continued. Ending with Chase in the box splits, with Poppy and Sian either side in straight splits.

  The crowd went wild, clapping and cheering for them. It was as if the football team had already won. They still had another half to go.

  “I think the teams need a few more minutes after that performance.” The voice from the speakers laughed.

  It was true. I think almost every guy, and some girls, in the crowd needed cold showers after what they’d just seen. Myself included. But, there was only one girl that made me that way, and I’m pretty sure she hated me.

  The Tigers won the game by fifteen points and when the team left the field, I spotted the squad leaving too. I needed to catch up with Chase.

  Hurrying from my bench, I practically ran to the tunnel that took them to the changing areas.

  I slowed when I saw the other teams’ football captain stopping Chase. Her back was to me, so she didn’t know I was there.

  I listened as he tried to flirt with her, and asking her out. I wanted to hurt him so bad.

  “It’s not a good idea.” She said, after he asked her to go to the dance.

  “Look, just blow off your date and come with me instead. We’ll have a great time.”

  Yeah, I knew what ‘great time’ he was after.

  “I’m not going to the dance, and I’m not interested.” She replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

  I saw her shoulders hunch forward. She was clearly uncomfortable with him. I walked forwards when the guy turned away. Chase stayed still for a moment, and I managed to get close enough to her before she could get away.

  “Chase.” I said, reaching for her arm before she could go any further.

  She stopped and looked at my hand that held her arm.

  I dropped it and moved to stand in front of her. Her face void of emotion.
  “Hey.” I said nervously. “You looked great out there. I forgot you were so good.” I laughed nervously. Suddenly not knowing what the hell to say now that she was listening.

  Chase's eyes narrowed, and I could see the hurt in her eyes.

  “Wow. Something else you’ve forgotten. Why am I not surprised?” She said, then moved around me to walk away.

  I felt the stab to my gut at her words, instantly regretting saying that to her.

  “Chase, I didn’t mean to hurt you…” I said, and she swung round to face me. The anger in her eyes like fireballs ready to burn me alive.

  “Hurt me? Is that what you think you did? Think about it from my point of view, Logan. What would you have felt if I’d been so nice to you one day, then forgot about you the next? Only to try to make it up to you by being overly friendly, and touchy, making you feel things, then act as if nothing happened. To suddenly get closer to you and then do a complete one-eighty. To treat you differently in a group than by ourselves. To be your…” Chase paused as if stopping herself from saying too much, taking a breath, and I could see tears forming in her eyes. Tears that she was trying hard to fight. “To then have you wait, and wait, and wait, and eventually have to walk home. Alone. In the dark, where anything could have happened. Does that sound like a friend to you Logan? Does it?”

  My mouth hung open as I realized what Chase had felt.

  She’d felt as though I was playing games with her. Fucking with her head on a daily basis with my tactics that were, I now knew, selfish and just… cruel.

  “But you know what, Logan?” She continued. “I should thank you really, because there’s no way I’m going to let myself be taken advantage of again, and I’m not going to be hidden, pushed away, or ignored.”

  I couldn’t find any words as I watched Chase turn and rush into the changing area.

  Chapter 15


  The girls had been really supportive since I’d walked into the changing area in tears.

  I should’ve walked away but seeing the look on Logan’s face as he watched me on the field, I wanted him to say something at least. To say he’d ‘forgotten’ again, made me snap, and I poured out almost everything that I felt.

  The one thing I managed to keep back was, ‘to be your everything’.

  Logan had been everything to me, and now I felt just as bad as I did when we’d first fallen out.

  I didn’t leave my room for the whole weekend. Poppy, Sian and the girls had texted me a few times, but I didn’t want to see anybody.

  The only one that I had let visit me was Ruffles. The poor thing was in mourning as well as I was.

  I finally came out of my room only because I had to go to school.

  On nervous feet, I walked into the building, not hearing the praise for our squad and my skills on the field.

  I just nodded my thanks and kept walking. Meeting up with Poppy had been my only comfort.

  We walked past Logan, outside his homeroom, and I didn’t look at him, but I knew Poppy had given him the evil eye again.

  “Come on, Chase the ace. You’re stronger than this. I know we’ve had a set back, but you were doing just great.”

  I liked how she referred to ‘we’, letting me know I wasn’t alone.

  “It hurts.” I whispered.

  Seeing Logan, speaking with him alone… My chest ached for the loss I was reliving.

  “Come on, honey. We’ll work this out.” Poppy said, linking my arm.

  I nodded, hoping she was right.

  After homeroom, I made my way to math. Sitting down in my seat, I knew it wouldn’t be long until Logan arrived too. Thankfully, the rest of the class was spilling in, making me feel better. I tried to look as confident as I usually did, but really, I was on edge.

  I kept my head forwards, when I felt a hand brush through the back of my hair. Turning at the touch, I made eye contact with Logan.

  He was smiling as he pulled his hand back.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I spat.

  The nerve of him to touch me after what I’d told him after the game.

  “Nothing.” He replied, sitting down as if nothing had happened.

  My heart hammered in my chest. Maybe it was just automatic. A left over memory of when he would play with my hair when it was loose.

  I doubt it.

  I had no clue what he was up to, but by the smile he was trying to hide, I knew it wasn’t over.

  The bell sounded for the end of class, and I stood. Logan moved at the same time, as if he were just waiting for me to do so, and he stood facing me, looking down into my eyes.

  I swallowed, and for a second I was taken in by his eyes. His thick long lashes fanning out.

  “Asshole.” I said, moving quickly out of his way.

  I hurried to meet up with Poppy, to go to our biology class, meeting Charlotte on the way.

  “How was math?” Charlotte asked.

  “Did he say anything?” Poppy added.

  “The fucker stroked my hair.” I said, still not believing what he’d done.

  “What!” They asked.

  “Yeah. I felt a hand go through my hair, and I turned round to see Logan pulling his hand back.”

  “What’s his game?” Poppy asked, looking angry.

  “I don’t know, but he’s obviously changed tactics for getting my attention.”

  “Yeah, he sure got your attention that time.” Charlotte said, shaking her head.

  “I don’t care what he’s trying, but he needs to stop.” I said.

  “He’ll have us to deal with, honey. We’re all on your side.”

  “Thanks Pops.”

  Going to our class, I knew I didn’t have any more with Logan that day, making me feel safer, for now.



  I could still feel the silkiness of Chase’s hair on my fingers. I don’t know how I’d gotten the courage to just go for it, but I sure as hell was glad I did.

  The blackcurrant scent wafting in my face as I brushed my fingers through the length of the strands.

  Standing in front of her, watching her as we were so close; almost touching, I wanted to just lean in. Just to see…

  “Logan!” I heard an angry female call my name, dragging me out of my daydream.

  I suddenly found myself face to face with an angry Carly. Her cotton candy hair swaying behind her as she hobbled on her crutches.


  “What the fuck do you think you’re playing at?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” I said, and I really didn’t.

  “You know what I mean, dick head. Leave Chase alone. She’s put up with you enough. Stop it with your attention seeking immaturity and let her get over you.”


  “Sorry, what? Get over me?”

  “You know what I’m talking about, Loogie…” Oh the insults just kept coming. “…Stop playing with her. She doesn’t need it. She might have wanted you before, but now she doesn’t. Leave her alone.”

  She really wanted me? God! I’ve been such a stupid fucking douche bag of an asshole! I thought, hurtling insults at myself.

  Carly had every right to tear me a new one, I thoroughly deserved it, but I couldn’t help smiling when she’d confirmed what Matt had suggested.

  Chase liked me.

  Ok, so Carly was saying she didn’t want me anymore, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me. Not at all. It only spurred me on further.

  “Ok.” I said, with a smile. “If she doesn’t want me, then I’ll stop.”


  Carly turned, and I almost laughed when I saw her attempt at storming away, with her leg in plaster, on crutches.

  I couldn’t believe my luck when I spotted Chase at her locker, alone, after next period.

  I could see some guys staring in her direction, particularly her fantastic ass, but I was the only one allowed near it; I was going to make sure of that.

  As she
fumbled in her bag, I stood behind her, my chest almost touching her back. Her scent all around me.

  She stopped and looked over her shoulder. Her eyes widening before narrowing at me.

  Slowly turning round, her chest was so close to touching mine, and I had to fight with myself from stepping completely into her space, closing the gap between us.

  “Move.” She growled, but I wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Make me, Chase.” I said quietly, hopefully with a little seductive tone to my voice.

  “I said, move!” She yelled, pushing my chest with her hands and quickly slamming her locker door.

  The heat I felt from her hands on me was no joke. Seriously. It shot straight to my pants, and if I hadn’t been sporting a boner, I would’ve gone after her.

  I had to keep my cool if I were to see this thing through.

  I met the guys for lunch, and walking to our table with Pike, I saw Chase on her phone. The other girls were all sat down, but Chase was stood by the wall, in the shade.

  “Guys, I’ll just be a sec.” I said, moving quickly, but quietly, and keeping close to the building so she wouldn’t spot me.

  As chase looked down to put her phone in her pocket, I moved.

  She gasped as I stepped in front of her.

  “What!” She snapped.

  I had about ten seconds before I was going to get knocked on my ass. I could see it in her amazing eyes.


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