The Ranger Takes a Bride

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The Ranger Takes a Bride Page 16

by Misty M. Beller

  Edward's thumb swept it away, and he lowered his forehead so it rested on hers. "I will never let them hurt you again." His words were a breathy whisper. A fervent promise. His chest vibrated with each passionate sound.

  His head came lower, and his mouth claimed hers. Sealing the promise he'd spoken. His touch was warm. Soft. Strong. So richly sweet.

  Alejandra was lost from the moment he touched her. His kiss took away every thought, every awareness. Everything…but him. When Edward pulled away, her mouth almost followed him. She blinked, her gaze finding his again. Those chocolate eyes were dark with intensity. The emotion there matched what stirred her own soul. A smile tugged at one corner of her mouth. "I've never been so happy to see a soldado."

  He blinked, then his gaze searched hers. He must have liked what he found there, because his own mouth curved upward. "I'm glad. You know, it was God that brought me to you."

  Alejandra swallowed, that same peace flooding her veins again. "I know. I prayed, Edward. Told Him I wanted His help to forgive. I trusted Him." Tears burned her eyes again, as the enormity of what happened struck her. She'd trusted God to save her, and He had. The ordeal was over, and she had little more than a few rope burns. Joy erupted in her chest, flooding every inch of her body.

  Edward's face matched her soul, moisture lighting his brown eyes. "I'm glad," he said again, pulling her to his chest in a fervent embrace. "So glad."

  A knock at the open door interrupted the hug. Edward pulled back, stroking her cheek with the pad of his thumb, apology in his eyes. "I need to speak with my men, then we'll go home." He held her gaze a final moment, and something in his look promised they would finish this conversation later.

  "Sì. All right."

  He helped her stand, never removing his arm from around her waist. Alejandra leaned into him, especially when her feet didn't seem to work. As she scanned the room, it was empty. Where had all the men gone?

  Edward turned toward the back door. A man with a Ranger star on his chest stood there, hands behind his back and head bent down to watch his feet scuff the ground. The man's cheeks had a red flush to them.

  He cleared his throat. "Sorry to, uh…disturb you, Sarge." The man finally looked up at Edward. "We got 'em all tied. There's one dead, but the rest are either healthy or just banged up. Garza's fit as a house cat. We takin' 'em to Austin?"

  "Yep. That's the closest jail with good security, and they've got a regular judge. These rats are gonna hang." His grip tightened around Alejandra's side, and she could feel the steel lacing his voice.

  "All right." The other Ranger nodded, then shot a quick glance at Alejandra before looking back at Edward. "You, uh…gonna look after the captive?"

  The tight muscles in Edward's arm softened, and his chest reverberated behind Alejandra's shoulder as he chuckled. "As long as I live, Lord willing. McLellan, I'd like you to meet Miss Diaz. She's been working on my sister's ranch." The steel reentered his voice. "I had no idea she was here until I saw her tied to that stove."

  McLellan raised his brows. "Probably a good thing you didn't know."

  Edward acknowledged the comment with a terse nod. "If you think you guys can handle the prisoners, I'll take Alejandra home."

  McLellan clapped Edward on the shoulder. "We'll see to it, Sarge."

  When the man strode out of the doorway, Edward turned back to Alejandra. His dark eyes softened, caressing her face. "It's going to be dark soon. The closest town is over an hour away. Think you can make it that far?"

  Get back on another horse? Weariness settled into Alejandra's bones at the thought. But she could do this. She had to. Staying here was not an option.

  But when she met Edward's concerned gaze, it wasn't hard to summon a smile. "I can make it."

  His eyes creased at the corners. He pulled her close and planted a kiss on her forehead that started a longing in her chest. She almost grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him down for a real kiss, but settled with resting her hands on his chest. His heartbeat was strong under her palms.

  Loosening his grip around her waist, Edward reached up to take her hand. "Come on." His voice was thick, gravelly. "My horse is this way." He stood motionless for another moment, as if he couldn't quite force himself to move. Then he turned and led the way outside. His grip on her hand never wavered.

  Pepper waited with the other Rangers' horses at the edge of the clearing. Each of the outlaws were already mounted on their own animals. Her hold on Edward's hand tightened as she scanned their faces. The chunky man who'd cooked. The younger one who wasn't much more than a boy. The awful man with the vile tongue lay draped over his horse. Dead. She fought down a shiver, as Edward's thumb stroked the top of her hand.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Alejandra gripped Edward's hand as he led her straight to Pepper. After Edward mounted, the Ranger named McLellan moved toward Alejandra. She shifted away from him, pressing into Edward's leg and the horse's side. Even though these men had just helped her. Saved her life. The instinct to flee from any man with a soldier’s badge would be hard to overcome.

  "It's all right, love. He's going to help you up on Pepper." Edward's voice was quiet enough for her ears alone to hear.

  Inhaling a deep breath, she allowed the man to help her mount behind Edward. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she snuggled in close, absorbing his heat and security. Edward's hand held hers firmly in place.

  They started out at a walk, following behind the rest of the men as they wound through the woods. When they reached the road, the others turned left, but Edward reined his horse to the right. Toward home. And what a story she would have to tell.

  "You up for a slow canter?" Edward's voice rumbled against her cheek as she pressed her face to his back.

  She sat up straighter to speak into his ear, lest her voice be carried away by the wind. "Sì."

  Pepper struck out into a rolling lope, and she tightened her grip around Edward as she tried to settle into the rocking motion. The horse was smoother than most, but she had the feeling if she didn't hang on tight, she would float right off the back.

  A few minutes later, Edward slowed the gelding to a walk. Relief washed over Alejandra as her muscles relaxed. Her stomach took that opportunity to release a loud grumble. Heat flooded up her neck and into her face.

  Edward twisted to look at her, and she caught the lines furrowing his forehead. "I'm sorry. I didn't think about whether you'd eaten. There's some jerky in that saddle bag behind you. Might be a peppermint stick, too."

  She opened the flap where he pointed, and found the canvas bag she usually packed with food for him to take on assignments. The familiar sight sent a twinge through her chest. She'd be home soon. Inside were two slices of dried meat and a single white stick-like object. Was this all the food he'd planned to eat tonight? It wouldn't be enough for them both.

  She held the meager supplies in her palm for him to take, but he closed her hand over the food, pushing it away. "They're for you. I've had about all the jerky I can stomach over the last week." He rubbed his flat midsection as he spoke.

  Her stomach ached, and the threat of another loud noise kept her from protesting. "Gracias." Within minutes, the meat was gone. She held up the white stick, examining it in the fading light. She'd never seen anything like it, but she'd heard peppermint sticks were a kind of sweet candy. Edward would enjoy it later. Tucking it back in the canvas sack, she nestled the material in the saddle bag, then buckled the latch and slipped her arms back around Edward. Snuggled against him like this, she could ride all night.

  ~ ~ ~

  "Alejandra, love. It's time to wake up."

  The soft pillow beneath Alejandra's head shifted, and she clutched tighter to hold it in place.


  That voice. It flowed over her like warm honey. Soothing and sweet. The pillow shifted under her cheek, and strong arms tightened around her. A familiar scent filled her nostrils, a mixture of man and nature.

  Alejandra forced h
er eyes open, just as something soft and a little warm touched her forehead. She blinked. Then drew back. Edward sat beside her. A rakish grin touched the side of his mouth as he watched her.

  She looked around, trying to sort through the fog in her brain. She sat…on a horse?

  Then it all rushed back. The outlaws. Edward saving her. They'd been riding. Heat flamed into her face. She must have fallen asleep.

  He slid from the animal's back, and she glanced around again. They were in some kind of building, with a wide open door to her back, and a hard-packed dirt floor littered with hay. Edward reached to help her down, and Alejandra complied.

  "I've got a stall ready for the gelding." A baritone voice drifted from the shadows, loud and commanding.

  She startled, and Edward slipped a hand around her back. "Thanks, Simon. I'll be back for him in the morning." Edward's tone was strong and steady, which helped settle the rapid beat in her chest.

  He untied his saddle bags and the sling that held his rifle, then gripped Alejandra's elbow and escorted her toward the open doorway. "You think you can eat before we call it a night?"

  Alejandra jerked her gaze to his face. They were going to sleep here? Where? Surely he didn't mean anything indecent.

  A hint of a grin touched his face. "There's a hotel just across the street. I'm sure they'll have a couple rooms open for us."

  A hotel? A trickle of unease tightened her stomach. She'd never stayed in a hotel before. They cost too much. Were they so far from home they couldn't make it tonight? But he was probably exhausted, too. He'd been away from the ranch for almost a week now.

  With an exhale, Alejandra resigned herself to follow Edward's lead, and soon they entered a large room with several square tables surrounded by chairs. The aromas that wafted through the air started her middle rumbling again. She pressed a hand to her waist to keep it from growing louder.

  "Ya'll sit anywhere you like." A lady with dark ebony skin flashed them a perky smile as she filled mugs for a group of four men.

  Edward guided Alejandra to a table in the corner. She reached for a seat, but he tugged her elbow toward the chair he pulled out. Despite the fact she'd been sitting all day, Alejandra sank into it, relishing the comfort of the padded cushion.

  When he moved around the table to settle into the seat across from her, her arm felt alone without his touch. His gaze settled over her, drinking in every nuance of her features. Alejandra's hand crept to the braid that hung over her right shoulder. What must she look like after such a long, harrowing day? She probably had wispy hairs flying every direction, dirt streaking her face, and who knew what else.

  Edward's lips tipped as his brown eyes darkened. He leaned forward on his elbows, shrinking the table between them. Stretching a hand, he stroked her cheek with the tips of his fingers. "You're beautiful." His voice came out deep, raspy. As if the emotion were so strong he couldn't speak it.

  Their gazes locked, and she fought the urge to lean into his touch.

  The dark-skinned woman appeared beside them. Edward pulled his hand back, holding her gaze for a moment longer before he turned to the woman and gave her a smile that would melt any woman's heart. But she didn't spare him a glance as she set two mugs on the table and poured steaming coffee. "Miz Myra's makin' fried chicken, and fried steak. Take yer pick."

  Edward quirked a brow at Alejandra, but must have caught confusion on her face. He leaned forward and ran a finger over the top of her hand. "Miss Myra's a fine cook, so I’m sure they're both good. She makes fried steak and gravy like Anna does. It's one of my favorites." The sparkle in his eyes said it was better than good.

  Alejandra's mouth curved. "I'd like to try it."

  Edward turned to the woman holding the coffee pot. "Two fried steak plates, ma'am. And can you ask Miss Myra to add extra gravy, please?"

  The woman bobbed her head and hurried away, and Alejandra nibbled her lower lip. "Speaking of Anna, they might be worried at the ranch. Do you think we should try to get home tonight?"

  Edward leaned forward on his elbows again. "I planned to send a telegram as soon as I get you settled in the hotel. It's still another five or six hours to the ranch, so I think it'd be better to get a good night's sleep first." Twin lines appeared between his brows. "Unless you want to leave now."

  Heat crept into Alejandra's chest, leaving a warm cozy feeling there. Edward was so accommodating. His exhaustion was plain from the creases at the corners of his eyes and the shadows under his lower lashes. But he still offered to ride another six hours just because she wanted to. "We can go tomorrow."

  The lines between his brows softened. "Would you prefer to ride home in a buggy or on horseback?"

  A buggy? The ache in her legs proclaimed how long it had been since she'd ridden a horse all day. Sitting on a leather seat would surely be easier. But then her mind brought back the memory of being snuggled behind Edward, safe in his shadow. Not much could compare to that. "I'd be happy to ride with you. Like today." Flames crept up her neck, spreading through her cheeks. How bold she was being with this man.

  Edward's mouth tipped in a rakish grin that flashed his dimple, his eyes twinkling. "I was hoping you'd say that."

  Footsteps sounded behind Alejandra, and the dark-skinned camarera appeared at their table with two plates of steaming food. A rich, comforting aroma drifted from the dishes as she studied the contents. A sizeable chunk of beefsteak and a mound of fluffy potatoes, both smothered in brown gravy like the kind Anna had taught her to make for Christmas. Some sort of a wet, green leafy food filled the remaining section of the plate. Interesting.

  Edward thanked the woman, and she bobbed a curtsey before moving to another table. Alejandra looked up to see what Edward would do next. His mouth tipped on one side, and his hand stretched across the table toward her, palm up. "Shall we say a prayer?"

  Tension fled from her shoulders and she reached out her own hand. His fingers hid her small hand in his strong one. "Sì." She had much to thank God for.

  Edward's rich voice calmed the last of her nerves, as he thanked the Lord for the food before them. "And, Father, thank you most of all for keeping Alejandra safe. And bringing me to her…and her to me." His voice cracked on the last words, and his grip tightened around her hand.

  Alejandra wanted nothing more than to snuggle in his arms, and feel his love and security wrapping around her. But the table stood between them, so she settled for squeezing his hand.

  After a pause, he finished the prayer with "Gracias, Dio. Amen." When he opened his eyes, they shone with the same emotion that laced his voice during the prayer. Edward cleared his throat, then loosened his grip, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the back of her hand as he released it. "Shall we eat?"

  Tearing her gaze away from Edward, she focused on the food cooling on her plate. The aroma renewed the hunger tightening her stomach. Alejandra gathered a slice of meat, potatoes, and gravy onto her fork. The moment the food touched her tongue, her senses sprang alive. Warmth spread through her mouth, as the spicy gravy blended with the hearty flavors in the meat. The beef was breaded with something rich and crunchy, adding the perfect mix of textures. Her eyelids drifted shut as the flavors collided in her mouth, then slid down her throat.

  When she opened her eyes again, Edward watched her. That lone dimple pressed into his cheek as his mouth tipped in a grin. His own fork hovered over his plate.

  "Good?" Both eyebrows rose to accentuate his question.

  "Es increíble. You said Anna knows how to make this? I wonder if she'll teach me."

  His eyes creased into a full smile. "Now that she's up and around, I'm sure she'd love to. This was one of my favorite dishes she made when we lived in South Carolina."

  That sealed it. If this was Edward's favorite meal, she'd ask Anna the first possible chance when life settled down again on the ranch. And maybe there were other foods he liked that Anna could teach her.

  As they ate, Alejandra's midsection ceased it's rumbling, and her eyelid
s grew heavy again. She forced herself to sit straight with her shoulders back, lest she fall asleep right there at the table.

  "I think it's time to get you to the hotel." At Edward's deep voice, Alejandra's eyes flew open, and she jerked her chin up. Had she actually dozed? Or just let her eyes drift shut for a second. She couldn't remember.

  Edward stood, tossed some paper money on the table, and eased her chair out. Inhaling a deep breath, Alejandra summoned the last of her strength to stand. He slipped her hand in the crook of his arm, and she leaned on it as he escorted her to the door.

  When they stepped outside, night had fallen, bringing with it a cold breeze that slipped under her collar with icy fingers. She shivered, and Edward pulled her closer.

  "We're just going next door." His voice was a husky whisper, his breath warming the side of her cheek.

  When they stepped into the hotel, Alejandra was struck by the elegant décor. Even in the dim light of the lanterns mounted on walls, the rich burgundy of the curtains and rug gave the room a sophisticated air. Edward guided her to a large desk that lined one wall, behind which a tall, lean man stood, with ebony skin like the woman who'd served their food at the café. His black uniform was spotless, with gold buttons marching down the front of his coat. Buttons like those worn by the French soldiers who killed her mother.

  Alejandra's hand crept to her scar before she realized it. She forced her muscles to remain still, not shrink into Edward and hide. This was a hotel clerk, not a soldier. She inhaled a shaky breath.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  "Of course, Mistuh Stewart," the clerk was saying. Alejandra forced herself to focus again on the conversation between Edward and the dark-skinned man.

  He fumbled with some keys hanging on nails behind the desk, mumbling something too low for them to hear. The lines on his forehead deepened, and he glanced up with his mouth pinched. "If you'll excuse me, sir. I'll be back in a minute to show you to your rooms." He disappeared through a door behind the desk.


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